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Archive for May 2012

The BBC caught out with its Zionist run propaganda machine

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As we have seen so many times before the BBC has shown a distinct lean towards Israel or in this case a clear distortion of facts when it released a picture of the recent Houla massacre in Syria.

Take a close look at their front page photograph above  and then compare it with the photograph taken below by Marco Di Lauro 9 years earlier on 27th May 2003 in Al Musayyib Iraq and you can clearly see the lack of professionalism by the BBC.



I find it so unbelievable that the general public simply accept whatever is placed before them and in doing so accept this as being justification for going to war. Just by simply studying this photograph which are all children you can see that each row consists of around 25 – 30 bodies and so one can assume that in this photograph we are looking at four rows amounting to at least 125 and yet there were only 49 children killed in Houla, Syria.

Can one ever imagine that this once very professional media outlet earned so much respect from the people of Britain and now it has fallen to below a sub quality standard!!

Just imagine that the people of Britain are having to pay a TV Licence fee of £145-50 to keep this appalling station on line and they even have the audacity to charge the blind who now get a “Half Price” licence!!

What we are looking at here is exactly the same propaganda game the BBC played out in Libya with such striking resemblance.  BBC were extremely good at manufacturing the Libyan Revolution and frequently withheld the names of the supposed rebels and their locations. Much of their footage at the time was clearly acted out in from of their camera’s and in some cases much to the embarrassment of the BBC as one can clearly see in this particular case. 

The BBC is clearly losing its credibility as a news organization by faking, altering or even withholding the true status of what is actually happening on the ground. Many times one can see their standard line being “Though it was not possible to verify” or “Their accounts cannot be confirmed” shows clearly that there is no substance in their reporting. However, on the other hand one can almost totally rely on the authenticity of such channels as Press TV who tend to film such incidents as they happen.

As I have previously reported it is the west that is inciting unrest in Syria by openly arming and funding undisciplined militia with the added fact that the US, UK, Israel and France have their own special forces operating within Syria who are backed up by Intel Operatives from the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad etc…..not forgetting security companies such as Blackwater.

It is time for the world to open their eyes to this terrible act of aggression and deceit that is currently being played out by the United Nations, Obama, Camaron and Hollande in seeking the truth.

We are clearly looking at yet another Libyan style regime change that will have terrible knock on consequences should a strike take place against Syria.


New “Dirty” Nuclear Weapons used in Libya

Just think “They want to stop Iran from producing the weapons they use each and every day”!!

What we are likely to see here is yet another western testing ground for advanced illegal weaponry which will include extensive use of Depleted Uranium weaponry and Neutron Bombs etc with the same ability of destroying the genetics of not only Syria but neighboring Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and the entire Middle East.

I have reported before that when the Israelis attacked Lebanon in 2006 they also nuked themselves and again in 2008/9 when they hit Gaza………when will these maniacs understand that when they use the same weapons as were used in Libya the entire region becomes consumed in millions of radioactive nano particles that directly attack the human DNA.

What is so interesting about this current NATO push into taking action against Syria is the fact that Turkey is one of the member states and should they comply or assist in such an operation they will in actual fact be carrying out an act of genocide against their own people!!

 It is imperative for all the Islamic nations in the Middle East to fully understand that should they yet again take sides with the west, as they did in the case of Libya,  they will all become victim to these highly illegal weapons that are clearly “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that violate at least 4 chapters of the Geneva Convention.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 30/5/2012




Written by Peter Eyre

May 30, 2012 at 16:54

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News

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War Criminal Blair set to return to British Politics

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No doubt many people in this country are feeling very upset with the prospect of such a notorious war criminal returning to the Cabinet and one would ask the question how can people around him say such things as “The Time is Right” or that they believe enough time has passed for people to have forgotten the Iraq War…….who on earth really does feel this way, especially when the Chilcot Inquiry still has not been released or the fact that a major star witness was not called to give evidence!!

This man is not only a “War Criminal” he his also a “Major Fraudster.” Then we have the reason why he was forced to leave office, could it be that he was in possession of a Paedophile list that came from the USA highlight Paedophiles within high places and who the FBI considered to be a security to risk to not only the US but also the United Kingdom.  Maybe both Gordon Brown and Tony Blair have some skeletons in their closet?

For my part I am the only person in this country who has actually filed a war crimes complaint against Tony Blair and the British Government on behalf of the people of Iraq and so from my perspective this man should never be allowed to hold any office of status and should truly be in prison for not only his war crimes but also for his fraudulent activity out of 22 Arlington Street, London (next to the Ritz Hotel), a known fraudulent boiler room that he frequents!!. 

I will now provide you with some light reading about this War Criminal and the fact that he was tried (In Absentia) by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission and found guilty……..unfortunately it is my belief he was let off lightly compared to the genocide that he was party too!!

These are extracts from my War Crimes Complaint as submitted to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission by myself 18th of  December 2009:


Complaint Under Article 2 (1)(i) Of The Charter Of The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

Complaint against Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

And The Government of the United Kingdom

18th December, 2009

Peter Eyre, A Middle East Consultant has a broad knowledge base and expertise covering environmental issues, meteorology, and weapons including depleted uranium used in the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza etc. He has worked at NATO HQ (Operations) in Intel. After leaving the military Peter worked extensively throughout the Middle East having made many trips to Iraq during the war, UAE, Jordan and Sudan. During his stay in Iraq he met with many Iraqi Internally Displaced People (IDP) and many who had been tortured, this also extended to other countries who take in refugees from Iraq. Peter also qualified as a Dangerous Goods Referral Officer for shipment of radioactive materials and chemicals etc.  Peter Eyre files this complaint representing Iraqi victims of depleted uranium-related war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide pursuant to Article 2(1)(i) of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission.

1) Peter Eyre hereby files a complaint with the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed by Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May, 2, 1990, to June 27, 2007; and by the Government of the United Kingdom from August 2, 2001, to the present time in Iraq, from the use of weapons containing depleted uranium (DU).  Depleted uranium weapons are recognized as radioactive poison gas weapons developed illegally under the Manhattan Project in World War II by the United States Government.  Already illegal and in violation of the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol, in 1943 depleted uranium weapons were described as a “highly mobile indiscriminate killer and permanent terrain contaminant,” recommended for development in the declassified Manhattan Project memo dated October 30, 1943.  Known as the “Groves Memo”, from members of the S-1 Poison Gas Committee, Chairman Dr. James B. Conant, Dr. A. H. Compton, and Dr. H. C. Urey, the memo was directed to General Leslie Groves, Director of the Manhattan Project.  Airflow charts of the region around Iraq demonstrate how the depleted uranium gas and dust is widely circulated in many directions, depending on altitude and seasonal changes including fog, rainfall, snow, and air circulation.


2) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq as this map clearly demonstrates that depleted uranium weapons fail the “Territorial Test” because they continue to act off of the battlefield.  This is one of four tests used to determine the legality of weapons under international law.  The depleted uranium gas and particulates, including sub-micron sizes, are carried by air masses and become components of global atmospheric dust, leaving the area of the battlefield and indiscriminately, permanently, and cumulatively contaminating air, water, soil, food, and civilian populations at local, regional, and global distances from the battlefield.

3) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because depleted uranium weapons fail the “Temporal Test” since they continue to act after the battle is over.  This is one of four tests used to determine the legality of weapons under international law.  The depleted uranium gas and particulates, including sub-micron sizes, have a half-life of 4.5 billion years.  It takes ten half-lives for radioactivity to diminish to an insignificant amount.  In the case of the high tonnage amounts of depleted uranium weapons used since August 2, 1990, to the present, it will take longer than ten half-lives or more than 45 billion years for the global radioactive pollution from this pernicious poison to diminish.  The Universe is currently thought to be approximately 14 billion years old.

4) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because this airflow map clearly demonstrates that depleted uranium weapons fail the “Environmental Test” because they are unduly harmful to the environment.  This is one of four tests used to determine the legality of weapons under international law.  The depleted uranium gas and particulates, including sub-micron sizes, unduly harm the environment by becoming globally mixed in one year, poisoning regional water sources such as headwaters in the Himalayas where 9 major rivers of SE Asia originate with 1.3 billion people downstream: Indus (Tibet, Pakistan, India), Ganga-Brahmaputra (India, Bangladesh), Yangtze (China), Ymaura, Ganges (India), Sutlej, Meghna (India, Bangladesh), Mekong (China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam), Ayeyarwady (Myanmar).  The oceans, and land masses are also contaminated.  In such a globally contaminated environment, air, water, soil, food, and blood are exposed to depleted uranium particulates, which continually and cumulatively increase the environmental contaminant level and the radioactive biological burden of all living things.



5) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990 to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because Prof. Dr. Al- Aboudi Abdul Kadhum Alaboudi, Oran University, Algeria, reported the effects of environmental contamination research in his paper submitted to the 2003 World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference in Hamburg, Germany, comparing biological damage  from cell counts and cell structure in camels (Camels dromadarious) exposed to ionizing radiation from French nuclear bomb tests in 1960-1968 in large areas of Algeria (Ragan district of the Southern Sahara), to camels in the Southern Iraq area around Basra exposed to ionizing radiation from heavy use of depleted uranium weapons by Coalition Forces contaminating the environment of southern Iraq since 1991:

Many tests have shown leukemia in both Iraqi and Algerian people, camels and other animals. Within a given tissue, like blood, the cells vary greatly in their response to radiation and dose rate, the time, and period of exposure.

It is known (Eitam et al. 1976) that camels have high resistance to the various environmental stressors found in the different environments in which they live, and that their erythrocytes have osmotic resistance to hyperthermia and also to radiation effects.

The high hemolysis was observed in blood samples of camels, which had stayed a long time in some contaminated regions. From different studies and results, which were measured in our laboratory, erythrocytes of healthy camels showed a high resistance to heat and radiation. At the same time the human erythrocytes show more sensitivity to effects of radiation. That means the humans in these regions are more severely affected by the ionizing radiation.


Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination in Iraq-Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi 

An Overview Assoc. Prof. / Mamoun Univ. for Science & Technology – Page 13


   Jawad Al-Ali slide 22/47 – leukaemia chart from Al-Azzawi – Effects of Wars on Iraq – Dr Jawad Al-Ali – Oncology Center Basra Iraq


6)  Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990 to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because residual radiation levels from the use of depleted uranium weapons used by the United States and British Coalition forces in the Basra area in Gulf War I (August 2, 1990 – 1991) was reported by Dr. Souad Al-Azzawi and her team of experts who measured residual radiation levels around Basra.  She reported:

The radiation activity has been studied by the Environmental Engineering Department of the College of Engineering, University of Baghdad.  The activity in air was >10 times the normal background which is (7URh).  In the soil the radiation level was 10-5000 times the normal background level (70 Bq/Kg) of soil. (Suad Al-Azawi et. al)

Contamination map of Iraq from Jawad Al-Ali pdf  –  SLIDE # 12/47

Effects of Wars on Iraq – Dr Jawad Al-Ali – Oncology Center Basra Iraq

7) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990 to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because depleted uranium weapons fail the “Humaneness Test” since they kill or wound inhumanely.  This is one of four tests used to determine the legality of weapons under international law.  The depleted uranium gas and particulates, including sub-micron sizes, act synergistically with other toxins both on and off the battlefield, multiplying their harmful effects by at least a factor of ten, and enter the body through the skin, by ingesting food and water, and through inhalation.  They are transported throughout the body in the blood.  Because of the chemical heavy metal effects, radiation effects, and particulate effects of uranium, they cause long lingering illnesses, death, infertility, congenital birth defects, infant mortality, reproductive cancers, diabetes, neurological and neuro- muscular diseases, resulting in inhumane suffering in the civilian population, future generations, and military personnel.  Nano-size particulates are the most lethal biological poison known because they act as non-specific catalysts and enzymes causing disturbances in the chemical processes of the small molecules of the cells that make life possible.

DU Babies Iraq – Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi 


2003 Gulf war illnesses diagnosed in 2003 Vets by VA in 2005

8) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990 to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because depleted uranium weapons fail the “Humaneness Test” since they kill and/or wound inhumanely, since it targets the reproductive system.  Depleted uranium has been identified as a estrogen and hormone disruptor in a 2007 study by Dr. S. Raymond-Whish et al., “Drinking Water with Uranium below the US EPA Water Standard Causes Estrogen Receptor-Dependent Responses in Female Mice”, Environmental Health Perspectives.  She reported decreases in fertility, abnormal uterine cells, and increased reproductive cancers in female mouse pups born to pregnant female mice exposed to depleted uranium in drinking water.  Depleted uranium has a chemical affinity for phosphate structures which are concentrated in the mitochondria, that produce the energy for the body, and also phosphate is concentrated in the DNA.  The mitochondria in the collar of the sperm if damaged results in male infertility.

9) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990 to the present) have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide with depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq because depleted uranium weapons fail the “Humaneness Test” because they kill and/or wound inhumanely, and because it is known to target the brain.  In a study by B.B. Tournier et al., “Role of the olfactory receptor neurons in the direct transport of inhaled uranium to the rat brain” published in 2009 in Toxicology Letters, they reported:

Radioactive uranium that is inhaled in soldiers on the battlefield and by workers in factories may bypass the  brain’s protective barrier by following nerves from the nose directly to the brain…. once in the brain it may affect task and decision-related types of thinking.

The inhaled isotope accumulated at 2 to 3 times higher levels than the injected isotope in the olfactory (smell) paths from the nose to the brain and in the frontal cortex and hypothalamus of the brain.  This is concerning because the front part of the brain controls the executive function, which is the broad ability to gather information, make decisions and initiate action.

10)  Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present), have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide intentionally and with foreknowledge of the harm of using depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq continuously during a nineteen year-period from their introduction to the battlefield in Iraq on August 2, 1990, to the present time.




11)  The Government of the United Kingdom’s use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq during the period from August 2, 1990, to the present time, by Prime Minster Anthony Charles Lynton Blair as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide because depleted uranium (DU) weapons are prohibited by the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol; the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocols; the Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907); and the Martens Clause (1899):

“Recalling that in cases not covered by the law in force, the human person remains under the protection of the principles of humanity and the dictates of public conscience.”                                                    

 Second additional protocol to the Geneva Convention of 1977

Jawad Al-Ali pdf  –  SLIDE # 19/47 – Effects of Wars on Iraq – Dr Jawad Al-Ali – Oncology Center Basra Iraq

12) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present), committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because depleted uranium (DU) weapons violate United States Military Law as stated in the Department of the Air Force pamphlet AFP 110-31, pp.1-7 and 1-8: International Law. The Conduct of Armed Conflict and Air Operations, and because the United States Government and the United Kingdom Government are signators to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocols, and the Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907).

13) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom (August 2, 1990, to the present), committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because depleted uranium (DU) weapons violate United States Military Law as stated in after-action regulations: AR 700-48 and TB 9-1300-278.  Since United States military regulations prohibit the use of depleted uranium off the battlefield, the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are committing war crimes in Australia where they are using depleted uranium weaponry at Australian military facilities since 2003 on gunnery and bombing ranges to practice for the use of it in Iraq.  This airflow map of Australia demonstrates that depleted uranium particulates generated at military facilities during live-fire practices is contaminating the civilian populations of Australia as well as the marine environment around Australia.


 14) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because depleted uranium (DU) weapons meet the definition of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in two out of three categories under the definition of Weapons of Mass Destruction as defined in United States Code Title 50, Chapter 40 Sec. 2302.

The United Kingdom 2003 Hutton Inquiry defined Weapons of Mass Destruction when Martin Howard, Deputy Chief of Defence Intelligence was asked the following question:  

Lord Hutton: “…when the dossier refers to weapons of mass destruction, would that include artillery shells that might have been loaded with gas? When one thinks of weapons of mass destruction one tends to think of missiles that have a range of 200 or 300 miles. But the term includes artillery shells?  

Martin Howard: It certainly does, yes, that are filled with chemical weapons or biological weapons.

Depleted uranium weapons include but are not limited to artillery shells, DIME explosives (used in Gaza), kinetic energy penetrators, shape charged liners, counterbalances in aircraft, helicopter rotor blades, nuclear weapons, and 4th generation nuclear weapons designed at the Los Alamos and Livermore nuclear weapons labs in the United States and reported to have been used in the Israeli attack on Lebanon.  Dr. Chris Busby, low level radiation expert for the British Government and the European Parliament reported that experimental 4th generation nuclear weapons were identified from bomb crater samples on the Israeli-Lebanon border following the Israeli attack on Lebanon.  Chemical and radiological tests conducted at the British Government radiation lab at Harwell on the bomb crater samples provided scientific evidence that 4th generation nuclear weapons were in the depleted uranium bunker buster bombs provided by the United States Government and President George W. Bush to the Israelis for destruction of Lebanon.  There have been indications that experimental types of nuclear weapons have been used in Iraq, which is consistent with experimental weapons testing being conducted by the United States Government under cover of warfare conducted in other countries. 



 USS Kitty Hawk – Bunker Buster Preparation – Basrah

15) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because the effects of depleted uranium weapons have had, and will continue to have permanent and lasting effects on the civilian population, the environment of Iraq, and the global population and environment due to the 4.5 billion year half-life of depleted uranium (DU).  At the 2003 World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference in Hamburg, Germany, Professor Katsuma Yagasaki, University of the Ryukyus, Japan, calculated that 800 tons of depleted uranium released into the atmosphere has the atomicity equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs, and therefore cannot be categorized as “conventional weapons” as the United States British Governments claim.  The use of these radioactive poison gas weapons is an illegal and unrecognised covert, invisible, global nuclear war causing depopulation and decreased fertility in the Iraqi population resulting in rapid genocide.  The global effects are already being reported in the official 2008 United Nations Report on “Changes in population and Fertility: 1950 to 2050”. 

Due to the high level of contamination in Iraq, these effects can be expected to be greatly accelerated in Iraq.






16) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because of harm to the environment from the depleted uranium munitions fires at Camp Doha in Kuwait on July 11, 1991, and the October 10, 2006, fire at Camp Falcon in Iraq.  The fire at Camp Falcon was started by Iraqi mortars fired into over $1 billion worth of depleted uranium missions stored at the US military facility in southern Baghdad.  Such high concentrations of depleted uranium released at one time by the fires would have had a very large impact on contamination of the environment and public health both in Iraq and regions downwind.     


 17) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because the United States and coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have been synchronizing airstrikes using depleted uranium weaponry with the monsoon winter and summer seasons for maximum rainout and dispersion of radioactive materials into the environment.  In a June 1, 1948, article in the Tulsa Tribune, “Radioactivity Lingers Longer in Water Blast”, indicated that the most efficient nuclear war is delivered by rain: It has been suggested, however that in the absence of a large body of water near a city a bomb could be exploded in the middle of rain clouds.  The dispersion of fission products over the ground might then be even more complete than in an underwater burst.


Source: “US Airpower In Iraq and Afghanistan: 2004-2007” by A.H. Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies.  Dec. 13, 2007, data table p.4.

18)  Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (May, 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007), and the Government of the United Kingdom committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq because the regional rainout and dispersion of depleted uranium particulates across the Middle East, India and the Himalayas, Central Asia, China, and Japan caused large increases in diabetes across that vast region and beyond.  Globally diabetes rates have climbed from 30 million in 1986, the year the Chernobyl disaster occurred, to 230 million  by 2006, a 767% increase in 20 years primarily due to the use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan since August 2, 1990.  According to the United Nations, the number of diabetics is expected to reach 350 million by 2025.  China and India now have the highest diabetes rates in the world.  In 1978 the Chinese diabetes rate was 0.6% of the population, by 1995 it was 1.5%, and by 2000 it had increased to 2.4% or 31 million diabetic patients.  The annual growth rate was 13%.  In 2006-07 it reached 20.98%, the year when the US military and coalition forces carried out 835 air strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan in July alone, the peak rainy season of the monsoon cycle in Asia.  Uranium levels in Los Angeles drinking water were measured by Los Angeles Power and Water Company and it was reported in their annual report that uranium levels doubled in drinking water that year.  Diabetes is associated with obesity and heart disease.   

19) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and the Government of the United Kingdom use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide because they had foreknowledge from a 1990 report by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) warning of a humanitarian and environmental disaster in Iraq before the August 20, 1990, Gulf War I began.  In 1990, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) wrote a report warning about the potential health and environmental catastrophe from the use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq. The health effects had been known for a long time, in fact they were stated in a U.S. declassified Manhattan Project Memo to General Leslie Groves, dated October 30, 1943. The UKAEA report sent to the UK government warned “in their estimation, if 50 tonnes of residual DU dust remained ‘in the region’ there could be half a million extra cancers by the end of the century [2000].”        

20) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and the Government of the United Kingdom use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide because regional airflow charts compiled by Peter Eyre, a former British naval military operative who also served at NATO headquarters, a professional meteorologist, and a professional flight planner with extensive knowledge of weather systems and airflow patterns depending on altitude, provide a scientific basis for understanding the local, regional, and global dispersion of depleted uranium particulates and gases.  His knowledge of secondary contamination from dust and sand storms common in Iraq, and from helicopter downwash, establish that remobilization and airflows in the region of Iraq repeatedly re-contaminate the environment and population of Iraq.  The airflow charts of Peter Eyre also provide evidence and proof that the global population and environment is also exposed to the depleted uranium weapons residue originating in Iraq.  It is very clear that depleted uranium weapons are Weapons of Mass Destruction because they are indiscriminate killers, result in the local, regional, and global poisoning with a permanent and pernicious poison, and that they result in destruction of the environment and human population from long lingering illnesses and inhumane suffering and death.





Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – Dated 18/12/2009

Written by Peter Eyre

May 28, 2012 at 18:59

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News

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Zionist Britain starts it’s last desperate bid to go to war with Syria

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The true “Axis of Evil” in Britain

As you would expect things have not been going so well lately when Britain once again tried its “Libyan Style” propaganda machine to force a regime change in Syria.

The United Nations (otherwise known as the New World Order) moved in some observers to keep check on the situation and things were going along very nicely but one could clearly  see that it was not just the UN that moved into Syria.

Over the last few months it has been made clear that Britain, the US and France have been promoting the rebel opposition (just as they did in Libya) in providing them with  finances arms and in situ training in the hope they could try just one more time in stirring thing up whilst the UN Observers were still  in Syria.

I call the latest British attempt the “3D+C Project” – Deceive – Disrupt – Divide and Conquer.

What better way is there than to cause a major “False Flag” incident right under the noses of the UN Observers (NWO) so that they themselves can then confirm it’s authenticity!

The system that killed Press TV in London 

We now see their best “Deceit Artists” fill the front pages of “World’s Zionist Controlled Media” and make this a sort of “Humanitarian Scoop” to tug at the hearts and minds of all the Sheeples that read such propaganda!!


One thing for sure you can bet that the New World Order flagship (otherwise known as the United Nations) will now step up its campaign to influence the Security Council into supporting some sort of action against Syria in order to now justify a cause!!

Here in the United Kingdom we can see the same old “Zionist Backed” politicians pushing Israel’s hidden agenda to the maximum  which incidentally  also just so happens to fall in line with the New World Order’s – Geo Political Plan to take out several Islamic countries over a period of between 5-10 years.

Paul Wolfowitz 

The missing star on the “Stars and Stripes”

For those of you who are not up to scratch on this web of deceit let me remind you that all of this was planned almost 20 years ago. Things started to get serious back in 1997 when Paul Wolfowitz (the Zionist Lizard) got other Zionist members of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) to agree to take a stand against all those Islamic Nations who did not have “Western Puppets” in power…….needless to say on that list were such countries as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen. Somalia, Sudan with the ultimate target being Iran. One should also add to this list Lebanon and Palestine whom obviously will form part of a three pronged attack on Iran.

“Hey Willie try not to breath – we nuked this place during our humanitarian campaign in the same way we nuked our own troops in the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now hopefully Syria”

In case you have not been following our past history it is good old Britain who always plays a major part in “Empire Building” and who better that that terrible pompous duo of Cameron and Hague!

So what is the British Zionist controlled media saying about Syria right now and how heavy are they laying it on?……………….very heavy I can assure you!!

The BBC‘s headlines:

 Syria crisis: Houla child massacre confirmed by UN – UN observers have counted at least 90 bodies, including 32 children, after a Syrian government attack on a town.

UN mission head Maj-Gen Robert Mood told the BBC the killing in Houla was “indiscriminate and unforgivable”.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said he would seek a strong global response to the “appalling crime”. UN chief Ban Ki-moon said it was a “flagrant violation of international law”.

I have underlined the standard punch lines that always pre-empt a conflict or war and I can assure you that this is their last desperate bid to carryout a strike against Syria which could then lead to a follow up strike on Iran (all of which are in the advanced stages of planning).

What our media does not like to publish is the fact that the Syrian Government blame the western backed “armed terrorist gangs for this particular incident….basically that means it is the work of “Special Forces – CIA – MI5/6 – Mossad and highly funded hired Militia.” Maybe you have forgotten that in Iraq and again in Libya they actually captured British SAS doing just that!!

The two British SAS members that were caught in Basra

Two undercover British SAS operatives, dressed in traditional Arab clothing, who were planning to set of bombs in the main square in Basra, coinciding with a religious event.

They were arrested by Iraqi police and subsequently ”liberated” by British forces in a major military assault, directed against the Iraqi police authorities with tanks and armed cars. Another similar event around the same time was when a number of Iraqis apprehended two Americans disguised in Arab dress as they tried to blow up a booby-trapped car in the middle of a residential area in western Baghdad.

Then we had the same again in Libya:

A joint SAS-MI6 team was kicked out of Libya last night after their mission to link up with rebels fighting Colonel Gaddafi turned to farce.

The eight-man unit was sent to have secret talks with opposition leaders but humiliatingly the team was detained and held by a group of farmhands.

The crack troops, armed with guns, ammunition, explosives and false passports, were mistaken for enemy spies, detained and stripped of their mobile phones and satellite communications devices.

Then earlier this year (March 2012) Two SAS members on a secret mission were captured by Syrian authorities having crossed over the border from Iraq. British Foreign Office Minister Mike O’Brien had to rush to Damascus for a high level intervention…….as usual our government remained tight lipped but senior officials confirmed privately that members of the elite 22 SAS Regiment were involved.

I can assure you all that such activity is normal with these special forces having been placed within Syria all of whom are dressed in the same attire as the locals……they are fluent in Arabic and certainly do not stand out in the crowd…….however, if you are observant enough you will catch a glimpse of them from time to time driving a vehicle, which I myself observed when they interviewed rebel forces in Libya……….you know really nothing ever changes as I can recall meeting  such groups in Iraq who were armed to the teeth……even back in the Viet Nam war they had the notorious “Phoenix Group” sometimes taking out entire villages etc…

The Guardian report was equally as spectacular when their front page said the following: 

Massacre of the children as Syrian forces hit rebels – UN peace monitors fail to stem violence as nearly 100 die in biggest mass killing for months 

The Independent went a stage further when they actually blamed Assad for the killings with their headline being: Assad blamed for massacre of the innocents – The war in Syria escalates with the brutal killing of 32 children.

I actually thought that this newspaper overstepped the mark a little in its deception of the truth. Again key words were used (as underlined) to cause the reading public to support action against Syria with the following:

In a massacre of unprecedented savagery that brings Syria close to civil war, some 32 children and 60 adults have been slaughtered in villages in the Houla area of central Syria. Anti-government militants blame pro-regime gunmen for carrying out the butchery in which children and their parents were hacked and shot to death.

The figure for the number of children and adults killed was confirmed in an interview with The Independent on Sunday by General Robert Mood, the head of the team of 300 UN observers which is seeking to reduce the level of violence. “My patrols went into the village,” he said. “I can verify that they counted 32 children under 10 killed. In addition, there were more than 60 adults dead.”

It again became clear that extremely distorted figures and misinformation is coming out of Syria at the moment, which is exactly what happened in Libya when false data was provided by the western armed and funded rebel army.

I can only hope that those that read this report will read between the lines and see that all this disruption is all part of the New World Orders 3D+C plan………the evidence of western interference has yet again surfaced with their own hit squads killing innocent civilians and in this case children in order to seek world support to carry out an action.

I again repeat that there are no Islamic Terrorist, there is no and never has been any Al Qaeda, Bin Laden was not killed last year by US Navy Seals as he died on the 14th of December 2001 after a long illness………….The “War on Terror” is in itself a major “False Flag” in an attempt to convince the British public that wars must continue in order to protect our streets………………the only way forward now from my perspective is to remove  the “True Axis of Evil” which is the “Zionist New World Order” consisting of the Rothschild’s’ Rockefeller’s, Builderberg, Committee of 300 (Zionist Mafia), PNAC, CFR, AIPAC, Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House London) – (New World Order Think Tank), The Tavistock Institute London  –  The British Psychological Society (mind control centre for the New World Order), The Club of Rome, The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) European Royal Families and far too many more to mention…….all of the above control the Bank of England, The Central European Bank, The Reserve Bank of America, Wall Street its UK counterparts all of which is controlled from the City of London – The True Axis of Evil.

It is the combined efforts of all of the above (The New World Order) who now control the finances of the world, the United Nations and through its military arm (NATO) continue on this endless path of wars and conflicts.

 It is this same organization who have three themes to their “Geo Political Plan”

To control the worlds resources

To control the markets for those resources

To control the trade routes, sea lanes and pipeline routes for those resources

Their hidden agenda is to depopulate this planet by whatever means possible by as much as possibly 80%. This is currently underway with continuous wars and the  use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) including active usage of Depleted Uranium, Small Dial Up Tactical Nuclear Weapons and in more recent times the use of the “Dirty Bomb” using cold fusion otherwise known as the “Neutron Bomb.”   On the Chemical and Biological Weapons front (otherwise know as CBW’s) we know they designed a “Black Only Bomb” that could target the Afro Gene and it is also believed they could have or be working on a Chinese Gene equivalent

Add to this the mass inoculation and countless vaccine programmes that are constantly being forced upon us i.e. Flu top up vaccine (now incorporates the Swine Flu), HPV vaccine that is supposed to stop girls in later life getting cancer of the cervix, which only attacks about 4 of the 100 strains. It was this vaccine that was rushed into production without the normal research protocol and that made most of the animals in the laboratory become sterile (good depopulation tactic)…….now they are thinking of giving it to boys!!

It should also be noted that many vaccines have a preservative that is mercury based which just so happens to be one of the most toxic and corrosive elements on earth!!

In closing I would like to point out that one of the biggest obstacles that can really confront the New World Order is that of “Individualism” which is defined as moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses “the moral worth of the individual “. Individualists promote the exercise of one’s goals and desires and so value independence and self – reliance while opposing external interference upon one’s own interests by society or other institutions  such as the government.

I would also add to this the importance of love and compassion towards each other, towards those of different ethnic and religious backgrounds and more importantly to protect the family unit and to raise your children in an ethical and moral way.

If one adds the above two paragraphs together you will remain in control of your world or alternatively you have the option to become a sheeple and simply accept what the Zionist Controlled Media is telling you and fall in line with the NWO plan of breaking up families, removing the ethical and moral basis of our upbringing,  taking away your education, encouraging drugs and alcohol, making you unemployed and subservient to the state.

Bless you all

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 27/5/2012


Written by Peter Eyre

May 27, 2012 at 09:48

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News

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British Police Federation ultimatum to the Prime Minister but did it go far enough?

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Massive fraud exists here in the UK involving senior executives from the corporate/ banking sectors, senior MP’s and members of the House of Lords.

Gordon Bowden and I have spent many years trying to bring this to the attention of the British public as being the root cause behind the global financial meltdown that is crippling Britain and the World.

We have repeatedly lobbied and emailed all the political parties, trade unions, including the Police Federation. Each time we approached a political meeting or approached a group of protestors the officials really did not want to know.. We have both even stood in from of our Local MP Christ Williamson with placards highlighting the main problem that is causing this massive downturn that is resulting in thousands of job losses across industry and the public sector.


All of these knew and did nothing

Many times we have both hounded members of Parliament by attending their regional promotions………as was the case in Nottingham when all the key figures from the opposition assembled for a major event. No only did we hand them some of our vital forensic evidence but also took photographs of this information formally being handed over as one can see from the above photographs and yet still no action was taken.

At the last event that took place in the centre of Derby (one city that has been badly hit with job losses and cut backs) I actually followed one of the delegates when he walked through the streets asking him why he and others are not addressing the root cause of our demise……….His comments were “we have over a million members and he has to focus on looking after all their needs.” My response was “if many more of your members loose their jobs you will not have any members and that he himself would become unemployed”

It became clear to me that all these politicians and union officials have their own political agenda that certainly has nothing to do with representing those members who put them in office and who pay their salaries

Time and time again I keep repeating the same question: “If I could prove to you that billions if not trillions of pounds were being siphoned out of the British economy and that it was this alone that is causing the problem, would you be interested in allowing Gordon Bowden and I to come along and give you and your members a full presentation”……..the response was beyond comprehension and in some cases was rather pathetic.


Ranjit Banwait a not so well informed Derby City Councilor who also did nothing

I approach one local councillor Ranjit Banwait, whom I have approached many times before and repeatedly told him of many issues and his last response was I am only a councillor and represent the Boulton Ward……….this man was so far removed from the realities of life I found his knowledge base to be almost non existent!!……he did not even give any thought to the fact that two major companies in Derby were either closing down or moving some production overseas , despite the fact that many of those workers actually live in his district……..such is the state of politics in this country.

I found this letter that published in the Police Oracle dated 14th May 2012 by Nic Brunetti:

 The march on May 10 culminated in the Police Federation of England and Wales handing in a letter to 10 Downing Street to outline its concerns about government austerity measures and the Winsor Review. A federation spokesman said the letter was more than just a gesture following the march – as the government itself seemed unclear on the Fed’s position.

Dear Prime Minister,

We write to you as the statutory representatives of 135,000 police officers in England and Wales to inform you of the morale crisis amongst our membership.

In recent months we have been inundated with telephone calls and correspondence from police officers who are angry, dismayed about their future, and completely demoralised. Through the introduction of the Winsor reviews they feel they are being

treated differently and more harshly than any other public sector workers. They accept that the police service must share some of the financial burden of the economic crisis but feel they have been unfairly singled out and targeted by your Government.

For decades, successive Governments have respected the fact that police officers have restrictions on their private lives and work lives; whether that is restrictions on where an officer may live, the requirement to intervene in incidents when off-duty, or

the fact that their hours of duty, rest days and annual leave can be changed or cancelled if operational reasons dictate. Your Government has broken this ‘covenant’; pushing ahead with the Winsor recommendations demonstrates a view that that there should be no protection of police officers’ terms and conditions or recognition of their unique employment status as holders of the office of constable.

In addition, proposed changes to privatise core policing functions will transform the British police service from one based on policing by consent, and that is the envy of the world, to a body of officers unable to develop and deliver policing skills other than the use of coercive force. Your ministers have given us assurances that they agree with us that the independent Office of Constable is the bedrock of policing; however, that independence is threatened with the proposed introduction of compulsory severance whilst the privatisation of policing will expose the public to an unaccountable second-tier of law enforcement.

Today thousands of police officers have taken a day’s holiday to come to London in their own time to make their voices heard. Many say they feel so under-valued that they are seriously thinking about leaving the police service.

This is an important and challenging year as we embark upon the biggest policing and security operation we have witnessed in this country; the 2012 Olympic Games. We are genuinely concerned that public safety will be jeopardised in the future if large numbers of police officers leave the service.

We would welcome an urgent meeting with you to discuss what we can do to avert this national crisis.

Yours sincerely,




However, as I have already pointed out all the politicians and unions are totally ignoring the main problems that are causing these austerity measures and massive cut backs and job losses and I have to say the Police Federation is no exception.

There is an answer ……if the Serious Fraud Office  did their job correctly all the missing wealth of this country could be returned under the Proceeds of Crime Act which gives the Police the authority to recover all the money, luxury homes and cars etc from these fraudster and put that money back into the countries bank account. 

Can you imagine that the US sent $15 trillion in three tranches to the HSBC in London who then sent it to the Royal Bank of Scotland and it simply went missing!!!

Prime Minister, David Cameron managed to siphon off £17.8 million of tax payers money and that is even recorded in Hansard and no one to this day has had to account for it………now you can see how openly arrogant these fraudster have become.

One must also state that it is every Unions responsibility to represent their union members in looking after their best interests and more importantly preserving their wages and jobs and it is clear that this is certainly not the case.

So back to the massive police protest march on the 10th of May 2012 and what the marchers did not know was the fact that their leaders and all their regional representatives were clearly told of the true reason of their woes and did absolutely nothing about it……..just to prove my point here is one such email I sent to some of the Police Federation delegates and representatives who did not even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of my email.

Re March in London – 10th May 2012         sent via email 13/4/2012

Police Cutbacks

My name is Peter Eyre and I am a Middle East Consultant and Political Analysis.

I suppose one could also call me and Investigative Journalist and Independent Activist.  

I carry out extensive media work – TV, radio, write articles and have my own blog etc.

Historically I once acted as an advisor to a political candidate with an emphasis on the demise of the police infrastructure and procedures, administration, changes to the way crime was being reported, police numbers i.e. cutbacks and to some degree the replacement of those serving members by PCSO’s  and the added news that they want to make them into operational beat officers etc and all the associated difficulties in the implementation of same.

I have in the past served in the military and spent much time in a training role and also worked at NATO HQ collecting Intelligence. After this I  worked in senior management roles in many industries and  also worked within the force overseas at a major HQ in a sort of regional coordinators role and so had my own hands on experience with police and the control systems etc.

During my time in the above I have attended many Police Authority meetings in Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire as an observer, interviewed many police officers  on the beat to get their gut feelings about the demise of the force and more importantly spoken with many members of the Police Federation and also long standing ex members now retired.

What came out of all of this experience was one very clear message that the force was under tremendous manipulation and interference by politicians and also that internal promotions were being handed out for political reasons and not based on merit or seniority of existing members etc.

However to put things into perspective and associate of mine has uncovered massive fraud in this country that basically has created the current economic downturn and continues to do so……the net result being cut backs in the public sector and the demise of the force etc.

Over the past year or so I have been particularly concerned at the ever rising cost of  living i.e. accommodation, fuel cost, parking co, public transport cost, heating (gas, electricity, water)  and the hike in all commodities. Lastly there is the question of the amount of students that can enter University and will it become a question of only the rich obtaining such education.

It is also apparent that a secondary financial tsunami is on the horizon that will have an even greater impact on the UK and EU resulting in even more austerity measures and cut backs.

Myself and my associate have been investigating massive fraud/corruption and tax evasion around the world with a particular focus on the UK.

I can assure you that the above amounts to billions if not trillions of pounds that has been going on in the past and continues to this very day, despite the appearance that the Government say it is not their fault.

The problem is now on such a vast scale it is now almost impossible to weed out who is involved but I can assure you that we know most of the offenders and it involves many senior corporate executives, senior bank executives and more importantly very senior MP’s and members of the House of Lords.

It is of my own opinion that the financial woes of this country can be immediately turned around if only the Serious Fraud Office, the Police and Politicians did their job correctly….having said that one cannot blame the police totally as financial constraints have made it almost impossible for the police to have the resources to carry out such work in the first place.

They extent of this massive fraud, how it all works and the interconnecting web associated with this fraud has been passed on to the above but to little avail. The same applies to all the MP’s and senior union officials who have also been advised and ignored, despite forensic evidence being available etc…

You may ask why am I writing to you?…….I think it is obvious…..Your members are totally frustrated and extremely p….. off and soon you will be taking to the streets in your own protest but does the Police Federation and its members fully understand the cause of the financial decline and do they understand that it all can be avoided…….even under  the implementation of the “Proceeds of Crime Act one could recover vast sums of money!!

It will not be too long before the UK follows the fate of the rest of Europe i.e. the collapse of Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and possibly more to follow……once again this is not a naturally occurring event.

Obviously if my assumptions are correct once again the students, pensioners and the underprivileged will be the victims of this self made “Toxic Debt” and needless to say the public sector will be once again severely hit with cut backs and job losses etc.

My challenge to you all is to “throw down the gauntlet” and allow my associate and I to give you a full briefing by way of a talk/Power Point Presentation followed by Q&A etc.

I would suggest the best way of doing this is to hire a hall and openly invite as many Police Federation members as possible and allow us to prove to you all what is behind the face of politics and how this can all be turned around very quickly by correctly implementing existing laws.
Alternatively my associate and I would be prepared to address your members at the March in London.

I have not been able to email everyone as only phone contacts are available in some cases. However, I am sure if you feel there is something worthwhile in my email that could enhance your cause then no doubt you would communicate to all your members accordingly  

So there you have it, I look forward to not only receiving your acknowledgement of this email but more importantly your response.  Kind Regards    Peter Eyre

In closing all I can say is that I am totally disgusted with our politicians and union leaders!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 22/5/2012

Written by Peter Eyre

May 22, 2012 at 15:08

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News

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Is Britain prepared for the next New World Order created “Financial Tsunami?

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Fraudster – Illegal Arms Dealer – War Criminal

Is this man, his party or any other party worthy of running this country?

Cameron (NWO/Zionist) – Clegg (NWO/Zionist) – Miliband (NWO/Zionist)


Could the people of this country ever imagine that we are about to embark on the potential destruction of Britain as we once knew it?

Have you ever thought what caused the original “Financial Meltdown” in 2008?

Could you even contemplate yet another meltdown that will make the previous one look rather miniscule by comparison?

Ever thought what happens when the Stock Markets collapse big time?

Well folks keep watching the horizon because the time is fast approaching when the New World Order makes it final assault on the world with a much more focused attention on Britain and the European Union!!

As you all know Gordon Bowden and myself have worked tirelessly for some years in trying to uncover the massive fraud that involves the “Upper Crust” in the corporate sector the banking sector both of whom are in bed with some very senior politicians and members of the House of Lord’s!!


Zionist Lord Michael Howard a champion fraudster

Some of the many many rogues – the list is endless!!

We have all the forensic evidence most of which has been passed on to the local police in Derby/Derbyshire – The Serious Fraud Office and more importantly the leaders of all parties and their followers!

We have in person passed vital information on to our two local MP’s Margaret Beckett and Chris Williamson who have refused to pass or raise this vital information to other members in the house…….this is clearly a breach of members protocol and in their duty of care in representing their constituents.

These one on one briefs have contained some extremely sensitive information such as the illegal purchase of battlefield ready nuclear bombs from South Africa, compliments of the governments of Israel and the RSA. The same report reveals how British Tax Payers money was abused when it was channelled via the private sector (a consortium of high ranking politicians) to purchase these weapons whilst UN sanctions were in place.

It revealed the fact that many existing and past senior MP’s and senior members of the House of Lord’s benefitted in a private capacity in this highly illegal – under the radar operations and how £17.7 million just so happened to end up in the Tory Party Funds in an attempt to save the neck of the Iron Lady herself…..Maggie Thatcher.

So you may ask who were some of the “Ace Team” that pulled of this total farce. Well folks non other than our current Prime Minister, David Cameron who was only 24 at the time and still attached to the apron strings of Dear Maggie!! He was accompanied by Sir Kenneth Warren and the late Dear Dr. David Kelly was also involved……not to mention Peter Lilley MP who also had his finger in the pie, as did many other MP’s etc

Basically this means that those involved should now be in prison under the “Nuclear Explosions Act” and also serving time for massive fraud!!

Some of those that knew and some were part of the bomb squad

These ex and current PM’s certainly knew

Let’s just take a look at what happened during this deeply flawed, under the table deal…..Maggie wanted to take some of the nuclear bombs (that the RSA were not supposed to have) and have them on standby to drop on Saddam if he did not toe the line!

Ten bombs were made in conjunction with Israel and one was tested on Prince Edward Island south of the mainland. It became an extremely serious matter for the RSA Government, the British Government and the US when it became clear that there would soon be a changeover from white to black. Maggie was alarmed at this possibility and so a decision was made to send the remaining nine to Chicago for decommissioning etc.

Dear Maggie in all her warped wisdom wanted to buy three of the nine and store them in Oman……..they were sent to Omen totally unsecured and were stored in a unsecured private compound that was owned by a friend of the arms dealer, John Bredenkamp……it was this man who then switched the bombs for concrete blocks in standard shipping containers and drove them out of the compound……….the British and US Governments could not say anything as the entire deal was highly illegal.


Zionist Lord Peter Levene – another with a rather shady past

Because of this gross neglect by our government we went to war with Iraq and to this day the fact that missing nukes are still out there somewhere continues to bring conflict to the region, especially from Israel who know about the weapons in fine detail because it was their technicians that help build and  test them.

Then there was the Chinook helicopter crash into the Mull of Kintyre that was blamed on the highly skilled RAF Crew…….it was carrying the very best of brass from the Northern Ireland Police, top Anti Terrorist experts, MI5 etc……the total crew were 4 and the VIP passengers were 25.

The very fact that all of these experts were boarded onto one aircraft is certainly suspect and the fact that the load sheet and passenger list was removed after take off……..the investigation blamed the crew and gave the reason for death of all onboard as being death from multiple injuries associated with a high speed impact into a rock face……however I was told it was an inside job and after some careful research and a few whistleblowers I found out that another Chinook was heading for the same area and was believed to be a US Chinook with US Navy Seals onboard, some of whom were found at the crash scene going through the wreckage before the RAF crews arrived. I was also told by another third party that the actual cause of death was not from the crash but the fact that everyone onboard had died from gunshot wounds to the head i.e. assassinated and one would presume all were dead when the chopper hit the headland!!!!


All of these knew and did nothing


Ranjit Banwait a not so well informed Derby City Councilor who also did nothing

Gordon Bowden and I then decided we would hijack a Labour Party get together in Nottingham and hand out multiple reports regarding massive fraud amounting to billions if not trillions of pounds to our local MP’s, current leader and their respective parties, police, SFO, each political party, including local members, all the heads of trade unions and the Police Federation……guess what….no acknowledge or follow up from any of the above…..this clearly indicated to Gordon and I that all of the above have their own hidden agenda…….what infuriated me was the fact the union members pay the leaders and reps to safeguard their jobs and salary and all of them literally sat on their arses and did nothing. I have attached a series of photographs showing the actual briefing and hand over of such documents to all those in the picture….what better evidence can you get to show their neglect!!

This week in London I attended a meeting to discuss “Europe in Crisis” as a guest speaker and explained the workings of the New World Order and its strong Zionist control…..I also stated that the “Axis of Evil” is right here in London with a massive web of deceit with the spider being Rothschild’s and European Royal Families etc…..

So all of those reading this had better be well prepared for this next forced collapse by the New World Order because they intend to eat the flesh off all of our bones this time round…….one could realistically see the entire collapse of the EU, the Euro with Spain taking a massive blow.

Their master plan is to do exactly that and then put in their own World Bank/IMF to force each and ever country to take a bail out and then make them totally subservient to the New World Order…….the next step being even more cutbacks, more unemployment and more austerity measures. The final step being, once their own puppets are in place, they will arrest the sovereignty of that country and then regroup the EU and the UK into possibly the United States of Europe etc etc


Key player in the New World Order and now wishing to take the throne of Europe

He’s a master at deceit – a War Criminal and a master fraudster

The entire industrial base of each and every countries will be raped and closed down and major concerns will become a “One World Consortium”……….the British Airline BMI is a typical example on how this government allowed a monopoly to flourish and close it down……now we have a New World Order company called IAG running Iberia and British airways with BMI now being fully integrated into it to form “A World Alliance.”

So now you know what’s happening you have two choices you can continue to watch your X Factor on TV or start to get up off your bum and do something………those that choose to watch TV can sit back and watch the demise of Spain and many other countries within the EU as the satanic New World Order takes over their sovereignty.

The future is bleak but there are some 57-80 countries that are currently making plans to reverse this trend and stop the NWO in its tracks………this move has to be extremely urgent if we are to arrest this terrible spider and his vast web.

We all have a duty of care to our children and grand children to leave them a better world that is free of the scum that is devouring each and every country!!

It is time that we continue to educate and motivate……whatever we do must be in a most peaceful way so as not to allow them to make Britain a “Police State” just like the USA.

Be warned and be strong……we can all get through this but it will take time.


Bless you all


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant and Political Analysis – 18/5/2012



Written by Peter Eyre

May 18, 2012 at 06:02

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News

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Hot pants bomb exposes the pathetic level of British/US Intelligence Services

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Intel HQ – How can the British Tax Payer continue to fund these pathetic false flags!

Hey I just thought maybe this building is an illusion and it’s made out of Lego Blocks!!


False flags have now become almost a monthly affair and sometime one wonders if they are insulting the level of our intelligence to see through their lies and deceit.

I woke up this morning to see this on going pathetic attempt to pull the wool over our eyes with the following headlines: “British played central role in foiled bomb operation.”

Oh come on you guys in the FBI, CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad why don’t you call it a day and fully understand we are on to you all and no longer accept your ridiculous flights of fancy!

We already know your previous attempt to try and fool us with you last underwear bomb that had flown almost half way around the world nestled between the legs of some non existent Al Qaeda sympathiser, who was apprehending in Detroit onboard a Delta Airlines flight, by some high flying superman who literally flew over a pile of passenger seats…….boy oh boy what fantasy……if this is the metal that all of the above are made of then God Help this country and the US!!

The report even gave reference to the last underwear bomber and went on to say:  U.S. officials revealed publicly on Monday that AQAP tried to arm a suicide bomber with a non-metallic device that was an upgraded version of an “underwear bomb” that was carried on to a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day 2009, but failed to detonate and that the latest plot was foiled by the CIA and allied foreign intelligence services, without identifying the allies. British authorities put heavy pressure on the Obama administration not to disclose Britain’s role in the investigation……..well Mr. MI5 do you really think it would be kept secret when this whole charade was invented with every intention of pulling you into the fray. I have to say that the CIA and yourselves have now taken the level and nature of false flags to a new height of almost qualifying as participants in a Christmas Pantomime!!

We now have the entire theatrical cast of this soap opera linking this false flag to the other “not so high tech” underpants false flag and going back even further to the false flag (UPS Ink Jet bomb) that just so happened to have arrived at my local airport. I must admit the UPS was rather close to home and having worked at this airport for many many years I knew immediately that this was truly a scam!! I even wrote to the Airport Directory expressing my disgust at this pathetic play acting, knowing full well that what actually was a none event was seized upon as an opportunity to push the “War on Terror “ even further……what happened that day can never excuse the key actors that deceived the British Public.

This Shakespearian act continued with the following comment – The undercover investigation reportedly involved MI5 and MI6, and the foiled plot ended with the explosive device being delivered to the FBI. Its experts are examining it to see if it could have passed through security and been taken on to a plane………just hold it there one minute……if I get this right this latest figment of the imagination was even more sophisticated than the last one!!!……so how come the last not so sophisticated device had travelled via so many international airports, including the Zionist run security at Amsterdam and ended up in Detroit……sorry guys you have lied so many times before you are now totally confused……..how can so many Intel organisations be full of dumb f……

Now it gets even better as they laid even more crap on us by saying – The spy reportedly infiltrated a terror group in Yemen in a rare coup for Western agencies. The individual is believed to have grown up in Europe where he was apparently radicalised. He was subsequently “turned” and recruited by Saudi agents last year, it was claimed. The reports were neither being confirmed nor denied in the UK. The Obama administration had reportedly been under heavy pressure not to disclose the role of British authorities in the investigation!!!!!



The director of National Intelligence has opened an “internal review” of US intelligence agencies to determine whether there were leaks of classified information related to operation, while the FBI is conducting a separate criminal investigation. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta , a former CIA director, said: “I am fully in favour of a full and thorough investigation of this matter.” “When these leaks take place, I can’t tell you how much they damage our ability to be able to pursue our intelligence efforts,” Mr Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon.

Well Mr. Panetta you are not exactly all that good looking and anyone with an ounce of normal intelligence (which clearly you do not have) can see the deceit in not only your face but in your body language……..but hey…..you yourself worked in the CIA so you were well trained in the art of deception!!

It is interesting that one expert believes  that the current full body scanners should have been able to spot such anomaly and a further pat down would have proven any doubts…..I also note the comment  that  the scanners have not been deployed in all airports across the US and are in very limited use elsewhere………is this your sales and promotion pitch to sell more of these very high tech and very expensive units……..they say that war’s are good for arms sales and clearly chasing an imaginary Al Qaeda is also good for security equipment sales!!

It is now clear that the US and UK Governments and our associated secret services are now replacing the long gone Bin Laden (who incidentally was not killed last year but died in the military hospital in Rawalpindi on the 14th of December 2001) with a new leader and number one Al Qaeda terrorist they call Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri…..believe me we are now going to see a massive build up of attacks in Yemen, followed by a plea from the UN on an apparent severe humanitarian crisis that will yet again lead to the same old “Bullshit Regime Change” as they go after another false Bin Laden………come on world when are you going to wake up? 

What with all of this and Obama promoting gay rights and same sex marriages we could well see the emergence of bombs being carried up someone’s anus which according to the CIA has already been carried out by Hassan al-Asiri’s brother……can you seriously believe that!!!

Let’s take another look at this other CIA/MI5 fantasy which they again gave reference too as being the “Ink Jet Bomb”……..I guess this adds new meaning to the term “Explosive Writing”!!



We woke up on Friday the 29th of October 2010 to the following headlines:

Cargo plane bomb alert at British airport

Counter terrorism detectives are inspecting a suspicious package found at a British airport, which has grounded planes in the United States.

At first the word was that a suspicious parcel had been detected after officials raised concerns during a routine checks at the East Midlands Airport (EMA) at 0330 this morning and that the area had been isolated and the staff evacuated. During the next few hours it was revealed there had been a tip off from Yemen that had caused this concern.

As in any operation of this size so much false information was fed into the system.

Later an official announcement was made that there was no explosive material found. This was announced on both BBC and on ITN they said that the tests proved negative.

Then we had the conflicting stories that the aircraft had arrived at the East Midlands Airport from Yemen en route to Chicago which obviously was incorrect.

Staff at the Freight Distribution Centre said that they were evacuated soon after they had found the package at 0330 but were allowed back in at 1000 when the Distribution Centre was re opened.

So initially everything appeared to be more or less routine and standard procedures were carried out as at most international airports.

I myself have much experience in this area having worked in a senior position at EMA during the Northern Ireland conflict and was also Security Manager at a large International Airport overseas.


The cartridge on the left was the first one they displayed  and the second we saw later in the day  a totally different cartridge……..pity the experts don’t pay attention to detail LOL!!!!


Why is this fireman spraying the container….the last thing you would want to do with any bomb that may contain electric circuitry!!!……ok so he was washing down his car maybe!11

When carrying out Intel or Reconnaissance one has to pay attention to detail, unfortunately our MI5 must have been wearing very dark sunglasses this day. All aircraft and containers with potential bombs onboard are moved to a very isolated part of the airport. No one (apart from those involved) are allowed anywhere near the bomb and certainly no aircraft is allowed to pass nearby…….ooops one can see on the right a fully loaded passenger aircraft taxing by at close quarters……..oh well I guess this could be classified as just another Irish Joke!!

I can see from events that this followed its normal path until the package had been inspected and that the all clear was given. What also confirms that the findings were negative was the fact that the aircraft was allowed to continue on its journey to the USA. Had this been a genuine incident the aircraft would have been taken to an isolated part of the airport and contained for further search and forensic examination…..this was not the case with this particular package.

The UPS aircraft had in actual fact arrived on its  flight from Cologne in Germany en route to Chicago. What happened after the aircraft had left was basically a well orchestrated fiasco that was hyped up from the US end.

There is no doubt some exchange of words from the President/Homelands Security/CIA to our government and Secret Security Services caused the situation to be spiced up. Maybe the way it was planned didn’t work out too well and things had gone wrong……it’s hard to create a play unless all the actors know their lines!

Suddenly out of the blue it was announced that the package had been re examined and in actual fact did include a detonator and the explosive material PETN.

The hype then really took off when it was announced that this material is typical of the type used by Al Qaeda and reference was then given to the Christmas attempted bombing in Detroit….which incidentally was yet another false flag.

Theresa May the Home Secretary was quick to jump on the bandwagon no doubt after her brief from the US that this in actual fact was and explosive device. A rather unique term was used for the first time, when she described the following: “I can confirm that the device was viable and could have exploded.”

What followed after this statement was typical of a False Flag cover-up where they need time to get their stories right and matching their counterparts over in the US.

It was also interesting that President Obama was extremely quick to announce this threat; even though the Police and Authorities had already made a statement that no explosives were found.

As the day unfolded and also the next day (Saturday) the story started to come together as both sides of the pond rehearsed their lines. During the evening and on Sunday the plot thickened when it was announced that it had been the Saudi Secret Service who had tipped off MI6 on the existence of suspect parcels on these flights (UPS East Midlands Airport and FedEx Dubai Airport) Also on Sunday it was announced that a young female student in Yemen had been arrested, who had dispatched the packages from Sanaa.

So let’s look at this charade from start to finish and explain why none of this really makes sense:

1. All packages are given an exclusive bar code which is used for tracing a consignment and for its progress. One would assume that if the Saudi Secret Service was responsible for the tip off why wasn’t this information passed to airport staff in Yemen. However, we will give the benefit of doubt and ask then why wasn’t this action carried out in Cologne when the package was loaded onto the UPS aircraft?

2. When the package was located at EMA and was inspected, tested and given the all clear, why did Obama and the US Authorities hype up the story?

3. It was also confirmed that this was the case as the aircraft continued its journey, had there been a genuine scare the aircraft would have been secured and isolated.

4. The Distribution Centre that had been closed for the duration of the investigation and re opened

5. Why was the Distribution Centre again shut down some four hours later?

6. Had the indication been that it was a genuine bomb threat then things would have been somewhat different at the EMA with a higher level of alert and flights would have been delayed/cancelled etc but rather the opposite occurred.

7. Photographs were shown of Forensic Officer on the tarmac with the UPS containers with commercial aircraft passing close by to take off……a definite no no in a real bomb threat!

8. The pictures shown on TV of the actual Ink Jet Cartridge (two different shots) were not the same cartridge (oops).

9. Another statement was made that this explosive material had not been found by the sniffer dogs as it is a rather difficult substance for dogs to detect…..rather strange as I understand that PETN is very easy for a dog to detect, even when only a few parts per Billion…..yes I said Billion! Tests were carried out with only 30gms?

10. That the packages were address to Synagogues in Chicago (that was the icing on the cake).

Then the hype picked up momentum over in the US with a spectacular display of UPS and FedEx aircraft being shown with many vehicles and masses of people around them….another no no when on high alert i.e. minimum staff for doing the job.

This was then followed by another coverage of a suspect package in New York Times Square…..one could see the area was cordoned off but within the cordon were masses of ordinary cops, police cars and the bomb disposal vehicle….another no no when on this level of alert…..most would have to remain outside of the cordon except for bomb disposal experts.

The headlines in the US were as you would expect…..all intended to spread fear into the hearts of all US Citizens:

• Cargo plane bomb alert: Barack Obama’s statement in full
• Yemen officials: we are losing the al-Qaeda battle
• Airport bomb: previous airline plots
• Plane terror alert: travel advice
• Yemen: a timeline of attacks
• Yemen: the new front in the war on terror?

Initial reports in the United States said a suspicious toner cartridge was found on a cargo plane that landed in London on a flight from Yemen bound for Chicago. This obviously was incorrect however it went on to say that “It has been claimed that tests found no traces of explosives.”

Finally there was the dramatic incident when an Emirates flight was escorted by US fighter aircraft when it was thought a suspect package could have be onboard.

In the UK it was announced as follows “Police evacuated a distribution centre at East Midlands Airport after a suspicious package was discovered in the early hours today” “And that officers announced there was no threat shortly before 10am but put cordons back up again at about 2pm.”

A police spokeswoman said: “The package is being re-examined as a precaution and as such the cordons that were originally put in place have been reinstated.

“This has meant that a freight distribution building and a number of offices have been closed together with internal airport roads – Beverley Road and Argosy Road.

“The airport continues to operate as normal and has been throughout.
It was interested to hear the comments of a lady who was waiting for a flight at EMA when she said “I’ve seen no police since I arrived, and it’s a really small airport so it would be quite obvious.” “As far as I know they haven’t cordoned off anything inside the airport building and I haven’t seen anything happening.”

As the early report confirmed that tests for explosives proved negative but concerns about similar devices sparked the alert across the Atlantic.

What is also interesting was when the authorities at EMA said “The package was examined this morning and found not to be suspicious. A cordon was put in place as a precautionary measure, but flights were not affected.

A spokeswoman said: “There are police around the cordon, at the cargo end of the airport, but there isn’t a big police presence here.”There have been no changes at all to the flight schedules.”

Finally we also have to keep in mind that Obama was actually carrying out a promotional tour in Chicago and any such incident is very good PR for him.

Then the issue that both packages were destined for two Synagogues in Chicago…..I am sure that really fired up the Zionist stance and views towards Islamic countries.

What could be more to the point is the issue of Yemen. When one looks at it from the Geo Political point of view Yemen, Gulf of Aden and Somalia is a prize much sort after by the US. The main features being natural resources and more to the point the all import trade corridors up through the Red Sea, Suez Canal and up into the Mediterranean.

The best “False Flag” statement throughout this entire charade was when the Leicestershire Police announced that the cartridge bomb was timed to go off some seven hours later!!


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 13/5/2012






Written by Peter Eyre

May 13, 2012 at 21:04

Posted in News

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When will British Military and Security experts start talking logic?

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The Olympic Games current potential weapons or even possibly another 9/11……a word of caution to the ladies do not leave your bra’s unaccompanied otherwise they could be removed and destroyed!!


It is clear that with the Olympics fast approaching it is time to hike up the “Islamaphobia Hysteria” and to make the international visitors feel safe and secure whilst watching the games.

I do not know where they drag these experts from or how they ever got into the position they are in as most of them appear to be totally and utterly “Brain Dead.”

Do they really feel that they are instilling confidence and safety into the hearts and minds of the British public and all those thousands upon thousands that will be visiting our shores!!

At the moment we have had scenarios off possible 9/11 attacks, fancy underpants bomb targeting US aircraft in and out of Europe and now the latest figment of the imagination of a possible small drone carrying Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) weapons etc etc.

Oh how I wish our media would start printing some authentic news or some TV or Radio channel bringing these idiots around a table and allow someone like myself to cross exam them.

When will they all realise that they are the problem and that no terrorist actually exist apart from those that work for the intelligence network with their Zionist overseers!!

It would appear that we now have a significant fighting force within the City of London that would make the Afghanistan contingent look small by comparison.


“Now listen here old chap, we in the RAF are good, bloody good, but you see all our aircraft are down in the Falklands. We have nothing left to defend our country, can we rely on the New World Order to chip in (NATO) and help us out……..don’t invoice us by the way as we have no money left due to our massive fraud and corruption  and remember we have already given all our gold bullion to you. Bye for now and see you at the next Bilderberg meeting” !!

Today we see all over the news the military showing off their respective missile launching platforms to the residents of the flats that will house them.

Just think we thought the US and NATO’s plans to place missile defence systems around the edge of the old Soviet bloc was something worth debating and now our experts are forming their own ring of confidence around the Olympic Stadium but for what purpose. No doubt there are a few back hander’s being handed out around the huge private security net.

Can you imagine someone arriving her in the UK and being faced with such might and then there are all those that maybe have second thoughts about attending the games with the distinct possibility of yet another false flag to justify some action against another  nation that are no so friendly towards the New World Order (NWO).

So again let’s just reflect on the latest comments by a top military commander:

Lieutenant Colonel Brian Fahy delivered the grim warning at a meeting intended to allay the fears of residents worried about the Army’s plans to place missiles on the rooftops of flats.

In his own words he said “We have worked up a comprehensive plan to protect against the potential hijacking of a commercial airliner down to slow-moving microlights or radio-controlled plane”…………”Oh My God” what absolute bullshit…….where did they dig this guy up from……maybe he was part brainwashed by the experts that radiate out from Chatham House or maybe he’s on a backhander from the Rothschild’s.


Chatham house (St James Square London) home to the New World Order Experts (deadbeats!!)

Ok so let’s take a look at this “Life of Brian Actor” and try to find out how he ticks and exactly what does he intend to do with this “Iron Curtain Style Missile Shield.”

Having been associated with the military, working at NATO HQ, years training in war games, aviation and having headed security at some major facilities I would like to ask Dear Brian….If say a Boeing wanders off course either inbound or outbound of London Heathrow and you possible suspect a (“False Flag”)  high jacking what are your “Pistol Packing Missile Men” going to do?……..take it out?……….I hate to imagine the aftermath of a large Boeing coming down in Central London, over a large area,  and God forbid if its ones of the older Boeing 747 – 200 Freighters carrying hug amounts of depleted uranium as ballast…….well Mr. Fahey do you know the consequences of such an accident……did they teach you that in your “Comprehensive Plan”……maybe you don’t remember the El Al crash into a block of flats in Amsterdam……Well Brian I certainly do.

El Al Cargo Aircraft crash into flats in Amsterdam – Aircraft had DU as ballast

This area was not  as heavily populated as central London 


Ok so let’s give you the benefit of doubt and take one of your invented drones that may be carrying Chemical and Biological Weapons………again this small target suddenly appears visual to your “Ack Ack Team” what orders are you going to give them Brian……”Take them out” ?…………..oh dear oh dear……what again will be the consequences of firing a missile overhead the City of London…….out pops the dreaded substance to rain down on the city below and then drift around London on the wind!!

You then have the audacity to add further panic into innocent minds by stating: “A drone could dump anthrax or another lethal substance on London”…..again it does not matter if you have the missile or not…….if such a threat existed (which it does not) then what will be will be………if you take it out with a missile the same will still happen!!

His comments became even more hilarious when he made the following statement: “If a protester was flying a microlight near the Olympic site they would not attack it, instead they would scramble a RAF helicopter with a sniper on board to check out the threat”…….oh really……if he was flying that close to the site he could launch his CBW or maybe drop his fully laden underpants onto the crowd below before you had him in your red dot laser sights!!  

Lieutenant Colonel Fahy made it absolutely clear when he said “It is the politicians who will decide whether we fire surface-to air missiles at a potential threat” thank God we do not have idiots like Lord Mandelson  around, however who could you recommend because I cannot think of anyone with the ability to think logically under pressure!!

I hope Lieutenant Colonel Fahy that you fully understand that if such a threat actually exist (which it clearly does not)……you will end up with the same consequences whether you leave it or take it out….the latter obviously spreads the problem over a much greater area.

Oh and I forgot to ask you seeing as you are obviously part of “Al Qaeda Hysteria Team” did you get a briefing on how to detect these new “High Tech Underpants” bombs that some guys are alleged to have carried in the past or maybe we could see maybe some lady coming into the stadium in her “High Tech French Knickers”!!

It is truly time for these Presidents, Prime Ministers and their senior staff to stop playing this pretend game of “War Against Terror”….its time for the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad etc to stop inventing so many “False Flags” they are becoming so farcical now its beyond a joke……..oh and Mr. Brian maybe you should pay a visit to the East Midlands Airport and get a first hand briefing on how to deal with an “Ink Jet Cartridge Bomb” that may arrive from that next area of war/conflict called Yemen!!!

Oh I forgot you don’t know about that either……..well let me brief you……..it arrived on a UPS Freighter from Germany and was not placed in a secure area of the airport as per normal (pending a bomb squad inspection)…….the aircraft was not impounded awaiting forensic investigations……other commercial flight were allowed to taxi past it en route to the runway for take off and the actual flight continued on its way to Chicago after a short delay…….well Mr. Brian I can assure you as an expert in this area this was in total violation of standard bomb threat practices…….maybe you are asking why?……I can tell you why Mr. Brian……because it was yet another fake “False Flag”….just like the hysteria people like yourself and others are spreading around this country…….no doubt we will be hearing many more fake incidents in the build up to the Olympic Games.

Oh and I forgot to thank you for your other aviation advice when you said: “For the duration of the Olympics anyone flying into controlled airspace is to file their flight plan with the Civil Aviation Authority”………sorry to have to tell you Brian that is normal procedure with or without the games.

Finally to all those experts that profess to know the current security levels (as I used to know) perhaps you should warn the public to look out for those special operatives that exist in almost every country. You know the ones that carry out what I call the 3D’s plus C…..which means Deceive, Disrupt, Divide and Conquer……you know what I mean….you are all very good at this having had field practice in New York (9/11) and in London (7/7) and with additional “Battlefield Experience” in Libya and now in Syria!!

So to you all the game is up because we the “Joe Blog Public” know what you have done in the past and we also understand how you all want to keep the “Imaginary” war of terror going….especially after your “Imaginary” attack on Osama Bin Laden last year when he had been dead since the 14th of December 2001 and your continuous assault of your “Imaginary” Al Qaeda……….the public are now fully aware of the New World Order and that the true enemy lies within……..just take a trip to Chatham House….you should be able to find a handful of so called experts there that are funded by the Rothschild’s.

In closing we all watched the downfall of Sarkozy and the emergence of Hollande as the President elect and no doubt one is looking forward to some dramatic changes…….sorry folks he’s a Zionist the same as the ex President. No doubt we will see the same change occur in this country when David Cameron bows out (which he will) and Ed Miliband slips into office…….sorry folks the same situation will occur we will be under the thumb of yet another Zionist leader which will enhance the current New World Order plans to hand this country totally over to the EU and for the “False War on Terror” to continue with maybe an even harder approach towards Islam, like I said the Crusades have never stopped.

I hope and prey that the Olympics goes by without incident but somehow I think the NWO and their cohorts in Intel have something up their sleeve………Rumours exist as to the possibility of a small dial up nuclear weapon…….it was reported in Veteran Today (US) that a small Dolphin Class German Submarine, which was loaded with a 500kt nuke, has gone missing…..these submarines are provided to the Israeli Navy and so no one knows how or why this major incident occurred or where it has gone……someone even suggested it could come up the Thames but I very much doubt that a submarine could transit the Thames and remain hidden for some time before popping the pill!!!!!



Shalom Uncle Netty….we are stuck in the mud under Tower Bridge with this 500 ton baby onboard can you arrange with our “Zionist Political Puppets” to have them deliver 50 Kosher meals for the crew whilst we wait for the opening event….boy is this going to be some firework……what did you say you want me to light the Olympic Flame……don’t worry Netty this will light up the whole of London.

Lets hope that should there be any incident at the Olympic Games that it is only a small pair of underpants and it blows their you know what away!!


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 10/5/2012

The Greatest Illusion Ever Performed – 9/11

with 54 comments


No Aircraft Hit Any Building on 9/11 


The art of deception – Computer generated images  – Both false     

Had you seen the image on the left on TV  then you would have believed it…….. right?

You did see the image on the right on TV and  you did  believe it……. right?

Such is the deception of the Zionist controlled media!!!


Has anyone actually been man enough to publically declare that not one single civil airliner hit any building and that any airborne impact would have been a missile with additional help from internal detonations – as described by escaping occupants and emergency services.


  Building Number 7 was not hit by any aircraft and in this picture it is about to be destroyed in a free fall demolition – why did the BBC and CBS make an announcement that this building had also collapsed before it actually did – “Rather bad coordination by the New World Order”!! 


The mongrel himself Larry Silverstein


The aftermath – A toxic cloud incorporating millions of nano particles that may have contained depleted uranium


Silverstein won a bid from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to construct 7 World Trade Center, to the north of the World Trade Center. Silverstein was interested in acquiring the entire World Trade Center complex (I bet he was!!), and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. Silverstein won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001 (how very convenient just before 9/11!!).

Securacom received a contract to provide electronic security services for the World Trade Center in 1996. The contract ended on the 11th of September 2001!!

Kroll were responsible for revamping security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 bombing.

What became clear was that a group of Zionist had total control of the entire WTC area – Larry Silverstein Property developer who took the lease of the WTC – Frank Lowy of Westfield Shopping Centre fame who leased the entire shopping concourse at the WTC – Lewis Eisenberg head of the New York Port Authority who authorised the above leases – Ronald Lauder Billionaire of the Estee Lauder Cosmetic Group who was the key lobbyist for the privatisation of the WTC. Add to this line up the Kroll’s and Securacom which is now called Stratesec (guess who was on the board Merv Bush the brother of the President!!)

So having now finishing with these questionable groups now lets hit some bullet points:

  • The aircraft are not structurally designed to fly at such speed or G Forces 
  • It was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon at the location of a major fraud investigation?
  • UA93 did not crash in the field but was believed shot down over a wooded area nearby
  • Cell phones do not work at altitude?
  • There are several ways of checking the progress of aircraft and the US Government lied?
  • Airline companies install ACARS to monitors their aircraft and the US Government lied?
  • Witness’s/Investigators gave tracks of aircraft that were totally different to NATSB final report?
  • Did you know that reliable witnesses near the Pentagon said the aircraft did not follow the track declared and one witness said a commercial airliner veered off and overflew the building?
  • Did anyone every challenge why a military aircraft was sighted overhead Washington?
  • Did anyone every challenged why a C130 aircraft was sighted overhead the Pentagon?
  • Did anyone ever challenge the small jet or missile that flew over Shanksville?

Whilst on the above topic ACARS….please allow me to explain:

ACARS network are remote ground stations installed around the world to transmit messages from ATC, the airline, etc, to the aircraft depending on its location and vice versa. The ACARS on the day demonstrate that the aircraft received messages through ground stations located in Harrisburg, PA, and then later through a ground station in Pittsburgh, 20 minutes after the aircraft allegedly impacted the South Tower in New York. It is therefore clear that the aircraft was still flying and certainly not in the New York area.

Yes folks you have all been duped and you have all swallowed the bait….hook, line and sinker!!!

The other Mongrel George Bush – “A great inside job guys” – “Now we can go to war”



I have decided to re publish this article I did some time ago with some additional information. I may also release again the other major false flag concerning the sinking of the South Korean Corvette to show just how far our warped leaders will go to achieve their own “Geo Political Agenda.” It should also be noted that 7/7 in London was also a false flag which I will cover another time.


Another anniversary for 9/11 will again pass this year and there will be mixed emotions amongst the relatives of those that perished. Many of those relatives and many other people around the world are still asking for a fresh investigation as to what actually happened that terrible day. Many experts covering almost every industry from Military – Aviation – Structural Engineers – Fire and Rescue are totally convinced that this was an inside job. Many believe that the US CIA and the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad) were involved with the latter playing the major role in conjunction with their Zionist counterparts in the US, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Mr. President himself.


I would also add that this cover-up must have been  known to all political leaders and senior chief’s of staff on both sides of the pond and in that regard that makes them also guilty of this terrible act of genocide in order to achieve  their own New World Order plan……..someone once said to me surely they wouldn’t kill thousands of people for their own financial gain………you got to be joking……they are genociding millions at the moment by way of wars/conflicts, using WMD’s/DU, GM crop, Vaccinations etc etc


As a person that has spent more than 50 years associated with both Military and Civilian Aviation I have to say that 9/11 was the biggest “False Flag” con of all time.


Before looking into the aviation aspect of the Twin Towers, Pentagon & Shanksville I would like to make a very bold statement and say that this was not the work of any Arab terrorist group. I would also extend this statement by telling the general public that “Al Qaeda” does not exist and that it is an invented pseudonym by the CIA and US Government to spread hysteria and fear and to maintain a continuous war against non existent terrorism.


 One has to understand that before you can blame anyone or take action against anyone you have to give them a name and so this fictitious group called Al Qaeda was created. Since its inception the US, UK and EU Governments have launched a campaign of mass hysteria in an attempt to bring fear into the hearts of our respective nations. It became clear that through their controlled mass media they could then create or invent many incidents or false flags and blame it on their new creation!! The final step came when they themselves initiated 9/11 and in doing so gave them justification to go to war!!


It is also a known fact that if one wishes to make significant changes to the law or to the existing national security arrangements one has to create an incident that will impact on the general public. Many false flags are thus created which then allows key political figures to rush such changed through Parliament or Congress resulting in major changes in the law, leading to what can only be described as the implementation of a “Police State” i.e. the Patriot Act in the US and the Anti Terrorist measures now in force in the United Kingdom.


The US is a classic example of such activity with many “False Flags” taking place on almost a monthly basis i.e. Attempted Detroit Airliner Bombing – Attempted bombing of Times Square, New York, the farcical “UPS Ink Cartridge Bomb”  and in the news today another underwear bomb foiled involving Yemen…….I guess you would ask why Yemen…..that’s an easy one to answer because that is where the US special forces/CIA/MI5/6/Mossad are focusing their attention and where their drones are currently carrying out many illegal strikes………Yemen my friends is one of the 7 counties listed back in 1997 and again in 2001 as a target country to be taken out i.e. forced regime change, just like Libya and the current Syrian situation.


I wish to point out that the west is pursuing a none existent “Axis of Evil” and is fighting a non existent group of terrorist that according to our leaders existed in Iraq, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and many other places. However, from my perspective the true “Axis of Evil” is London.


We have to understand that all wars and conflicts, in more recent times, are nothing to do with world terrorism but all to do with imperialistic greed to acquire someone else’s natural resources or to capture vital resource markets….this all comes under the title of “Geo Politics.”


I have been watching a couple of videos over the last month or so, showing the pain of relatives who lost their loved ones in the Twin Towers tragedy. I noticed one particular old gentleman, by the name of Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son that day. He said he couldn’t understand why the National Guard did not shoot the aircraft down before they hit the building. What Bob didn’t understand was that no aircraft hit any building and that the whole scam was a well orchestrated illusion………I would also add that we believe UA93 was taken out by missiles!!


What we all saw that day were computer generated images of aircraft hitting building and witnesses that were well placed by the perpetrators to substantiate that what we saw actually happened. What I find amazing was that everyone got sucked into this illusion, including myself who watched it live on TV with an American friend and we both shed tears together……”Oh what a Sham.”


Having been in aviation most of my life and having the knowledge to understand what aircraft can and cannot do, having made up flight plans, having fully understood the procedures applicable to Air Traffic Control (ATC), having full knowledge of the ATC radar system and the transponder system (Squawk Code), having full knowledge of the airlines own ACARS system, having full knowledge of aircraft crash scenes…….I can categorically say that this was 100% a “False Flag” inside job.


The task of watching the many videos and sharing the pain of the relatives (who lost their loved ones) and looking at all the evidence has caused me to write this very controversial article. I have spent months, freeze framing every video clip and looking at 9/11 from the aviation and military aspect. I have now concluded that this incident was as a direct result of missile attacks and internal explosions both of which involved weapons that contained uranium components, hence the speed and total destruction (pulverised) of the WTC.


There is a web page in the US   http://www.nyccan.org/ that explains the many concerns and also where you can see some of the relative’s video messages etc. This same web page has been attempting to open up a fresh investigation into 9/11. Another wonderful and very professional web is the Pilots for 9/11 Truth in which the guys that flew such aircraft speak out…….it is also the web that I myself fully understand after serving my time in aviation….take a look http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ 


One other web that is also very good is http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=6133


After watching some of the relatives speaking out I decided to drop the support group an email as follows:


First of all please allow me to pass my condolences to all those in your organisation and outside your organisation who lost relatives and friends in the WTC…..I at the time was watching events live with an American friend and we cried together. However, much time has passed by since this tragic event and during this time I have carried out extensive studies and research.


I have been in aviation all of my live and was at one stage an aviation consultant. I am now retired but have now found time to look at events from the aviation perspective. I found Bob McIlvaine video very upsetting in the loss of his son but also picked up on his comments about why didn’t the Air Force shoot down the aircraft before they hit the WTC.


This aspect of his comments caused me much concern because I have to say that no aircraft hit the WTC, no aircraft hit the Pentagon and no aircraft crashed into the field.


The whole exercise was an inside job with the help of the CIA and Mossad. There is no independent video footage and what was shown on TV was computer generated images. When I freeze framed each video second by second one can see so many flaws and at the same time see some very unusual events such as what appears to be a missile missing one of the towers. The angle of approach of the so called aircraft also appears to have been doctored.


My own thoughts on this was that the towers were hit by missiles and the explosion is certainly showing the initial signs of a uranium type explosion…..it is also clearly evident that explosions are going off below the collapse. This has been confirmed by emergency services who repeated many times that they heard multiple explosions. We finally come to the question as to why was the lobby of the WTC was totally devastated by what would appear to be an internal explosion……this was confirmed by people trying to escape from the floors above….they made transit via the lower floors with no damage and suddenly on arrival in the entrance it was a scene of total devastation.


On the aviation front what the public generally does not know was that each schedule flight appeared to be duplicated and leaving from different gates and certainly needs investigating. Point two is that each aircraft is given a transponder code, otherwise known as a four digit squawk, which once initiated by the aircraft, shows up on the radar screen for tracking purposes. In addition to this Air Traffic Control (ATC) System there is also the airlines own ACARS system that feeds data from and to the aircraft concerned. My question would therefore be why the airline ACARS system shows the aircraft at a different location than that of the ATC system.


With the Pentagon…..even with the best pilot in the world it would have been almost impossible to fly an aircraft of that size in such a tight descending turn and certainly would not have been possible by these novice pilots. Again the Boeing was flying at zero feet, or so they say, before impact and yet there were no engine scrape marks on the grass and very little wreckage. A picture does show FBI/CIA agents dropping bits of wreckage on the grass after the impact. Again I have freeze framed the only clip and it certainly was not a Boeing but rather looked like a cruise missile.


The Boeing in the field was certainly a non event as there was little or no wreckage…..this is impossible even if the aircraft was diving vertical at top speed……..many parts in the engines are made of titanium and many turbine parts would have been found as well as main structural parts upon impact……the crater looked like a missile/bomb crater…..one should also remember a witness said she saw a small executive type jet flying around…….people also witnessed aircraft flying over the White House, Pentagon and also over New York.


The aircraft were identified as a command post type 747, a C130 Hercules and the Lear Jet type aircraft that flew over the field etc.


It would be almost impossible for the WTC to be so pulverised from aviation fuel and why was there no significant outside wreckage when these so called aircraft hit the towers…….non of this really makes sense and this adds fuel to one big major cover up or false flag which is typical of a secret service type plot……..they needed an excuse to attack Iraq/Afghanistan and therefore they created 9/11 to justify the cause.


 I did at one stage believe the entire story having watched it live but on reflection you only see what they want you to see and most of that was a well orchestrated programme of illusion.


Kind Regards


End of email.


Top picture show agents moving wreckage around and below agents actually planting some wreckage


Having lost aircraft in the past I know the procedure for securing the scene of an aircraft crash or disaster. The first thing that must happen is the scene has to be secured by the police and other experts. This is done for one very good reason…… to make sure everything is left as it happened so that in the forensic sense the scene can be inspected and an analysis carried out. No one is allowed in or out except those approved to do so i.e. fire fighters, rescue staff, medics and those responsibly for such analysis …….nothing can be touch or moved……..at some future time the wreck is mapped and all items are removed to a suitable location where they attempt to piece it all together again.

In the above two pictures you can see agents at the top moving wreckage around and below the agents are actually planting the wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon……..I wonder why?………you already know the answer to that!!! 

 The first think I would have done is to identify these people and ask them who gave them the authority to do whatever they were doing……I very much doubt if these people are still alive as it is normal in the Intel services that anyone associated with an assassination or perverting the course of justice is taken out!!

Another actor hired for this farce was a taxi driver who stated that the aircraft hit a lamp pole which then came down and hit the windscreen of his taxi. The taxi was close to a bridge overpass which had a distinct design….when the taxi driver was interviewed his statement was full of lies…….a film crew explained to him that his statement just did not add up and that the location he explained was not the location the film crew investigated……..he did explain off camera that he was just a simple man doing what he was told to do……..unfortunately for him the hidden camera was still recording his words etc… You can see one such video that explains the scenario and remember this is a vital witness at ground level, outside of Pentagon, just prior to impact…..note that despite this pole being hit by a so called Boeing travelling at high speed how little damage has been done to the actual car itself and only the windscreen!! I wonder if Lloyde is still alive?

Add to this the fact there were many other reliable witnesses that were outside the Pentagon or adjacent to the Pentagon. Many of them interviewed were senior and reliable police officers………this proves beyond doubt that everything the US Government stated was a total cover-up as these guys were actually there!!

 You can look at reliable evidence and watch all the interviews with the police and the taxi driver etc on this link: http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/nsa.html          ……..just click on the right hand photographs to start each phase etc…..they all start off initially the same but than focus on one aspect etc…..be patient and you will be rewarded!!

If you are really interested into digging deeper into this false flag then go to this link:





Incoming cruise missile


I myself freeze framed the security camera footage and came up with the same conclusion that it was a cruise missile and not at Boeing that hit the Pentagon. When you observe the perimeter trees in the far distance (in order to get a scale comparison) and then imagine a Boeing in the foreground or a cruise missile (which you can see) it becomes easy to come up with your own verdict!!  


C130 over the Pentagon – 9/11


To finish off this article the aircraft that was seen over the White House (which was a no fly zone) was clearly a Boeing 747 – E-4B “Top Secret Command Post” otherwise know as the “Doomsday Aircraft…….no one to this day has ever accounted for this sighting that was observed on camera……..likewise a military aircraft was also observed over the Pentagon, that was believed to be a C130 Hercules aircraft and another aircraft was sighted over Shanksville which was believed to be a small executive jet type aircraft (Lear Jet type), a possible cruise missile or some other military or CIA aircraft.


The top picture shows the actual aircraft as seen in the video flying over of the White House

The picture below it is what it actually looks like


This is a video of the B747 – E-4B that they thought initially was another hija

cked aircraft about to attack the White House. It is my opinion that this was an airborne command post coordinating the entire “False Flag” 9/11 scenario:


 Then we have the story about the heroic struggle on board UA93 of passenger wrestling with the hijacker and other passengers on the cell phones ringing home. The initial reports indicated that the aircraft had made an almost vertical dive, possibly inverted. Photographs were released of the crash sight with little or no wreckage and in their words you could make out the shape of the wings and the fuselage shape in the ground.


If UA93 did crash inverted like this then their would be tail section markings opposite to those found 



Again this does not agree with the above picture because had it crashed inverted then the left wing and right wing  would  have been opposite …….also note the clean apparent outline of  the  Boeing…this would not be applicable with a high velocity impact 


Now take a look at this much older black and white photograph of the same location taken by the US Geological Survey in 1994…..you can clearly see the same trench and all that needed to be done was to make a hole in the middle to resemble the fuselage…………this could be done with say a cruise missile………you can compare the old and new photographs that have been inserted.




We must now go to an eyewitness report made by Susan McElwain who was very close to the crash scene on that day and allow her to describe what she saw………this again is vital evidence that there was no Boeing in the area at the time of impact and what she saw appears to be a possible a cruise missile. Pay particular attention to the fighter jets she noticed high overhead and remember there was a military exercise taking place at the same time of 9/11. You can see the link right here:  




Finally go to this webpage and see it from someone else’s perspective: 




There are far too many grey areas and cover ups in the US Governments account of events that day and certainly the people of the US and the countries who had staff in the WTC should not ask, but demand, that this inquiry be re opened as a matter of urgency.


If you want my opinion. I believe that one or more aircraft arrived at Cleveland and that all the passengers were then possibly removed to some other location or were loaded back onto United Airlines Fl UA93 and then that aircraft was shot down (missile)  in the vicinity of Shanksville but not at the crash site shown to the public. I can recall Donald Rumsfeld himself making a mistake and actually said a plane was shot down over Pennsylvania (UA93)…take a look:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcR2MGzmn3o     


Then we had Tim Roemer the former 9/11 commissioner who also on camera said a missile hit the Pentagon take a look:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmjCO8fuup0


Having been in aviation all my life and some of that time being involved in  aircraft disaster,  I can assure you that the pressure one endures and the stress level is unbelievable. I could just imagine the above two clowns making such a mistake when you are surround by the media……what happens is that the sub conscious mind knows the truth and suddenly it simply comes out…..you can call it a slip of the tongue or whatever but I can assure you what you heard is their sub conscious mind telling the truth………this happens so many times when you investigate false flags at the level that I do and remember when you have an incident take place on this scale with actors all over the world someone gets it wrong or says something they were not supposed too………the announcement by the BBC and CBS regarding building 7 collapse before it actually did is a classic example!!!!


It is time to stop this false charade, stop the wars and more importantly prohibit the use of any weapons that contain uranium components.


I would also go as far as to say that London’s 7/7 followed exactly the same line and was also a false flag……..one has to be very strong in making such statements but we all have a duty of care in bringing out the truth. I truly feel the pain of the relatives that are left behind and so to make such claims is even more distressing for these poor people. We owe it to the victims to bring about a new inquiry and to bring the true terrorists to trial…..in doing so their souls will then rest in peace.


My question continues to be ……..give me one example of an Islamic Terrorist Attack on the west……no doubt you will say – The Attempt on the airliner at Detroit, or the Times Square Car bomb in New York, or the UPS Inkjet Bomb Scare at the East Midlands Airport, UK , the Madrid Train Bombing etc etc…..sorry folks they were all “False Flags”……….I could go into the Pan Am Flight at Lockerbie but I think there is more than enough to chew on at the moment. 


Today’s headlines again show the same old propaganda with the announcement of yet another very sophisticated underwear bomb being found in Yemen……no person involved and that no aircraft was at risk….all they said it was a plot to bring down a US aircraft…..it would appear that the “French Knickers” are now in the US under careful examination………what a load of crap (not in the knickers I hope lol!!)…….do these idiots in the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad  really think that we the public believe them…..they even had the audacity to give reference to the other previous “Smelly Pants” and the highly hilarious “Ink Jet Cartridge Bomb” at my local airport that was a “Pathetic False Flag”………oh well I guess it served a purpose for them all  in keeping the “Islamaphobia”  going……..it’s time such people as Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz and Clinton etc were punished in the same way as in medieval days – Hung, Drawn and Quartered for their crimes against humanity.


Such is the evil world we live in today……..most of the above has Zionist control, involvement or backing but hey you are not allowed to talk about that are you!!


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 9/5/2012







The BBC relishes in distortion of facts – US Navy Seals did not kill Bin Laden

with 29 comments

“OMG this is so gruesome to watch”  “It gets better Hilary watch how they fake his death”

“Hey Admiral Mullen did you see the huge splash as his body hit the ocean – boy that was something”


We are currently seeing the good old BBC trying to hit the headlines over sensational stories that have suddenly emerged on the first anniversary of Bin Laden’s dramatic shootout in North Pakistan last year.

I guess most Brits used to be proud of our once respectable and once professional BBC but that has long gone since they came under the same Zionist control as all the other media outlets in this country.

Believe it or not the BBC had a reputation for presenting the facts as they unfolded but know we are seeing news that can only be described as third rate and certainly  far from the truth!!

Let’s look at a couple of stories they are bouncing around the world at the moment:

This was published on the 2nd May 2012 with the headline:

Osama Bin Laden: The night he came for dinner by M Ilyas Khan – BBC News, Islamabad.

The first paragraph absolutely bowled me over with laughter when it stated:

What happens when your surprise dinner guest turns out to be the world’s most wanted man? A year on from the death of Osama Bin Laden, two men tell how they came to host the then leader of al-Qaeda.

My first comment would have to be “no doubt he had the appearance of a ghost” ……..which I will explain later.

This sensational story went on to say – Late one night in the summer of 2010, on the fringes of the Waziristan region in north-western Pakistan, half a dozen men of a local tribal family waited nervously for the arrival of a guest whose identity they didn’t know.

They had been alerted to this visit weeks earlier, by someone they describe simply as an “important person”. They were not given any names, and the exact time of the guest’s arrival was conveyed to them just a few hours in advance.

At about 23:00, when the world around them was in deep sleep, they heard the rumble of the approaching vehicles.”A dozen big four-wheel drive jeeps drove into the compound,” recalls one family elder who agreed to speak to me about it. “They seemed to converge from different directions.” One of the 4x4s drove up close to the veranda, and from its back seat emerged a tall and frail-looking man. He wore flowing robes and a white turban. The waiting men couldn’t believe their eyes. Standing before them was none other than Osama Bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world.

My first humorous comment would have to be rather late arrival for dinner don’t you think!!

This is where this story really becomes even more fanciful:

There was a slight commotion among the guards when one of the hosts requested that his 85-year-old father be allowed to see Bin Laden. “Consider this to be his dying wish,” he pleaded. The message was passed to Bin Laden, who agreed to see the old patriarch. Four armed men escorted the son home to fetch his father. The old man was only told about Bin Laden’s presence once they were back inside the compound. They said the old man spent 10 minutes with Bin Laden, pouring out his admiration and prayers for him, and offering time-tested advice on tribal warfare, all in his native Pashto language, which Bin Laden apparently didn’t understand.

Oh my God just imagine this old man wanting to see this high ranking terrorist before he died…….I can assure you that had this meeting ever taken place he would have died from shock when you get to understand the truth behind Osama Bin Laden!!

Let’s now look at yet another BBC “Flight of Fancy”

Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar has said that the government of Pakistan and the armed forces played a huge part in the killing of Osama bin Laden, adding that a mobile chip was used to locate him.

He gave this statement on the first anniversary of Bin Laden’s killing during an interview to the BBC in their Urdu news service:

According to BBC correspondent Aijaz Meher, the defence minister said that Pakistan had an agreement with the US that whenever Pakistan retrieved any material in Arabic and English, it will be given to US and if the US found any material in Urdu, it would give it to Pakistan.

“I do not know how big a leader Osama bin Laden was,” said the defence minister. Time will tell how positive his contributions to the Muslim countries proved to be.”

He said that materials recovered from Osama bin Laden’s residence were with the army and investigations were underway.

Finally we had another overstated review on BBC Radio 5 Live on the 1st May 2012 with the title: 

Is the world a safer a year since Osama Bin Laden’s death?  

One year ago a team of Navy Seals attacked a compound in Abbottabad in Pakistan, killing Osama Bin Laden.

President Obama appeared on television later that night to announce the news to the rest of the world, in which he outlined that the fight against Al Qaeda was not over. The BBC asked former US Ambassador to Pakistan William Milam, and former CIA officer Michael Scheuer, if the world was a safer place since Osama Bin Laden’s death. Both were involved in the hunt for the al-Qaeda leader. Here is their response:

The ex Ambassador stated that the main structure of Al Qaeda has gone and although some aspects still exist it is no longer a threat in Afghanistan. He went on to say that a new way to look at our struggle in Afghanistan and Pakistan and a way to begin I think, the withdrawal of our forces from Afghanistan because Al Qaeda , the core Al Qaeda, is not the major enemy, the one we went after its not  probably our major enemy any more.

The BBC then asks Michael Scheuer if he thought Al Qaeda was a diminished force. The ex CIA responded: “if you look at A Qaeda as to where it was in 20o1 on a map you will see that there only large logistical base, their base for recruiting, their base for planning and their base for storing munitions was Afghanistan. Today there still supporting the Taliban inside of Afghanistan. There active throughout Pakistan, there very active in Yemen in fact they own territory there. There active in Somalia in support of Al Shibab. There active across the rim of Africa, from Tunisia over to Mauritania reaching south towards Nigeria, Niger and other places. There active in Palestine and they have recovered to great extent and are causing havoc in Iraq and of course their  lone wolves here in North America and Europe where that are very active . So I think the place to start discussion on this issue is not pivoting off Bin Laden death but looking where the organisation is and what its up too at the moment.

As you can clearly see there is a continued emphasis that Al Qaeda is very much alive and spreading around the world and yet very little reference to the fact that Al Qaeda is almost none existent in Afghanistan and that the Taliban (their new enemy) is flourishing and continues to controls almost all of the country………It was clear by this interview that an exit strategy was desperately being sought and that in actual fact the war had totally failed and had not made any headway in bringing democracy to the people of Afghanistan. I believe that once again the Taliban will take over the country!! 

On the issue of Al Qaeda I again repeat what I have said so many times before that Al Qaeda does not and has not ever existed and it was a US devised name to spread hysteria into the hearts of people in an attempt to justify an action or to force their own hidden agenda into law and at the same time continue with their well known Geo Political Plan.

So now let’s look at this pathetic approach by Obama to glorify the apparent dramatic death of Osama Bin Laden and the not so tough decision he had to make…….. I can assure you that  what you read and watched on TV  about this incident was far from reality……..one could just see Bin Laden laughing in his grave from all this attention…….which is where he had been for some years previous!!

What you saw pan out on the big screen was nothing more than what can only be described as one of the best cover up events ever and just to think this was all to make President Obama look good as his popularity waned!!

The timeline for his final year alive was as follows:

In the first half of 2001 OBL’s health started to continue on a downward spiral as he had been suffering from many serious illnesses. He was very tall (6 feet 5 inches) and suffered from Marfan Syndrome – a range of expressions, from mild to severe. The most serious complications are defects of the heart valves and aorta. It also affect the lungs, the eyes, the dural sac surrounding the spinal cord, the skeleton and the hard palate to name but a few!!

For Bin Laden the main areas of concern were clearly major heart issue, kidney and the fact he was a diabetic.

In July 2001 he flew by private jet to Dubai and spent one week in a US Hospital in Dubai with kidney problems and was in actual fact operated upon on the 4th July 2001. The CIA denied that this event actually occurred despite the fact that they visited him several times, including a visit by the CIA Station Chief, Larry Mitchell on the 12th July 2001 as well as members of his family.  During his stay in Dubai he was treated by a British doctor. Still very sick he flew back to Pakistan (a private jet) on the 14th July 2001 for recuperation and was not heard from again for some considerable time.

On September the 10th 2001 he again appears at the Military Hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis with full military protection. You will note that this is the day before 9/11 and he was reported to be very sick at the time. 

On the 12th of September 2001 a Pakistan newspaper reported that OBL had denied any involvement in 9/11.

OBL assistant gave the following message from OBL on 16th September 2001 “I categorically state that I have not done this” and also that he had an agreement with the Taliban not to be in such activity.

20th September 2001 President Bush blamed OBL for 9/11.

22nd September 2001 OBL again made a statement to a Pakistan newspaper that he was not involved in 9/11.

23rd September 2001 Secretary of State Colin Powell stated he would produce evidence re OBL and 9/11. Powell talked about this many times but no such evidence appeared.

24th September 2001 a letter from OBL urged the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan to stand firm against aggression from the “Crusaders.”

It was around this time that the Taliban responded to a request by the US to hand over OBL. They stated they would be happy to do so if evidence oh his complicity in 9/11 could be produced. The offer was declined by the US.

1st October 2001 the Taliban offered to put OBL on trial in an Islamic Court in Pakistan which met with OBL approval. This idea was vetoed by the Pakistan Government and within days the bombing started.

Tony Blair the British PM at the time stated the following:

“I have seen absolutely powerful and incontrovertible evidence of OBL’s link to the events of 9/11. It was evident this statement related to the “Bin Laden Dossier” a few days prior to the bombing. The dossier was at the time referred too as “Little more than conjecture, supposition and assertions of fact.” This original document is no long available!!

According to those in the know, OBL’s communications were intercepted by the Intel of Pakistan, Saudi, US and Egypt up until the 14th of December 2001 when they ceased.

OBL’s funeral took place in Pakistan on the 16th of December 2001 as reported in both Pakistan and Egyptian newspapers.

A four page will dated the 14th of December 2001 existed.

A posthumous video was released on the 27th December 2001 (His final broadcast) but this was a Pentagon fake.

It is clear that he died on the 14th of December 2001 and that the story of the epic mission last year was a total fabrication……..being an aviation consultant I can assure you that the entire helicopter operation that was supposed to have taken place from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to OBL hideout and the subsequent return and onward flight to a US Carrier in the Arabian Sea is a figment of the imagination.

The US Navy Seals team 6 who were involved, identified and praised by the President himself are all now dead. The media did mention about a helicopter striking the fence when going in to the compound and that the seals actually survived that crash and then lay charges and blew up the wreckage. However this statement is incorrect for two very good reasons:

Witness’s in Pakistan say a helicopter lifted off and blew up above the fence line and that their were no survivors….bodies were everywhere and secondly the relatives of the deceased claim they have information that not only confirms this story but also the fact that the surviving team 6 members were either assassinated or died in another Chinook aircraft that was shot down with 22 US Navy Seal Team 6 on-board!!  

The other mystery about the Chinook crash is the fact that all these people were all on one helicopter that belonged to the National Guard which generally is a no no as US Navy Seals always fly in either Navy or Army special ops helicopters.

It should also be noted that publicity regarding the death of any US Navy Seal is not normal, they are the unsung hero’s and normally die without any recognition for obvious reasons. It became clear that much publicity was used in this case as it allowed the President to show not only his ability to run the military but also to show the compassionate side of him……which he certainly does not have…..he even was there to receive the bodies back.

It is a known fact that if anyone takes part in an assassination, especially a high profile one such as this, the government take them out in order to remove any witnesses to the event. One can only hope that the relatives of the deceased and other Navy Seals decide to talk as it became clear to them all that Bin Laden was not at this location……..which I knew anyway as he died back in December 2001………one could imagine the fear within the White House, especially Obama if this had leaked out……which it has now!!  

Ranger Pat Tilman believed murdered

One could go on forever with other incidents and false flags such as the possible murder of Ranger Pat Tilman or that dramatic rescue of Jessica Lynch the young private who was rescue from a hospital in Iraq….the US Navy Seals broke down doors, put holes in walls and extracted her in such a spectacular way……..but it was all fake…..she did not end up in an heroic gun battle that caused her to be shot and with two broken legs etc………she had been in a truck accident and the US Government seized an opportunity to make a sensational story out of it……..reporters returned to the hospital much later to learn she was treated for a broken leg and the doctor said the US Forces broke in and pointed a gun at him….he commented that they didn’t have to break in….just simply ask and he would have let them in as there was no Iraqi military at the hospital. 

One could write a book of many other murders and assassinations but enough is enough……..at least I hope you now believe that Osama Bin Laden passed away naturally many years ago……..oh and he was employed by the CIA!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 6/5/2012

The financial rape of the British economy

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David Cameron Is  Part Of The New World Order Giant Ponzi Scheme

Shalom Ben keep pumping it out and F… the consequences

We are currently listening to the Bank of England chief Sir Mervyn King telling us that more should have been done to avert the current crisis!!

Sir Mervyn King: ‘Why did the Bank not do more to prevent the disaster? We should have. We should have shouted from the rooftops… We should have tried harder.”

“From the beginning of 2008, we at the Bank began to argue that UK banks needed extra capital a lot of extra capital, possibly £100bn or more,”

Well Mr. King you certainly hit the nail on the head considering that it was you that allowed our ex PM Gordon Brown to empty the gold bullion out of the vaults of the Bank of England and send it over to the EU.

It is you Mr. King that knows all about the fraud in this country starting with our current Prime Minister, David Cameron and its cancerous growth that has now spread amongst many senior MP’s and Members of the House of Lord’s.

It is you Mr. King that represents the financial arm of the New World Order in Britain and you alone that allows trillions to slip in and out of this country utterly and totally unchecked.

What I find astonishing is the fact that this man has been with the Bank of England since 1990 and still has the audacity to keep saying we could have done more.

One would assume that with his knowledge base and his academic qualifications that this man would be capable of not only seeing pending collapses on the horizon but also have the ability to resolve such issues as and when they arrive. 

Sir Mervyn King being cross examined – all to no avail!!

Well Mr. King lets just put you in the picture as to what is really happening in the world and what is happening here in the UK and why you are not doing anything about it!

Massive fraud and corruption is taking place each and everyday here in the UK and you know about it because you are part of the rot and continue to allow it to happen!

Can one even imagine that the total amount of the current US debt, said to be around $15 trillion, was transferred from the US Reserve Bank into the HSBC Bank here in London (the true axis of evil) and then passed on to the Royal Bank of Scotland. No one appears to know what happened to it after that but who cares. “Whets $15 trillion when shared amongst friends.”!!   I would also add that the total US debt is well above this amount and could be as high as three times that amount………..and just to think 46 million American’s are living on US Food Coupons!!

I am led to believe that another $6 trillion was given to Italy which as we all know is now under the rule of the New World Order (NW))…..otherwise known as the IMF!!

What I find so frustrating is the arrogant open way that all the maggots from the NWO operate within government ranks, the banks and in the corporate sector. Gordon Bowden and I have named and shamed many of them in my previous articles with our dear Prime Minister David Cameron right up there with the best of them. However when you uncover a giant spiders web of fraud and corruption one must always try to find the spider and needles to say that spider is none other than  the Rothschild’s……the big fat maggots that feed on the flesh of the British people and the rest of the world.

Some of the financial war criminals that live in the United States but are actually controlled from London

Shakespeare’s  Shylock – The Jewish Merchant of Venice

One cannot put all the blame into one basket when you have such maggots as Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke and the other pile of fat maggots called the Rothchild’s who simply added more fuel to the fire. Can you even imagine they were talking about moving 750,000 tonnes of gold bullion when only 1507 tonnes had ever been mined at the time – fraud at its best!!

Am I getting through to you all and do you fully understand what this is all about?

One such boiler room right in the centre of the Zionist heartland – Golders Green, London

Can’t you see how evil this NWO  is and how they fund themselves by way of their many   giant ponzi schemes that operate from the thousands of boiler rooms in almost every country in the world. How the Rothschild’s control almost every conceivable business sector. How the Rockefeller’s back them up from across the pond and how they both between them totally control the world’s finances.

For an equivalent of the scope of the Rothschild business, imagine a merger between Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, J P Morgan and probably Goldman Sachs and the Bank of China too — as well the International Monetary Fund, given the nineteen-century Rothschild’s role in stabilising the finances of numerous governments.

The International Monitory Fund (IMF)/ World Bank is their international operating arm and once this vast financial conglomeration has forced the closure of any company or country it then bales them out, forcing them into debt for ever. It then installs its own management (in charge of that country) and forces even more austerity measures to screw every last cent/penny out of humble and poor tax payers……..a typical example of this type of activity is in existence in Italy and one can now add to this other such countries as Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain and many others still to meet their fate!!

I repeat again that the “World’s Financial Meltdown” was no accident but rather a well planned tactic by the giant Zionist controlled organisation known as the New World Order and that the “Arab Spring” and the current “Western Spring” is all part of their master plan……..and remember you don’t have to believe me, just keep watching your X Factor or whatever and wait for their second financial tsunami to hit Europe………this next one will be much better than the previous one!! 

Wanna Know The Future? – I Call it the 3D + C = which basically means global – Deceit -Disrupt – Divide and finally – Conquer.

Wanna Know what that means to all of us? – the destruction of the family unit – the encouragement of single parenthood – same sex marriages – homosexuality – paedophilia –  free and open sex – no ethical or moral standards –  the encouragement of drugs and alcohol – no work – no education which basically results into of a world of “Dumb Fuckers who are totally dependent on the state.”

Wanna Know the final stages? – Splitting up of each and every country i.e. no England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales – no identity other than belonging too the United States of Europe or belong too a “One World Government.”

Wanna Know the ultimate goal? – Everyone will be injected with a “Chip and Pin” device (the size of a grain of rice) – The removal of cash as we know it today and replacing it with “Gold Bullion” that only the elite can afford.

Wanna know what then happens? – We come under the control of our chip and pin……you will need it to go shopping, go out to a night club, go to the hospital or doctors, buy a car or put petrol in it or just simply travel or go for a holiday.

Wanna know what all of the above means? – You eventually succumb to a total police state, drones flying over every city, CCTV constant surveillance, with a “do as I say” mentality and if you should step out of line or say something derogatory they will simply switch off your chip and pin at the central control room and you are then basically Fucked…..unable to buy anything or go to the hospital etc……which means you die!

Will this chip and pin ever happen you may ask………..you bet…….the US has just passed legislation that could implement such a programme starting possible as early as next year……some trials are currently underway and in such cities as Amsterdam an elite group already have chip and pin.

Add to all this gloom and doom the fact that the New World Order believes in mass depopulation or genocide and want to reduce the world’s population by at least a third or possibly two thirds by whatever means i.e. continues conflicts/wars, using WMD’s, chasing non existent terrorists, taking and controlling the natural resources of each and every country, controlling the markets for those resources and controlling the transit routes – sea lanes – pipeline routes etc.  

  Mass vaccination programmes with the ability to cause sterilization, mental problems, maim or paralysis, short lifespan or simply gross disfigurement. How could this happen you may ask…….first take a look at the ingredients of the vaccination….does it contain mercury based preservatives, does the jab contain more than you expected such as the normal top annual flue vaccine which now also includes Swine Flue, the female HPV vaccine (currently being almost forced onto every female student)….now they are thinking about giving it to male schoolchildren………your water and food additives…..GM crops and associated chemicals care of Monsanto….food wrappings etc

Then we have that trip to the dentist to worry about:

Most people never knew that their silvery fillings were in actual fact 50% mercury. This highly toxic substance has in the past created major problems for the dentists that use it. Working around mercury vapour is not a healthy existence and many dentists have succumbed to pulmonary fibrosis. It has been revealed that the standard mask worn by dentist did not protect them from the deadly mercury. Dentist can now order safe masks (Comfo Classic Respirator) and also obtain clean up apparatus etc.

As far as the patient is concerned, it is now possible to find dentists who will remove the old amalgam fillings and replace them with more bio compatible materials which include those that are metal-free.   

 Just think of the potential harm that one could possible expect from a mouth full of such fillings!!

Let’s not forget one of the most important changes in our everyday life – the new light bulbs that have now been forced upon us, not to mention the high costs associated with buying them….let’s take a look at this new product:

The Environmentally friendly CFL Bulb – Absolute Bullshit!!


The CFL bulb also contains mercury one of the most toxic substances on this planet……in some countries they will not now allow these expired bulbs to be put in with your rubbish ….I wonder why?

Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL) are energy saving bulbs that we have all been encouraged to use; however most of us do not know that these bulbs produce an Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) of a much higher intensity than regular light bulbs.

They do not radiate as much as a microwave; however you usually have only one microwave in a house yet probably around 50 bulbs in your home or workplace. Adding these to an already increasing abundance of EMF’s in the home and office could be causing even more of a negative effect on our health.

CFL bulbs not only produce high levels of EMF, they generate “Dirty EMF). Power is “Dirty” or polluted when it contains high frequency signals flowing through overloaded wires.

Do you fully understand how sensitive the human brain is to magnetic interference? I would also add that sitting in front of your computer, living near High Power Electric Cables or simply being on your mobile for long duration creates the same problem and let’s also  throw in your microwave for good measure.

Look at this experiment when a student heated up water in the conventional way by using radiant heat in a saucepan as opposed to heating the water in a microwave. Look at the growth rate of the two plants then imagine what it does to your food?………..do I hear many load crashes now as everyone throws their microwaves out the window LOL!!

Ok sorry got carried away there again…..now back to the main story:   

Just take a look at the Roth child’s empire both their past and current army of recruits to see the bigger picture:

List of current and former employees of N.M Rothschild & Sons:


• René-Pierre Azria – Director of Jarden Corporation; Managing Director of Blackstone Indosuez

• Dominic Barton – Chairman of McKinsey & Company Asia

• Franco Bernabè – CEO of Telecom Italia; Director of PetroChina

• Michel de Carvalho – Vice-Chairman of Investment Banking of Citigroup; Director of Heineken International

• José María Castellano – CEO of Inditex Group

• Sir John Collins – CEO of Shell UK; Chairman of National Power

• Alfonso Cortina – Chairman and CEO of Repsol

• Douglas Daft – Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company; Director of The McGraw-Hill Companies

• Dudley Eustace – Chairman of The Nielsen Company, Vice-Chairman of Royal Philips Electronics

• Pehr G. Gyllenhammar – Chairman of Aviva; Founder of European Round Table of Industrialists

• Jay Hambro – CEO of Aricom

• Sir Graham Hearne – Deputy Chairman of Gallaher Group; Chairman and CEO of Enterprise Oil

• Sydney Gruson – Vice-Chairman of The New York Times Company

• Henry Keswick – Chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Director of Mandarin Oriental

• Lord Leach of Fairford – Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Chairman of Open Europe

• Sir Carl Meyer – Deputy Chairman of De Beers; Governor of the National Bank of Egypt

• Baron Moser – Chairman of British Museum; Chairman Economist Intelligence Unit

• Paul Myners – Chairman of Guardian Media Group; Chairman of Marks & Spencer

• Robert S. Pirie – Senior Managing Director of Bear Stearns & Co.

• Gerald Rosenfeld – Head of Investment Banking of Lazard

• Wilbur Ross – Famous investor and billionaire

• Trevor Rowe – Director of the Australian Stock Exchange; Chairman of United Group

• Anthony Salz – Senior Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Acting Chairman of Board of Governors of the BBC

• Peter Smith – Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand; Chairman of Savills

• Raymond W. Smith – CEO of Bell Atlantic; Chairman of Verizon

• Baron Vallance of Tummel – Vice-Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland; Chairman of British Telecom

Politics and public service

• Thierry Breton – French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry (2005-2007)

• Liam Byrne – Minister of State at the Home Office (2006-present); Minister of State at Her Majesty’s Treasury (2008-present)

• Baron George – Governor of the Bank of England (1993-2003)

• Baron Lamont of Lerwick – Member of the British Parliament (1972-1997); Chancellor of the Exchequer (1990-93)

• Sir Edwin Leather – Member of the British Parliament (1950-1964); Governor of Bermuda (1973-1977)

• Oliver Letwin – Member of the British Parliament (1997-present); Chairman of the Conservative Research Department (2005-present)

• René Mayer – President of France (1953)

• Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury – Lord of Appeal in Ordinary (2007-present)

• Georges Pompidou – President of France (1969-1974)

• John Redwood – Member of the British Parliament (1987-present)

• Felix Rohatyn – United States Ambassador to France (1997-2000)

• Gerhard Schröder – Chancellor of Germany (1998-2005)

• Sir Clive Whitmore – Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence (1983-1988)

• Baron Wakeham – Leader of the House of Lords (1992-1994); Leader of the House of Commons (1987-1989)

Armed forces

• General Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank – Chief of the General Staff (1994-1997); Chief of the Defence Staff (1997-2001)


• René-Pierre Azria – Director of Jarden Corporation; Managing Director of Blackstone Indosuez

• Dominic Barton – Chairman of McKinsey & Company Asia

• Franco Bernabè – CEO of Telecom Italia; Director of PetroChina

• Michel de Carvalho – Vice-Chairman of Investment Banking of Citigroup; Director of Heineken


• José María Castellano – CEO of Inditex Group

• Sir John Collins – CEO of Shell UK; Chairman of National Power

• Alfonso Cortina – Chairman and CEO of Repsol

• Douglas Daft – Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company; Director of The McGraw-Hill Companies

• Dudley Eustace – Chairman of The Nielsen Company, Vice-Chairman of Royal Philips Electronics

• Pehr G. Gyllenhammar – Chairman of Aviva; Founder of European Round Table of Industrialists

• Jay Hambro – CEO of Aricom

• Sir Graham Hearne – Deputy Chairman of Gallaher Group; Chairman and CEO of Enterprise Oil

• Sydney Gruson – Vice-Chairman of The New York Times Company

• Henry Keswick – Chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Director of Mandarin Oriental

• Lord Leach of Fairford – Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Chairman of Open Europe

• Sir Carl Meyer – Deputy Chairman of De Beers; Governor of the National Bank of Egypt

• Baron Moser – Chairman of British Museum; Chairman Economist Intelligence Unit

• Paul Myners – Chairman of Guardian Media Group; Chairman of Marks & Spencer

• Robert S. Pirie – Senior Managing Director of Bear Stearns & Co.

• Gerald Rosenfeld – Head of Investment Banking of Lazard

• Wilbur Ross – Famous investor and billionaire

• Trevor Rowe – Director of the Australian Stock Exchange; Chairman of United Group

• Anthony Salz – Senior Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Acting Chairman of Board of Governors of the BBC

• Peter Smith – Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand; Chairman of Savills

• Raymond W. Smith – CEO of Bell Atlantic; Chairman of Verizon

• Baron Vallance of Tummel – Vice-Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland; Chairman of British Telecom

Politics and public service

• Thierry Breton – French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry (2005-2007)

• Liam Byrne – Minister of State at the Home Office (2006-present); Minister of State at Her Majesty’s Treasury (2008-present)

• Baron George – Governor of the Bank of England (1993-2003)

• Baron Lamont of Lerwick – Member of the British Parliament (1972-1997); Chancellor of the Exchequer (1990-93)

• Sir Edwin Leather – Member of the British Parliament (1950-1964); Governor of Bermuda (1973-1977)

• Oliver Letwin – Member of the British Parliament (1997-present); Chairman of the Conservative Research Department (2005-present)

• René Mayer – President of France (1953)

• Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury – Lord of Appeal in Ordinary (2007-present)

• Georges Pompidou – President of France (1969-1974)

• John Redwood – Member of the British Parliament (1987-present)

• Felix Rohatyn – United States Ambassador to France (1997-2000)

• Gerhard Schröder – Chancellor of Germany (1998-2005)

• Sir Clive Whitmore – Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence (1983-1988)

• Baron Wakeham – Leader of the House of Lords (1992-1994); Leader of the House of Commons (1987-1989)

Armed forces

• General Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank – Chief of the General Staff (1994-1997); Chief of the Defence Staff (1997-2001)

This is a very limited glimpse into the single family that controls, and owns most of, every aspect of the world’s economy – and most importantly, its media.


The financial King of the world himself Baron David de Rothschild who runs the Rothschild Banking Business today and who sees a New World Order in Global Banking Governance – Yes Folks that’s what he said – His Exact Words – The Rothschild’s have helped the British government since financing Wellington’s army to fight the French in 1815 and continue to pull the strings of the world today. If you want to know the location of the true axis of evil and the main operating base for the New World Order  just head for the Olympic Games as it is right here in the City of London.

Let’s just step outside of this country for one moment and reflect on one such fraud:

We all know that 9/11 was an inside job involving not only Mossad, the CIA and many people in high office but were you aware what was actually going on in the Pentagon just prior to it being hit with a cruise missile (not a Boeing)?

Let me give you a snippet of one such article around this time to put this into true perspective.  The headlines at the time read:

“Federal Reserve cannot account for $15 trillion”

An estimated $15 trillion has disappeared from Wall Street over the last 18 months. In advance of 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the Department of Defense could not account for $2.3 trillion. Now, while people are preoccupied with pig flu, the Federal Reserve inspector general tacitly admits they cannot account for $9 trillion. If you had spent $1 million a day since the birth of Christ you will not have yet reached the $1 trillion mark and, counting one second at a time, it would take 31,710 years to reach 1 trillion. The point is that the $trillion figure is not even a real number in practical terms and indicates that our people and our nation are being looted.

 We snatch the gold 

And you receive a missile………sorry I meant receipt!!!!

Just to open the wound up even more the office complex in the Pentagon that was investigating the missing Department of Defense money was exactly where the missile struck…….that’s one sure way of stopping an investigations don’t you think?

With that $15 trillion still in mind…..just think how could this same amount cross the pond and end up under the care of the HSBC/RBS and simply disappear. In case you did not know it was the brave Lord James of Blackheath who actually raised this in the House of Lords in March this year. You can see his presentation to the House on the following link:


It was another section in the US news that drew my attention to the scale of fraud and corruption when it said:

Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 million deaths annually, 62 million people with zero net worth, as the economic elite make off with $46 trillion.

Well folks please understand what you have just read is also happening in this country be it on a different scale. We have both political and financial spheres that are totally funded and controlled by Zionist who promote fraud and corruption as a norm.

Before continuing I just want to divert from this financial topic and show just how deeply embedded the entire Zionist run New World Order is in this country. It dictates and controls our politicians and encourages a continuous war against a non existent enemy that they call Al Qaeda or as George Bush put it “A war on Terror” or a war against “The Axis of Evil.”

This aspect is so important in the state of our economy for many reasons:

  • It drains vast sums of “Tax Payers Money” and converts that into “Private Sector Arms Sales”
  • It allows the New World Order to carry out their “Geo Political Plans.”
  • It rockets the price of a barrel of oil to unbelievable levels.
  • It acts as an investment for the “Pharmaceutical Industry”

I took part in a radio debate on Monday morning at The Voice of Russia, 12 St James Square, London. The topic was “one year on after the death of Bin Laden” and the current state of Al Qaeda. The Panel consisted of  Dr. Christina Hellmich, from the University of Reading, Valentina Soria from the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies and two other guests that were outside of the studio, Lorenzo Vidino from Center for Security Studies, Zurich, Switzerland and Robert Crowley from the Risk Advisory Group.

After the initial introduction it came my turn to discuss this very controversial topic. I started by saying that Al Qaeda does not and has not ever existed and that it was a all part of the existing “Islamaphobia” to keep terrorism alive.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs – Chatham House – Rothschild’s think tank

The white building to the left houses the Voice of Russia – I wonder if they know who lives next door? 

They also have their other hub over in Brussels which basically controls the world and is situated at: 

Succursale de Rothschild et Cie Banque 

Avenue Louise, 166 

1050 Bruxelles 


I thought at first that I was the thorn between two roses when it came to Christina and  Valentina but it then became obvious I was listening to a sort of  Zionist ideology on a ratio of 4 against 1 and that no matter what my opinion it was not going to draw any acknowledgement or acceptance from the other side, especially when I said that Bin Laden was not killed one year ago but actually died in the Military Hospital in Rawalpindi on or around the 14th of December 200. I also went on to say that 9/11 and 7/7 were both inside jobs and also gave reference to the Madrid Train Bombing which allowed Lorenzo to go on the attack with the full support of the other three. However, having been put in a box, time did not allow me to explain further on this all import issue and so I decided not to get into a slinging match and let it pass.  The frustration within was beyond imagination and to hear the groups cross references to an Al Qaeda link just simply added more fuel to my fire……..fortunately I managed to contain myself!!

The Madrid bombing was not blamed on Al Qaeda.  The Supreme Court overturned the convictions of Basel Ghalyoun and Mohamed Almallah Dabas, both condemned to 12 years in prison for belonging to a terrorist group.

It also cleared Abdelilah El Fadual El Akil, condemned to nine years for collaborating with a terrorist group, as well as Raul Gonzalez Pena, who had received five years for supplying explosives.

In other words, according to Spain’s Supreme Court, these people did not belong to a terrorist group, at least not an Islamic terrorist group. Apparently, there was not enough evidence to stay the conviction of “Mohammed the Egyptian,” said to be the ringleader, and his conviction was thrown out as well.

There were however 6 Spanish nationals involved and two of those were in actual fact government informers that had been involved in drugs etc.  In short to of the group were patsies and the evidence indicated the Spanish Civil Guard bomb squad was behind the bombing and a phantom “al-Qaeda inspired” terrorist group was simply a contrivance designed to feed public hysteria. I chose not to go into this on air for obvious reasons.

I did mention that no reference had been given to what I call Political Terrorism, Commercial Terrorism and Intel Services Terrorism some of which is covered in this article…….but hey they do not cover such topics in academia do they?……….You can hear the debate on this link:


The purpose of putting this segment in at this point is to show the relationship between the economy of the country – wars and conflict – geo political plans – natural resources and the mindset and mentality of those that flood us with “Islamaphobia…….some of whom I shared the debate with on Monday.

I have always maintained that using the term terrorism is the wrong tag……I prefer to use the term freedom fighters which one can expect when someone invades your country or takes over your resources at gun point.

I guess had more time been offered I could have educated the other guests who participated in the programme on the Voice of Russia the hypocritical way our respective governments and their “Terrorism and National Security Advisers” think.

Having spent much time in Iraq I became familiar with the two groups known as the PKK and the PJAC…….in some respects one could loosely refer to them both being (as the panel called them) “Islamic Terrorist” or even maybe links to Al Qaeda, the term they used so many times! Unfortunately in this case double standards apply.

As far as the west is concerned the PKK is a “Terrorist Organisation” but the PJAC is not!!! Let me now open up another “Hornets Nest” that proves that most experts (some, if not all those on the panel included) are so hypocritical!

Both groups are Kurdish, however, the PKK is  involved in clandestine attacks across the border in Turkey on a regular basis in the hope of returning some of their original homeland or to help fellow Kurds in that country. 

Turkey so happens to be part of NATO and therefore tightly linked to the west and so the PKK is thus classified by those in NATO as terrorists. However I can assure you that this is not the case as the PKK took their case to the court in Europe and the term terrorism was dropped and replaced by the term I always use – “Freedom Fighters.” I would also add that Turkey frequently crosses over into Kurdistan both with tanks and other land vehicles as well as many air strikes against many of the villages near the border…..many of whom do not even contain PKK……….this is a breach of sovereignty and also against the Geneva Convention and the building blocks of the United Nations…….the latter is part of the NWO and so nothing is going to change in that regard.

Now let’s look at an identical group of Kurd’s called the PJAK who carry out the same clandestine operations, but this time in Iran with the same aim…….however this group is not listed as terrorists by the west (the US in-particular) but rather it is funded and armed by the US to enhance its own current clandestine operations within Iran with US Special Forces, CIA, Mossad and other hired militia.

To make this even more absurd the US, NATO and the puppet governments in Iraq/Kurdistan turn a blind eye to what’s going on in both cases  and actually support their Turkish friends and the PJAK in providing Spy Satellite back up and other Intel sources……..no doubt our friends on the panel would say this is tripe and maybe they would also go on to say no Mossad are involved in the region………sorry to have to tell you that I met up with many people involved in all of the above as well as exposing a Mossad operative who also just so happened to live next door to a very Senior Minister!!  

It is my sincere belief that western imperialism breeds a sort of self induced terrorism and the two together increase poverty to record highs.

Knowing the entire situation in this country and many others i.e. “Permanent ongoing Wars, War against Terrorism and Continuous Economical Problems” I now fully understand that this is all  the brainchild of the Zionist New World Order which is now totally out of control.

On the financial front I think this statement sums up the entire situation:

The US is covertly transferring billion and bearer bonds payable in gold into Europe so that can be put on the balance sheets of the European Banks without a corresponding debt obligation, which in turn keeps the bank solvent to preventing triggering the trillions of dollars in Credit Default Swaps against the European debt sold by the Wall Street banks. It basically means the American people are being looted big time to pay for the Wall Street Criminals as is the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

One person actually had more to say about the situation here in the UK and EU when he stated:

It is totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent US Treasuries market and that all that was missing was a paper-trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide the details!!!

I would also like to add to this the fact that billions if not trillions of dirty money is being moved around that has direct links to the drug cartel with connections obviously to the CIA, MI5/6,  Mossad and others connected to the New World Order.

Back to that number one criminal Sir Mervyn King he was quoted as saying:

“I sympathise with people who felt angry about the banking crisis, which sparked a deep recession that caused one million job losses. “ He added: “Too many of you, this will seem deeply unfair, and it is. I can understand why so many people are angry.”

Well Mr. Ponzi King I think the British public are beyond being simply angry and if they had their way you would have been out of your plush job a long time ago!!

Another report stated that some of the measures being deployed to counter the short-term situation could actually exacerbate fundamental economic problems, worsening the debt crisis and leaving taxpayers footing the bill…….well Mr. King you certainly got that right

In case you the public didn’t notice Mr. King works in much the same way as his other New World Order buddy Ben Bernanke by simply printing off more money. If you can recall an announcement was made in the media around the 5th of February this year:

Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, is expected to restart the printing presses this week and run off at least another £50billion to hold back the spectre of deep recession!!!!

When are all you sheeples going to understand that the New World Order control the recession and it is they that caused the “Arab Spring” and the current “Western Spring.”

Once they have taken a country out in the financial sense they bring in the New World Order run IMF to offer loans to those countries they have F….. And with their new austerity measures not only actually run that country but also continue to rape the mid to lower class taxpayers even more.

In conclusion the NWO fully understands that in such places as the US and UK we are their greatest threat to their continued consolidation of wealth, resources and power. The most vulnerable were such places as Tunisia, Algeria, Albania, Egypt and other African and Middle Eastern countries but it is still spreading throughout most of the world and, now threatening the weaker countries of Europe.

For the special attention of those who participation of  Voice of Russia panel I will finish off what I first started during out interview and that is:

In 1997 Paul Wolfovitz of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) http://www.newamericancentury.org/  discussed the taking over of many Islamic countries to which Col Wesley Clarke the ex NATO Supreme Commander Europe gave reference.  

Gen Clarke later went to the Pentagon (soon after 9/11) and was privy to a top secret document relating to a plan to take out at least 7 Islamic Countries over a period of 5 – 10 years………on that list was Libya (not gone) Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

I for one moment do not expect a response from Christina, Valentina, Lorenzo or Robert because at the end of the day they are all apparently experts in the field…..not sure what field!!!!……..certainly not the field that I am in but hey remember I am accused of being a  conspiracist. 

Before closing I must apologise for the drifting in and out of the main topic….. but as they say variety is the spice of life.

Also remember that the evil satanic New World Order and their partners in crime the Freemasons do not understand and cannot tolerate some  of the very basics things in  life that we take for granted….those being:

Love, compassion, respect, the family unit and caring for each other, our neighbors and those of different faiths, colour and gender in all countries…..this is what they hope to destroy but we know better!!  

My next article (covering massive fraud) will be a combined effort by Gordon Bowden and myself and will be a real eye opener, believe me!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 3/5/2012