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Archive for May 2011


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If I recall the remit for the UN1973 Resolution was to create a now fly zone and as we all know that has already been established over a month ago. However the second reason was to protect the people of Libya and to save lives.

We heard both Obama and Cameron give out their usual spin on the lawn of Lancaster House in London where they again said they had saved lives and that they would continue to turn up the pressure to enforce the UN Mandate. What the world does not understand that the existing war certainly is not saving lives and in actual fact is slowly killing the genetics of Libya, adjacent countries and the world beyond by its over excessive use of depleted uranium weapons.

I have lost count as to how many cruise missiles they have fired off to date but I know in the initial stages of the war it was over 300 and only the other day we had 18 of them fired off in just one night……the target was a military compound that just so happened to be right next door to a densely populated district of Tripoli.  You can see the compound in the picture below which is situated in the bottom left corner of this satellite photograph. As you can see the area is extremely populated and it is obvious that the radioactive fallout of nano particles will drift, not only over this area, but also over the entire city and the region beyond.

The target area in high density residential district of Tripoli

So Mr. Obama, Mr. Cameron and Mr. Sarkozy how many lives do you think you are saving? I can assure you all that as a direct result of your actions in Libya you have all now committed an act of genocide and thus should be charged with war crimes.

We must all fully understand the consequences of this deplorable war in that the United Nations has approved and its subsequent use of Weapons of Mass Destruction on the innocent population of Libya with an emphasis on the City of Tripoli. This is not a war to enforce a “No Fly Zone”……..this is a war to force a “Regime Change” which is in violation of UN1973 and in doing so also breaches at least four articles of the Geneva Convention.

The photo below shows a black square right in the heart of Tripoli…..this has been the current target for around 18 cruise missile……this means that NATO are now using Weapons of Mass Destruction in the centre of a highly populated city……… how can the UN allow this and how can we the people just sit on our hands and say nothing

Approximately 18 Weapons of Mass Destruction go off in the heart of Tripoli!!

Just look at the above right picture, it is in the dead of night and yet as bright as the sun!!

US, UK & Frances way of saving lives!!

Cruise Missiles, Bunker Busters, JDAM and Hellfire Missiles (as used by the Predators and soon to be used by Apache Helicopters) are all in violation of the Geneva Convention based on the following criteria:

Depleted uranium weapons are recognized as radioactive poison gas weapons developed illegally under the Manhattan Project in World War II by the United States Government.  Already illegal and in violation of the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol, in 1943 depleted uranium weapons were described as a “highly mobile indiscriminate killer and permanent terrain contaminant,” recommended for development in the declassified Manhattan Project memo dated October 30, 1943.

Airflow charts of the region around Iraq demonstrate how the depleted uranium gas and dust is widely circulated in many directions, depending on altitude and seasonal changes including fog, rainfall, snow, and air circulation:

In the chart below you will see that Libya (White square) emits its radioactive nanoparticles (aerosols) over a very wide area and eventually spans the world. Every single day brings with it a new direction and weather pattern.

This shows typical circulation of WMD nanoparticles – Libya is white square


Leuren Moret (a US nuclear lab whistleblower) describes how DU violates the Geneva Convention:

Depleted uranium poison gas weapons fail the “Territorial Test” because radioactive toxic aerosols they produce on the battlefieldescape from and continue to act off of the battlefield

The “Territorial Test” is one of four tests used to determine the legality of weapons under international humanitarian law, and requires that weapons must not leave the territory of the battlefield (territorial test), continue to act after the battle is over (temporal test), be unduly damaging to the environment (environmental test), and be unduly inhumane in causing death and suffering (humaneness test).


 Depleted uranium radioactive poison gas and particulates produced on the battlefield, including sub-micron sizes,that are carried by air masses and rapidly become components of global atmospheric dust, leaving the area of the battlefield: indiscriminately, permanently, and cumulatively contaminating air, water, soil, food, and civilian populations at local, regional, and global distances from the battlefield.



Depleted uranium weapons fail the “Temporal Test” since they continue to act after the battle is over. Depleted uranium radioactive poison gas and particulates including sub-micron sizes, have a half-life of 4.46 billion years.  It takes ten half-lives (4.46 billion years ½ life for Uranium 238) for small amounts of radioactivity to diminish to an insignificant amount.  In the case of the high tonnage amounts of depleted uranium weapons used in Iraq since August 2, 1990, to the present, it will take longer than ten half-lives or more than 44.6 billion years for the global radioactive pollution from this pernicious poison to diminish.

I  would add to Lauren’s comments that in the case of Libya they have fired well over 300 missiles that each contain around 350kg of DU in some shape or form which amounts to at least 105,000 kg…….if one can then imagine the millions of nanoparticles that are now in transit around the Mediterranean Region, UK, Europe and beyond. This is not counting all the other DU weapons such as bunker busters and bombs etc or the fact that secondary contamination is on going as the earths carpet of DU succumbs to secondary contamination by the movement of vehicles and strong winds such as sand storms etc.

Leuren’s account continues:

Depleted uranium weapons fail the “Environmental Test” being unduly harmful to the local, regional, and global environment. The depleted uranium radioactive poison gas and particulates, including sub-micron sizes, unduly harm the environment by becoming globally mixed in one year, poisoning regional water sources where they are rained and snowed out into glaciers, lakes, and rivers such as in the Himalayas where the headwaters of nine major rivers of SE Asia originate.  There are 1.3 billion people downstream from the Indus (Tibet, Pakistan, India), Ganga-Brahmaputra (India, Bangladesh), Yangtze (China), Yamuna (India), Ganges (India), Sutlej (Tibet, Punjab of India, Pakistan), Meghna (India, Bangladesh), Mekong (China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam), and the Ayeyarwady (Myanmar).

I could continue on forever giving an account as to how depleted uranium continues to violate the Geneva Convention but I think all of the above is ok as a starter. Below is a list of some of the health problems from DU:


How can Low Level Radiation (LLR) enter your body and what are the implications. Let first look at the diagram below:


As you can see from the diagram above there are different ways DU/LLR can enter the body. On this diagram you can see a DU fragment such as shrapnel wound (right shoulder). DU dust can also enter this wound to add to the problem. 

The most complicated of all is the inhalation of nanoparticle aerosols of DU/LLR. Insoluble DU particles

deposited in the respiratory bronchioles and alveoli will be cleared much more slowly, and, therefore, would be expected to deliver a higher radiation dose to the lung from alpha radiation. Once DU/LLR has entered the blood and irreversible cycle commences. The tissues in our bodies filter out the depleted uranium particles from the blood and cause a web of diseases called “Gulf War Syndrome”.

Unfortunately the UNEP, WHO, ICRP, IAEA, Governments, DOD’s and many other authorities (not forgetting the pharmaceutical industry) have failed to understand the health implications when DU/LLR is inhaled into the body. They have together concocted a trail of deceit and failed in their duty of care to protect the world’s populations.

We are looking at dramatic increases in many forms of cancer, diabetes, and infertility. Because DU/LLR directly attacks the genetics of our body via our DNA we are now witnessing terrible birth defects in babies.

Leuren Moret covered this aspect in my previous article when she said:

“Uranium and phosphate structures have a strong chemical affinity for each other. The DNA and the mitochondria are phosphate rich and therefore there is a strong attraction between uranium, the DNA and the mitochondria. Once the uranium has attached to the DNA and or the mitochondria it does damage from the chemical heavy metal effect, the radioactivity released and the particulate effect” “The greatest damage from radiation exposure is to the unborn foetus and this genetic damage to the foetus is passed on to all future generations. Basically uranium exposure is a slow painful death from long lingering illnesses”.

Let’s look at diabetes as an example. The IMVA article “DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bomb” covered this aspect extremely well:

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that
33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050.
Dr. Alan Cantwell

The article went on the say:  Diabetes, which is expanding almost exponentially in the world today, can in part be traced to the increasing radiation to which we are all being exposed. Every physician knows that radiation can lead to cancer, but making a connection between depleted uranium (DU) and diabetes seems ludicrous at first glance is anything but. Most medical doctors have never heard of this but neither have they paid attention.

Unfortunately, exposure levels are increasing dramatically with each ton of vaporized depleted uranium but that is not stopping the American and British governments from manufacturing, selling and using depleted uranium weaponry.

     “Depleted (DU) uranium is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter, is very dangerous when taken internally,” writes Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Canadian Epidemiologist. A new study, conducted by biochemist Dr. Diane Stearns at Northern Arizona University confirms that, separate from any radiation risks, cells exposed to uranium will bond with the metal chemically. Uranium and phosphate have a strong chemical affinity for each other and the DNA and Mitochondria are loaded with phosphate so uranium is a DNA and Mitochondria deep penetration bomb. In this same report it gave a very stern message to governments and authorities:

“As it is with the autism epidemic, the medical establishment and the government are stonewalling investigations and understanding of the runaway train that diabetes is fast becoming. We are officially recognizing the tragedy of skyrocketing diabetes rates in adults and children but the multiple causes are being ignored and so treatments are not appropriate and prevention efforts a joke. What we have to see clearly is that diabetes is actually an extremely serious warning to civilization, it is an announcement that the rising tide of radiation, mercury, other deadly chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs are poisoning humanity”.

As we have seen in more recent times (Lebanon 2006 and Gaza 2007/8) the US is still providing Israel with weapons containing uranium components that hide under their new title “Conventional Weapons”. I can assure you that these weapons are certainly not conventional and really fit into the category of “Dirty Weapons”. Dr Chris Busby has received samples from both of above locations confirming the use of both depleted and enriched weapons by the IDF. 

Bombs away

“Oh David I forgot to tell you the facts behind our DU Weapons, did you know it takes about 50 tons of DU contaminated dust to kill 500,000 people…..sorry buddy have to go and drop this load on Tripoli to save more lives haha”

US – UK – France The No-Fly-Zone Partners in Crime

We now see a rise in diabetes and cancers etc in Northern Israel and soon that same story will be repeated in Central and Southern Israel…..this basically means that “Israelis are killing Israelis” as well as the populations in adjacent countries and the world. If one reads some of the work carried out by Dr Chris Busby you will see that he was the first person in the UK to spill the beans on the increased levels of radiation that had gathered over England as a direct result of the “Shock and Haw” attack on Baghdad. He has connected the everyday radiation exposure to modern ailments we see today. He was quoted as saying: “There have been tremendous increases in diseases resulting from the breakdown of the immune system in the last 20 years: diabetes, asthma, AIDS and others which may have an immune-system link, such as MS and ME. A whole spectrum of neurological conditions of unknown origin has developed.”

Dr Busby has been very critical of the ICRP Model used by most governments and agencies, which in his opinion (and I might add many other experts) has grossly underestimated the effects of DU/LLR on the body by anything between 100 – 1000 times.

The following is an extract from a specialists report  which included Keith Baverstock World Health Organization European Centre for Environment and Health “The risk to the lung of exposure to DU dusts cannot be inferred from the experience gained from uranium miners, or from survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, upon which the current ICRP radiological protection standards are based”.

The report went on to say that it has been convincingly demonstrated that changes, similar to those caused directly by irradiation, can be wrought in cells growing close to a cell that has been irradiated. The implication of the combined chemical and radiological transforming capability of uranium and the bystander effect, means that, in estimating its significance in causing cancer, the simple assumptions, based on committed effective dose, i.e. (committed absorbed dose to the lung, modified by a radiation weighting factor, or the fact that the radiation arises from alpha particles) as has been adopted in recent reports by the Royal Society (RS 2001), the WHO (WHO 2001) and UNEP (UNEP 2001) would be an inadequate basis for predicting risks.

Baverstock was a very experienced expert who worked for the WHO. Because of the sensitivity of Baverstock’s report the article was suppressed and withheld from public viewing.

The UN, WHO, ICRP, IAEA, Governments, DOD’s and NATO etc. still fail to accept that DU/LLR is extremely dangerous (especially when inhaled). Perhaps they should be referred to the people who carried out the US Army training programmes. People like Major Doug Rokke who’s credits covered a broad range of expertise, namely  U.S. Army Medical Command’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) teaching, medical response, and special operations team – U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Assessment team during Gulf War 1(Operation Desert Storm) and U.S. Army’s Depleted Uranium Project director from 1994 – 1995. He developed the congressionally mandated education and training materials and wrote U.S. Army Regulation 700-48, the U.S. Army PAM 700-48, and the U.S. Army’s common task for DU incidents. Doug knows intimately how dangerous DU is when he himself became a victim to this terrible illness.

Let’s look at another expert in the training area who had direct links with the DOD and US Army. How can the respective DOD’s and Senior Military Officers play down the risk from DU when they themselves send in experts to carry out the training of combatants? U.S. Army Reserve Col. J. Wakayama. Col Wakayam  (Office of the Secretary of Defense – Director of Training –  Combat Support)  gave an official slide presentation at Fort Belvoir, Va. on the 20th of August 2002. In which he read out the dangers of exposure to DU. Here are some of those dangers that he highlighted: DU causes – Lung cancer, cell damage, targets the kidneys and bone,  the cultured human stem bone cell with DU also transformed the cells to become carcinogenic, urine samples containing uranium are mutagenic, DU can be deposited in the bone  causing DNA damage, long term respiratory effects such as lung fibrosis, immune deficiency, extra risk of leukaemia and other cancers. He put a great emphasis on the risks to children playing in the rubble/dust and also talked about the damage to the environment i.e. soil, water etc.

I will now provide extracts from the following publication:

Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective. Authors are Rita Hindin,1 Doug Brugge, 2 and Bindu Panikkar3

1- Biostatistics and Epidemiology Concentration, University of Massachusetts School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Amherst, MA, USA 01003

2Department of Public Health and Family Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA, USA 02111

3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts School of Engineering, 200 College Avenue, Anderson Hall, Medford, MA, USA 02155.

They first introduce DU as follows: “It has pyrophoric properties and may spontaneously ignite at room temperature in air, oxygen and water. These unique properties make it appealing for use in many civilian and military applications”. As we have already discussed its use covers almost every weapon in some form or another namely Bullets, Penetrators, Missile nose cones, Bomb and Shell shaped charged liners (SCL’s) or to act as a counterbalance. It must also be noted that DU also contains traces of Plutonium and other Isotopes. If one wishes to further extends the abuse of the nuclear waste industry we can add to that list Enriched Uranium (EU). Basically we are looking at dirty missiles, dirty bombs, dirty shells and dirty bullets that contain such components.

The report goes on to say that the quantity of aerosol production is relative to the hardness of the target and generally is around 10-35% and up to 70% when the DU catches fire (which in normally does). It also states that the initial fallout area is around 26 miles and as we have already discussed the aerosol has the capacity to travel vast distances. Once deposited on the ground the aerosols settle as partially oxidized DU dust. Potential contamination of ground water is another possibility – weathering could mobilize the metal into additional media.

On the health/medical side of DU the report states “Alpha radiation is only hazardous when internalized in the body, but once deposited in living tissue it releases its energy in a concentrated area causing greater damage than beta or gamma radiation” “large quantities of DU and/or radioactive decay products and other radioactive impurities can lead to substantial external exposure”.

Their evidence became even more compelling when it revealed that A DU tank found by the U.S Army radiological team emitted 260 – 270 millirads of radiation per hour compared to the safety limit of 100 millirads per year. A pile of jet-black dust registered a count of 9839 emissions in one minute, a level more than 300 times the average background level.

At this point we should also make it very clear that persons attending such contaminated locations are not protected by the conventional protective clothing, especially gasmasks as they only screen out larger particles. With DU aerosols we are talking about something the size of 0.1 microns. I think it was ironic that in many of the military briefs it quoted that in the event you did not have a gasmask one could use a tissue or other items of clothing to screen your inhalation of DU Dust!

The article warns: “Trends toward increased use of DU by industry and, more recently, in warfare suggest that there are large and growing numbers of exposed people worldwide, both at production sites and in areas where DU weapons are deployed. While there is no clear basis for estimating the number of people who have been breathing and ingesting food and water in areas contaminated with aerosolized DU particles, the ever-expanding exposure of humans and the environment to DU particles, several micrometer and smaller, mobile and inhalable, necessitates a sense of urgency to better understand this hazard”.

They further point out that” inhalation is the main route of human exposure both in combat and non-combat situations. Once inhaled, DU particles <5 μm can lodge deep in the lung in alveoli and can be transported by macrophages to the lymph tissues. Thereupon, live tissue immediately adjacent to (or exposed to these) imbedded particles experience infrequent but high LET alpha irradiation along with the potential for chemical toxicity. Because the micro-particles of DU are much larger than individual solubilized molecules, they can create “hot spots” of localized alpha radiation” “while insoluble forms generally takes months to years to be absorbed. DU is organotropic and has long-term retention in its target organs,  the kidney and the skeletal tissue. The biological retention capability of DU in bones enhances the particulate radiation to the target organs”

This report draws attention to “biodistribution studies detail DU accumulation in the bone, kidney, reproductive system, brain and lung with verified nephrotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, as well as reproductive and teratogenic alterations”.

For my part we can clearly see that evidence just keep stacking up against those authorities that continue to evade the issue of DU and continue to state it is safe!

In this same document it drew attention to research carried out as follows: Most of the past 15 years of published research on the topic comes from two groups, Domingo, and others working at the University of Barcelona in Spain and McClain, Benson, Miller, Pellmar and others affiliated with the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) in the United States. With at least 6 published studies on topic, Domingo et al. have demonstrated that both oral and subcutaneous administration of UO2++ to female mice engender decreased fertility, embryonic and fetal toxicity including reduced growth and malformations (cleft palate and skeletal defects) and developmental ossification variations. A Chinese study of reproductive toxicity of enriched uranium noted damage to genetic material, dominant lethality and skeletal abnormalities in fetal rats. Chromosome aberrations in spermatogonia, DNA alterations in spermatocytes and strand breakage in sperm were specifically notified. In vitro experiments documented extensive DNA damage when UO2++ was added to DNA in the presence of an electron donor. Since DNA is particularly dense in sperm-forming cells, such cells may be especially susceptible to UO2++-derived damage. In sum, aerosolized DU is a vehicle for internal delivery of a DNA-tropic substance that is both a heavy metal and an alpha particle emitter.

The victims of Depleted Uranium

This report fits into the category as an internationally recognised journal and is substantiated in the fact that it is published on the US Government Webpage.

The report puts a strong emphasis on the experience drawn up in Iraq with particular reference to Basra who bore the brunt of DU weaponry. That must also be said for Baghdad who suffered the deluge of “Shock and Haw”. The birth defects in Iraq is beyond imagination and given the half shelf life of DU (4.5 billion years) this problem will not go away….it will be passed down from generation to generation and that is why the authorities will not admit to this gross crime against humankind. The genetics of the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza and Pakistan is at risk and obviously because these aerosols do not respect international borders the problem is fast become a global issue, as statistics are now showing. In the case of Lebanon and Gaza the term what goes around comes around resulted in cross border contamination of Israel (Israelis killing Israelis).

Finally to bring us up to the current time the following report brings even more damaging news regarding DU’s capability:

 Uranium travels nerves from nose to brain. (Environmental Health News dated 31st July 2009)  Tournier, BB, S Frelon, E Tourlonias, L Agez, O Delissen, I Dublineau, F Paquet, and F Petitot. 2009. Role of the olfactory receptor neurons in the direct transport of inhaled uranium to the rat brain. Toxicology Letters doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2009.05.022.

Synopsis by Paul Eubig, DVM:

The report states radioactive uranium that is inhaled by soldiers on the battlefield and by workers in factories may bypass the brain’s protective barrier by following nerves from the nose directly to the brain. Nerves can act as a unique conduit, carrying inhaled uranium from the nose directly to the brain, finds a study with rats. Once in the brain, the uranium may affect task and decision-related types of thinking.

This study provides yet another example of how some substances can use the olfactory system – bypassing the brain’s protective blood barrier – to go directly to the brain. Titanium nanoparticles and the metals manganese, nickel, and thallium have been shown to reach the brain using the same route. Military personnel and people who work in uranium processing plants are exposed to the weak radioactive element via wounds or by breathing. Exposure may affect brain function; cognitive skills are lowered in soldiers who carry uranium-laced shrapnel.

 The researchers – taking advantage of the fact that uranium can exist in different forms, or isotopes – used rats to compare how the element travels through the body if it is inhaled or injected into the blood. The animals breathed in one isotope at levels similar to those encountered on a battlefield where depleted uranium weapons are used. They were also injected with a different isotope. Researchers compared the levels of the two isotopes indifferent regions of the brain. The inhaled isotope accumulated at 2 to 3 times higher levels than the injected isotope in the olfactory (smell) paths from the nose to the brain and in the frontal cortex and hypothalamus of the brain. This is concerning because the front part of the brain controls executive function, which is the broad ability to gather information, make decisions and initiate action.

The scientists then chemically damaged the olfactory nerves in the nose. The rats with the damaged nerves had three times less uranium in the olfactory system than the rats with intact olfactory nerves. These finding suggests that inhaled uranium can travel directly from the nose along the olfactory nerves to the front of the brain. The olfactory pathway, then, plays an important role in inhaled uranium reaching the brain.

It is not known from this study if soldiers and civilian workers that breathe uranium could be at an even higher risk for cognitive effects or if inhaled uranium may affect brain function in similar ways as when it is carried through the blood. The scientists then chemically damaged the olfactory nerves in the nose. The rats with the damaged nerves had three times less uranium in the olfactory system than the rats with intact olfactory nerves. These finding suggests that inhaled uranium can travel directly from the nose along the olfactory nerves to the front of the brain. The olfactory pathway, then, plays an important role in inhaled uranium reaching the brain. It is not known from this study if soldiers and civilian workers that breathe uranium could be at an even higher risk for cognitive effects or if inhaled uranium may affect brain function in similar ways as when it is carried through the blood.

What I find most disturbing is the fact that the US, UK, NATO and Israel are still using these weapons on a daily basis, not only in action but also in training exercises and on firing ranges around the globe. Finally we have both the US and Israel contemplating an attack on the nuclear facilities in Iran. Do they fully understand the implications? Do they fully understand that to use uranium based weapons on a nuclear facility will have catastrophic effects on the entire Middle East and the world?

I will now list some current War Criminals in addition to the leaders I have shown above but in doing so it falls short of the final list which must include all Foreign Ministers and Ministers of Defence all of whom have been in office since the start of the war in the Balkans……these current figures certainly head the list as they all know what they are doing currently in Libya and today they will all meet to plan their next satanic move on a country they will soon rape of all its natural resources……such is the greed that exists in their “Geo Political Mind”……….so here are the next line up of “Scumbags”.


Two more war criminals

Can one ever imagine that the US-UK-France will alone decide on the fate of Libya (outside of the UN remit) and then decide on how they will run Libya once that have forced their “Long Planned Regime Change”…….yes folks you have seen this in Iraq and Afghanistan and now you are going to see it again in Libya………can one ever accept that the US as so far re written the constitution of Iraq and Afghanistan and where next?

So all you greedy evil members of the “New World Order”…..just remember we are on to you and one day you will be punished for your war crimes.

“William do they really have so much oil in Libya? Get those Apache helicopters in quick” 

Last but not least last just remember that the British Government under the control of that other “Scumbag” Tony Blair did many deals with Ghadaffi regarding BP oil contracts in Libya and the “Lockerbie Bomber”…….which was in my opinion yet another false flag operation as was 9/11 and 7/7……..such is the nature of the sick world we live in!!

If I could name anyone that heads the list of war criminals it would have to be Tony Blair.


Tony Blair the ulitimate War Criminal and Master Fraudster

The US war criminal line up

Before closing I would just like Hilary Clinton to know that her days are numbered and like all good old mares they need to be put her out to pasture or in prison for war crimes!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 27/5/2011      http://www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Written by Peter Eyre

May 31, 2011 at 19:38

Was the RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 4

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What really happened that terrible day in June 1994?

Were all the passenger and crew assassinated?

Chinook ZD576

The wreckage of RAF Chinook ZD 576 in which 29 people died

Memorial to Passenger and Crew






Asst Chief Constable: BRIAN FITZSIMONS.

Det Chief Superintendant: DESMOND CONROY.

Det Chief Superintendant: MAURICE NEILLY.

Det Superintendant: PHILLIP DAVIDSON.

Det Superintendant: ROBERT FOSTER.

Det Superintendant: BILLY GWILLIAM.

Det Superintendant: IAN PHOENIX .

Det Chief Inspector: DENIS BUNTING.


Det Inspector: KEVIN MAGEE.

Home Office CB-57: JOHN DEVERILL.















Before going into the latest findings lets just recap on events reported in Part 3 which resulted in Gordon Bowden and I going to the Derby Police to report possible multiple murders/assassinations.

This is the timeline:

Thursday the 19th of May 2011 I received a communication via my web page that deeply upset me but at the same time confirmed what I had been told by Ms Tara Andrea Davison some months ago that the crash of Chinook ZD576 was an inside job.

That communication was as follows:

 01 – Name = AB
02 – Email Address = Hidden to protect the informant

03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad. 

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds. 

Friday the 20thof May 2011 I received further communication and eventually got in touch with the person concerned for a full brief. Part of his email read as follows: 

“We can authenticate this by either obtaining the coroners report, or getting a statement from the women coroner. The problem with this is that her life could be in danger. These are very very serious issues and allegations Peter. As with everything compartmentalisation is at play here. The coroner just did her job, it wouldn’t occur to her that this was an execution. We don’t do these things in Britain do we? Remember she was a woman, I do think that’s significant. She would be thinking Army – Northern Ireland – guns – helicopters- and so these things are quite normal to her.” He again confirmed the following:

It was reported to me that the Coroner said “they all had gunshot wounds to the head”

I spent most of Friday going over everything and just putting my own mind at rest that this could be the true reason behind this terrible event. Later I again spoke with Gordon Bowden and we both decided that we would go to the police tomorrow Saturday 21st May 2011 to open up our previous file with this additional input (Incident No 620 07/10/2010).

Saturday 21st May 2011 we went to the Derby Police HQ at St Mary’s Wharf, Derby and eventually got to speak to a civilian who deals with front desk enquiries. He advised that no police officers were available to deal with this report. I explained that this information is vital as it now involves the possible murder of 29 people who died in the Chinook crash at the Mull of Kintyre and that a new inquiry is now underway.

The gentleman explained that no one was available as it was the weekend and suggested we come back on Monday to speak with Special Branch… We both insisted that this information be logged and forced him to issue a  receipt.

 Monday the 22nd May 2011 we went down to the Police HQ and asked for the detective concerned who just so happened to be at a meeting and the civil operative at the counter asked us to go home and await a call from him.  Gordon and I insisted that someone should see us and that we would wait considering the nature of the information (possible murder). After one hour we again complained and eventually two detectives agreed to see us. Their initial mannerism was rather abrupt and to some degree sarcastic. We both went through the entire case and they told us that we must pass this on to the review committee who are dealing with the second inquiry and that our case is now closed as it was handed over to the MoD.

I explained that this was not the case because the police are now very much involved, if this information is correct, as it involves the murder of 29 people. I insisted that they log this information under the existing incident number and then I will file my report to the inquiry board. I also explained that we are filing this for our own safety….they appeared to be rather amused about our comment.

 Later that day, armed with the information I had given to the police, I emailed the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and sent them all the communications I had exchange with my informant and the details I had given the police…..the communication was marked for the attention of:

Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Tuesday the 22nd May 2011 I eventually got acknowledgement from Mr Alex Passa for and on behalf of the above committee.

Since this time I have been making contact with various people including the father of Flt Lt Tapper,  Mr.Mike Tapper.

I found it very difficult and moving to talk to him and suggested that we could meet up……unfortunately we live some considerable distance apart and that was not possible. However, he did say to me that it was ok to discuss anything with him as it all happened a long time ago and he has now got over it.

We both talked our way through the accident and eventually I discussed my findings. He explained to me that he knows Alex Passa very well and that he would talk with him and get back to me……I explained that I had submitted two reports to date.

Later he left a message on my answer phone to say He didn’t want to be further involved in this and that he will leave it in the hands of Alex Passa. I returned the call as I felt rather bad and he again repeated that he had spoken with Alex and that he was content that I should deal with him.

On Saturday 28th May 2011, I spent much time going over many aspects of the crash and gathering more information based on the information I had previously received and to now look at this tragedy from a totally different perspective. As the day unfolding some remarkable information came to light that again revealed that this was truly a cover up with false statements being made by a Northern Ireland politician and some other strange events both within Northern Ireland’s Airspace, Scottish Airspace and at the scene of the accident.

First I would like to make note of the following exchange that took place between William Ross, former East Londonderry MP, and Mr. John Speller, MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence who put down a series of questions in 2001 as follows.


15 Feb 2001 : Column: 191W

Written Answers to Questions

Thursday 15 February 2001

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many Chinook helicopters were flown (a) into and (b) out of Northern Ireland on 2 June 1994; and what their flight times and routes were. [150410]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: No Chinook helicopters flew into Northern Ireland on 2 June 1994. One flew out, that being Chinook ZD 576 which left RAF Aldergrove at 17.42 hours, en route to Fort George.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence for how long tasking records of helicopter flights are normally retained; in what form they are stored; how long they are retained in the case of an accident; and if the tasking records of the last flight of helicopter ZD 576 have been retained. [150409]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: Tasking forms recording helicopter flights in Northern Ireland are retained for six years. However in the case of an accident the relevant tasking record for the day it occurred will normally be held as part of the Board of Inquiry papers, for as long as it is necessary to retain the latter. The 2 June 1994 tasking record for Chinook ZD 576 is still retained with the RAF Board of Inquiry report.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many and which Chinook helicopters were stationed in Northern Ireland in the months of May and June 1994; and from which bases they operated. [150403]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: At that time two Chinook helicopters were detached to Northern Ireland. In May 1994 these were Mk1s until 15 Feb 2001 : Column: 195W

31 May when ZD 576, the first Chinook Mk2 to operate in Northern Ireland, was delivered to RAF Aldergrove, and one of the Mk1s was flown back to RAF Odiham. All the Chinook aircraft in Northern Ireland operate out of RAF Aldergrove and return there at the end of the day’s tasking.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when it was decided, and by whom, that Chinook helicopter ZD 576 would be used on the flight on which it crashed on 2 June 1994. [150411]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: The flight was tasked by the Joint Air Tasking Operations Centre (JATOC) in Northern Ireland on 1 June 1994.

I would now like to place an emphasis on the response by Mr Spellar that said no Chinooks flew into Northern Ireland on the 2nd of June 1994 and only one left which was Chinook ZDS576 which departed at 1742 local time to its first position report (Waypoint A off the Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse).

This statemeent is grossly incorrect based on the following fact that another unidentified Chinook (believed to be American) appeared to come from the Aldergrove direction and flew out to sea just before the departure of ZD576…….one can only assume that this was based temporarily at RAF Machrihanish.

One the 1st of June 1994 Chinook ZD576 was flown by Lt(RN) Kingston and upon return later that afternoon Lt(RN) Kinston discussed the following day’s tasking with Lt Lt Tapper. That tasking involved the movement of troops within Northern Ireland for which 6.5 hours had been allocated and the final task being the passenger flight from RAF Aldergrove to Fort George  and return to which 3 hours had been allocated. Fl Lt Tapper elected to carry out all of this tasking using his own crew and consequently carried out flight planning for the Inverness flight during the evening of the 1st of June 1994. Both Fl Lt Tapper was seen preparing maps for the following day. MALM Forbes who was in another accommodation was also seen preparing maps for the next day. This aspect clearly shows the professionalism of both aircrew in preparing for the next days tasking. 

The day of the tasking (2nd of June 1994) Fl Lt Tapper conducted a sortie brief with his crew. Weather data was received with Machrihanish (situated just north of their first waypoint A)  being borderline. The appropriate 230 Squadron Duty Officer was not available for the brief as he was at another brief involving a Puma formation and so Fl Lt Tapper left photocopies of his maps with the Duty Officers Assistant.

The passenger for this aircraft were processed through RAF Aldergrove Air Movement Section and received a safety briefing by two RAF staff (FS Holmes and Sgt Coles) who happened to be the crewmen belonging to Lt(RN) Kingston. The passenger were provided with appropriate safety equipment but their baggage was no xrayed.

Fl Lt Tapper and crew were driven to Chinook ZD576 at approximately 1700 hours where they conducted a normal aircraft start and reposition the Chinook to the Air Movements Dispersal. At 1720 the passengers were boarded and their baggage was secured along the centre of the cabin floor. The Chinook, callsign F4J40, took off at 1742 hours and departed on track 027 (M) …comms was established on HF with 81SU (Strike Command) at 1746 and asked for a listening watch to be maintained.

The aircraft requested to leave the the Aldergrove Approach Radar frequency just before  the Control Zone Boundary and concluded its ATC service with Belfast International Airport at 1747. The aircraft was not observed on radar after that time.

The aircraft was observed by several witnesses low level over the Antrim Hills heading toward the coastal point of Carnlough. At 1755  Scottish Military received a single call on their contact frequency and this call was not answered. After further investigation by myself the actual broadcast read as follows: “Scottish Military, good afternoon this is F4J40”

This is typical of calls made when entering another zone………it would have been answered by an acknowledgement and followed by any further instructions from ATC….however it was not answered and one can only assume that the crew would have called again to establish communications as it was getting close to there position report (Waypoint A) …what is extremely strange is that from this moment on their was a time lapse of approximately 4.5 minutes prior to impact and no further calls were made even though the report says that the helicopter was operating normally and was under full control. This information is critical in the investigation because this crew would have kept trying to contact Scottish Military as they were now flying in their zone with no communications to the controlling authority…….Fl Lt Tapper would have kept making calls and in the event that communications were not established he would have gone back to Northern Ireland Control (his last controlling authority) to advise them that he has no comms with Scottish Military and they would then have told him to remain on this frequency whilst they check it out. A call to Scottish would then have been made to determine the problem etc.

Lets just recall the questions and answers time between Mr William Ross and Mr Spellar when Mr Spellar said there was only one outbound movement of a Chinook that day ie no Chinnoks came in and only one left which was the one that left for Scotland ZD576.

So I would now like to point out another mistake in this inquiry and that is the fact that a second Chinock was observed flying from the direction of Aldergrove heading up towards Portrush by another reliable witness and also some witnesses in Bushmills (further to the east) heard the Chinook but did not see it.

Here is an account of that witness:

“My late parents and I were driving east from Coleraine towards Bushmills about 30 minutes before the crash. It had been a very wet afternoon and the sky was still very dark for the time of day. A Chinook with a [three colour] patchwork quilt style camouflage flew across our path just after we reached the top of Kilgrain hill. It was flying low in a northerly direction along the line of the Ballyversal road and by the time we reached the junction with that road the Chinook was just skimming the high ground to our left. There have been unconfirmed reports that the distinctive sound of a Chinook was heard over Bushmills.

No one has been able, so far, to explain the ownership of this Chinook or its role that day. I checked out the camouflage with someone who worked in the paintshop at RAF Odiham and he explained that this style of camouflage would most likely have been used by a special operations Chinook.” he did go on to say that the sun was breaking through the cloud to the west and was on the side of the Chinook and that he was not sure if it was RAF or American as he was aware of US Navy seals operating from  RAF Machrihanish around that time. You may recall that one of the witnesses who was sailing offshore the Mull of Kintyre also passed comment about the sun breaking through the cloud and he could see the reflection on the glass cockpit as it approached……..obviously this was ZD576.

To give strength to this story I will also print the following from another report which clearly indicates another radar contact was made that remained unidentified:

There is taped data from a Scottish air traffic control room that shows an unidentified target nearing the Mull of Kintyre at precisely the same time as the disaster. And finally, we have been told by RAF sources that a United States Air Force team reached the crash site prior to any UK rescue unit and sifted through the wreckage. What were they looking for? 

Someone in Northern Ireland also confirmed the same story in that when RAF staff arrived at the scene  there were other people sifting through the wreckage. One of the RAF crew approached them and asked what they were doing…….the reply came back in a strong American accent “We are looking for something that belongs to us.”

This was also confirmed by two senior RAF officers at a base in Lincolnshire, one a senior communications officer, have confirmed that Americans were at the scene of the crash first. When the British servicemen asked them to explain themselves, they were told: “We are looking for something that belongs to us.”

So to recap my main questions/concerns that have not be covered by the past inquiry and is vital in the current reveiw are as follows:

Why did Mr. Spellar give a false reply to Mr William Ross regarding the outbound movements that day?

Why was this second Chinook not identified as being within the Northern Ireland Zone and later the Scottish Zone?

Why didn’t Scottish Military make this additional radar contact information available to the first inquiry and why hasn’t the current review team received this information?

Why didn’t the first inquiry board pick up the fact that almost 5 minutes had elapsed at a critical hand over point which meant that ZD576 was in a no comms situation? This would never happen in normal circumstances and Scottish would know their flight plan and Northern Ireland would have handed the Chinook over to them. Scottish would have called them to establish communications and likewise Fl Lt Tapper would have kept calling them. As the report said that the crew and aircraft were operating normally up until nearing Waypoint Alpha. It is also fact that  ZD576 had also established HF comms with the RAF Strike Command and requested a listening watch be maintained how come this additional back up frequency was not used by the crew………Could the crew have been incapacitated and did not make any calls at all?

Why was such a high profile flight undertaken without meticulous monitoring by the RAF and why was all the VIP allowed to travel on one helicopter?

I am led to believe that two RAF Puma Helicopters were requested and refused and that the crew were extremely apprehensive in having to  fly ZD576.

In closing this report I would be bold enough to state the possible events that took place that day:

Another Chinook (possibly US) with their own team onboard set out ahead of ZD576 and tracked up towards Portrush and then  over to the Mull of Kintyre to monitor the flight of ZD576 and the actual crash (as was reported a second radar return was observed at the same time).

This helicopter carried the team that would go through the wreckage immediately after the crash and ahead of the RAF team……the only way this could occur was that if the US team knew of the intended crash and were nearby ready to move in.  

This US team had no authority to enter the scene of a crash, especially when this involved an RAF aircraft with British crew and passengers. Air Crash Scenes become a sterile/secured area by the local police until such time as crash/emergency crews arrive and then after the investigation team takes over. Nothing is allowed to be taken from the scene prior to this and no other third parties are  allowed to enter. I would also like to put on record that baggage and personal belongings were also removed  which is also in violation of normal protocol.

I repeat again the statement made by the senior officer from Strathclyde Police who emphasised just after the crash that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was simply a very tragic accident …….this statement alone made me deeply suspicious that this was a total cover-up as he does not have the experience or capacity to make such a bold statement, especially before the investigation got underway.


Based on the statement made by ex Intel Operative Ms Tara Dacison in 2010 that this was an inside job and based on the report from the coroner that all crew and passengers died from gunshot wounds to the head (as per my two reports to Lord Philip) one can only surmise that the crew and passengers died at some time prior to the arrival at Waypoint Alpha and without course correction continued on into the hillside.

The presence of the second Chinook (US?) that tracked up to Portrush and then possible over to the Mull of Kintyre (as per Scottish second radar return) may have played a significant part in this tragic event…..especially when it was understood that collusion had possibly been taking place between the RUC and the Intelligence units with additional pressure from the US to expedite the peace talks etc….one can only guess. US Navy Seals were in situ at Machrihanish at the time and they are specialist at this type of work.

I repeat again that the only sure way of identifying the truth behind this crash is to bring Ms Tara Davison in for questioning (as per Mr. Gordon Bowden and my request to the police on two occasions) and secondly to obtain the original report from the lady who wrote that the cause of death was by gunshot wounds to the head. Obviously one would have to be rather naive to think that autopsy report are not falsified to comply with secret service activities. Finally the ultimate truth can only be gained by carrying out another autopsy on the victims concerned which would immediately reveal the true events of that day.

My latest evidence has been sent to the Review Board in Scotland as shown below:

Re accident Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994

Monday, 30 May, 2011 8:50

 From:”PETER EYRE”  

To:Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk,  Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk Cc:rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk


For the urgent attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board – The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Ladies and Gentlemen

After further investigation and contact with other third parties in both Northern Ireland and Scotland I now wish to add additional evidence to my previous communications sent to you on 27/10/2010 and more recently 23/5/2011 as follows:

On Saturday and Sunday 28/29 May 2011, I spent much time going over many aspects of the crash and gathering more information based on the information I had previously received and to now look at this tragedy from a totally different perspective. As the day unfolded some remarkable information came to light that appeared to support my previous two statements, to which you all have copies.

This was in relation to question time in the House of Commons being made by a Northern Ireland politician along with some other strange events both within Northern Ireland’s Airspace, Scottish Airspace and at the scene of the accident.

First I would like to make note of the following exchange that took place between William Ross, former East Londonderry MP, and Mr. John Speller, MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence who put down a series of questions in 2001 as follows.


15 Feb 2001 : Column: 191W     Written Answers to Questions   Thursday 15 February 2001

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many Chinook helicopters were flown (a) into and (b) out of Northern Ireland on 2 June 1994; and what their flight times and routes were. [150410]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: No Chinook helicopters flew into Northern Ireland on 2 June 1994. One flew out, that being Chinook ZD 576 which left RAF Aldergrove at 17.42 hours, en route to Fort George.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence for how long tasking records of helicopter flights are normally retained; in what form they are stored; how long they are retained in the case of an accident; and if the tasking records of the last flight of helicopter ZD 576 have been retained. [150409]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: Tasking forms recording helicopter flights in Northern Ireland are retained for six years. However in the case of an accident the relevant tasking record for the day it occurred will normally be held as part of the Board of Inquiry papers, for as long as it is necessary to retain the latter. The 2 June 1994 tasking record for Chinook ZD 576 is still retained with the RAF Board of Inquiry report.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many and which Chinook helicopters were stationed in Northern Ireland in the months of May and June 1994; and from which bases they operated. [150403]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: At that time two Chinook helicopters were detached to Northern Ireland. In May 1994 these were Mk1s until 15 Feb 2001  Column: 195W

31 May when ZD 576, the first Chinook Mk2 to operate in Northern Ireland, was delivered to RAF Aldergrove and one of the Mk1s was flown back to RAF Odiham. All the Chinook aircraft in Northern Ireland operate out of RAF Aldergrove and return there at the end of the day’s tasking.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when it was decided, and by whom, that Chinook helicopter ZD 576 would be used on the flight on which it crashed on 2 June 1994. [150411]

Mr. Spellar [holding answer 14 February 2001]: The flight was tasked by the Joint Air Tasking Operations Centre (JATOC) in Northern Ireland on 1 June 1994.

I would now like to place an emphasis on the response by Mr. Spellar who said 

“No Chinook helicopters flew into Northern Ireland on 2 June 1994. One flew out, that being Chinook ZD 576 which left RAF Aldergrove at 17.42 hours, en route to Fort George.”

This statement is grossly incorrect based on the following fact that another unidentified Chinook (believed to be American) appeared to come from the Aldergrove direction and flew out to sea just before the departure of ZD576…….one can only assume that this Chinook was based temporarily at RAF Machrihanish as according to the inquiry the other Chinook was out of service and thus no RAF Chinooks were left to operate that day except ZD576.

Before proceeding with more evidence I would just like to recap events leading up to the crash:

One the 1st of June 1994 Chinook ZD576 was flown by Lt(RN) Kingston and upon return later that afternoon Lt(RN) Kingston discussed the following day’s tasking with Fl Lt Tapper. 

That tasking involved the movement of troops within Northern Ireland for which 6.5 hours had been allocated and the final task being the passenger flight from RAF Aldergrove to Fort George and return to which 3 hours had been allocated. 

Fl Lt Tapper elected to carry out all of this tasking using his own crew and consequently carried out flight planning for the Inverness flight during the evening of the 1st of June 1994. Both Fl Lt Tapper was seen preparing maps for the following day. MALM Forbes who was in another accommodation was also seen preparing maps for the next day. This aspect clearly shows the professionalism of both aircrew in preparing for the next days tasking. 

The day of the tasking (2nd of June 1994) Fl Lt Tapper conducted a sortie brief with his crew. Weather data was received with Machrihanish (situated just north of their first Waypoint A) being borderline. The appropriate 230 Squadron Duty Officer was not available for the brief as he was at another brief involving a Puma formation and so Fl Lt Tapper left photocopies of his maps with the Duty Officers Assistant.

The passenger for this aircraft were processed through RAF Aldergrove Air Movement Section and received a safety briefing by two RAF staff (FS Holmes and Sgt Coles) who happened to be the crewmen belonging to Lt(RN) Kingston. The passengers were provided with appropriate safety equipment but their baggage was no x-rayed.

Fl Lt Tapper and crew were driven to Chinook ZD576 at approximately 1700 hours where they conducted a normal aircraft start up and repositioned the Chinook to the Air Movements Dispersal.

At 1720 the passengers were boarded and their baggage was secured along the centre of the cabin floor. The Chinook, call sign F4J40, took off at 1742 hours and departed on track 027 (M) …comms was established on HF with 81SU (Strike Command) at 1746 and asked for a listening watch to be maintained.

The aircraft requested to leave the Aldergrove Approach Radar frequency just before the Control Zone Boundary and concluded its ATC service with Belfast International Airport at 1747. The aircraft was not observed on radar after that time.

The aircraft was observed by several witnesses’ low level over the Antrim Hills heading toward the coastal point of Carnlough. At 1755 Scottish Military received a single call on their contact frequency and this call was not answered. After further investigation by myself the actual broadcast read as follows: “Scottish Military, good afternoon this is F4J40″

This is typical of calls made when entering another zone………it would have been answered by an acknowledgement and followed by further instructions from Scottish Military….however it was not answered and one can only assume that the crew would have kept calling again to establish communications as it was getting close to there position report (Waypoint A).

What is extremely strange is that from this moment on their was a time lapse of approximately 4.5 minutes prior to impact and no further calls were made, even though the report says that the helicopter was operating normally and was under full control. This information is critical in the investigation because this crew would have kept trying to contact Scottish Military as they were now flying in their zone with no communications established with the controlling authority.

Fl Lt Tapper would have kept making calls and in the event that communications were not established he would have switched his comms  back to Northern Ireland Control (his last controlling authority) to advise them that he has no comms with Scottish Military and they would then have told him to remain on this frequency whilst they check it out. A communication to Scottish Military would then have been made by Northern Ireland to determine the problem etc.

Let’s again recall the Parliamentary questions and answers time between Mr. William Ross and Mr. Spellar when Mr. Spellar said there was only one outbound movement of a Chinook that day i.e. no Chinooks came in and only one left which was the one that left for Scotland ZD576.

I would now like to point out another mistake in this inquiry and that is the fact that a second Chinook was observed flying from the direction of Aldergrove heading north towards the sea (Portrush direction) by another reliable witness and that it would appear other people in Bushmills (further to the east) heard the Chinook but did not see it.

Here is an account of that witness:

”My late parents and I were driving east from Coleraine towards Bushmills about 30 minutes before the crash. It had been a very wet afternoon and the sky was still very dark for the time of day. A Chinook with a [three colour] patchwork quilt style camouflage flew across our path just after we reached the top of Kilgrain hill. It was flying low in a northerly direction along the line of the Ballyversal road and by the time we reached the junction with that road the Chinook was just skimming the high ground to our left. There have been unconfirmed reports that the distinctive sound of a Chinook was heard over Bushmills.”

“No one has been able, so far, to explain the ownership of this Chinook or its role that day. I checked out the camouflage with someone who worked in the paint shop at RAF Odiham and he explained that this style of camouflage would most likely have been used by special operations Chinook.” 


This witness did go on to say that “The sun was breaking through the cloud to the west and was on the side of the Chinook and that he was not sure if it was RAF or American and that he was aware of US Navy seals operating from  RAF Machrihanish around that time.”

You may recall that one of the witnesses who was sailing offshore the Mull of Kintyre also passed comment about the sun breaking through the cloud and he could see the reflection on the glass cockpit as it approached……..obviously this was ZD576.

To give strength to this story I will also print the following from another report which clearly indicates another radar contact was made that remained unidentified:

There is taped data from a Scottish air traffic control room that shows an unidentified target nearing the Mull of Kintyre at precisely the same time as the disaster. And finally, we have been told by RAF sources that a United States Air Force team reached the crash site prior to any UK rescue unit and sifted through the wreckage. What were they looking for? 

Someone in Northern Ireland also confirmed the same story in that when RAF staff arrived at the scene there were other people sifting through the wreckage. One of the RAF crew approached them and asked what they were doing…….the reply came back in a strong American accent “We are looking for something that belongs to us.”

This was also confirmed by two senior RAF officers at a base in Lincolnshire, one a senior communications officer, have confirmed that Americans were at the scene of the crash first. When the British servicemen asked them to explain themselves, they were told: “We are looking for something that belongs to us.”

Why did Mr. Spellar give a false statement to Mr. William Ross regarding the outbound movements that day?

Why was this second Chinook not identified as being within the Northern Ireland Zone and later the Scottish Zone?

Why didn’t Scottish Military make this additional radar contact information available to the first inquiry and why hasn’t the current review team received this information?

Why didn’t the first inquiry board pick up the fact that almost 5 minutes had elapsed at a critical hand over point which meant that ZD576 was in a no comms situation? This would never happen in normal circumstances and Scottish would know their flight plan and Northern Ireland would have handed the Chinook over to them. Scottish would have called them to establish communications and likewise Fl Lt Tapper would have kept calling them. As the report said that the crew and aircraft were operating normally up until Waypoint Alpha. 

It is fact that  ZD576 had also established HF comms with the RAF Strike Command and requested a listening watch be maintained how come this additional back up frequency was not used by the crew………Could the crew have been incapacitated and did not make any calls at all?

Why was such a high profile flight undertaken without meticulous monitoring by the RAF and why were all the VIP allowed to travel on one helicopter?

I am led to believe that two RAF Puma Helicopters were requested and refused and that the crew were extremely apprehensive in having to fly ZD576.

In closing this report I would be bold enough to state the possible events that took place that day:

Another Chinook (possibly US) with their own team onboard set out ahead of ZD576 and tracked up towards Portrush and then  over to the Mull of Kintyre to monitor the flight of ZD576 and the actual crash (as was reported a second radar return was observed at the same time).

This helicopter carried the team that would go through the wreckage immediately after the crash and ahead of the RAF team……the only way this could occur was that if the US team knew of the intended crash and were nearby ready to move in.  

This US team had no authority to enter the scene of a crash, especially when this involved an RAF aircraft with British crew and passengers. Air Crash Scenes become a sterile/secured area by the local police until such time as crash/emergency crews arrive and then after the investigation team takes over. Nothing is allowed to be taken from the scene prior to this and no other third parties are allowed to enter. I would also like to put on record that baggage and personal belongings were also removed which is also in violation of normal protocol.

I repeat again the statement made by the senior officer from Strathclyde Police who emphasized just after the crash that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was simply a very tragic accident …….this statement alone made me deeply suspicious that this was a total cover-up as he did not have the authority, experience or capacity to make such a bold statement, especially before the investigation got underway.


Based on the statement made by ex Intel Operative Ms Tara Davison in 2010 that this was an inside job and based on the report from the coroner that all crew and passengers died from gunshot wounds to the head (as per my two reports to the Review Panel) one can only surmise that the crew and passengers died at some time prior to the arrival at Waypoint Alpha and without course correction continued on into the hillside.

The presence of the second Chinook (US?) that tracked up to Portrush and then possible over to the Mull of Kintyre (as per Scottish second radar return) may have played a significant part in this tragic event…..especially when it was understood in Northern Ireland at the time that collusion had possibly been taking place between the RUC and the Intelligence units with additional pressure from the US to expedite the peace talks etc….one can only guess. US Navy Seals were in situ at RAF Machrihanish at the time and they are specialist at this type of work.

 I repeat again that the only sure way of identifying the truth behind this crash is to bring Ms Tara Davison in for questioning (as per Mr. Gordon Bowden and my request to the police on two occasions) and secondly to obtain the original report from the lady coroner who wrote that the cause of death was by gunshot wounds to the head. Obviously one would have to be rather naive to think that autopsy reports are not falsified to comply with secret service activities

Finally the ultimate truth can only be gained by carrying out another autopsy on the victims concerned which would immediately reveal the true events of that day.

This email has been recorded, duplicated and distributed to many sources (including the media) both here in the UK and overseas for the safety of all those involved in this on going investigation.

Would you please acknowledge receipt of this evidence upon returning to work on Tuesday?

 Kind Regards

 Peter Eyre


Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline/Helicopter) – Search and Rescue Coordinator (helicopters) 


I have received an automated response as follows:

RE: Re accident Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994

Monday, 30 May, 2011 8:50



“Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk” <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>



Peter Eyre

 Thank you for your email.

I am out of the office  and will respond on my return. If your message is urgent please contact Ada Munns on  0131 244 9003 Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk.

Alex Passa
Secretary to the Mull of Kintyre Review


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 29/5/2011    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com 

Was the RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 3

with 2 comments

What really happened that terrible day in June 1994?

Were all the passenger and crew assassinated?

Chinook ZD576

The wreckage of RAF Chinook ZD 576 in which 29 people died

Memorial to Passenger and Crew






Asst Chief Constable: BRIAN FITZSIMONS.

Det Chief Superintendant: DESMOND CONROY.

Det Chief Superintendant: MAURICE NEILLY.

Det Superintendant: PHILLIP DAVIDSON.

Det Superintendant: ROBERT FOSTER.

Det Superintendant: BILLY GWILLIAM.

Det Superintendant: IAN PHOENIX .

Det Chief Inspector: DENIS BUNTING.


Det Inspector: KEVIN MAGEE.

Home Office CB-57: JOHN DEVERILL.















Since writing Part 2 of this series dramatic events have now taken place resulting in another visit to the local Derby Police HQ at St Mary’s Wharf, Derby.

On Thursday the 19th of May 2011 I received a communication via my web page that deeply upset me but at the same time confirmed what I had been told by Ms Tara Andrea Davison some months ago that the crash of Chinook ZD576 was an inside job.

That communication was as follows:

 01 – Name = AB
02 – Email Address = Hidden to protect the informant

03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad. 

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds. 

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 

As you can imagine I really was not prepared for this message after such a long time but then called my friend Gordon Bowden who is ex Royal Air Force and discussed its contents and told him that I would attempt to get more information before we decided what to do.

I then sent a brief message back to the informant in order to gain a more in depth understanding and also to authenticate its contents.

On Friday the 20th of May 2011 I received further communication and eventually got in touch with the person concerned for a full brief which you can read below.

I spent most of Friday going over everything and just putting my own mind at rest that this could be the true reason behind this terrible event. Later I again spoke with Gordon Bowden and we both decided that we would go to the police tomorrow Saturday 21st May 2011 to open up our previous file with this additional input (Incident No 620 07/10/2010).

The following day (Saturday 21st May 2011) we went to the Derby Police HQ at St Mary’s Wharf, Derby and eventually got to speak to a civilian who deals with front desk enquiries.

This exercise became extremely frustrating as we had to start from the beginning and it would appear that no police officers were available to deal with this report. I explained that this information is vital as it now involves the possible murder of 29 people who died in the Chinook crash at the Mull of Kintyre. I further explained that before DC Ahmed dealt with this case and handed it over to the MoD for further investigation (which I was not happy about as it was the MoD/RAF who had covered up the investigation in the first case).

The gentleman explained that no one was available as it was the weekend and suggested we come back on Monday to speak with Special Branch……we explained that we need this information to be logged for our own safety……reluctantly he accepted our information to which we received a receipt.

On Monday the 22nd May 2011 we went down to the Police HQ and asked for the detective concerned who just so happened to be at a meeting and the civil operative at the counter asked us to go home and await a call from him.

By this time Gordon and I was feeling a little put off by the police, especially considering the nature of the information (possible murder) and said that we need to see someone ASAP to have the information recorded for our own safety and we insisted that we would wait there until someone would be available.

After over one hour we still had no feedback so Gordon and I discussed lodging a complaint to the IPCC. I then went to the desk again and said what we intended doing but first I would like to speak with a senior police officer to lodge a complaint.

Eventually two detectives agreed to see us but I must say their initial mannerism was rather abrupt and to some degree sarcastic. We both went through the entire case and they told us that we must pass this on to the review committee who are dealing with the second inquiry and that our case is now closed as it was handed over to the MoD.

I explained that this was not the case because the police are now very much involved, if this information is correct, as it involves the murder of 29 people. After some considerable time I told them I know about the review committee and do intend reporting this to them but first I need to lodge it with the local police.

Reluctantly they agreed to take the evidence and enter it in the file but then the file would be closed……I was somewhat shocked at their total approach to this case.

Later that day, armed with the information I had given to the police, I emailed the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and sent them all the communications I had exchange with my informant and the details I had given the police……unfortunately is was 1716 Local Time and realised they had gone home.

On Tuesday the 22nd May 2011 I eventually got acknowledgement from Mr Passa for and on behalf of the above committee.

Below are the communications that were sent to Mr Passa at the Mull of Kintyre Review since my initial report and also the information and events since last Thursday night:

Please note some information has been removed to protect the persons concerned

 Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2

Monday, 23 May, 2011 17:16


To Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk, Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk


Cc rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com

Message contains attachments

2 Files (159KB) | Download All

For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board

The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Ladies and Gentlemen

You will recall my submission sent to you regarding the accident of  Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994 and the information that I had received by telephone from an ex government Intel Operative Ms Tara Andrea Davison (the contents of the telephone call were noted by the Derby Police HQ, St Mary’s Wharf, Derby under incident number 620 dated 07/10/2010).

In this report I highlighted the following:

  • Why wasn’t the possibility of inside or outside sabotage or external control of the aircraft looked at more deeply? This had been discussed at other aircraft accidents but did not play a significant part in this inquiry. The status and importance of the passengers onboard would have certainly made this a distinct possibility.

In regard to the latter i.e. that of sabotage; I have myself received vital information, from a very senior ex intelligence officer, that this was an inside job. It was during a very lengthy conversation on the 4th of August 2010 that this person disclosed that the Chinook was not an accident but one that had been planned from the office where the intelligence officer had previously worked (this person was not involved)..
You will also recall as per my communications below that I said the following:
Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.
I also passed comment about the TV interview carried out by the Strathclyde Police on the night in question when they gave a strong emphasis that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was clearly a terrible tragic accident etc.
My response to your team was that the Strathclyde Police had no jurisdiction or authority to make such a comment as this was clearly not a police matter and should have been left the  aviation experts that were called in to investigate the crash and the circumstances leading up to it.
I have now received a very important communication from a person who at this stage wishes to remain anonymous that strengthens the first report that I received from the Intel Operative i.e. that this was an inside job.

Below is the wording of that communication as it was received:

Time of receipt – Thursday 19th May at 1952 Local Time

To Peter Eyre

01 – Name = ABt
02 – Email Address = f
03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad.

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds.

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 
I responded to this by sending the following:
Sent Thursday 19th of May at 2043 Local time
From Peter Eyre 
To F 

It is rather strange because this morning I was actually thinking about that….the fact that some could have survived and they would have had to do this……..how can you authenticate this….how did you know the coroners report or have access to it…..I presume you are in Scotland and how come this has now been let our the bag before……I know it was an intended crash and I know that the navy seals are also on the island with some very secret testing facility etc……..please feed more to me if you can



The following was F………. response

Received Friday 20/5/2010 at 1208 Local Time

From F

To Peter Eyre
Good Morning Peter,

It’s the old story… It’s like trying to drown the rubber duck in the bath and eventually you get fed up and it pop’s up to the surface…truth always comes to the surface.

The whole incident just doesn’t add up. Flying top brass from Belfast to Fort George or Inverness for a meeting is strange. Why Inverness ? Fort George is the barracks for the Black Watch. The military must have secure locating in Northern Ireland , so why Inverness . If they wanted too meet on the UK mainland why not Blackpool or Prestwick London for that matter. It’s ridiculous going to Fort George .

The mode of transport is also suspect. Chinook is a very capable aircraft but it’s slow and noisy. It would have been cold down the back. Why were these senior people being headed into a cattle truck, when they could have flown BA to London ? Or BA to Edinburgh ? The HQ for the army in Scotland is two minutes from Edinburgh Airport , it must be secure, no Fort George was the destination so that they had to fly over the Mull of Kintyre.

The weather was VFR. The RAF wouldn’t operate to these regulations but the Met man does and so this gives us an indication of the weather.

VFR Flight Rules.

Below FL 100

5 km flight visibility, 1500m horizontally from cloud, 1000ft vertically from cloud

At or below 3000ft

For fixed wing aircraft operating at 140kt or less 5 km flight visibility Clear of cloud and in sight of surface

For helicopter Clear of cloud and in sight of surface.

Any pilot regardless of his training always keeps and eye on high ground, cloud and his position with both. To suggest as the media do that they flew into terrain is stretching it a bit.

 We can authenticate this by either obtaining the coroners report, or getting a statement from the women coroner. The problem with this is that her life could be in danger. These are very very serious issues and allegations Peter.

As with everything compartmentalisation is at play here. The coroner just did her job, it wouldn’t occur to her that this was an execution. We don’t do these things in Britain do we? Remember she was a woman, I do think that’s significant. She would be thinking Army – Northern Ireland – guns – helicopters- and so these things are quite normal to her.

The Mull of Kintyre is the perfect place for this its very remote even at the best of times. It’s interesting you say Navy Seals were in the area. I was thinking this as well. I think they were executed in the air, and the assassins parachuted out the back into the sea, and then picked up by your seals. The aircraft then flew into the hillside. I don’t think it’s possible to survive an air crash like that.

It was reported to me that the Coroner said “they all had gunshot wounds to the head”

An enquiry led by Lord Philip is taking place in Edinburgh . Three privy councilors Malcolm Bruce MP, Lord Forsyth and Baroness Liddell will make sure that we talk about FADEC and computer errors. This means the pilots can be pardoned and it’s all blamed on the humble microchip.
This was F reply:
 From F 
To Peter Eyre

Received Friday 20th May at 1539 Local Time.

Indeed Peter,

This is quite interesting. You say you have submitted a report to Lord Phillip, so I assume that would be on the basis of the information Tara provided. One has to wonder what they were doing wrong that they all deserved to die.

Do you think this is MI5?

They don’t want people like you and I looking under the carpet! They blamed the pilots.


I then responded to F with the following and also attached my report and receipt to the Review Board as follows:
Sent on Friday 20.5.2011 at 1605 Local Time

To F
From Peter Eyre

Hello F

I have attached my own investigation/summary of events based on the information I had at the time and naturally added that an Intel Operative had given me inside information…..I made sure it was delivered by hand to EDI for the attention of Lord Phillip and the board….I also insisted in obtaining a receipt.

I also later sent them a letter insisting that the person who gave me th information be pulled in for an interview without delay

I will give you a bell…….



I then spoke with F for some considerable time who against voiced his concerns for the safety of the person who examined the bodies…….in this regard, for that persons protection we will obtain details for our own files on this review.

All communications are thus duplicated and distributed to other third parties within the UK and overseas for our own protection.

Certain Political figures have also been notified and media outlets in the event of persons coming to harm.

Regarding the first report to you with the information received from the Intel Operative…..this information was recorded by the Derby Police as per the above reference number of 620 07/10/2010 and was eventually passed onto the MoD as they considered this not to be a police matter.

However, Now that there are indications that the cause of death may be other than from what one could expect in an air accident this has now become a police matter.

Both myself and Mr Gordon Bowden attended the Police at Derby St Mary’s Wharf HQ on both Saturday and again today. After some delay we insisted that we be interviewed to have this statement put on record owing to the nature of the information and as added protection for Gordon and I.

We were interviewed by DS Burns 1884 and DC Palmer-Coole 457

Interviewed commenced at 1145 and finished at 1335.

Both the above advised us that this information should be passed onto the review board which I told them I was doing anyway, but insisted that the Police record this communication to add to the police file that we started back in October 2010.

They both told us that the file had been closed however; we both insisted that it be opened again and this information be entered as it could, if correct, now possible become a multiple murder inquiry.

They agreed to receive the information and record it and that we pass it to you for your attention ASAP. 

in view of the nature of this information and its connection to the previous report from Ms Tara Andrea Davison, I am sure you would agree that there is serious cause for concern.

Please find attached my original report and your receipt.

May I now request that you both acknowledge receipt of this email by return email.

Your Sincerely

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – SAR Coordinator.  

— On Tue, 19/4/11, Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board
From: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: peter.eyre
Cc: Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Tuesday, 19 April, 2011, 9:21
Dear Mr Eyre,

Thank you for your email of 18 April 2011.

As Secretary to the Review I am responding on behalf of Lord Philip and his panel.

As you will no doubt be aware, the Mull of Kintyre Review’s stated policy is that any material or comment provided is done so in strict confidence. The Review will not comment on, or release any material prior to the Review’s publication. It would be wholly inappropriate to enter into any correspondence regarding any line of inquiry the Review is taking or with whom the panel has spoken.


Alex Passa

Secretary to the Mull of Kintyre Review

1 Melville Crescent

Edinburgh, EH3 7HW


Sent: 18 April 2011 17:05
To: enquires@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk; Munns A (Ada)
Subject: Fw: Chinook Part 2


The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Good Afternoon 

Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email when convenient

 Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator(Helicopters)

 I would just like to point out to all those that were in power at the time of this tragedy and the positions they held.

John Major –  Ex Prime Minister

Michael Heseltine – Ex President of the Board of Trade

Malcolm Rifkind – Secretary of State for Defence

Gordon Bowden then decided to send a copy of my communication to the usual bunch of politicians that simply do nothing……..can you believe that right across the board they have ignored all the major serious fraud (amounting to billions of pounds), ignored out report on the Chinook, ignored our concerns regarding the continuous use of depleted uranium in Libya and ignored our information regarding the three nuclear bombs that were lost in Oman.

So I ask the question why are these people in power if they cannot safeguard our country or act on our behalf?

Below is the communication that was sent by Gordon and I can assure you that he will not even get an acknowledgement!!!

From: gordon bowden
To: scotlandp@parliament.uk
Cc: john.healey.mp@parliament.uk; chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; beckettm@parliament.uk; info@davidcameron.com; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk; info@libdems.org.uk; feedback@peterlilley.co.uk; reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: Tue, 24 May, 2011 10:59:40
Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2
Dear Baroness Scotland

Under your Public Service remit, in the Public Interest, I forward you additional information that must be examined for authenticity by yourself and Senior Labour Party leadership, this in regard to the Political and criminal implications of the contents of the Forward e-mail communications to the new review board of the Mull of Kintyre fatal military Chinook crash . ZD 576 on the 2/6/1994 contained in the forwarded attached list of sequential e-mail communications below.

The additional information was provided by a protected source, indicating and making accusation that the 29 Victims of Chinook ZD 576 were examined by a female appointed Coroner and the cause of death being


It was recorded to you in communications from myself previously, that this was said to be an act of deliberate Government colluded sabotage of that Military Flight, further to the Government corruption accusations recovered in open written Internet disclosures of Ms Tara Andrea Davison.

As yourself and the Cc recipients will recall, at the Nottingham Labour Party “New Idea’s Forum” and other venues, you were recorded and presented a copy of a one Page document.

(The Attachment) of over 400 Pages of Documents  I recovered from the Internet website of Ms Tara Andrea Davison.


Recovered without copyright, disclosures of Ms Tara Andrea Davisona Circ 1989-1994 an ex Senior Civil Servant, ex Arms to Iraq Investigator and Intelligence Advisor to the Select Committee of the DTI under MP Peter Lilley.

As is contained in her verbiage, she discloses that “Classified” Documents, files, micro film, personal correspondence communications between herself and Senior members of the House of Lords and Government agencies along with evidence vital to the “Public” CHILCOTT IRAQ INQUIRY were seized by 13 Male Derbyshire Police under a proceeds of Crime Court Order signed by Judge Burgess and the arresting Police team headed by DC 1518 Stephen Winnard.

As Ms Tara Andrea Davison makes legal statement in this disclosure and further in my recovered documents from her (now removed) web site:http://www.afbio.co.uk  of evidence that implicates the previous Conservative Government in criminal and corruption actions, in the covert supplying of WMD to IRAQ, IRAN and other Countries.

Within her statements are also disclosures that the Derbyshire Police seized other documents and files that relate to evidence recovered by herself as a Paedophile Ring Investigator that was also provided to the previous Labour PM Tony Blair containing names and identities of Senior Police Officers and Government VIP’s  who were involved as active participants in these Paedophile networks.

It is also recorded that Ms Tara Andrea Davison has also made legal statement to another Derbyshire resident Mr Peter Eyre that, at her time of employment as a Senior Civil Servant and Intelligence Advisor to the Select Committee of the DTI, from her Government Office, that the tragic fatal crash of Military Helicopter Chinook ZD 576 at the Mull of Kintyre on the 2/6/1994 was planned an act of deliberate sabotage orchestrated and auctioned by senior Government agents.

Details of this disclosure and the other related evidence contained in these recovered official documents from the personal website of Ms Tara Andrea Davison http://www.afbio.co.uk  were made known by myself Mr Gordon Bowden in an interview with DC Cyples and DC Rigby at Derbyshire  St Mary’s Wharf Police Station recorded as Incident Number 620-07/10/2010

As an ex RAF Engineer, Service Number T8079670 it is further my Duty of Care, to ensure yourself Baroness Scotland and the list of Cc Recipients of this Communication, record and act in your official remit Government capacity, to investigate the accuracy of these serious allegations, made by an ex Senior Civil Servant and Arms to Iraq investigator to establish that NO vital evidence, relevant to the Public “OPEN” Chilcott Iraq Inquiry is being withheld by the Derbyshire Police, for and under instruction by any Political Party that may further pervert the course of Justice.

I have requested (Recorded) from yourself and the list of Cc recipients previously, that you immediately take action under your Government Position remit and  acknowledge receipt of the copy of the Attachment declaration by Ms Tara Andrea Davison and copies of the 2 e-mail correspondences to the New Chinook review inquiry Team


Mr Gordon Bowden


To: ralph, bigdee, flipseal, romac100, dickhadlow
Cc: rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk; peter.eyre
Sent: Mon, 23 May, 2011 21:12:00
Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2

Dear All

I appreciate that you all may not wish to receive this communication 

but I am duty bound to pass this on to the original civil team for

obvious reasons. The police have been notified and the Lord Philip

review team.

From my perspective we cannot say one way or the other without

opening  up another autopsy on one or all the victims…….one thing I 

can say for sure is the importance of an interview with the original

informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison who first advised me that this

was an inside job.

All I can say is that the areas that Gordon and  I are currently dealing 

in is highly dangerous and in that context I am sending this

 information to you all for safe keeping, should Gordon, I or others

 become  victims also.

I accept that this information may not be true but I can say for sure

that the origin of this message was from a reliable source who

had access to No10.

Read below  the communications exchanged.

You may choose to acknowledge receipt of this message but 

at the same time if you do not then I fully understand.

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – 

SAR Coordinator.  

Date: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 17:47

For your record


— On Mon, 23/5/11, PETER EYRE  wrote:

Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk, Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk, peter.eyre
Date: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 17:16

For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board


The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Ladies and Gentlemen

You will recall my submission sent to you regarding the accident of 

Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994 and the information that I had received by telephone from an ex government Intel Operative Ms Tara Andrea Davison (the contents of the telephone call were noted by the Derby Police HQ, St Mary’s Wharf, Derby under incident number 620 dated 07/10/2010).

In this report I highlighted the following:

  • Why wasn’t the possibility of inside or outside sabotage or external control of the aircraft looked at more deeply? This has been discussed at other aircraft accidents but did not play a significant part in this inquiry. The status and importance of the passengers onboard would have certainly made this a distinct possibility.

In regard to the latter i.e. that of sabotage; I have myself received vital information, from a very senior ex intelligence officer, that this was an inside job. It was during a very lengthy conversation on the 4th of August 2010 that this person disclosed that the Chinook was not an accident but one that had been planned from the office where the intelligence officer had previously worked.
You will also recall as per my communications below that I said the following:
Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.
I also passed comment about the TV interview carried out by the Strathclyde Police on the night in question when they gave a strong emphasis that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was clearly a terrible tragic accident etc.
My response to your team was that the Strathclyde Police had no juristriction or authority to make such a comment as this was clearly not a police matter and should have been left the the aviation experts that were called in to investigate the crash and the circumstances leading up to it.
I have now received a very important communication from a person who at this stage wishes to remain anominous that strengthens the first report that I received from the Intel Operative i.e. that this was an inside job.

Below is the wording of that communication as it was received:

Time of receipt – Thursday 19th May at 1952 Local Time

To Peter Eyre

01 – Name = AB
02 – Email Address = f
03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad. 

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds. 

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 
I responded to this by sending the following:
Sent Thursday 19th of May at 2043 Local time
From Peter Eyre 
To F 

It is rather strange because this morning I was actually thinking about that….the fact that some could have survived and they would have had to do this……..how can you authenticate this….how did you know the coroners report or have access to it…..I presume you are in Scotland and how come this has now been let our the bag before……I know it was an intended crash and I know that the navy seals are also on the island with some very secret testing facility etc……..please feed more to me if you can



The following was F………. response

Received Friday 20/5/2010 at 1208 Local Time

From F

To Peter Eyre

Good Morning Peter,

It’s the old story… It’s like trying to drown the rubber duck in the bath and eventually you get fed up and it pop’s up to the surface…truth always comes to the surface.

I’m also have  a keen interest in developments over the years.

The whole incident just doesn’t add up. Flying top brass from Belfast to Fort George or Inverness for a meeting is strange. Why Inverness ? Fort George is the barracks for the Black Watch. The military must have secure locating in Northern Ireland , so why Inverness . If they wanted too meet on the UK mainland why not Blackpool or Prestwick London for that matter. It’s ridiculous going to Fort George .

The mode of transport is also suspect. Chinook is a very capable aircraft but it’s slow and noisy. It would have been cold down the back. Why were these senior people being headed into a cattle truck, when they could have flown BA to London ? Or BA to Edinburgh ? The HQ for the army in Scotland is two minutes from Edinburgh Airport , it must be secure, no Fort George was the destination so that they had to fly over the Mull of Kintyre.

The weather was VFR. The RAF wouldn’t operate to these regulations but the Met man does and so this gives us an indication of the weather.

VFR Flight Rules.

Below FL 100

5 km flight visibility, 1500m horizontally from cloud, 1000ft vertically from cloud

At or below 3000ft

For fixed wing aircraft operating at 140kt or less 5 km flight visibility Clear of cloud and in sight of surface

For helicopter Clear of cloud and in sight of surface.

Any pilot regardless of his training always keeps and eye on high ground, cloud and his position with both. To suggest as the media do that they flew into terrain is stretching it a bit.

 We can authenticate this by either obtaining the coroners report, or getting a statement from the women coroner. The problem with this is that her life could be in danger. These are very very serious issues and allegations  Peter.

As with everything compartmentalisation is at play here. The corner just did her job, it wouldn’t occur to her that this was an execution. We don’t do these things in Britain do we. Remember she was a women, I do think that’s significant. She would be thinking Army – Northern Ireland – guns – helicopters- and so these things are quite normal to her.

The Mull of Kintyre is the perfect place for this its very remote even at the best of times. It’s interesting you say Navy Seals were in the area. I was thinking this as well. I think they were executed  in the air, and the assassins parachuted out the back into the sea, and then picked up by your seals. The aircraft then flew into the hillside. I don’t think it’s possible to survive an air crash like that.

It was reported to me that the Coroner said “they all had gunshot wounds to the head” The coroner told her brother … just in the passing…the brother told me…

An enquiry led by Lord Philip is taking place in Edinburgh . Three privy councilors Malcolm Bruce MP, Lord Forsyth and Baroness Liddell will make sure that we talk about FADEC and computer errors. This means the pilots can be pardoned and it’s all blamed on the humble microchip.
This was F reply:
 From F 
To Peter Eyre
Received Friday 20th May at 1539 Local Time.
Indeed Peter,

This is quite interesting. You say you have submitted a report to Lord Phillip, so I assume that would be on the basis of the information Tara provided. One has to wonder what they were doing wrong that they all deserved to die.

Do you think this is MI5?

They don’t want people like you and I looking under the carpet! They blamed the pilots.


I then responded to F with the following and also attached my report and receipt to the Review Board as follows:
Sent on Friday 20.5.2011 at 1605 Local Time
To F
From Peter Eyre
Hello F

I have attached my own investigation/summary of events based on the information I had at the time and naturally added that an Intel Operative had given me inside information…..I made sure it was delivered by hand to EDI for the attention of Lord Phillip and the board….I also insisted in obtaining a receipt.

I also later sent them a letter insisting that the person who gave me the information be pulled in for an interview without delay

I will give you a bell…….



I than spoke with F for some considerable time who against voiced his concerns for the safety of the person who examined the bodies…….in this regard, for that persons protection we will obtain details for our own files on this review.

All communications are thus duplicated and distributed to other third parties within the UK and overseas for our own protection.

Certain Political figures have also been notified and media outlets in the event of persons coming to harm.

Regarding the first report to you with the information received from the Intel Operative…..this information was recorded by the Derby Police as per the above reference number of 620 07/10/2010 and was eventually passed onto the MoD as they considered this not to be a police matter.

However, Now that there are indications that the cause of death may be other than from what one could expect in an air accident this has now become a police matter.

Both myself and Mr Gordon Bowden attended the Police at Derby St Mary’s Wharf HQ on both Saturday and again today. After some delay we insisted that we be interviewed to have this statement put on record owing to the nature of the information and as added protection for Gordon and I.

We were interviewed by DS Burns 1884 and DC Palmer-Coole 457

Interviewed commenced at 1145 and finished at 1335.

Both the above advised us that this information should be passed onto the review board which I told them I was doing anyway, but insisted that the Police record this communication to add to the police file that we started back in October 2010.

They both told us that the file had been closed however; we both insisted that it be opened again and this information be entered as it could, if correct, now possible become a multiple murder inquiry.

They agreed to receive the information and record it and that we pass it to you for your attention asap. 

in view of the nature of this information and its connection to the previous report from Ms Tara Andrea Davison, I am sure you would agree that there is serious cause for concern.

Please find attached my original report and your receipt.

May I now  request that you both acknowledge receipt of this email by return email.

Your Sincerely

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – SAR Coordinator.  

— On Tue, 19/4/11, Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board
From: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: peter.eyre7@btinternet.com
Cc: Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Tuesday, 19 April, 2011, 9:21
Dear Mr Eyre,

Thank you for your email of 18 April 2011.

As Secretary to the Review I am responding on behalf of Lord Philip and his panel.

As you will no doubt be aware, the Mull of Kintyre Review’s stated policy is that any material or comment provided is done so in strict confidence. The Review will not comment on, or release any material prior to the Review’s publication. It would be wholly inappropriate to enter into any correspondence regarding any line of inquiry the Review is taking or with whom the panel has spoken.


Alex Passa

Secretary to the Mull of Kintyre Review

1 Melville Crescent

Edinburgh, EH3 7HW


From: PETER EYRE [mailto:peter.eyre7@btinternet.com] 
Sent: 18 April 2011 17:05
To: enquires@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk; Munns A (Ada)
Subject: Fw: Chinook Part 2


The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Good Afternoon 

Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email when convenient

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator(Helicopters)

I guess by now you are really thinking do things like this really happen here in the UK….well my friends we are only just touching the surface. Try counting up the numerous false flags including 9/11, 7/7, Time Square New York, Detroit attempting airline bombing, UPS ink jet bomb UK, South Korea Navy Corvette sinking and so many more…….the best and most ridiculous being the killing of, Bin Laden recently when he had actually died in December 2001 due to renal failure in the Rwalpindi Hospital……..when will you all see and understand that the axis of evil lies right here in the West. Soon you will see the take over of Libya…… with Syria and Iran on the horizon with more work still to be done in Yemen, Somalia and Sudan…..then as they say “Job Done.”

In closing I would just like to point out that I did made contact with the father of Flt Lt Tapper (who was the commander of the Chinook) and briefed him of my two reports…..it was extremely difficult for me to do this but owing to the distance between us I was not able to meet with him and do it more professionally. He explained to me that he had got over this and that he would speak with Alex Passa directly. He later left a message to say he had spoken with Alex and that he did not want to be further involved in this and that he would leave it in the hands of Alex Passa.

I must say that since my first communications with Ms Tara Davison there has been a very strong reluctance by the police to take a statement on this tragic event. It became evident that they certainly did not want to be involved with it at a local level and the very fact that Monday was the first time I had been interviewed certainly reflects a cover up. Surely the failure to investigate these serious claims is in itself a breach of the Police Discipline Code.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 13/4/2011    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com 

Was the RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 2

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I believe it was sabotaged!

What really happened that terrible day in June 1994?

The wreckage of RAF Chinook ZD 576 in which 29 people died

Chinook Memorial Mull of Kintyre






Asst Chief Constable: BRIAN FITZSIMONS.

Det Chief Superintendant: DESMOND CONROY.

Det Chief Superintendant: MAURICE NEILLY.

Det Superintendant: PHILLIP DAVIDSON.

Det Superintendant: ROBERT FOSTER.

Det Superintendant: BILLY GWILLIAM.

Det Superintendant: IAN PHOENIX .

Det Chief Inspector: DENIS BUNTING.


Det Inspector: KEVIN MAGEE.

Home Office CB-57: JOHN DEVERILL.

















In order to keep you up to date with the progress of events I decided to send Part 1 to many politicians and other interested parties. I obviously have not included Part 1 as an attachment in this report as you already know of its contents. However, I have included below the introduction that I sent showing their email addresses and the text:

From:  Peter Eyre                                                     12th April 2011


beckettm@parliament.uk, scotlandp@parliament.uk, john.healey.mp@parliament.uk, info@davidcameron.com, info@derbyconservatives.co.uk, info@derbylabourparty.co.uk, info@libdems.org.uk, chris@chrishuhne.org.uk, fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk, feedback@peterlilley.co.uk, ranjit.banwait@live.co.uk, williamss@parliament.uk, michael.carr@derby.gov.uk, tuplin17@tiscali.co.uk, Robert.troup@derby.gov.uk, margaret.hird@derby.gov.uk, lonny.wilsoncroft@derby.gov.uk, reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com, chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk,  fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk, feedback@peterlilley.co.uk, williamss@parliament.uk, ranjit.banwait@live.co.uk, info@crossreach.org.uk, readers@forbes.com, newseditor@independent.co.uk, home.news@thetimes.co.uk, rights@guardian.co.uk, national@guardian.co.uk, paul.hutcheon@sundayherald.com, webeditor@dailyrecord.co.uk, reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk

Cc:  Ralph. kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com


Hello all


I am aware of the latest report given out today regarding other possible causes for the crash of Chinook ZD576 at the Mull of Kintyre ie FADEC or whatever.


It is also of concern to me that I have made it known that I was about to release the above article today regarding that of possible sabotage.


From my perspective having worked the helicopter scene for some years I still have some grave concerns about the possible outcome.


I had passed on my concerns to Lord Phillip having received the contact details from Capt Ralph Kohn (as per the article above) and in this letter I state that either way it certainly was not crew error.


Having painfully followed this through up to the current time I still insist that the person who gave me the sabotage story be interviewed by the police owing to the fact that her previous background gave her Intel access at the highest level in both the DTI and also to No10 and in that context makes her a reliable witness.


In the event that this was not the case then either way the good work carried out by Ralph Kohn and the team shows clearly a cover-up was embarked upon by the MoD and that the original concerns by Capt Kohn and team were perfectly valid.


I therefore insist that Ms Tara Andrea Davison (or possibly Ms Tara Andrea Biggs-Davison) be called upon to give evidence under oath and recorded to put the records straight.


Once this has been put to bed, then we can move forward into a correct inquiry. However, it is still a remarkable coincidence that this story has broken on the same day of my planned article release…….one would assume that in order to hide a possible inside job (Sabotage) it is better to accept the lesser charge of mechanical failure and pass the blame onto the MoD and Boeing (if Ms Davison was correct),


Finally what is also deeply suspicious is the fact that never would you allow 25 of the most experienced terrorism experts from the Police – Army – MI5 travel on the same aircraft…..having myself worked in high level security this is a clear no no in both the military and civil aviation…….the same also applies in the corporate sector.


It is for this reason that I send you all a copy of my article in the hope that this investigations also takes into account possible sabotage……..I was shocked that this aspect was never taken into account, despite the level of VIP that were on this tragic flight.


My final comment was also who gave the Chief Constable of Strathclyde the authority to make the announcement immediately after the crash that there was nothing suspicious about this crash……..this was against normal protocol as it is up to the investigation team/board (attending to crash scene) to decide the cause of the crash……..I believe that some very serious flaws exist in this past and current inquiry and also the fact that both Gordon Bowden and myself were not allowed to give a sworn statement to the police under oath??


Yours Sincerely


Peter Eyre


Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator (Helicopters)


I decided that I would send a totally separate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board this morning and at the same time gain acknowledgement of receipt details of which are shown below:


Ref: Separate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and Cc others


Wednesday, 13 April, 2011 9:39

From : peter.eyre7@btinternet.com


To: enquiries@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk


Hello Mr Passa


I am having difficulty emailing you and my email has been returned undelivered so I will try again as per below.



— On Wed, 13/4/11, PETER EYRE <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com> wrote:

From: PETER EYRE <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: Seperate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and Cc others
To: enquiries@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk
Cc: beckettm@parliament.uk, scotlandp@parliament.uk, john.healey.mp@parliament.uk, info@davidcameron.com, info@derbyconservatives.co.uk, info@derbylabourparty.co.uk, info@libdems.org.uk, chris@chrishuhne.org.uk, fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk, feedback@peterlilley.co.uk, ranjit.banwait@live.co.uk, williamss@parliament.uk, michael.carr@derby.gov.uk, tuplin17@tiscali.co.uk, Robert.troup@derby.gov.uk, margaret.hird@derby.gov.uk, lonny.wilsoncroft@derby.gov.uk, reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com, chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk, info@crossreach.org.uk, readers@forbes.com, newseditor@independent.co.uk, home.news@thetimes.co.uk, rights@guardian.co.uk, national@guardian.co.uk, paul.hutcheon@sundayherald.com, webeditor@dailyrecord.co.uk, reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk, ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com
Date: Wednesday, 13 April, 2011, 9:18

Attention Mr Alex Passa


Please be kind enough to acknowledge receipt of this email at your earliest convenience.


Thanking you in anticipation


Peter Eyre

— On Wed, 13/4/11, PETER EYRE <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com> wrote:

From: PETER EYRE <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Subject: Seperate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and Cc others
To: enquires@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk
Cc: beckettm@parliament.uk, scotlandp@parliament.uk, john.healey.mp@parliament.uk, info@davidcameron.com, info@derbyconservatives.co.uk, info@derbylabourparty.co.uk, info@libdems.org.uk, chris@chrishuhne.org.uk, fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk, feedback@peterlilley.co.uk, ranjit.banwait@live.co.uk, williamss@parliament.uk, michael.carr@derby.gov.uk, tuplin17@tiscali.co.uk, Robert.troup@derby.gov.uk, margaret.hird@derby.gov.uk, lonny.wilsoncroft@derby.gov.uk, reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com, chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk, info@crossreach.org.uk, readers@forbes.com, newseditor@independent.co.uk, home.news@thetimes.co.uk, rights@guardian.co.uk, national@guardian.co.uk, paul.hutcheon@sundayherald.com, webeditor@dailyrecord.co.uk, reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk, ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com
Date: Wednesday, 13 April, 2011, 8:46


Mr Alex Passa

The Mull of Kintyre Review

1 Melville Crescent


EH3 7HW                                                         Wednesday the 13th of April 2011



Dear Mr Passa


For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board:


 The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.


To the Rt Hon members of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board


Please find attached a record/press release of my own findings regarding the loss of RAF Chinook ZD576, its crew and passenger on the 2nd of June 1994 on the headland of the Mull of Kintyre Scotland.


Whatever the outcome of your own investigations I would insist you arrange for Ms Tara Andrea Davison (Nee Tara Andrea Biggs-Davison) to be interviewed under oath and recorded at the earliest opportunity and that this action be made public in your report.


I would also ask you to be most critical of the RAF – MoD procedures in allowing all of these highly qualified terrorism experts to travel on the same aircraft, which is in gross violation of normal aviation protocol.


I would ask you also to be critical of Leslie Sharp, The Chief Constable of Strathclyde who made the following statement immediately after the crash:

“I make it clear that there is no reason whatsoever to suspect that we are dealing with anything other than a terrible tragic accident.”


Why would a person so senior make such a statement immediately after the crash and who gave him the authority to make this statement?  The circumstances and analysis of such a crash remains the duty of the investigation team and certainly not the Chief Constable of Police who has absolutely no aviation experience whatsoever!


I would also ask that consideration be given to the fact that many fishing boats were around the location at the time (as per comments made by Mr. Holbrook). He stated that he had to manoeuvre his boat around many other fishing boats…..so how come only one offshore witness was interviewed. They were in a much better position to observe the approaching helicopter.


The terminology and style used by the investigation team when questioning Mr. Holbrook was bordering on manipulation of the weather conditions at the time. Having spent many many years in such an environment and such coastal weather patterns I believe the weather to be acceptable for such a flight.


Finally I am deeply concerned at the latest press release by the BBC which just so happened to coincide with this release and stated:


Newly discovered Ministry of Defence documents have cast further doubt on the cause of the Chinook helicopter crash on the Mull of Kintyre in 1994.The papers, obtained by the BBC, suggest there were official concerns over the airworthiness of the RAF’s fleet of Chinooks two years earlier. It is understood they were never shown to the officer in charge of signing off the aircraft’s airworthiness.”


There is nothing new about the contents of this press release regarding the status of the Chinook airworthiness two year hence. The track record in regard to the failures of the FADEC system were well known, even leading right up to this crash.


The concerns were very well know by many experienced aircrews and more importantly by the RAF, Authorities and that of Boscombe Down, the very establishment that test aircraft, especially with this type of Chinook (HC) which had a long history of many such serious problems immediately prior to the above crash.


One would hope that this coincidental release is not a ploy by the powers that be to distract away from the possibility of it being an inside job i.e. the interference of and aircraft/sabotage?


Having some connection to Intel myself it would be in the governments best interest to now accept a lesser charge of FADEC failure rather than be accused of an internally arranged sabotage. I believe the term used now days is that of a “False Flag Incident.”


I am sure that without losing your integrity you will therefore insist that Ms Tara Andrea Davison be interviewed without further delay and the above points be addressed.


Please be kind enough to acknowledge receipt of this email at your earliest convenience.


Thanking you in anticipation


Your Sincerely


Peter Eyre


Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator (Helicopters).



I eventually then received acknowledgement of receipt as follows:


RE: Re: Seperate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and Cc others

Wednesday, 13 April, 2011 10:51


From: “Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk” <Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>


To: peter.eyre7@btinternet.com

Dear Mr Eyre

 I acknowledge receipt of your email but unfortunately there was no attachment.


 Ada Munns
PA to Lord Philip
Mull of Kintyre Review
1 Melville Crescent
Edinburgh, EH3 7HW
T: 0131 244 9003
E: ada.munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Obviously I was having some considerable trouble with my computer (as I do many times when one is being hacked) and  resent the entire email again, with the attachment, and  received the following final acknowledgment:


 RE: Re: Seperate email to the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and Cc others

Wednesday, 13 April, 2011 11:00


From: “Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk” <Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>


To peter.eyre7@btinternet.com

Dear Peter

 Thank you I have now received the attachment


Ada Munns
PA to Lord Philip
Mull of Kintyre Review
1 Melville Crescent
Edinburgh, EH3 7HW
T: 0131 244 9003
E: ada.munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk

The whole purpose of boring you all with these communications is to make sure it is recorded in the public domain as to who received what and when……I call this being transparent.

I have already had some feedback that this is having a ripple effect within the powers that be…….and so it should!!

Footnote to this article:

You will note that this is referred too as a review rather than a fresh inquiry and in that context I am sure we can all determine the final outcome to some degree.

There was a perfectly good civil investigation team who really did start to open a can of worm, but even they had not focused on the possibility that this Chinook may have been tampered with or sabotaged and that I find of deep concern given the passengers involved and the fact they were all travelling together, However my aim is not to be critical of them but rather that of the RAF and the MoD in their duty of care towards their airman and these passengers.

Frequently the Ministers themselves are privy to such information and also the shortfalls and willing send their forces on special missions or combat knowing the possible resultant mishaps. Geoff Hoon is one such Minister who frequently covered his tracks, however in this particular case I believe the Secretary for Defence at the time was Malcolm Rifkind (now Sir Malcom Rifkind) under PM John Major.

His position at the moment in the current government is that of Chair of the The Intelligence and Security Committee under PM David Cameron (how very convenient). The President of the Board of Trade at the time of the crash was Michael Heseltine (now Lord Heleltine).

It goes without saying that these two astute gentlemen have much information hidden within the corridors of Westminster, that may never be revealed, but with Sir Michael at the helm of Intelligence and Security what chance do we have of having an open and transparent review?



Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 13/4/2011    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com







Was the RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage?

with one comment

I believe it was sabotaged!

Chinook ZD576

Having worked with helicopter for some considerable time both operationally and in Search and Rescue I found this particular accident very distressing, especially as is the case that the crew is found guilty until proven guilty, unfortunately they are not here to tell their side of this story.

On the 2nd of June 1994 an RAF Chinook helicopter took off from Belfast Aldergrove Airport bound for a high level conference at Fort George, Nr Inverness, Scotland. Onboard were four very experienced crew members and 25 top level terrorism experts. The helicopter flew out over the sea in a north north-easterly direction towards the Mull of Kintyre, Scotland and crashed into the headland at approximately 1800 local time, killing all onboard. The aircraft tail number was ZD576 and crewed by Flt Lt Tapper (captain), Fl Lt Cook (co-pilot) with MALM Forbes and Sgt Hardie (crewman).   

Fl Lt Tapper (Above) and Fl Lt Cook (below)                 

Every since this accident there have been many years of speculation but absolutely no one ever looked at the possibility of this helicopter being sabotaged, which I find quite remarkable, considering the fact that 25 high level terrorism experts were all onboard the same aircraft, which is clearly a no no in both military and civil aviation.

The timeline reads as follows:

June 1994: Chinook Helicopter departed Belfast and crashed at the Mull of Kintyre en route to Fort George, Nr Inverness, Scotland

1995: An RAF board of inquiry finds nothing to clearly indicate what caused the crash.

Based on the limited evidence, it says the wrong rate of climb was a contributory factor, although technical malfunction cannot be positively disproved.

However, two Air Marshalls who review the evidence find Flight Lieutenants Richard Cook and Jonathan Tapper had been grossly negligent.

1996: A fatal accident inquiry leaves open the question of what caused the accident, but the sheriff recommends the immediate installation of cockpit voice and accident data recorders.

May 1998: The Commons Defence Committee reports that the helicopter involved in the crash was not suffering from “fundamental flaws”, but makes no judgement on the immediate cause of the crash.

May 1999: Computer Weekly publishes evidence – not available to crash investigators – that the helicopter’s FADEC engine control software was not reliable and may have been the cause of the crash. Flt Lt Tapper is said by the magazine to have expressed concerns about the speed at which the Chinook’s “full authority digital engine control” was being put into service.

July 2000: Prime Minister Tony Blair promises to look personally at the circumstances of the crash, but stresses he will not reopen the inquiry.

November 2000: Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, backed by Mr Blair, again rejects fresh calls for a new inquiry.

Weeks later the Commons’ Public Accounts Committee presents a report disputing the original inquiry’s findings. It says there were repeated problems with the aircraft and the pilots should be exonerated, but the government insists the report is “superficial” and says “nothing new”. Angry campaigners call the response a cover-up.

April 2001: Peers vote in favour of a House of Lords all-party inquiry into the crash, after the government bows to pressure and allows the vote for a fresh investigation to go ahead. The move is welcomed by Mike Tapper, father of Flt Lt Tapper, who has been campaigning to clear his son’s name.

June 2001: Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle, a former Scottish appeal court judge, is named as chairman of a five-strong House of Lords committee to report on the crash early in 2002.

February 2002: The two RAF pilots are cleared of blame for the 1994 crash by Lord Jauncey’s inquiry.

The wreckage of RAF Chinook ZD 576 in which 29 people died (4 crew & 25 passengers)

Now that I have given you overview on this tragic accident I will now discuss the contents of a conversation I had with an ex Intel Officer who worked for the Department of Trade and Industry.

Her name is Tara Andrea Davison although we believe her full birth name to be Tara Andrea Biggs-Davison daughter of Sir John Alec Biggs-Davison, Conservative MP now deceased. She was at some stage married to Peter Lilley’s Brother but now divorced. She also paid some visits to Iraq carrying out other activities.

Ms Davison worked with the DTI for many years and also had access to No10 from time to time. She carried out research on illegal arms dealing. Tara apparently left the DTI with many files appertaining to illegal arms dealings etc which she hoped to present at the Iraq inquiry but her house was raided by the Derbyshire Police who took all her very sensitive documents and also many documents relating to the many fraudulent companies that were controlled by her. She was placed on bail which has since been extended and is due in Mid May this year 2011.

In Tara own words she was called upon to provide evidence of a sensitive nature regarding arms to Iraq to Sir John Chilcot for the Iraq Inquiry. A large team of police from Derbyshire raided her premises in North Wales in Mid January 2010. They seized all of her ex DTI papers and also all her business papers etc.

It just so happens that I was at the time also doing much media work regarding illegal arms dealings, conflicts/wars, the use of depleted uranium and helping Gordon Bowden to expose his findings on massive fraud in this country and overseas.

Gordon and I decided via M that we would make contact with her in the hope we could take sides with her and help in her case, whilst at the same time gain much information that was also to our advantage…….our approach was based on the fact that she was a very small fish as far as fraud goes but with her help we could possibly get the bigger boys.

Back to the story: On the 4th of August 2010 I made contact with her regarding a possible visitation and we exchanged a few thoughts on Intel etc and it was during this conversation that she gave reference to the Chinook accident in the Mull of Kintyre.

Tara told me that it was all done from her office. I asked her why would they do this and she went on to say that things were not going according to plan, as the government expected and that there were a few problems, when such things happen you remove the problem or the people.

The phone call lasted for some considerable time and on completion I telephoned Gordon Bowden and explained to him what Tara had said to me, he obviously was as shocked as I.

I reflected on this and over the next two months embarked on my own investigations having worked with helicopters for some considerable time. It was during this interim period I noticed that one of the original civil investigators was Captain Ralph Kohn, a pilot I once knew some years previously and took steps to make contact with him.

I initially made contact with Captain Kohn by phone and then by email as I always prefer to have such events recorded in writing; accordingly after receiving some contacts from Ralph I sent the following email:

Subject: Re: MOK Chinook crash
To: ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com
Date: Thursday, 7 October, 2010, 10:37

Hello everyone


I have just had a very long chat with Ralph regarding ZD576 accident etc


My background is airline operations, weather, search and rescue etc and have worked with two of the largest private sector companies i.e. BMA which is now BMI and also Bristow Helicopter etc….I was also in the Military working on Aircraft Carrier and many staff jobs including NATO HQ which covered a certain amount of Intel work etc


I happened to be talking to an ex civilian Intel operative about many topics and the Chinook crash came up in conversation and what I was told blows the whole current investigation right out of the window and therefore it is in your best interest to pursue this aspect.


For my part I investigate many strange events i.e. 9/11 etc etc as well as many other non aviation topics…….I write articles about many things, do TV and Radio from time to time and basically my theory is….investigate things yourself and once you are convinced of some wrong doings, conspiracy aspects or a total cover up then write about it and reveal the truth……this I have done many many times but because of the nature of the Chinook incident I had to give this some careful thought.


I have carried out my evaluation and noticed that in general the entire report from the military perspective was one big cover up…….there was so many conflicting reports about the weather, transponder code, in flight communications, electro magnetic field interference, witness reports etc that made the RAF report almost a mockery compared to the civil report as compiled and edited by Ralph.


Areas that should have been covered were not covered and more should have been done with the onshore witnesses etc which again did not add up……..I have been involved in flight planning, weather briefs with special experience in helicopter operations and the associated ATC etc.


A new enquiry must be totally independent if there is such a world and it has to be monitored by the likes of yourself, and I in particular would also like to participate in making sure that this inquiry is operating outside of the influence of the RAF and Military……which I think may be fairly impossible.


The information I discussed with Ralph this morning is one aspect that has received no consideration whatsoever….why not I really don’t know……the other major aspect that I am very concerned about is that of aviation security and procedures and the fact that all this high profile guys all travelled on one aircraft is beyond common sense and for my part became part my input as this being and inside job…….I think the modern day term is “False Flag.


As you must appreciate the work I normally carry out is highly dangerous and thus entails constant monitoring at all levels of communications….including this one and therefore if you bring me onboard you also will become part of that web….if you see what I mean


This whole incident sounds so suspect it is beyond words and yet no one has looked at this….why?


So here I am and the next step is up to you all





End of communication

Unfortunately there had been little communication back, despite the fact that I had offered a totally different viewpoint as to the possible cause of this crash. However, I continued to communicate with those involved and at the same time spoke with my friend Gordon Bowden again, after completing my own investigation. Gordon was very firm with me when he said it is my duty of care to report this fact to the police and if I didn’t he would. We then both decided to visit the Police HQ in Derby and make a statement, which we hoped would be under oath and fully recorded. This then prompted me to send another email to the group who dealt with the previous investigation as follows:




To ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com


Hello again


I have been speaking with my friend who was the person I discussed my telephone conversion with concerning the call I had previously made to an ex Intel Operative some time ago.


My friend who is also ex RAF asked me what information I had found out about the crash and the circumstances, to which I replied, that there were so many grey areas that certainly did not make sense.


I went through everything with him (he knows that I will not make a statement until I myself am satisfied that something is deeply suspect)……he then reflected on my conversation with the Intel Operative and said that I am obliged to report this to the police.


Since my chat with him last night and more investigations I again rang him to be a witness to what I have been doing both in the past and up to the current time and likewise I do the same for him……..because the issues we both deal in are highly sensitive we have to do this for our own protection.


I have just been in touch with him at 1210 today and we will both go to the Police Station today to lodge a statement regarding my chat with this Intel Operative that, if true, implicates the authorities to this being an inside job. Either way we already know that the only reason this Chinook could have crashed was by some catastrophic event taking place at Waypoint A rendering the crew unable to correct what was happening to them.


So my conclusion is one of two events took place


1. The aircraft systems failed catastrophically and the crew were unable to override the problem manually resulting in the crash. Or


2. If my conversation with the Intel operative is correct then the aircraft was tampered with controlled by and arranged by a Government Agency who deliberately wanted the passengers onboard this Chinook removed. It was explained that some of those deceased may not have been moving the peace talks along the way the Government wanted and so such things can happen. The operative actually told me that the Chinook Incident was done from the operative’s office.


This caused me deep concern, knowing that the deceased crew and their families had gone through hell in trying to clear them of neglect etc.


The phone call in question occurred on Wednesday the 4th of August 2010 and spread over a period of late morning to early afternoon. Soon after this I contacted the informant and thanked for the chat etc.


It has taken me some time to not only come to terms with this conversation but also the facts that this is high risk for me and those involved. I already am dealing in some very sensitive areas and this just adds more fuel to the existing fire and the associated risks.


For my part I also had to go through the whole incident in my own mind to see if I could convince myself that the accident to Chinook ZD576 was certainly not crew error.


As an ex aviation professional in Airline Operations, Flight Planning, Search and Rescue and also having worked for Bristow Helicopters in an ATC/SAR role I am now convinced that either of the above two were responsible for this accident.


I will get back to you all after I have been to the local police and I will have my friend with me as a witness to the event.


Would you all please acknowledge receipt of this email just in case something should happen to me or my friend


Best Regards


Peter Eyre     


End of communications


I did ask Captain Kohn to acknowledge receipt of my email and he did so as per below:

From: Ralph Kohn <ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook ZD576
To: “‘PETER EYRE'” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Thursday, 7 October, 2010, 14:23


I acknowledge your intention of reporting the matter you told me about as explained hereunder, to the Police.




Gordon and I then went to the Derby Police HQ the events of which are recorded below:


Re Chinook ZD576

Thursday 7th October 2010 19:53

From Peter Eyre

To ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com

Hello Gentlemen


Myself and my friend Gordon Bowden (Ex RAF) went to Derby Police HQ, St Mary’s Wharf, Derby today to give information in relation to my email to you concerning the information I received over the phone ref the Chinook being an inside job.


The police first interviews Gordon Bowden who gave them an overall picture as to what he and I are doing on a broad range of issues.


Gordon then told them about the telephone conversation I had with an Ex Government Intel Operative and what that person said to me regarding the above accident. I then rang Gordon Bowden and discussed the conversation with him……this was some time ago.


The interview was recorded under incident number 620 of the 07/10/2010 and commenced at 1633 – 1747. The interviewing officers were DC Cyples Shoulder Number 1772 and DC Rigby Shoulder Number 1134.


When my turn came they did not have time to interview me and said they would arrange for a recorded interview to take place another day and would be in touch.


The general mannerism of the Police was rather blank and they said that they could not see us for a recorded interview unless the matter was of high importance……we both explained the risk to ourselves in raising this issue and so we want this visit recorded….that was done initially with Gordon and so the matter is now officially recorded.


I will let you know the next stage when I get my interview….they didn’t appear too interested in the topic and both came away slightly deflated…..so we will see


 Kind Regards   Peter Eyre           End of communications



 In my frustration of trying to gain attention from anyone related to this inquiry I decided to send an email to key members of the Royal Aeronautical Society as per the email below:


Chinook ZD576

From Peter Eyre          Saturday 9th October, 2010 12:25

To petercbr@bigpond.net.au, ljbrown@raaf.defence.gov.au, frostywilliams@optusnet.com.au, canberrabranch@raes.org.au, melbournebranch@raes.org.au, perthbranch@raes.org.au, sydneybranch@raes.org.au, beford@raes.org.uk, malcolm.cloke@uk.thalesgroup.com, graham@wiley61.fsnet.co.uk, bcsomerset@qinetiq.com, jeremy.norwood@atkinsglobal.com, ben.groves@baesystems.com, bill.armit@eurocontrol.int, david.whitehead@marshallaerospace.com, raescardiff@hotmail.com, keith.housley@brabners.com, mel.porter@flight-refuelling.com, ronald.carr@btopenworld.com, c.p.lawson@cranfield.ac.uk, dmarshall@coningsby.ac.uk, ch.pericleous@cytanet.com.cy, keith.cobley@rolls-royce.com, donallowry@hotmail.com, 815aeo@yeovilton.mod.uk, pigramik@bp.com, dbates3192@aol.com, roy.mccarthy@talk21.com, maxi.rothe@airbus.com, jamesaeroltd@yahoo.co.uk, adrian.gj.constable@britishairways.com, AlexWmGRAY@aol.com, steve_chadwick@cathaypacific.com, chris@iominvest.com, hamarc@enablingtechnologies.co.uk, colin.moss@baesystems.com, mkhirharun@miat.com.my, p.bradbury@salford.ac.uk, raesmarham@aol.com, robin.heaps@baesystems.com, afainberg@afci.ca, secretary@raes-munich.de, john.barrack@nzdf.mil.nz, gerard.robertson@airnz.co.nz, damian.scott@safeair.co.nz, petercoker@cokerconsultancy.co.nz, wfjones@xtra.co.nz, barry.heir@xtra.co.nz, bernardwe@paradise.net.nz, jon.viner@bmaa.org, hafeez@pafkiet.edu.pk, f.roudier@Salon-du-Bourget.fr, chcott@globalnet.co.uk, quentin.wilson@btopenworld.com, raes-sbsecretary@comcast.net, chee-kin.lin@ezsolutions.com.sg, claw@mech.wits.ac.za, secretary@solent-raes.org.uk, sean.corr@lothburyuk.com, andrew.o.jones@mbda.co.uk, secretary@swindonraes.co.uk, bernard.mattos@airbus.com, emilia.papadopoulos@emirates.com, Hickling3903@aol.com, kenmodavies@aol.com, tongff@taeco.com, hammj@whl.co.uk, tombsf@parliement.uk.


ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk, flipseal@hotmail.com, bigdee@blueyonder.co.uk, romac100@hotmail.com, dickhadlow@hotmail.com, rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com, contact@daviddavisforfreedom.com, conservative@haltemprice.karoo.co.uk


Ref Chinook ZD576 Crash Mull of Kintyre Scotland 2nd June 1994


New Inquiry to take place


Good Afternoon Everyone


I would like to bring to your attention the original conclusion handed down by Senior RAF Staff who found that the pilots caused the accident by flying into high ground through gross negligence.


As you may or may not know there were many grey areas leading up to this accident as well as conflicting conclusions between the civilian investigation team and the military investigation team.


For my part I am ex Senior Operations Staff having served with a large airline and also a very large helicopter company. My duties have covered all aspects of aviation with a focus on Operations, Flight Planning, Weather, Search and Rescue, Scheduling, Crewing, Maintenance Scheduling and aviation security. My position also allowed me to travel frequently on the flight deck jump seat checking flight plans en route. This function was also performed with helicopters having flown as S/N crew on both the flight deck and as loadmaster for freight runs, sling loads and search and rescue etc.


In addition to this I am also highly qualified in the Marine Industry having been a Senior Port Controller with a Master Certificate, carrying out functions that cover safe navigation of port and coastal approaches, radar, weather/cyclone advisory service. Search and Rescue etc. 


This basically gave me much experience at flying in a coastal environment as well as the experience of coastal transit on the marine side in both the Royal Navy and in civil marine.


Before going into the reasons for sending this email I wish to point out my own concerns relating to this particular accident:


  • This particular type of Chinook (HC2) had a long history of problems which were known to the authorities and in particular Boscombe Down immediately prior to the accident. The very aircraft itself had also encountered serious problems prior to the day of the accident.


  • It is a common understanding that ZD576 was not a serviceable aircraft in the true sense and had this been a civilian Chinook it would never have been allowed to depart. In civil aviation we have in our operational manual what we call allowable deficiencies. This basically is a list of go or no go items. 


  • The weather was typical coastal type weather with some hills shrouded in cloud or mist and it was obvious from the account of the Mr. Holbrook (the boat skipper) that visibility at sea level was reasonable. From my experience the cloud/mist on the coastal hills is continuously swirling around with a fluctuating cloud base. The fact that the lighthouse keeper did not have good visibility is because he was at a higher level and in a totally different position. Mr. Holbrook could see the surrounds of the lighthouse and the approaching helicopter.


  • As an expert in aviation security it is not normal for such people as Royal Family, VIP, and CEO/Directors to travel on the same aircraft in number for obvious reasons. Why was such a high profile group allowed to travel on one helicopter?


  • The Chinook departed Aldergrove as a VFR flight and did transit the northeast part of Northern Ireland before its sea transit to the Mull of Kintyre without incident.


  • The crew would have selected on their SatNav (whilst still at Aldergrove) their first waypoint which was A and also programmed in their second waypoint B etc.


  • As the crew visually monitored the approaching Mull of Kintyre headland they would have been extremely alert and ready to call ATC with a position report i.e. waypoint A and at the same time selected waypoint B.


  • A call to ATC was made but no response was given and one has to ask why not as this was a very special flight and the RAF would have been carrying out flight following procedures. One would also assume this was a position report and at that time would have selected waypoint B having also gone visual with the lighthouse. 


  • One can therefore only assume at this moment something catastrophic occurred that took away the ability of the crew to control the helicopter. This can only lead to five possible causes – Catastrophic Failure of the control mechanism – Contamination of the Hydraulic System – FADEC failure – Interference to the aircraft by either outside or inside persons – Crew Error.  


  • It is also common knowledge that the Mull of Kintyre is in itself a very secretive location used as a testing ground for advanced (next generation) high tech military aircraft as well as US Navy Seals. One would therefore assume that the area was monitored continuously by both the RAF and the US with their usual array of sophisticated tracking systems and radar etc.


  • There would have been other fishing boats around and one could ask the question how much effort was put into obtaining witnesses, how was the screening carried out and were all witnesses taken to their location on that day to display and explain what they saw or heard etc.


  • Why wasn’t the possibility of sabotage or external control of the aircraft looked at more deeply? This has been discussed many times at other aircraft accidents but did not play a significant part in this inquiry. This can be in the form of what they call an outside job or an inside job. The status of the passengers would have certainly made this a possibility.


There are so many other grey areas to discuss but the above would be my initial concerns.


I would now like to reveal to you the contents of an email and message that I have distributed to the civilian investigators and to many other outlets. The matter has now been reported to the police after my own exhaustive investigation into this accident and the fact that what I heard during a telephone conversation was of concern to me.


This conversation was discussed at length with my friend, Gordon Bowden, with whom I have been doing much research and investigation on many topics. We both came to the same conclusion that being ex military and responsible citizens it is our duty of care to report this incident.


I have attempted to keep this at a civilian level and away from the government/political sectors until such time as those in the aviation business are fully aware of my thoughts and what I witnessed. I have obviously selected key members of the Royal Aeronautical Society for their knowledge and their integrity and also copied it to the investigation team. 


You will find in the text the incident number from the police as evidence of our visitation. We both await formal recorded interviews, which hopefully will be sooner than later.


The purpose of this email is to influence the investigation teams and others into looking at the accident from a different perspective. Vital question remains unanswered and that is was this aircraft tampered with or controlled by inside/outside operatives, was it a catastrophic failure resulting in the crew inability to control the aircraft or was it simply pilots error (which appears to be most doubtful) based on the collective experience of the crew. 


The operative who gave me the information is vital to this inquiry and must be cross examined in a court of law and in doing so will contribute significantly to the new inquiry.  


Please find attached a summary of events that I compiled on the 7/10/2010


Finally I would just like our thoughts to focus of those that perished, namely:

Crew of Chinook ZD576:





Asst Chief Constable: BRIAN FITZSIMONS.
Det Chief Superintendant: DESMOND CONROY.
Det Chief Superintendant: MAURICE NEILLY.
Det Superintendant: PHILLIP DAVIDSON.
Det Superintendant: ROBERT FOSTER.
Det Superintendant: BILLY GWILLIAM.
Det Superintendant: IAN PHOENIX .
Det Chief Inspector: DENIS BUNTING.
Det Inspector: KEVIN MAGEE.
Home Office CB-57: JOHN DEVERILL.

I look forward to any feedback or response from those addressed above.


Kind Regards 


Peter Eyre – Aviation Consultant-Senior Airline/Helicopter Operations-SAR Coordinator


Sent 1225 9/10/2010


This collective email did not go down too well when I received the following response:

 From: Simon Luxmoore <simon.luxmoore@aerosociety.com>
Subject: Email regarding Chinook
To: peter.eyre7@btinternet.com
Date: Tuesday, 12 October, 2010, 15:20

Dear Mr Eyre,

As Chief Executive of the Royal Aerospace Society I have it brought to my attention by a number of members that you have been circulating and email concerning ‘Chinook’ to what appears to be a wide distribution within the Society.

This has raised a significant amount of concern within the Society in general.

In order to understand just exactly who you are and where you are coming from, I would be grateful if you would contact me with some contact points and an explanation of the situation.


Simon Luxmoore


My response to Mr Luxmore was as follows:

From: PETER EYRE <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 20:36:59 +0100 (BST)

To: Simon Luxmoore<simon.luxmoore@aerosociety.com>

Subject: Re: Email regarding Chinook

Dear Mr Luxmoore


Thank you very much for your quick response in reply to my rather long and complicated brief to your members and also to the civil investigation team.


Myself and my friend have been under much pressure in attempting to bring the contents of this email out into the public domain.


It has become clear that there is a distinct lack of motivation in attempting to get those that were involved in the initial investigation of the Chinook ZD576 to accept that the information that was passed to me during a private conversation could be factual.


I have no reason to believe that the informant, who previously held a position as a government intelligence officer, was not telling the truth. However I do appreciate the sensitivity of the information provided, and if true, the implications.


What I do find disturbing is that this aspect was not taken into account or if it was it was quickly brushed under the carpet by the military/government bodies.


As you know there is much, dare I say, total disagreement between the civil investigators and the military brass with many aspects of this investigation, result in a new investigation taking place.


I have a long history in both military and civil aviation (at senior operational level) and therefore consider myself to be of sound body and mind. It would certainly not be acceptable, as someone as already indicated that I dwell on the conspiracy theory.


I have had some connection with Intel myself in the past and also been involved in my normal airline duties in providing information to the AIB over some accidents that have happened during my tour of duty. I have also discussed my own theory in relation to multi sectors, crew hours, commercial brainwashing of pilots and some aspects of when two captains fly together etc etc. All in all a wealth of practical experience as well as flying in the jump seat many times checking flight plans and all associated en route problems etc.


This experience has covered long haul, short haul, VIP/Executive Jet and in particular helicopter operations and ATC/SAR etc.


With that out the way I will try to reduce what I have to say in bullet points as per below along with the action both myself and friend have taken to date. The reaction by the police was disgraceful to say the least and still we are both waiting to log this situation in a recorded interview, under oath etc. The basics have been revealed and given an incident number, which is given in the text below.


My purpose for communicating with your members was for the very reason, that up to the current time, we are drawing blanks. I beleive that with the integrity and respect carried by the RAS you would be in a position to look into this matter to ensure, that what I have disclosed, is received and acted upon. More importantly the fact that this angle should now form part of the new investigation.


I believe the aircraft wreckage is still under lock and key and can therefore be re examined.


See below for summary and bullet points etc


I look forward to your response.


Peter Eyre


 Mr Luxmoore responded in a rather arrogant way :

From: dirscl@mobileemail.vodafone.net <dirscl@mobileemail.vodafone.net>
Subject: Re: Email regarding Chinook
To: “PETER EYRE” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Wednesday, 13 October, 2010, 7:02

Mr Eyre
Can you tell me who you are and what authority you believe you have to communicate with the Society’s members on this or any other issue. This clearly has become vexatious both to the Society and its membership.
Simon Luxmoore


I once again emailed him again with the following:

Dear Mr Luxmoore


I appreciate your concern but you have to understand that if one finds oneself up against a wall, in wanting to report a matter that could influence the way in which an aviation accident is investigated, then one can only turn to those organisation or individuals who have respect in the industry.


I thus emailed the investigation team; those listed in the RAS and selected political figures as well as other third parties in order to generate a response.


Obviously I will continue to email many other people in the industry until such time as this matter is acknowledged and that collectively some pressure is applied to interview the person who made the initial statement.


The very fact that very senior and well respected civil aviators disagreed with the military panel is of great concern and as one would expect the crew were originally charged with gross neglect, which has since been waived.


The RAS prides itself in the contribution is makes to aeronautics as well as safety issue and standards etc. The recent event organised by the RAS in London – Human Factors, Emergency Response and Safety Management is typical of that contribution.


As part of my determination to make sure as many aviation/aeronautical/aerospace experts were informed, I selected organisations that were available via the public domain.


The civil and military aviation sectors are openly discussing events leading up to the crash and because of that concern, and the pressure from outside sources, the government has been forced to re investigate the crash of Chinook ZD576 (2 July 1994).


This is the last and final opportunity for the crew to be totally cleared and for the true reason as to what caused this crash to be revealed. No stone must remained unturned, which I am sure you agree.


This particular model of Chinook and the FADEC system had been causing major problems for the crews flying it and the Test Pilots at Boscombe Down had grounded this type just before the crash.


It is the duty of care for anyone associated with aviation, aeronautics or aerospace to report anything that could have contributed to this crash. That is exactly what I and my associate have done in reporting the matter to the police. However in doing so we have been received in a very unprofessional way.


You will see at the end of my previous email that I have already revealed exactly who I am and indicated to you my long standing experience in aviation.


The seriousness of this accident and the lack of receiving a professional response leave one with no choice but to email all those whom you respect in the industry and that is exactly what I have done.


The fact that 29 highly professional experts perished that day does not restrict one from communicating with anyone whom you can contact in the public domain and that is exactly what I have done.


Yours Sincerely


Peter Eyre – 2130 LT – 13/10/2010



Well as you would expect the arrogance continued in his further response:



From: dirscl@mobileemail.vodafone.net <dirscl@mobileemail.vodafone.net>
Subject: Re: Email regarding Chinook
To: “PETER EYRE” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Wednesday, 13 October, 2010, 22:23

Mr Eyre,
In the light of your latest correspondence and arising from a number of concerned requests that I have received from our members, I must formerly request that you cease contacting our membership further, using contact details obtained from RAeS originated sources.
Simon Luxmoore
Chief Executive

Cc John Balfour Hon Solicitor
David Couzens President



When your  dealing with such an important issue and with such a respected organisation you would expect a more favorable response. However, I was not put off by this self opinionated upstart and sent him this final email:


From Peter Eyre

To dirscl@mobileemail.vodafone.net


Mr Luxmoore


I can assure you that I have no further requirement to contact the RAS.


As advised I am contacting many other organisations on the issues raised as I feel it is my duty of care to do so in order to maintain the highest level of safety and standards.


Having spent most of my life associated with aviation safety and security I can assure you that this matter will continue to be raised until a satisfactory response has been achieved.


During my time in both military and civilian aviation I had the unfortunate task of being part of both lifeboat and helicopter SAR…..later I became a  coordinator and had my own ATC/SAR centre. I became sickened (having recovered many victims) by the fact that in most cases the crew were or are “guilty until proven guilty” despite the many shortfalls on aviation safety and maintenance.


Maybe had you been through the same experience you also would possibly have taken a stance, just like me. However, it is easy to turn a blind eye and turn to the beaucracy and red tape by asking me “Can you tell me who you are and what authority you believe you have to communicate with the Society’s members on this or any other issue..

I am sure the relatives of the deceased would be deeply upset by the general response from the many sectors that I have exhausted.


All communications have been recorded as evidence that I have attempted to bring this to the attention of as many people as is possible.


Peter Eyre



I found Mr. Luxmoore’s comment rather ironic when one reads the following headlines:

“Royal Aeronautical Society fellows doubt safety of Chinook software”

I then received communications from Captain Ralph Kohn who obviously on reflection expressed an interest in my activities and sent the following message:

From: Ralph Kohn <ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook ZD576
To: “‘PETER EYRE'” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Thursday, 21 October, 2010, 0:10

Hi Peter,

Have you had any follow-up from the Police? How about the friend you went with to speak to them?

I saw you sent mail to many contacts in Australia . Are they people you worked with out there on the Chinook affair? I have written to Lord Philip and I hope he will hear what I say. It is much in his hands now to try to liberate the MAA and MAAIB from the MoD and make them really independent.

  For your information and record, I attach my words to him on the subject, as reflected in a letter I wrote to the RAeS, in response to an article written by a professor Hayward . My letter is self explanatory.

  I also wrote to him about Chinook Mark 2 Airworthiness failings and sent him a copy of a letter I had written to MoD in December 2009, which was never answered until I sent it to the new minister Dr Liam Fox, who responded. I just wanted to make sure Lord Philip saw it and read my covering memo to him, in  which I re-emphasise the Airworthiness failings point, on behalf of the writers of the Macdonald report (April 2000). Did you see it on the site I mentioned? The letter I refer to was in Addendum 4 (2010). The report is quite old now and a lot more has surfaced since, hence addendum 4.

  I hope your campaign succeeds, as coming from another angle.  Ralph

From: PETER EYRE [mailto:peter.eyre7@btinternet.com]
Sent: 21 October 2010 07:47
To: Ralph Kohn
Subject: RE: Chinook ZD576

  Hello Ralph

 First of all I would like to say how happy I was to have received an email from you as I have been banging my head against a brick wall since my last communications with you. 

At first I thought your initial response, after listening to my side of the story on the phone, was bordering on ridicule when you indicated that you can only act on fact and not conspiracy theory. “We will continue to follow the path we are treading, but without introducing conspiracy theories that cannot be proved for the moment. We deal in facts, so assumptions cannot be introduced without weakening our case at it now stands.” As I have indicated to you already when a person provides information of this nature to me (That this was an inside job arranged via their department) and that person is not only an Intelligence Investigator but also acts as an advisor at the highest level, one has to take note. It is very easy to put this to bed very quickly by someone interviewing the person concerned. It this was done rather sooner than later then it would certainly give the investigators a new angle to investigate and possibly substantiate.

 I am also somewhat shocked that more attention was not paid to the possibility of sabotage anyway based on the status of the passengers being carried. The very fact that all these very high Military, Intel, Security and Anti Terrorism guys were all flying on one aircraft is beyond belief. 

 I myself am ex security and this would not normally ever be allowed…. so again why didn’t someone look at this angle and why was severe criticism not made of this flawed mistake……that in itself would add fire to the sabotage theory. It was obvious around this time that peace talks between  all those concerned was not moving along at the pace our government had hoped for. The Northern Ireland situation was become a thorn in the side with much pressure also coming from the US .

 Having been connected with some level of Intel over many years I fully understand that if their is a major obstacle that is slowing down progress….then remove the obstacle……..I think enough said at this stage.

 So that would be my first approach before even starting the new inquiry.

 Secondly I agree with you that maintenance has always been an issue in all aspects of aviation both in the military and civilian sense. So in the event that my first theory is discounted, I totally agree that this has to be some other catastrophic failure that caused ZD576 to continue on track ahead of waypoint A.

 I have read much information about this accident, especially the large file on Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) or Radio Frequency Interference (RMI) and to some extend I found this a diversion from the main theme as to why the Chinook flew into the hillside.

Taking all things into account at the end of the day the Chinook had carried out a successful transition from Aldergrove, across the NE corner of Northern Ireland , followed by a sea transit up to Waypoint A. The very fact that all three on the flight deck were very experiences and also the fact that despite a general cloud base the aircraft was flying full VFR. They would have sighted the headland in good time and observed the cloud/mist shrouded hilltop.

 The crew would have been extremely alert on the approach to the headland and would not have put the aircraft into danger, especially in the way indicated that she flew into the cloud/mist shrouded hilltop and that in their opinion the aircraft was climbing at a rate unable to clear the terrain.

 AS you know yourself, having flowing to many coastal locations ,the weather is rather unique….the Channel Islands is a perfect example with an undulating cloud base from time to time and as the Chinook crew approach the turning point could have and would have made the turn to remain coastal of the western seaboard of the Mull of Kintyre.

 Obviously at this critical moment they were not able to manually override the programmed waypoint (which when flying VFR they should have been able to do) having already gone visual with the headland.

 One can therefore only conclude

 1. That the crew did not have the ability to do a course correction at critical point A

2. That the aircraft was no longer under their control

3. That the FADEC caused major problems as it approached the headland and the height and workload of the crew did not allow them to take corrective measures

 Another aspect (as an outsider) was the cross examination of the witnesses and were there more witnesses offshore besides the one vital witness. The report states that there were many fishing boats around at the time, which one would expect at such a coastal location.

 So Ralph that’s it basically. My friend and I did go to the Police and their attitude was rather disgraceful but believe me we will go back to them again and force this issue.

 In my frustration I have written to many people and as you said the people from the RAS……I specifically made an attempt to reach those in Australia as I am of dual nationality and know of Australians great track record on safety, having worked there.

 I was shocked by the attitude of the CEO of the RAS and advised him that I would put his response on record….arrogance does not wear well with me on safety issues such as this!

 I would love to be part of the new team just to take part from the ground operational point of view, having been a very good researcher and investigator on other matter. I have a very long experience in all aspects of aviation, especially with helicopter operations having done ATC and COMSAR for a very large project in Australia.

I have also worked with the Police as a controller in the HQ and certainly know how to interview witnesses to get the satisfactory result……there is no question that the witness investigation could have been rigged to give just one point of view that would favour the MOD/RAF and at the same time released them of any failings.

 Thank you again for responding. You have certainly given me hope in your response that maybe you yourself now have other thoughts.

 Kind Regards

 Peter Eyre Ex Senior Operations Staff (Airline/Helicopter Ops) & SAR Coordinator


Ralph then passed me contact details for the new board of inquiry:

From: Ralph Kohn <ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook ZD576
To: “‘PETER EYRE'” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Friday, 22 October, 2010, 14:34

Dear Peter,

I remain interested in the follow-up from the part of those you have contacted to alert them of your fears.

  I still do not think that at this point in time, that your voice and ideas can be added to ours, which remain of manufacturing engineering standards nature, but let me offer to you the point of contact for you to use as an independent contributor. The Terms of reference for Lord Philip’s review may be found at the following internet address and you can write to Mr Alex Passa at the address given at the end of the statement hereunder, to pass any comments you may wish to offer.

 I continue to wish you well,

Do keep me in the picture if things develop at your end


With kind regards  Ralph


Mull of Kintyre Accident (Independent Review)

The Secretary of State for Defence (Dr Liam Fox): On 26 May this year, during the debate on the Queen’s Speech, I confirmed that we would be honouring the pledge we made in opposition to hold an independent review of the evidence relating to the tragic accident on 2 June 1994 when a Chinook helicopter crashed at the Mull of Kintyre, killing all 29 people on board.

I am pleased to announce that the right hon. Lord Philip has agreed to conduct the review. Lord Philip, who retired in 2007 as a Lord of Session and Member of the Inner House and is a Privy Counsellor, brings a wealth of judicial experience to the task. He will be assisted in his work by a panel of three Privy Counsellors, all distinguished Parliamentarians: the Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

The terms of reference of the review will be:

To examine all available evidence relating to the findings of the board of inquiry into the fatal accident at the Mull of Kintyre on 2 June 1994; and to report conclusions to the Secretary of State for Defence as soon as possible.

The review will be primarily an examination of the written record of the board of inquiry and of any other related evidence which it considers may throw light on the findings of the board. Lord Philip will, however, be happy to receive representations from individuals and groups with knowledge of the issues involved. Any person wishing to make contact with the review should
16 Sep 2010 : Column 54WS
write in the first instance to its Secretary, Mr Alex Passa, at The Mull of Kintyre Review, 1 Melville Crescent . Edinburgh EH3 7HW



I then had a conversation with DC Ahmed at Derby Police HQ who advised me that he had now handed over this case regarding the Chinook to the MoD. I then sent this email to Gordon Bowden for his records:

From Peter Eyre                                  2nd November 2010

To Gordon Bowden



DC Ahmed rang me at 1430 – 1450.


He told me that the two DC’s had spoken to me re the Chinook…I said not this was not the case that I had given a brief summary to them and that they said they would try and find out who could deal with me and Gordon and get back to me by the following Monday and this didn’t happen.


I explain that senior police officers died in this crash and therefore the police should be concerned and also that anything to do with an air crash is a police matter and they are responsible for securing the scene etc…..if information of this nature is revealed then it certainly is a police matter ie sabotage or interference with an aircraft etc.


I futher explained my concern that I have now provided information to the new investigation board and still the Police have not interviewed me etc,


He explained that he took over the case for DC Cyples and DC Rigby on the 12/10/2010 and he has sat down with the above two DC’s and also carried out many inquires on the matter as he needed to know who could deal with this…….he told me that he has now passed the information over to the MOD and is still waiting for any feedback and cannot do anymore for the time being……he said that if an interview did take place it would not be local but somewhere more applicable.


I requested that he notifies those concerned that the letter to the Civil Inquiry people has been delivered as we speak and that it is of concern to me that I still have not been interviewed….he said I was interviewed….I told him this was not an interview it was a brief overview of the contents of the call and that most of the interview was all about Gordon’s Fraud information which was totally irrelevant with the reason for calling in at the station.


I told DC Ahmed that I have nothing against him and I appreciate that this is a heavy workload for people such as himself to deal with.


Inquiries continue




It was after Captain Ralph Kohn’s response that mentally lifted me up a little as when you are dealing with such matters everyone thinks you are a conspiracy maniac…….on the contrary I double check everything myself before putting pen to paper as I realize its your reputation that is on the line. Feeling more optimistic than ever I responded to Ralph as follows:

From: PETER EYRE [mailto:peter.eyre7@btinternet.com]
Sent: 04 November 2010 08:21
To: ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook ZD576

  Hello again Ralph

 Well as you would expect I don’t give up easy so I am now speaking to my fourth Detective at the local police HQ and he, as are all the others scared of dealing with this issue so he’s now past it onto the MOD……I told him that’s a waste of time as the previous military inquiry was rigged anyway etc etc…..so we will see.

 I took your advice and wrote a letter….rather than posting it I had it hand delivered by a Scottish friend yesterday and also obtained a formal receipt.

 Just thought I would keep you updated.

 Please find attached as evidence.



 Ralph’s brief response:

From: Ralph Kohn <ralph.kohn@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: RE: RE: Chinook ZD576
To: “‘PETER EYRE'” <peter.eyre7@btinternet.com>
Date: Thursday, 4 November, 2010, 11:12

Thanks Peter,

The MoD’s reaction will be interesting




 A Chinook in full flight



A copy of my evidence/letter to Lord Philip (the head of the new inquiry), which was hand delivered in Edinburgh, is shown below as well as the formal receipt obtained:

Further to all the emails and phone calls made in relation to this matter I have also discussed this accident with Chris Williamson MP at two surgeries and also in other correspondence and to date to no avail. One would think that such information would be of the highest priority but no one, including the police have any motivation to deal with this.

Here is my last communication to him on this topic:

Chris Williamson MP for Derby North


Wednesday, 6 April, 2011 22:33


From Peter Eyre                                                     

To chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk


Cc scotlandp@parliament.uk, williamss@parliament.uk, beckettm@parliament.uk, corbynj@parliament.uk, ranjit.banwait@live.co.uk, lucy.care@ntlworld.com, info@derbyconservatives.co.uk, info@derbylabourparty.co.uk, info@libdems.org.uk, feedback@peterlilley.co.uk, reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk



To the Rt Hon Chris Williamson


I have asked you for formal evidence that the issues raised by myself on the excessive use of Depleted Uranium in current and past areas of conflict i.e. Libya. Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Somalia, Yemen and now Libya have in actual fact been addressed as you indicated during your two surgeries.


You will also recall the discussion regarding the Crash of the Chinook in the Mull of Kintyre killing all 29 VIP passengers and the RAF Crew (who were initially blamed).


Some extremely senior Military, Police and MI5 were all onboard the same one helicopter as well as a very experienced special operations crew. In reality this would never be allowed at either Military or Civil level and is in itself extremely suspect….not to mention that possible sabotage was never looked at in the initial inquiry.


As you know a second inquiry is again underway and based on the information that I passed on to the local police (which was eventually passed on to the MoD) one would assume that this would be looked at in more detail and that I would have been interviewed regarding the information I have already supplied direct to the new Head of the Inquiry in Scotland (delivered by hand), to which I have received a written acknowledgement of receipt.


I have also submitted my own analysis of the crash along with some shortfalls which I myself observed in the original inquiry (having worked in the helicopter field for many years).


I have also spoken a few times to the head of the original Civilian Inquiry, Captain Ralph Kohn, whose team disagree with the MoD’s original verdict.


I would therefore ask you to check on the status of this inquiry and if my statement is in the pipeline and will be considered along with new evidence that has since come to light.


Had this flight involved VIP’s from the political sector one would assume that the inquiry would have been swift and accurate……unfortunately this has not been the case and certainly gives rise to the possibly of being an inside job, which is what my informant told me.


I did ask the question why did they die?……the response was that the Government were unhappy that the Northern Ireland Peace Talks were not moving along at the pace that they were seeking at the time………when you have a problem you remove the problem…..hence the death of 29 VIP’s involved in the NI process and the RAF Crew!!


Finally I am shocked that the nature of the extremely serious massive fraud that Gordon and I  have briefed you on (amounting to billions of pounds, each and every year), plus the massive tax evasion still has not been addressed, despite the state of our economy and massive cut backs and job losses.


I have observed you, on many occasions (with your megaphone) protesting outside the Council Offices at the Conservative and Lib Dems cut backs in child centres etc and yet the root cause of our countries decline stemmed back during your parties term in office and the fraud that was and is still taking place in this country.


We have pointed out to you that forensic evidence on this massive corporate fraud, involving the Banks, Senior Political Figures and their Parties (amounting to billions of pounds per annum) is held by Gordon with copies distributed far and wide for security purposes and yet still no evidence that this issue has been raised in the Houses of Parliament.


Both Gordon and I again ask you to perform your duty, as our Parliamentary representative, in bringing these issues before Parliament in the interest of our nation and its current economy.


Your Sincerely


Peter Eyre 



Gordon Bowden received a letter from Chris Williamson regarding matters that had been raised and one paragraph of that letter (dated 22nr March 2011) stated:

“I don’t think ongoing correspondence with you on this issue is particularly productive. As you will appreciate I have over 70,000 other constituents in Derby North and many of them contact me with pressing personal concerns.”

Well Mr. Rt Hon Williamson what would be more pressing than the massive fraud that is putting your constituents under great personal stress due to loss of jobs, loss of their homes and reductions in allowances and public sector services?

What would be more pressing than the use of Depleted Uranium by coalitions forces causing mass suffering to millions of people around the world, including our own country and also our own troops?

What would be more pressing than to investigate if the Chinook helicopter that crashed on the 2nd of June 1994 (Mull of Kintyre), killing its highly specialised crew and 25 VIP passengers (high level terrorism experts from the Police, Military and MI5) may have been sabotaged by our own government?  

What I found suspicious and very distressing were the words used by the Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police, Leslie Sharp, when he made the following statement just hours after the crash:

“I make it clear that there is no reason whatsoever to suspect that we are dealing with anything other than a terrible tragic accident.” Why would a person so senior make such a statement immediately after the crash and who gave him the authority to make this statement?  The circumstances and analysis is the duty of the investigation team and certainly not the Chief Constable…….I became deeply suspicious after his bold statement.

It should be noted that the Prime Minister at the time of the crash was John Major and the President of the Board of Trade was Michael Heseltine (now Lord Heseltine) who both were very keen to wind up the Northern Ireland Peace Talks after much pressure had been applied from the United States.


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant 12/4/2011     http://www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

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Pandora’s Box – Massive Fraud & Tax Evasion all linked to illegal arms

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I was amazed to read the headlines in the Telegraph the other day which read as follows:

 Iraq inquiry: Alastair Campbell ‘misrepresented’ purpose of WMD dossier, former military intelligence chief says

 By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter 7:02PM BST 12 May 2011

Alastair Campbell at the Chilcot Inquiry (Iraq)

The article went on to say:  In his evidence, the former Downing Street communications director rejected suggestions that he had been asked to “beef up” the dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and said its purpose had not been “to make a case for war”.

But Major General Michael Laurie, who was the Ministry of Defence’s director general, intelligence collection, from 2002 to 2003, told the inquiry that making a case for war was “exactly its purpose”.

 This reminded me of a key witness that was not given the opportunity to present her credible evidence. Ms Tara Davison was a very senior Intel Operative hired by the government to investigate illegal arms trading with Iraq. Ms Davison had previously given evidence to the Scott Inquiry (behind closed doors) but was not called before the Chilcot Inquiry to hand over her sound evidence.

 Many people knew of the existence of this evidence including Lord Doug Hoyle and the Prime Minister at the time Gordon Brown and they even knew that Ms Tara Davison private dwellings had been raided by 13 male police officers from the Derbyshire Constabulary.

Lord Hoyle      Gordon Brown 

You can read Ms Davison’s own account of this raid in my previous article Pandora’s Box – To be or not to be that is the question?  

 Valuable information that was vital to have been included in the Chilcott Inquiry (Iraq) was intentionally seized and kept under lock and key by the Derbyshire Police.

 On can only assume that the orders to carry out this raid was authorised by the Prime Minister at the time, Gordon Brown and yet this information was regarding illegal arms trading by the Conservative Party, so why would they not want this information to be included?

 The purpose of the Iraq Inquiry was basically to clear all blame on ex PM Tony Blair in order for him to move forward  in his political/commercial life. Could it be that something more sinister lay behind this inquiry that involved both the Tory Party and the Labour Party?

War Criminal Tony Blair

Let’s just refresh our minds as to what happened in 1989 when a young Tory researcher, David Cameron (under the apron strings of Maggie Thatcher) went down to South Africa on a sanctions busting all expenses paid trip (paid for by ARMSCOR) to Pellindaba  a nuclear weapons  facility.

 David Cameron was accompanied by Sir Kenneth Warren and the purpose of the trip was to purchase three, battlefield ready 20kt nuclear bombs,  that the Conservatives wanted to use on Saddam in the event he did not toe the line. 

David Cameron with his political mum Maggie Thatcher

Sir Ken Warren who went to South Africa with David Cameron to illegally purchase

three 20kt nuclear bombs, which then resuled in the theft of £17.8 million of tax payers money

which then due (do to gross neglect) allowed them to be stolen and sold on the black market

Under the UN radar, South Africa, with the help of Israel, developed ten bombs and test fired one at Prince Edward Island to the South of the country. 

 This left nine weapons that caused South Africa, US, UK and Israel great concern as they did not want them to fall into the hands of the next black regime.

The plan was to ship the entire load to Chicago for decommissioning but Maggie Thatcher had other ideas and so just before she finished in office she signed an Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) document that listed them as being three cylinders!

 They were prepared and shipped in standard 20 foot sea containers from Durban to Oman without any security. There was a hidden observation window so that the core temperature could be checked as required.

The deal was arranged privately using British Taxpayers money involving the arms dealer John Bredenkamp with the assistance of Sir Mark Thatcher and many high profile politicians. £17.8 million was siphoned off and went into the Tory Party Election Fund………this money was exposed by the Labour Party in Parliament by Lord Doug Hoyle and Margaret Beckett MP and is listed in Hansard June 22 1993 from Column 197.

 The nuclear bombs arrived in Oman and were put into an insecure compound and checked by Dr. David Kelly who had the responsibility to look after the weapons and check that they were in good condition prior to the release of the money. (So you see dear Dr. Kelly knew too much).

 Some time later the three weapons were stolen by the same arms dealer, John Bredenkamp and sold on the black market.

 It was believed that these weapons found their way to Iraq but were then moved into Syria in three ambulances as they were highly mobile.

 Tony Blair with the help of Alastair Campbell then sexed up the Iraq Dossier to influence the UK into going to war……the only problem was that if having nuclear bombs was justification for going to war, then we went to war with the wrong country.

 Tony Blair created the Nuclear Explosions Act which technically would now cause great concern for many of the players that took part in this highly illegal and deeply flawed operation.

 My question would be did Ms Tara Davison have some information that could have blown open this deceit and should her vital evidence have been accepted before the Chillcot  Inquiry?…….naturally the answer to the latter is most definitely yes.

 So what was taken from the private residence of Ms Davison? My other question would be how did she manage to remove this classified information without any detection and how come she was not arrested under the Official Secrets Act?

 So what was taken from her residence by 13 male police officers from the Derbyshire Constabulary?

 Below is a list that Ms Davison published on her own webpage http://www.afbio.co.uk before it was taken down and as you must agree is extremely sensitive information that for sure should be filed with the Chillcot Inquiry.

 Ms Davison gave it a title:

 Judge makes it illegal for me to buy a loaf of bread.

 Preliminary list of property seized from the two flats and communal areas.

 A very large amount of property was seized during the execution of the warrant so this list remains not restricted to but including. In effect they took the lifetimes accumulation of documents and property some which will only come to light later no doubt


·         Cash ilOO-f.200

·         Cash in Euros 200 to 500

·         Share certificates

·         Credit Cards


·       Masonic Jewels (father was a mason)

·       Gold and Jewellery worth now about £40,000,00

·       Watch Jules Audemars

·       Watch Rolex


·       Passports

·       Driving licence

·       Training Records

·       Educational and Professional Certificates Employment records (clearance correspondence)

·       Personal records concerning security Top Secret Nuclear

·       Family History Records

·       Company Pension Records

·       All insurance documents for property and vehicles

·       MOT certificates

·       Family Photographs

·       Parents death Certificates

·       Tax Records

·       Pay Slips

·       All bank statements and documents with passwords etc. House deeds and original documents

·       Cheque books personal and business

·       Credit card statements

·       Files of receipts guarantees and instruction books


·       Spare keys for the House and barn and outbuilding and all keys to the locked gates

·  Property Keys

·  Car Keys

Since then there have been burglaries and numerous “brake ins”, car doors opened windows opened and left open etc


·       Coolpix camera with SD Card installed

·       Eriksson Mobile phones 3 off

·       3 other mobile phones

·       Electronic scales

·       2 Desktop computers

·       4 laptops

·      Ipaq Personal organiser

·      3 portable hard drives

·      I mobile dongle (now paying each month for a service only the derby police can receive because they have the dongle


·       Large box of various software for the computers perhaps 20-30 CD’s

·       Windows

·       Office 2007


·       Fire proof safety box

·       One wooden 4 draw filing cabinet


Large Box containing documents not restricted to but including Documents and Records (some originals and some copies).

·       Project Babylon (supergun) file and corresponded about same

·       Biological weapons and delivery systems in Iraq

·       Location of Planes and WMD’s following Desert Storm

·       Mobile Biological Weapons Laboratory in Iraq

·       UK supply of Biological and Chemical agents to Iraq

·       Evidence given in secret to Lord Justice Scott

·       Note books concerning arms to Iraq

·       Production line facilities in Iraq for CBW

·       Gulf War Syndrome.

·       Arms running through Yugoslavia.

·       Electromagnetic Warfare (star Wars).

·       Iraq’s nuclear programme.

·    Hard evidence and papers on investigation by Ministry of Defence police (fraud Squad) with which I was assisting NATO sensitive.

·    Correspondence from Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Gerald Kaufman, Lord Douglas Hoyle, Lew Smith, Stan Crowther covering several years mostly about Arms to Iraq and Yugoslavia plus correspondence with Tony Blair about Child abuse in Children’s Homes in North Wales and 


·   Documents concerning a nuclear warhead and group discussion with Peter Hain, Pete Sawyer, David Lowrey and Peter Hains researcher Isabell.

·   Documents on Jonathan Aitken including letters from Customs about Jonathan Aitken.

·   Computer discs several boxes all about arms to Iraq and the war in Yugoslavia and the IRA.

·   Records cards 1 box dealing with companies that supplied Iraq one box dealing with the people involved in the supply of arms to Iraq .

·   Record box with cards of those involved in the Care Homes child abuse enquiry.

·   Correspondence Atomic Weapons Establishment

·   Documents concerning the Atomic Weapons Establishment.


·   Letters from Tony Blair when he was shadow Home Secretary

·   Letters from Kenneth Clarke and others

·   Evidence concerning Police Officers, Judiciary, MP’s and Government Ministers involved

·   Witness statements from victims including statements from witnessess in the Welsh Childress Homes Scandal

·   Notebooks containing information and conversations with victims, carers and whistle blowers

·   large amount of index cards with names and links

·   Various documents concerning International Paedofile Network

·   Evidence collected to write various newspaper and magazine articals calling for a public enquiry


·       File of my ongoing investigation into a fraud (in which I am the victim)

·       Hard Evidence an original signed document

·       Hard evidence in the form of letters



·       Chamber of mines medical records

·       Records about current incurable illness

·       Legal Council during divorce

·       File of letters from solicitor about property purchase

·       Privileged letters between my solicitor and myself


·       Client records with confidential details from when I was acting as an appropriate adult (I was a mental health advocate for over 10 years) and an appropriate adult on call. Including personal and confidential details of adults who had been abused in the North Wales Children’s Homes scandal

·       Investment Club financial records

·       Confidential Client coaching session records

JOURNALISTIC Material and client in confidence

·       Journalistic Material Documents and records of interviews given in confidence including but not limited

http://www.afbio.co.uk/Items Taken.html

End of Ms Davison article

I am sure we would all agree that this was exceptional classified documentation and should be presented to the Chilcott Inquiry.

Last but not least what that list of Paedophiles that was discussed with Tony Blair so what happened to that…..was it too sensitive also? Not to forget the FBI list of known Paedophiles within high places of government and that were considered to be a security risk to our country.

 Could it be that people in high places are Senior Masons and that this alone put this aspect under lock and key forever?

 There is no doubt a very strong connection between the New World Order – Freemasons – Rochschilds – Rockefellas, Bilderberg and many national security agencies around the world to name but a few!!

So final summary of all of the above is:

Why wasn’t Ms Davison arrested and charged under the Official Secrets ACT for being in possession of confidential documents?

If the police are now in possession or were in possession of these document how come they have not been made available to the Chilcott Inquiry?

How come all those involved in the South African illegal nukes scam are not in jail?

How come the Tory party have not had to account for the theft of £17.8 million of tax payers money?

Why hasn’t the MoD, the Police or the Lord Philip Chinook Review Board interviewed Ms Davison?

There is certainly more behind the crash of RAF Chinook ZD576 but you will have to follow my articles to see what is behind this disaster when 25 of the best anti terrorist experts and 4 crew died under very suspicious circumstances, none of which makes sense!!

Maybe we can encourage some feedback on this highly controversial story!


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 14/5/2011     http://www.eyreinternational.wordpress

Pandora’s Box – To be or not to be that is the question – Will justice prevail?

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Gordon Bowden, I and other third parties are being taken to court for deformation by Ms Tara Andrea Davison but there are many complications to this case that can only be described as being rather sensitive to the UK Government, the political elite and their parties, the corporate sector and the banking sector.

This is further complicated by the fact that Ms Andrea Davison’s residence was raided last year under a Search and Seizure Warrant (section 352 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) by 13 male Police Officer from the Derbyshire Police Constabulary under the control of Detective Constable 1518 Stephen Winnard. The Judge that signed off this order was His Honour Judge Burgess of the Crown Court at Derby on the 5/1/2010……as per below:

The above information was released on her own website when she openly declared that the “Judge makes it illegal for me to buy a loaf of bread.” That website has since been taken down (http://www.afbio.co.uk/Warrent.html) but has been copied by other third parties and stored in many secret locations both within the UK and overseas. This was done to provide factual evidence for all parties involved in this deformation case and also for our own security.

The article below is the one that Ms Tara Andria Davison wrote herself and released on the same webpage to explain the injustices that she had encountered it was also soon after this that Gordon and I attempted to make friends with her in order to enhance her situation but was flatly refused. In actual fact she then went on the attack of Gordon Bowden and pointed out her concerns to me…….I explained that I try to keep middle ground in such situations and eventually I helped Gordon produce many articles which Ms Davison took exception too.

Here’s a copy of Ms Davison original story as produced on her own website:



 Home House of Lords          Gordon Brown          Derby Police  Fraud Victims & Investigation         Arms to Iraq Documents         Pedophile Investigations       Contact Me


Nick Clegg is asking the people to tell him   what laws they want repealed.

Please Tell Nick Clegg to repeal the Proceeds of Crime Act http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/repealing-unnecessary-laws/repeal-the-proceeds-of-crime-act-2002-and-restore-presumption-of-innocence

Sign petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/repealpca

Press Article Guantanamo Bay? No, Derby…

In a new ‘Arms to Iraq’ scandal Judge John Burgess sitting in private issued a Court Order which in effect prevents me from even buying a loaf of bread or food for my cat and specifically prohibits me from paying for any legal help to challenge the Court Order he made.  The evidence Judge Burgess relied on was supplied in a witness statement made by Derby Police Officer DC Stephen William Winnard and Authorised by Chief Superintendent Anthony Blockley. This statement is littered with obvious falsehoods and fabrications. The question is why ?

The Iraq Inquiry headed by Sir John Chilcot is calling on me to supply sensitive evidence which was seized by the Derby Police mid January 2010. I am a former adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq is struggling to know what to do. As she did when giving evidence to the Scott Inquiry into Arms o Iraq she expected to do so in total secrecy but the actions of Derby police have made this impossible.

The Iraq enquiry set up by Gordon Brown is convened for the purpose of examining the United Kingdom’s involvement in Iraq, including the way decisions were made and actions taken, to establish as accurately and reliably as possible what happened, and to identify lessons that can be learned. The Inquiry is considering the period from 2001 up to the end of July 2009.

Gordon Brown (then Prime Minister) told the House of Commons, “no British document and no British witness will be beyond the scope of the Inquiry.” The Government has assured the Inquiry of the full co-operation of the relevant Departments.

But conversely Brown either colluded, organised or aided and abetted Derby police seizing documents, mid January 2010, which were pertinent to the inquiry implicating himself in a cover-up.  Five weeks later he would himself be called to the Inquiry to give evidence.

These Iraq documents were seized by DC Steven Winnard on the 13th of January just weeks before they were due to be presented to the Iraq Inquiry. Although by now everyone in the New Coalition Government knows about the seizure of the Iraq Documents from me they have not been returned.

Hywell Williams MP of Plaid Cymru whos party originated and led the call to impeach Tony Blair, in 2004 because of Blair’s decision to engage in an illegal war with Iraq, is making enquiries but so far without success. On the 22nd of July Nick Clegg declaired to Parliment from the despatch box that the war in iraq was “illegal” . That is what the my documents stolen by the Derby police prove.


Back in 1989 whilst I was investigating covert arms shipments concurrently with an investigation into the International  Paedophile Network I was given documents proving the then Conservative Government were selling arms to Iraq.  On instructions I went to see Neil Kinnock at his home and he put me in touch with Alan Rodgers. From this first meeting I was pivoted into the forefront of exposing  ‘arms to Iraq’.


I went on to be an intelligence advisor to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on ‘Arms to Iraq’. Then gave evidence to Lord Justice Scott and a written submission which is kept in a secret room along with other evidence given in secret,   but now siezed by the Derby Police.  I also worked with Tony Blair  who was then shaddow Home Secretary exposing the Paedofile Network within the Police and high places.   Exposing illicit arms deals and highly placed paedofiles is very dangerous work and when I was eventually able to retire from front line involvement  I  sold my  home  and  kept my whereabouts and identity as secure as I could without being given a new identity to protect me.


On the 13th of January, I was alone in my flat and asleep when the Derby Police   headed by DC Stephen Winnard   raided my flat in North Wales with 12 other male officers executing a warrant   obtained under Proceeds of Crime Act.  At the same time they  raided the  flat downstairs,  occupied  by  DW  a man with  Top Secret Clearance, and  also the   communal areas  of the property.  They seized almost every document and everything of value from myself and DW who has never been interviewed or spoken to by the Derby Police.  Amongst their  trove  they seized  documents specifically excluded,  letters from my solicitors, medical details about my illness, journalistic material  and  further to this  a large amount of documents, note books, discs, and tapes  on the illicit arms trade  and  ‘Arms to Iraq’  plus letters from Gordon Brown and other Labour and Conservative politicians.


This warrant was obtained from Judge Burgess, the same Crown Court Judge who 3 months later was to issue a restraint order against me.  The apparent grounds for issuing the warrant was that I had provided a client, calling himself Robin Jacob,  with a  mailing address  at  MAOS Mail services in Hyde, Cheshire  and I had dealt with his mail and that Robin Jacob had committed an International Fraud through his company Regal and Archer which was formed by Turner and Little.  


After spending  about 9 hours  putting all my property and that of DW into cardboard boxes,  and having searched the property for drugs  and cash with a sniffer dog,  I was finally allowed to get dressed  so that I could be arrested and  taken into custody.  They arrested me for   International fraud in 2007 and 2008 telling my duty solicitor I was the mastermind.  I was deposited back home that night at about 8 pm to a devastated house.  It was like being raped and burgled but unable to go to the Police, because it was the Police.


Shocked I contacted a former member of the Trade and Industry Select Committee now in the Lords. Lord Douglas Hoyle was astounded by what had happened and concluded that it must be political.  There was no way that the seizure of documents on arms to Iraq in an alleged fraud case covering 2007 and 2008 could be legitimate   Also in 2007 I was very ill after being diagnosed with an incurable illness.  which left me confused and weak..

After writing a letter to Gordon Brown I arranged with Lord Hoyle to have this letter given directly to The Prime Minister advising him about the stolen documents. Lord Hoyle later confirmed he had personally passed my letter directly to Gordon Brown and that if Gordon Brown wanted more information he would ask for it through him.  


Two months later on the 16th of April Judge Burgess made a Restraint Order against me relying on evidence from the witness statement of DC Stephen Winnard.   This Restraint Order prohibits me from spending my own money, allowing me only to spend money received from State Benefits. But DC Winnard a financial investigator accredited by the Director of National Policing Improvement Agency knew that I was not in receipt of any State Benefits.

Because of the Statement made by  DC Stephen Winnard  with the signed approval of  Chief Superintendent  Anthony Blockley   using the power invested in  Judge john Burgess by the Court, they together made it illegal for me to  buy a loaf of bread  or buy  food for my cat  and if I did I could be  fined or imprisoned for Contempt of Court. This is inhuman and degrading treatment against a vulnerable older lady, who they have already mentally tortured for 4 months, making unsubstantiated allegations that I am the mastermind behind this international fraud and threatening to confiscate my only home as the proceeds of crime.    If it were not for the ‘Arms to Iraq’ documents it would make no sense at all, although some victims believe the government is trying to protect the real fraudsters.    I have not been charged with this offence, but after writing this there may be an anxious to silence me.


The Derby Police in a court document name the two companies involved Regal and Archer LLC and Quantum Holdings Ltd with bank accounts in Cyprus claiming I control these companies.  They also claim the fraud is about £1.5 million. From   what they say and write it would appear this is the sum of their knowledge about massive frauds of multiple millions covering the globe

What makes their ignorance not credible is that details about the massive fraud are all over the Net.   Anyone with a computer can discover that Regal and Archer and Quantum Holdings Ltd are just middle companies in a huge list of companies set-up by an international group of multi million dollars fraudsters who were operating months after my arrest through a company called Heritage Benefits Financial Limited (HBF) on April the 1st AMF the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector warned investors not to invest in HBF.  HBF is a company directly linked to Regal and Archer.


 If you go onto http://www.complaintsboard.com and http://www.fraudnet.info and numerous other sites you can read the complaints of victims from 2004 to April 2010. The victims give a huge amount of detail, names fax and telephone numbers and addresses.  Regal and Archer and Quantum Holdings are just links in a chain I have looked at another 20 companies used by the same Gang and there are more.   This is a massive ongoing fraud the gang simply ditch a company when it becomes troublesome and move on. You would have to be the worst detective in the world to arrest an older lady of limited means living in a terraced house in a small village in North Wales as the Mastermind behind this multi million pound international ongoing Fraud.  But that suspiciously is what the Derby police have done


The whereabouts of my arms to Iraq documents together with all the rest of my property are unknown to me.   All I can do is rely on you the reader to protect me from this inhuman and degrading treatment which appears to be sanctioned at a high level.

 Visit the rest of my website to see supporting documents and more information   http://www.afbio.co.uk



What is interesting to note in this case is the fact that all those who have been involved in writing the articles, providing the information, publishing the articles have not been called to court (which is not normal protocol) and could indicate that this case is very special and may be dealt with out of the public domain (behind closed doors so to speak).

Ms Tara Andrea Davison is seeking damages, a permanent injunction, several orders, a mandatory injunction, interest in pursuance to the Court Interest Act, special costs and such further and other relief as to this Honourable Court may seem just.

What  is most interesting is the fact that throughout these initial proceedings the Claimant, Andrea  Davison, has not made a full disclosure to the High Court or to the Defendants of the fact that she was raided and that a restraint order is in power and also the fact that she was put on bail, which has since been extended until the middle of this month.

The other issue here is the fact that the Claimant, Andrea Davison, is still under investigation and is currently ongoing. We have received legal advice from the HQ Derbyshire Police Constabulary that as this case is still ongoing, it would be premature for any other case relating to their investigations to go ahead as this could seriously jeopardise their current investigations and any future case they may come about from their inquiries.

Below is a copy of the Court Order that was issued to the defendants on the 5th of April 2011. This clearly indicates that there will be a Case Management Conference on Monday. 9th May 2011 at 12pm in Room E117 for 30 minutes:


The whole purpose in disclosing this information publically is basically for our own record and protection.

Now one knows how things will pan out if the case will be binned or an injunction is made which basically could gag all the defendants……..the other issue that could eventually come out of this is a sort of Contempt of Court etc………the British have a very convenient way of stopping anything as sensitive as this is by using the term “It is not in the best interest of the United Kingdom”………at the end of the day we want our day in an open court but the powers that be certainly would not want this case to proceed as it would cause the existing government and the other parties acute embarrassment.

In the event that you do not have the opportunity to see any further articles on the topics that Gordon and I cover then you will know that a “Gag Order is in place”………needless to say there are other ways of silencing you but we will not go into that!!


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 8/5/2011    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com 


Ex Dep. Asst. US Sec of State opens up a Pandora’s Box @ 22 Arlington Street. London

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A private investigator by the name of Gordon Bowden has found an awful lot of mud at this luxurious address that backs onto the The Ritz Hotel in London.

 One could wonder how such a noble person as Ambassador Frances D Cook managed to be named in this article. She is shown as a Non-executive Director of Arlington Associates at the above address.

The company prides itself with the following statement:  Arlington Associates assists companies, governments and commercial organisations with strategic advice and services looking to make the most of international opportunities by reducing risk. We create effective ways of overcoming the security threats and challenges that can have a negative effect on potential success. However, I don’t think Gordon Bowden would agree with them.

 Frances D Cook was a very senior figure in the US Government and perhaps, according to Gordon, may have given her some leverage in establishing her own private business interests.

 As an example, we all know how lucrative the munitions business has become and our dear lady just so happens to be a Director of Alliant Techsystems. Inc (ATK) a major supplier to the US Military and with viable export markets. This same company is also responsible in the manufacturing of weapons that contain uranium components that continue to contaminate our world with radiation. This astute 63 year old lady has been Chair of the Ballard Group LLC, an international business consulting firm, since 1999. Prior to that she served with the U.S. State Department for 30 years in various postings in the United States and abroad, including serving as Ambassador or chief of a diplomatic post four times and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State twice. She is also a director of Lonrho Plc.


Here is the timeline for Ambassador Cook’s illustrious career:

Entered the Foreign Service in 1967.

    University: BA, University of Virginia (1967)
University: MPA, John F. Kennedy School of Government (1978)

    Ballard Group LLC Chairman (1999-)
US Ambassador to Oman (1996-99)
US State Department Deputy Asst. Secy., Political-Military Affairs (1993-95)
US Ambassador to Cameroon (1989-93)
US State Department Director, Office of West Africa Affairs (1987-89)
US State Department Deputy Asst. Secy. of State, Refugee Programs (1986-87)
US State Department Consul General, Alexandria, Egypt (1983-86)
US Ambassador to Burundi (1980-83)
US State Department Press Office Dir., Bureau of African Affairs (1978-80)
US State Department Personnel Officer for Africa, USIA (1975-77)
US State Department US Embassy, Senegal (1973-75)
US State Department Office US Consulate General, Sydney, Australia (1971-73)
US State Department Special Asst. to Amb. Sargent Shriver (1968-69)
Member of the Board of Alliant Techsystems (2000-)
Member of the Board of Global Options Group, Inc.
Member of the Board of Lonrho
Center for Naval Analyses Senior Fellow
Corporate Council on Africa Board of Directors
Council on Foreign Relations

Of late we have seen much publicity about the three missing nukes that Britain purchased illegally from the Government of South Africa (that were later stolen by the man that sold them), the involvement of Maggie Thatcher, our current PM and other senior members of Parliament in both the Conservative Party and the LabourParty,  Dr David Kelly’s death, Illegal Arms Dealing, theft of UK Tax Payers money. Naturally we would have to add to this list the collapse of the World’s Banking System.

 Gordon Bowdon continues to pursue shonky directors and false companies as he believes that had the British Government taken steps earlier this collapse may not have been so severe and certainly with the information he has to hand would safeguard the banking system of the United Kingdom and at the same time protect those investors who have lost and continue to lose everything to these sharks.


This extremely brave man has launched himself into the paper trial of lies and deceit that is part and parcel of the banking, financial, oil, gas and mining sectors around the world. If one can imagine being conned into parting with vast sums of money to invest in a non existent company, invest in a non existent company, non existent oil drilling programme, non existent mine site or open pit mining location etc. Can you imagine that the mine you have invested in could simply be just a spade hole in the ground in some far away place?


I think it would be appropriate for you to see the communications that are currently flowing between Gordon and the Attorney General’s Office to give you some idea on the scope of his findings. This may appear a little confusing to some people but for those involved in the banking/financial sectors or those that invest, it will become very clear. Gordon has gone to great lengths to not only link these scams at forensic level but has also duplicated his findings to other third parties for safe keeping.

Here’s a  list of the directors of Arlington Associates and their background as per their current web http://www.arlingtonassociates.com/personality.html

It will become evident, after you have read this article that there are some very serious questions to be asked of this company and many others that Gordon has investigated. The problem is that the level of corruption and deceit is so deep it would entail setting up a separate police corporate fraud squad just to deal with this group alone. The Arlington Associates Directors are:


Chairman and CEO
Aldwin J G Wight
A former Commanding Officer of the Special Air Service (SAS) and Commander of the Sultan’s Special Force, Oman, Aldwin was previously Deputy CEO of Kroll Security Group and Chairman and CEO of Arturus Limited.


Chief Operating Officer
Mark Blagbrough
A former Squadron Commander of the Special Air Service (SAS) and Military Assistant to the Chief of Defence Staff, Mark was previously Director of Strategic Planning in the MOD and a Senior Security Consultant in Kroll Security Group.


Non-executive Director
Frances Cook
A former U.S. ambassador to Burundi, Cameroon and to the Sultanate of Oman, Frances has also held numerous senior positions in the US Department of State. She has worked in the private sector since 1999.

Investor Director
Geoffrey White
CEO of Lonrho
Geoffrey has had 25 years of commercial management including senior roles with Thomas Tilling Plc, BTR Plc and Dee Corporation Plc, and has worked for the private offices of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Al Thani.


Before moving on Gordon wanted to point out the following:


Re Ambassador Frances D Cook – 22 Arlington Street. London SW1A 1RD and the 4 VIP Directors of Arlington Associated Ltd. Please note:

In the last 3 months, The Bio of Ambassador Frances D Cook has been removed from the web site format for ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS CORP. ATK Board of Directors. Gordon has many copies of those containing her reference. In his own words “Bit like, trying to shut the door after the horse has bolted.”


Ambassador Frances D Cook will prove to be instrumental in unravelling a complex International network which will open a massive can of worms and a lot more sinister past historic references.


The IRAN / CONTRA and BAE Bribe Scandal Affair will be not only trivial, you will see, it will be directly associated to the front operations and all those interlinked at 22 Arlington Street. London.


This is a copy of an email to James Ross Attorney General’s Office:


From: gordon bowden <rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk>
To: James Ross <James.Ross@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk>
Sent: Thu, 26 August, 2010 19:47:16
Subject: Re: Dr David Kelly & 22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON

Dear James Ross.


Thank you for confirmation of receipt of my e-mail to the Office of the Attorney General re the Death of Dr David Kelly.


I further request you record and forward the total content of this e-mail to the Attorney General, it contains specific information on subject matter Dr David Kelly and the covert network involved in the Arms to Iran and Iraq operations, identifying specific Companies and their Directors.


The Attorney General may Order & obtain crucial documentation Forensic Evidence to support these statements from the Derbyshire Police, who in January of 2010 seized Forensic Evidence from the properties in NORTH WALES occupied by TARA ANDREA DAVISON.


Ms DAVISON purportedly an ex Intelligence Advisor to the DTI, makes legal statement, that the “SECRET” ARMS TO IRAQ documentation seized by the Derby Police on a Court Proceeds of Crime order, were seized to protect Government MP’s and VIP’s identified in Criminal Involvement in companies identified in her Forensic Files, Computer Hard Drives and Dossiers which included ASTRA, BMARC, and ACCUDYNE.


Dr David Kelly as per previous e-mail was in 1991 designated to oversee the Covert Conservative Government purchase of 3 ex ARMSCOR Stock Pelindaba Pretoria Battlefield Nuclear Warhead Bombs.


The deliberate Conservative Fraud to overcharge the Treasury by £17.8 Million in this Purchase.


Dr David Kelly will have had full knowledge of the group organisation of ASTRA, the requesting UOR Company headed by Stephan Kock and its affiliated subsidiaries, recorded Directors and Executives.


From the Affidavit of Gerald James ASTRA HOLDINGS a recorded subsidiary being ACCUDYNE.





Ammunition Manufacturers and their Symbols

of The United States of America



1 April 1999



15 January 1998


Identifies on page 14




as a 100% Subsidiary of





Subsidiary addresses.


Of relevance to Dr DAVID KELLY and clandestine Weapons Smuggling.


Ambassador FRANCES DEE COOK and taken from 


7480 Flying Cloud Drive

Minneapolis, MN 55344-3720


Proxy Statement For Annual Meeting of Stockholders August 5 2008

Page 8 refers The Biography of FRANCES D COOK Quote:

Ambassador Cook has been Chair of the Ballard Group LLC, an International business consulting firm, since 1999. Prior to that she served with the US State Department for 30 years in various postings in the United States and abroad including serving as Ambassador or Chief of a Diplomatic Post 4 times and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State twice.


Ambassador to OMAN


She is also a Director of LONRHO PLC Registered operating from:



Among her fellow high ranking Directors is MARK H RONALD who served as the Chairman of the Board of BAE SYSTEMS PLC and is also a director of DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL INC and COBHAM PLC.


Ambassador FRANCES D COOK is also a recorded Director of



aligned with and Sponsored by LONRHO and LONRHO Group

as per their Web Site Header “OUR PERSONALITY”


The Directors Listed as:

ex SAS Commander ALDWIN J G WRIGHT: Commander OMAN Special Forces. Senior Director KROLL Security


ex SAS Commander MARK BLAGBROUGH: KROLL Security, Senior MOD Military Advisor. and Senior Director LLOYDS IRAQ




Another Noted Director of PETRA DIAMONDS is



GEOFFREY WHITE  a recorded Director of:



ORYX is part of a group structure and inludes 



The Recorded Directors of







In 2001 the BBC and the United Nations made various recorded claims against ORYX NATURAL RESOURCES Directors. The United Nations records they had Forensic Documentation that ONR were associated to Terrorist network of Bin Laden and the Covert Financial Support for Zimbabwe’s ROBERT MUGABE and his Military the ZDF, routing and Laundering of “Blood Diamonds” In return for Supplying Smuggled weapons, Munitions and Special Forces assistance & Training to the ZDF and RUF,  ONR Directors were given exclusive access to Strategic Mineral Mining Claims Rights in the DRC, SIERRA LEONE, LIBYA and ZIMBABWE.


Dr DAVID KELLY will have had full in-depth knowledge of the Covert Criminal Operations and Laundering front companies operating out of this London address,

22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON SW1A 1RDand the Covert operations of

ARLINGTON ASSOCIATES Ltd Directors attached to the RITZ and Directly associated to: Mohammed ADNAN KHASHOGGI and Mohammed AL FAYED.



Is also the Employment address of:

Ex Prime Minister




It should also be noted that the notorious John Bredenkamp operates with Billy Rautenbach and Nicoshefer (a convicted international bank fraudster) who’s partners include Charles Taylor (Ex President of Liberia) currently on trial for war crimes and his dealings in blood diamonds used to purchase weapons and  munitions to fuel conflicts all over Africa.


Bredenkamp provided logistical support (including aircraft) that was reported by the United Nations as aiding and assisting Oryx Natural Resources and its directors in covert operations and blood diamond dealings. Bredenkamp was fully supported by network operations out of 22 Arlington Street. London. In June this year this address was raided by men in suits wearing dark glasses purportedly to investigate the dealings of Lonrho Plc, its group and its directors which include David Anthony Lenigas, Geoffrey White, Emma Priestley, Donald Strang and Ambassador Frances D Cook. All of these activities has resulted in evil bloody conflicts throughout the African continent seemingly with the tacit support of past and current British and US Governments, Bankers and Financial Institutions, including JP Morgan who employ Mr Tony Blair at 22 Arlington Street.


The implications of all that has been going on since the reign of the “Iron Lady” Maggie Thatcher and who were involved is surely a case to answer. It is evidently clear that the level of deceit and corruption with the added illegal arms dealing could well have seen the collapse of both parties at the time and maybe even to this day. It was Tony Blair himself that created the Nuclear Explosions Act (1998) and under the terms of this act there are many very senior past and current politicians that could end their days in prison. We must also remember the ex boss of Astra who was also implicated in the nuke deal, namely Stepahnus Adolphus Kock who had high level political connections to Thatcher, Hesletine, Younger, Hanley, etc as well as MI5 and MI6 connections. It appears clear that he was involved in the murder of Dr Gerald Bull in Brussels on 22nd march 1990 and Jonathan Moyle in Santiago, Chile on 31st March 1990. I would rather change the world murder to that of assassination!


It would not be right if I omitted to include some events that are currently going on, one being the arrest and return to the UK of Asil Nadir from Cyprus. Maybe you would ask how can he be implicated in this story. The answer to that must go back to the Butler Review which was to the “Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction.” The members of this review were:


Lord Butler of Brockwell KG GCB CVO (Chairman);

Sir John Chilcot GCB;

Field Marshal the Lord Inge KG GCB DL;

Michael Mates MP;

Ann Taylor MP.


It was Michael Mates who was a Conservative Party Politician (MP for East Hampshire 1974-2010) and who was also Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office (1992-1993) who was forced to resign after a scandal involving his links to fugitive businessman Asil Nadir. It may well turn out that Asil Nadir has much information under his belt regarding the missing nukes and relevant paper trails.


We also have the past case of ex GCHQ worker Katharine Gun who was facing jail for exposing American corruption in the run-up to war on Saddam. Gunn worked at the very secretive facility – Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenham. Many believe that it should have been Bush and Blair in the dock and not Katherine.


Gun had a hoist of supporters in the US – Hollywood actor-director Sean Penn and senior figures from the US media and civil rights movement, including the Reverend Jesse Jackson. To summerise her ordeal was well worded in the Guardian who wrote:

She is accused of breaching the Official Secrets Act by allegedly leaking details of a secret US ‘dirty tricks’ operation to spy on UN Security Council members in the run-up to war in Iraq last year. If found guilty, she faces two years in prison. She is an unlikely heroine and those who have met her say she would have been happy to remain in the shadows, had she not seen evidence in black and white that her Government was being asked to co-operate in an illegal operation.

 I guess we should also add to the list that of Lord Haseltine who made vast sums of money during the period of the missing nukes and illegal arms dealings etc. Another name that was bounced around at the time was that of Jonathan Aitken who was a former MP and senior political figure in the Conservative Party. This gentlemen was also apparently implicated in the illegal arms dealing fiasco etc


It is so hard to be able to calculate just how much hard earned tax payer’s money was diverted during the illegal purchase of the three South African nukes, but some estimate a figure of around £700 million. We also have to remember that £17.8 million returned to the UK via the back door and was handed over to the Conservative Party Election Fund, which to this day has not been accounted for. Let’s no also forget the meager sum of £1 million that ended up in the care of Mr Blair. Naturally Blair comes out clean in all of these inquiries and grime.


Tony Blair’s book will be launched on Wednesday but he will not be in attendance as he will be having a private dinner with Obama and Netanyahu in the build up to the next round of peace talks. Now maybe you are all beginning to see how false and corrupt the world has become.  


One must fully appreciate that millions of people have died as a direct result of the British and US Governments involvement in all of the above as well as taking hard earned tax payer’s money for their own usage or as a donation to their respective parties.


What is sad is we now see that as a result of their mismanagement the British Taxpayers are having to foot the bill…..with the poor once again being hit in the pocket whilst they wallow in their blood money. It is also a known fact that such greed induces terrorism and both create poverty.


One really does need to challenge the location of the “Axis of Evil” and it becomes clear that 22 Arlington Street in London would be a good starting point.

I have just received another stop press addition to this story that reveals the working of the ex boss of the Department of Trade and Industry(DTI) Peter Lilley MP who was also implicated in the missing nukes deal. Gordon Bowden has furnished the following concerning Peter Lilley MP which I will add here:

I have the direct link of MP Peter Lilley to the criminal network.



which is a 100% Subsidiary of CANARGO ENERGY CORP

                                            CANARGO ENERGY LTD

                                            CANARGO ENERGY INC





Directorships include


















The Directors of HERITAGE OIL


Ex SAS Commander TONY BUCKINGHAM (Affiliated to Aldwin J G Wright and Mark Blagbrough of Arlington Associates)





SALIM MACKI (Former Ambassador of Sultanate of OMAN and OMAN OIL


Gen Sir MICHAEL WILKES (Commander of SAS)












MICHAEL HIBBARD who is of course a director of:



OWNERS Advisors and Directors







Are both identified as Money Laundering and HOLDING FRONTS for the CIA.



Gordon’s final words to me was “Tis no wonder Peter Lilley won’t answer my e-mails and has removed my 3 Written Articles Posted in  HARPENDEN PEOPLE.”


More grime to follow so keep watching this space!



Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 30/8/2010           http://www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Pandora’s Box opens up more Grime – Part 8 (Repeat)

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As we draw towards the end of this 10 part series we have found that by rattling a few cages the pressure starts to build up. In actual fact Gordon and I believe that we are close to seeing someone shoot themselves in the foot or fall from grace.

 Publishing the Pandora Box articles has not been easy and we have been attacked from each and every direction but as they say only the strong survive. As you all know we started publishing this series in the Palestine Telegraph and managed to get up to Part 6 before we came under an attack by one of the people that Gordon had named (Ms Tara Davison),  the ex Sister in Law to Peter Lilley MP. We were then attacked by her illustrious friend and, dare I say top journalist Lauren Both, Sister in Law to that notorious “War Criminal” Tony Blair. I am also convinced that behind this facade were more senior political figures.

 The owner of the Palestine Telegraph was then put under pressure (falsely so), who then pulled one of my articles, namely, Part 4 and then allowed Ms Tara Davison to write her own extremely, gut wrenching and pathetic response, which she called a retraction?

Being a very ethical person I could no longer continue being censored by the Palestine Telegraph and ceased being their leading columnist. As they say when you are down you bounce back stronger than before and so here we are with my own e paper/blog.

 Gordon Bowden and I have never given up in bringing you the truth behind this massive fraud that is taking place worldwide. It is so powerful now that even the Serious Fraud Squad and Police in general are unable to or should I say will not investigate. It is rather a sad day when you think of that historical famous name “Scotland Yard” and names such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson no longer have any standing and have disappeared into the London mist, just like “Jack the Ripper.” I guess it’s another case unsolved!


This massive fraud is so huge one is talking about billion of pounds and it is clear that the proceeds of this massive crime is the backbone of the “New World Order.”

 So let’s continue on with Gordon’s account and shake a few more cages…….hopefully one day someone will catch the animals then dwell within and bring them to justice.

 Start of Gordon’s email:

 From the (Horses) Prime Ministers Mouth.

 We, the people must take up the challenge and take an active part in putting this country right, uncover the failings of the “Bankers” in allowing our Countries Finances to be gutted by successive “POOR” Investment Decisions by Heads of our Banks, in Hedge Funds, the unsecured “TOXIC ASSETS”

Isn’t it strange, the Police keep warning us? 

“If it sounds too good to be true, it more than likely is a FRAUD”

 Yet our High Roller Banking Executives, educated in institutions as OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE insist on playing “Russian Roulette” with our financial resources and keep throwing our countries cash assets into “High Risk, unsecured PENNY STOCKS”

 I mean, simply put, we had the money, so where did it all go. 


Someone’s rubbing their sweaty mitts rolling in it, Hundreds of £Billions just like Bernard Madoff.

 Not looking very hard you’ll find this is where Madoff’s  Securities and the TSX-V, ASX are directly associated with all the Companies I have named and Identified operating on the AIM L.S.E.

 The complete lack of authority and due diligence in protecting the United Kingdom against Organised Crime.

The schoolboy “step by step” explanation how they operate using ONE interlinked company.

 Here’s yet another one of my Forensic Documented ANSWERS.

 From Welsh coal dust “My Homeland” “The Valley of the Crows”

Comes diamond tenor coated voices that brought the famous rendition:

 “We’ll keep a welcome in the Hillside”


However, there are a known named group of interconnected slick Aussie’s with their Canadian and British upper-crust pals who for over 20 years have been giggling around water coolers at common addresses as:

 22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON SW1A 1RD who are taking advantage of the kind soft nature of the Welsh and British people.

 In a word. They are taking the proverbial P-ss 

The friendship once extended across the Oceans to our somewhat dubious common expert mining directors and associates once located at:

The now deserted


Exposed by Australian Editorials as Fraud “Boiler Rooms”

“Perth Office Linked to the Tale of Gold and Guns”


“All the Little Birdies have deserted the Nest”


Exactly the same Perth Address where ABC 4 Corners (Cornered)

Fighting extradition to South Africa: ex Intel officer John Stratton


All the close group of Directors associated to the Expose by:


                                       Lenigas and Bond


Yet another Direct Common Company interlink network, of Lorded Gentry, Intelligence Services, Mercenaries and an extremely close group of Directors, all linked to a systematic trail of financially stripped and collapsed “Exploration” Cash Shell companies who have never filled a thimble full of Oil, a Gram of Gold or even a shovel full of Dirt.

They ALL record and claim that they have drilled and found spectacular Oil and mineral resources and huge reserves, but even after 20 years of passing the “Mother Load” of riches from one group of mates to another, successively Burn £Billions in “Unsecured” Bank Cash Loans, finance facilities and Private Investors Holdings they never EVER manage to go into production.

 Sarcasm they have always told me is the lowest form of wit.

G’Day bloke, what you doing in Oz? No Doubt after Alan Bond hey?

Well back off as he’s under our protection!!

So, having attempted to provide the Serious Fraud Office, the Financial Services Authorities and the Political elite for over 5 years with detailed forensic documents, that a

 Blind man could identify, as the very same group of people, uncovered by various Australian, Canadian, USA, Asian, South African and European Financial Services and Police.

 Like something from a rewind of a series of “MONTY PYTHON” Films.

 These are the very same people.

 They are positively identified as involved in Mineral theft rings, Blood Diamond and Arms Trade smuggling, Corporate asset stripping, Company espionage, Money Laundering, Insider Trading and International Organised Crime.

 The Due Diligence Protection Services.

 The United Kingdom Financial Services have a complex “Fool Proof” Multi Million Pound Computer system, designed and programmed to identify, alert and “Red Flag” suspect Share Trading Patterns.

 The UK Serious Fraud Office Financial Crime Experts have in association with their international counterparts in the FBI, CIA, INTERPOL, a common bond to communicate intelligence, to protect their respective countries financial institutions and citizens.

Such a huge combined wealth of experts, in all aspects of “Crime Prevention but what’s gone wrong, if they are such experts, the BEST of the Best, the criminals would all be behind bars.

I mean, even a 16 year Old Dyslexic with no “O” Levels, armed with a notebook and packet of crayons from “Poundland”….If he casually wrote down a complete list of the latest 50 Financially Failing and Failed Share Price AIM registered “EXPLORATION” Cash Shell, Oil and Gas, Gold, Diamond, Silver, Uranium, Zinc, Cobalt, Companies Directors, the results would and could prove conclusively in a Court of Law.

 (1) The Directors are ALL collectively company inter related.

 Playing “Musical Chairs” in these related companies.

 (2) The Companies are ALL duel listed in international Exchanges and further inter connected through the Common Directors 

 (3) The Subsidiaries of their Companies are also under their Common 


 (4) The Subsidiaries and Asset Acquisitions, are mostly “Cash Shell” Holding           Companies with inter related Subsidiaries registered in off-shore accounts.  

(5) ALL the companies have an extended history of Zero Share growth but massive director Cash Burn in acquiring masses of “Worthless” Undervalued ASSETS. Strangely bought for a few Dollars or acquired in company reverse take-overs.

“Hey Taffy there’s more than coal in these Welsh Mountains”

“No Doubt Lenigas will be happy, he can now confirm to his investors that their money has gone and we can now move on to the next pile of sh-t  and do it all over again” “Don’t you just love ripping these rich old pensioners off”?    


I have the collective records of over 300 AIM L.S.E. Smoke and Mirrors Interconnected Fraud “Pump and Dump” Companies, the “TOXIC ASSETS”

So, here’s yet another one that is DIRECTLY LINKED

From the Scenic location of North Wales comes.


 To all and sundry, a unique Historic tourist visit only, Welsh Mine, on top of a Mountain.

But, “FLASH” it over in a spectacular visual web site, promises of “Explorations” Cash Raising, future Production, Huge “Inflated”  high grade Mineral Reserves, examined by an Independent Exploration Company and we have yet another.




Anglesey LL68 9RE

This made me laugh. The association to:

Hoodless Brennon


Put it under a Microscope:


45% owned by JUNO Limited? Which is the recorded Parent Company registered in (Bermuda)






Substantial shareholdings


Strategic Lines Asset Management Ltd


Here lies the undeniable COMMON relationship to:





Directors Shareholdings.




I have your money in my grasp

 With my interest only at heart






Let’s look at just one Director. (I have Records on them ALL)




Take a visit to the TSX-V

Here lies another story; the unseen “Smoke & Mirrors” trail of financially collapsed “EXPLORATION” Companies:

Blackwater Capital Corp

Canadian Pioneer Energy Inc

Conquest Resources Ltd

Lytton Minerals Ltd (Here’s a cracker)

McCarthy Corporation Plc

Sonora Diamond Corp

Energold Minerals Inc

and an Investor relationship with:


RSX Energy Inc


As the Beneficial Owner of

Energold Minerals Inc

Directly associated with:

Energold Drilling Corp

Goldbrook Ventures Inc

IMPACT Silver Corp

Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd

Velvet Exploration Ltd

Yukon Zinc Corporation.


Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Ltd

Tahera Diamond Corp

Minco Plc

Avnel Gold Mining Ltd

Northgate Exploration Ltd

Campbell Resources Inc

Scandinavian Minerals Ltd

Magindustries Corp

Tanganyika Oil Corp

The University of Dublin


However, JOHN F KEARNEY is also busy on the AIM L.S.E. 

The major shareholder and Director with this FRAUD FRONT


And also.

A director of:


The 30 year “EXPLORATION” Company that has conducted a $US100Million Director only Investor cash Burn on a TOXIC “Abandoned” Silver Mine.

Armed with an “Exploration and Road repair Licence”

a “Vehicle” only for “Cash Raising and Laundering” the assets through and with

Among others:


Previously named












Oh! The LINK to:


That was easy.

ANGLESEY MINING COMPANY (AMC) Ltd was affiliated to:



The Directors











With all the same COMMON directors in this small joint office with ex Intelligence officer



Famous Robber, Australian NED KELLY, once wore a huge Steel Helmet that hid his Identity, these thieves brazenly wear Savile Row Suits, Gold Rolex Watches and get driven next door from 22 Arlington Street to the RITZ for lunch in Bentley GT’s.


Could this just be, why the wise criminal fraternity, often refer to the EXPERTS in crime prevention, the “Boys in Blue” The Police, as “WOODEN TOPS”


You see, when you read and UNDERSTAND the history behind the attachment, a little recent Web finding from the Author “KIBU.” on the LONRHO Interactive Investor BB

I’m not the only one who see’s what’s happening, the trouble with “KIBU” like ALL the other “Penny Stock Private Investors” they are preened, isolated and company focused like a flock of Sheep, onto their respective companies shares, instead of looking deeper “Reading the AIM Docs, The Small Print” into UNDERSTANDING” 






Gordon Bowden.

“Hey Tony what happened to that Tara Davison Paedophile List” ?

“Gordon my friend trust me, as long as you don’t tell anyone about the missing nukes and the £17.8 million of taxpayer’s money that ended up in the Tory Party Funds and the £1 million that I got from that nasty arms dealer, John Bredenkamp via Bernie Ecclestone, everything will be fine.”

” I will keep the list under lock and key…..oh and you can tell Lord Robinson (ex head of NATO) to relax and that I promise not to tell anyone about his activities.”


I guess by now you saying “Wow” and why the hell don’t the police do something about it? The answer is simple: The investigation starts at the bottom by someone like Gordon or anyone that lost their life savings. They then go along to see a little man, dressed in a trench coat, wearing a trilby, hiding behind some very dark sun glasses to report the incident. That detective then pulls out his oversized spy glass to look at the small notes you have made. He then leaves you sitting in the interview room for the next hour whilst he panics and rings around those further up the tree. Upon return he looks rather confused and starts talking about something totally irrelevant to waste more time. Eventually you have forgotten what you came in for!

 This then, if you are lucky, becomes an incident and given an incident number. You are then told that they will get to you in a couple of days and one month later you are still scratching your head. What has actually happened is that as it gets further up the apple tree it starts to shake a few people in authority and those in the political arena and then all of a sudden the “Rotten Apples” drop to the floor crying because they can see that someone is trying to take the wads of bank notes out of their fat wallets! Eventually they get back up and tell those down the bottom of the tree to stop this investigation and the matter is closed. 

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – Revised 23/5/2011      www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com







Pandora’s Box opens up more Grime – Part 4 (Repeat & Revised)

with 2 comments


It is obvious that the current articles are touching a few raw nerves and events are starting to unfold.

Before you read this very complex massive fraud that Gordon Bowden has uncovered I suggest you watch the following documentary that was produced in Australia by the ABC 4 Corners Series……this one was called “Bad Company” which you can view on the following web:


This is a repeat of one particle article that I did some time ago that has resulted in Tara Andrea Davison taking out deformation against all those concerned with its publication. Many times this article has been taken down but then re instated as it was proven that all the contents were taken from the public domain and did not breach journalistic protocol or reveal private details about Ms Tara Andrea Davison.

All the information is as recorded from many locations that give details of registered and de registered companies and their addresses and does not therefore infer any aspect of deformation.

Ms Tara Andrea Davison

Ms Tara Andrea Davison’s business premises in North Wales  were raided in January 2010 where she was arrested under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and a Restraint Order Phohibiting Disposal Of Assets was issued. She is currently under bail which was extended until May 2011

It is obvious that the current articles are touching a few raw nerves and events are starting to unfold.

Gordon Bowden, who has investigated many types of fraud, stands firm in is accusations against all the people and companies that he names in my articles.

Today he pointed out to me that he would encourage any of those named in my articles to come forward and take whatever action they wish.

Gordon has always wanted this to come before the courts so that at long last he will have a legal platform to open up a can of worm and show the forensic evidence he has against all those named.

It would appear that over many years he has accumulated many emails and letter threatening legal action in an attempt to shut him up. I know Gordon well enough to know that nothing will deter him and he would die for his cause or go to jail. Basically Gordon is ready for anyone and wants them to ?Bring it on.? As a result of his determination he has copied the following email to me which he wants me to publish:

From Gordon Bowden

To Undisclosed recipients

Friday, 17 September, 2010 13:44

Please note:

I received today 17/ 9/ 2010 a recorded letter from Ms Tara Andrea Davison.

The 4 page content of the letter is to make record of intention to lay charges of Libel and defamation.

Please note I have included Ms Tara Davison as a cc recipient.

(name concealed), should you contact Tara by phone, could you please mention verbally, she must immediately commence legal action against me (Gordon Bowden) for using recovered material, affidavit statements, Court Document Files, Letters, Dossiers, freely with no written restrictions of copyright published by herself, (Tara Andrea Davison) of Derby Police action in January 2010 against her, into the Public domain and Internet sites including that of now removed.



Information, documentation and personal disclosures recovered from the public domain and related to:

AFB Discreet International Maildrops and Banking Services


9 June 2002

also traded at:


November 21 2002

also traded at:


November 30 2002

also traded at:


January 27 2003

also traded at:


September 29 2003

also traded at:


January 24 2004

also traded at:


August 26 2004

also traded at:


31 August 2005

also traded at:


17 August 2007

also traded at:


November 1 2007

and from the information related to the Company known and recorded as


Depart A909




LL56 4JD


Providing the Recorded services as per their web Site of “FAKE” Identities

Including and not restricted to:


European Travel ID Cards

International Student Cards

ID Check OK Cards


Should Ms Tara Andrea Davison wish to proceed.

I look forward with great enthusiasm to any Court, public, press accessible hearing.



Manchester House

Manchester House (The Corporate Boiler Room)  – 32 Bangor Street, Port Dinorwic, Gwynedd, LL564JD. Wales United Kingdom – The past registered corporate headquarters of many many businesses that have come and gone – A nest of virtual or shell companies.

The common corporate secretary/receptionist will ask you to wait in the VIP/Investors lounge whilst she tries to find one of the many directors that have their offices within……..one word of caustion……….mind the trash in the courtyard as you go in and the eloborate tropical plant by the front door………the spikes can inflict a deep wound!! I would assume that parking could also be a major problem for all the staff working at Manchester House!

As I have preveiously pointed out this is an old article we did together in September 2010 which caused many problems for those that published it as well as Gordon and I. There is currently a case against us made by Ms Tara Andrea Davison on the grounds of deformation which we all will defend.

A Case Management Conference was held on the 9th of May 2011 at 12pm in Room E117 at the High Court of Justice – Queens Bench Division – The Strand – London for a duration of 30 mins where the claimant – Ms Andrea Davison and all the Defendants were briefed.

Ms Davison decided she wanted to expand on the deformation and also file an injunction on us to stop these articles. She was advised to re file the defamation all over again and the injunction will also have to be filed elsewhere so basically everything is now void pending her further actions….no date has been fixed yet until after her action and certainly not before early July.



Gordon Bowden sent me another email which he also wants to add to the above as this involves the same address in Wales: Email sent Friday, 17 September, 2010 14:32

Email as follows with an attachment:

Do not pass GO

Even back in 1999

VISIT Mike Connell


the same registered address of Tara Andrea Davison

32 BANGOR Street. Port Dinorwic. Gwynedd. LL56 4JD????.Gordon.

The attachment shows all the links to 32 Bangor Street, Port Dinorwic, Gwynedd, Wales. Gordon says you just type in your search engine as per below:

32 BANGOR STREET. PORT DINORWIC. SPAM MAIL and many pages will come up. Some of these are shown below as an example:

Email Abuse and Spam – Re: tludanews.com adult news Distribution …

28 Dec 2005 … address: Adroit Holdings Inc. 32 Bangor Street LL56 4JD Port Dinorwic Gwynedd, UK phone: +44 (0)808 208 3427 e-mail: admin@inetcomms.com …


How To Order a Fake ID | FakeIDMan UK

Dept A909 32 Bangor Street Port Dinorwic Gwynedd LL56 4JD WALES. For prices on multiple orders please click here. order questions. ordering : info …


Worm and virus infection spams

Joe Price, 186 Cabot Mail Center, Cambridge, MA 02138 …. Mike Connell, 32 Bangor Street, Port Dinorwic, Gwynedd, LL56 4JD, United Kingdom x4 …


I made $225000 in two months.

24 May 1999 … Everyday, I make a three minute walk to my mail box knowing that there …. 32 Bangor Street Port Dinorwic Gwynedd LL56 4JD United Kingdom …


End of communication



Gordon has always wanted a media platform to raise awareness to the general public and also to draw attention to all those that have or intend to invest and warns them to be over cautious in any future dealings. Pandora?s Box is that outlet and so now it is time to step it up a notch and start naming more people, companies and some very high profile people behind many of these scams.

Gordon is disgusted at the lack of attention from those authorities responsible for investigating fraud and corruption. He continues to point out some shocking examples of fraud that exists at all levels. You will see in this article that some fairly powerful people are involved, one of whom happened to be an ex Leader of the Opposition at the time (Michael Howard)……now Lord Howard

My Lords – I will not disclose my connection to virtual companies 

Gordon also points out that it is a common tactic for the fraudsters to have multiple companies and addresses and in some case many of those companies can be traced to one insignificant address. He also noted that this month one of the companies he has been very critical of was Lonrho and David Lenigas, Executive Chairman who used to abide at that notorious address of 22, Arlington Street, London (backing onto the Ritz) which has now relocated as per the advice shown below. However, Lenigas continues to operate out of 22 Arlington Street as a director of many other companies:


David Lenigas

Before we get back to Gordon’s story lets just reflect on the headlines that appeared back in June 2009 in the Financial Times:

Asset-stripping row rocks Lonrho Empire

Andrew Leach, Financial Mail
21 June 2009, 12:00am

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/markets/article.html?in_article_id=487781&in_page_id=3#ixzz1MnIXRzMU

You will see some other names come up that may ring a bell with some people……anyway as they say crime pays and so Arlington Associates and Lonrho continue in their Asset-Stripping Empires and the Serious Fraud Office do nothing……oh and if you see someone wearing a trilby, trench coat and very dark sunglasses do not be too alarmed it only Tony Blair on his way to 22 Arlington Street and then off to the attached Ritz for a well earned tea and biscuits!!

Back to Gordons brief:


RNS Number : 0319S

Lonrho PLC

02 September 2010

2nd September 2010



(“Lonrho” or the “Company”)


Change of Registered Office


The registered office of the Company has changed from Level 4, 22 Arlington Street, London SW1A 1RD to 2nd Floor, 25 Berkeley Square, London W1J 6HB with immediate effect.



Lonrho Plc –

David Lenigas, Executive Chairman +44 (0)20 7016 5105

Geoffrey White, Chief Executive Officer +44 (0)20 7016 5105

David Armstrong, Finance Director +44 (0)20 7016 5105



Pelham Bell Pottinger

Charles Vivian +44 (0) 20 7861 3126

+44 (0) 7977 297903

James MacFarlane +44 (0) 20 7861 3864

+44 (0) 7841 672831


Beaumont Cornish Limited (Nomad)

Rosalind Hill Abrahams

Roland Cornish +44 (0) 20 7628 3396


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

You will also recall that I promised to give you more information on other international addresses where, according to Gordon, other frauds have or are taking place. He continues to tell me that these frauds amount to millions of dollars and the accumulated total would be in the billions. Below is a summary, in his words of his latest findings:

Peter Slot this RNS into our next article.

“This will open some eye’s” to HOW LONDON is being “ROBBED” Gordon

Below is the attachment he sent to me: Wednesday 27 January 2010

Zest Group PLC

Directorate Change

RNS Number : 2224G

Zest Group PLC

27 January 2010

Zest Group Plc

(“Zest” or the “Company”)

Directorate Change

Zest is pleased to announce the appointment of David Anthony Lenigas to the Board as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect.

David Lenigas holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mining Engineering. He has extensive experience operating in the public company environment and is currently Executive Chairman of Lonrho Plc, LonZim Plc, Leni Gas & Oil Plc, Solo Oil Plc and Templar Minerals Limited, Chairman of Lonrho Mining Limited and an Executive Director of Vatukoula Gold Mines Plc.




Zest Group Plc

Steve Weltman, Chief Executive

+44 (0) 208 398 4144


W.H. Ireland

James Joyce/ David Porter

+44 (0) 207 220 1666


David Anthony Lenigas- Age 48

Current directorships

Lonrho Jersey Limited

Micobe Property Development Limited

Lonrho Zimbabwe Management Services (Pvt) Limited

Lonrho Africa Management Services (Zimbabwe) Ltd

Lonrho Africa Motor Sales Limited

Lonrho Properties Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd

Lonrho Auto Distributors Limited

Sindu Properties (Private) Limited

One Hundred & Seventeen Baines Avenue (Private) Ltd

Textile Investment Company Limited

Sol Aviation Company Limited

Lonzim Holdings Limited

Lonzim Properties Limited

Lyons Africa Holdings Limited

Linus Business Options P/L

Firstfood Enterprises P/L

Chenyakwaremba Farm P/L

Leopard Rock Hotel Company (Pvt) Ltd

Celsys Print Zambia Limited

WS Foods (Pty) Ltd

LonZim Hotels Limited

Morningdale Properties (Pvt) Limited

Lanuarna Enterprises (Pvt) Limited

Medalspot P/L

e-Kwikbuild Housing Company (Pty) Ltd

Rollex Pvt Limited

Lonrho Agriculture Angola Ltd

Paynet Limited

African Solutions Limited

Rollex Pty Ltd


Southern African Management Services

LonZim Management Services Limited

Lonrho Air (3) BVI Ltd

Vatukoula Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Westech Australia Pty Ltd)

Lonrho Hotels Management Services BVI

Aldeamento Turistico de Macuti SARL

Quickvest 525 (Propriatry) Limited

Lonrho Agribusiness (BVI) Ltd

Complete Enterprise Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Lonrho Hotels Congo (BVI) Ltd

Vatukoula Gold Pty Ltd (formerly Westech Gold Pty Ltd)

Vatukoula Finance Pty Ltd (formerly Westech Finance Pty Ltd)

ForgetMeNot Africa Limited

Lonrho Infrastructure (BVI) Ltd

Lonrho Water (BVI) Ltd

Fresh Direct

Active Resource Realisation Fund

Solo Oil plc (formerly Immersion Technologies International plc)

Vatukoula Gold Mines Ltd

Jubilee Mining Ltd

Koula Mining Ltd

Lonrho Aviation (BVI) Ltd

Lonrho Air Africa (BVI) Ltd

Five Forty Africa (BVI) Ltd

Lonrho Air (2) BVI Ltd

LonZim plc

LonZim Holdings (Pvt) Limited (Formerly Rex Mining (Pvt) Limited)

Peak Mines (Pvt) Limited

Gardoserve (Pvt) Limited

Celsys Limited

Blueberry International Services Limited

Wardlaw (1989) Limited

Lonrho Springs BVI Limited

Lontel Limited

Lonrho Mining Ltd

Lonrho Mining SA Ltd

Lonrho Finance Limited

Lonrho Resources Limited

Zimbabwean Investments Limited

Lonzim Management Limited

LonZim plc

Lonrho Luba (BVI) Ltd

Lonrho Air (BVI) Ltd

Strenner Holdings Limited

Lonrho Springs Limited

Lonrho Africa (Holdings) Limited

Templar Minerals plc

Swissta Holdings Ltd

Our Forgotten Children Limited

Lonrho South Africa (Propriatry) Limited

Five Forty Aviation Ltd

Norse Air Limited

Lonrho Mining Limited

Leni Gas & Oil plc

Lonrho Holdings Limited

Lonrho Investments Limited

Luba Freeport Limited

Lonrho plc

Vatukoula Gold Mines plc (formerly River Diamonds plc)

River Diamonds UK Limited

Hotel Cardoso SARL

Swissta Mozambique LDA

Past directorships held within the last 5 years

Byron Energy Pty Ltd

Hot Tuna International plc

Hot Tuna (International) Inc

Capberg Ltd (Formerly Lonzim plc)

SA Independent Liners Ltd

Templar Resources Limited

Indo Mineratama BVI Limited

Braemore Resources plc

Mediterranean Oil & Gas plc

Peninsula Minerals Limited

Imperial Mining (Fiji) NL

Resource & Capital Management SA Pty Ltd

Trove Resources Pty Ltd

Asia Energy Corporation (Bangladesh) Pty Ltd

Asia Energy Corporation Pty Ltd

New Sage Energy Corp

GCM Resources Plc (formerly Asia Energy Plc)

Deepgreen West Virgina Inc

BDI Mining Corp (Formerly BM Diamondcorp Inc)

Vishoek Diamonds Pty Limited

Elphinstone Management Pty Ltd

Imperial Mining (Fiji) NL

Saginel Holding Pty Ltd

SA Independent Liners (Pty) Ltd (SAILs), a private limited company incorporated

in South Africa and of which David Lenigas was a director, was placed into liquidation on 16 October 2008. The liquidator has prepared the first liquidation and distribution account and this was published on 15 January 2010. Lonrho plc is the largest creditor. The secured creditors and ex employees are currently expected to receive payment of their preferent portion of their claims in full.

Lonrho Mining (SA) Limited , a company that David Lenigas is a director of and a wholly owned subsidiary of Lonrho Mining Limited is currently in provisional liquidation.

David Lenigas has an interest over 40,000,000 in the Company equating to 8.4% of the issued share capital.

No further information is required to be disclosed in accordance with Schedule 2(g) of the AIM Rules for Companies.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange





What I would like to point out is the fact that what Gordon has uncovered so far only covers one small area of fraud/corrupt activities. Based on this one could imagine that if this is multiplied time and time again we can maybe see why we had a financial meltdown??..these people never suffer during any economic downturn, they continuously provide false data to inflate the share price and at a given time advice their shareholders that after a series of exploration drilling programmes the actual drill data has not revealed the expected yields as first expected etc ?.they then close it down and move on to do the same elsewhere (and frequently change addresses). What the investors do not realise is that in most cases no drilling has ever taken place and no mines actually exists.

Gordon?s investigations reveal much more which started with the following email:


You will see how the link below leads to JOHN ARNOLD BREDENKAMP,


CAMEC and it?s group interlinking subsidiaries.

Think now, how did Bredenkamp launder his “Spoils” for 3 NUKES.

Let me remind you.



Now, where do you get GOLD from,(LEGALLY)

Oh yes! I remember

GOLD MINES: “VIRTUAL” or Abandoned, Flooded, Care and Maintenance, mineral gutted piles of JUNK , spade holes in the ground.


End of email.


This was another email sent to me by Gordon:

Sun, 12 September, 2010 21:25:13

Subject: CAIRN ENERGY . Palestine Telegraph Tue 24 th Aug 2010

Well Peter.

You might like to throw a curve ball regarding a “FLASH” Article

PALESTINE TELEGRAPH Tuesday 24 Th August 2010


Well here.

a reply from me, to give a CLEAR picture on the “Smoke & Mirrors” structuring of interlinking “Virtual” Companies.




For the record.


“Where the Directors conspire to steal the ASSETS of the Company by purchasing Acquisitions that are WORTHLESS PILES OF JUNK.

Owned and directed by themselves or their subsidiaries network”



Sir Bill Gammell

That is, William Benjamin Bowring Gammell


James Gammell, who invested in a “Small” “Holding” Director Only



Owned by GEORGE BUSH Senior

Sir Bill Gammell attended FETTES College Public School, where he became a very close friend of TONY BLAIR.

CAIRN ENERGY Paid $7 Million = £4.5 Million in 1997 for properties in RAJASTHAN that ROYAL DUTCH SHELL thought were “DRY”

CAIRN ENERGY agreed to sell 63% of the SAME LICENCES that now comprise CAIRN INDIA to VENDANTA RESOURCES..

(Check the Bio’s of the BOARD, Executives and Non Exec Directors)

(Explains a lot about greasing executive Palms)

So, here’s what SIR BILL GAMMELL and his close VIP friends won’t want you to know.


Is actually a GROUP entity.

comprising Subsidiaries


37.61 % Other

62.23 % 100%


an UNREGISTERED Subsidiary

IPO of CAIRN INDIA raised $1.98 BILLION in (2007)

and a placing of 4% CAIRN INDIA raised $625 MILLION in (2008)


Underwrote $ 100 MILLION ,an unsecured “LOAN” One month BEFORE it acquired a rig for “DRILLING” ??????

In Greenland, the fragile ARTIC, Challenged by the World assisted by


So, lets look a little “DEEPER”




Which is a 100% Subsidiary of MEDOIL Ltd

MEDOIL Ltd is actually a subsidiary of.


The Current directors are listed as:






Aaaaaah, but look, not long resigned from the Board after I wrote them a few (RECORDED) e-mails.

DAVID ANTHONY LENIGAS.(Lonrho, Lonzim, VGM, RVD, GCM, and 90 others




You might have picked up that name “TREVISAN” mentioned before.

Yes,you did, in the VIDEO.

ABC 4 CORNERS “BAD COMPANY” The Brett Kebble assassination.

Mr TREVISAN was the partner of ex Military Intelligence officer JOHN STRATTON, BRETT KEBBLE in












Gordon also copied the following email to me that he sent to the authorities in regard to their inability to act on the information he has provided:


From: gordon bowden <rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk>
To: reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: AIM Regulation <aimregulation@londonstockexchange.com>; market.abuse@fsa.gov.uk; enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk; lucy.care@ntlworld.com; chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; info@davidcameron.com; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk
Sent: Mon, 13 September, 2010 12:29:27
Subject: Fw: CAIRN ENERGY . Palestine Telegraph Tue 24 th Aug 2010

Well, Nigel John and your Expert Superiors.


The Serious Fraud Office.


Let me make Legal recorded communication to the Serious Fraud Office, Again, of gross criminal negligence,your continued failure, to protect the United Kingdom citizens against the known and named network, of International Organised Crime, manipulating en mass, the AIM 

(Alternative Investment Market)

 L.S.E. (London Stock Exchange) 

to conduct.  Systematic interconnected corporate Asset Stripping, Money Laundering, Bank Theft, False Accounting, Director Insider Trading.


Let me ensure these records of communications are preserved for accountability.


Unlike the “vanishing” forensic records of Dr David Kelly, that distinguished MP’s and VIP’s continue to cover-up their criminal common theft and “FAKE” “VIRTUAL” Company FRAUD participation in support off the same network in the COVERT illegal profitable Arms trade, and the NUCLEAR Scandal of the 1991, 3 “CYLINDERS” Pelindaba, Pretoria Battlefield Nuclear Bombs.


Let me AGAIN remind you, YOUR CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE has resulted in the loss of £Billions to our Financial Banking Institutions and L.S.E. AIM Private Investors.

Had you acted on my Legal forensic documentation information since September 2005 to HALT the criminal operations of the COMMON “Musical Chairs” group of directors.

Using the “Boiler Room” at:


and the 4 VIP Directors of


 Directly affiliated to:


METOREX LTD it’s Group subsidiaries including 




and its recorded % owned subsidiaries

CAMEC which in turn had it’s complex web of subsidiaries










Which you “MULLET” is a merger partner with NIKANOR


Organised Crime Experts, Please, don’t make me laugh.


So, let me ensure you have RECORDED documentation on:






Mr Gordon Bowden – End of email.


What is so interesting is despite Gordon’s repeated visits and communications to the authorities he still doesn’t appear to have the ability to stir them into action. It was in relation to the above story that prompted him to again email the Serious Fraud Squad, London Stock Exchange, FSA market abuse, IPCC and all the political parties as follows:


To: reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: AIM Regulation <aimregulation@londonstockexchange.com>; market.abuse@fsa.gov.uk; enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk; lucy.care@ntlworld.com; chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; info@davidcameron.com; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk
Sent: Mon, 13 September, 2010 12:29:27
Subject: Fw: CAIRN ENERGY . Palestine Telegraph Tue 24 th Aug 2010

Well, Nigel John and your Expert Superiors.


The Serious Fraud Office.


Let me make Legal recorded communication to the Serious Fraud Office, Again, of gross criminal negligence,your continued failure, to protect the United Kingdom citizens against the known and named network, of International Organised Crime, manipulating en mass, the AIM 

(Alternative Investment Market)

 L.S.E. (London Stock Exchange) 

to conduct.  Systematic interconnected corporate Asset Stripping, Money Laundering, Bank Theft, False Accounting, Director Insider Trading.


Let me ensure these records of communications are preserved for accountability.


Unlike the “vanishing” forensic records of Dr David Kelly, that distinguished MP’s and VIP’s continue to cover-up their criminal common theft and “FAKE” “VIRTUAL” Company FRAUD participation in support off the same network in the COVERT illegal profitable Arms trade, and the NUCLEAR Scandal of the 1991, 3 “CYLINDERS” Pelindaba, Pretoria Battlefield Nuclear Bombs.


Let me AGAIN remind you, YOUR CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE has resulted in the loss of £Billions to our Financial Banking Institutions and L.S.E. AIM Private Investors.

Had you acted on my Legal forensic documentation information since September 2005 to HALT the criminal operations of the COMMON “Musical Chairs” group of directors.

Using the “Boiler Room” at:


and the 4 VIP Directors of


 Directly affiliated to:


METOREX LTD it’s Group subsidiaries including 




and its recorded % owned subsidiaries

CAMEC which in turn had it’s complex web of subsidiaries










Which you “MULLET” is a merger partner with NIKANOR


Organised Crime Experts, Please, don’t make me laugh.


So, let me ensure you have RECORDED documentation on:







Mr Gordon Bowden




Since the above communication things are starting to get hotter as Gordon names the ex Leader of the Oppositon, Michael Howard in this email:


You want to know how high the protection to prevent exposing the “BOILER ROOM” Operations 








Well. it’s easy.





But what should get the PRESS nice and HOT




As listed below in the chain of e-mails









Who is also affiliated as a director to






HERE’S the cracker



(Formerly EAST COAST ENERGY CORP) Having slaughtered a massive CASH BURN) Costing the BANKS and Private Investors MILLIONS.


So, The recorded Directors of

















End of email.




Gordon also sent the following in relation to a web site that has been pulled as follows:


It would seem, crying “WOLF” to gain Prosecution protection for TARA from her  business partners and “SENIORS” has maybe backfired.


Her Postings on various Lib Dem sites has subsided, to a dribble.


More important and of note.


Her site : www.afbio.co.uk has been pulled.


In anticipation of this, 3 Months ago.


I recovered and duplicate copied all site files, letters, and statements and passed to a 3rd person, just in case. 


The Police are staying VERY silent and even under the Freedom of Information Act, they won’t say anything about TARA’S arrest or future prosecution charges.


As I suspected, their IT Experts are trawling the information from her Passport entry and visa usage locations, Lap Top Computers IP Addresses, Hard Drives, 6 Mobile phones to recover forensic evidence on the Larger network she works with.




P.S. I will send you later, the direct association of LORD CRICKHOWELL, through ANGLESEY MINING Ltd directly linked to




End of email




It is now time to change some of the focus from London to Perth, Western Australia which is covered in Gordon’s email as follows:


You might note: a few web sites running the PANDORA’S BOX, Ambassador Frances D Cook Palestine Telegraph Articles have been “Blocked” and Removed.




Here are a few AUSTRALIAN   Mining , Oil and Gas EXPLORATION 

“BOILER ROOM” Addresses common to the operations of


and the INTELLIGENCE Services front company




who coordinated company interlinks at.




22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON and the network frauds of




They are:









SUBIACO WA 6008 PO BOX 1393  


WA 6901.


End of email




I found it so hard to understand how these repeated reports could continue to go by without some sort of action from the authorities. My email was running hot with report after report until my mind went into overload mode. This yet another email that revealed more “Slime and Grime.”


Start of email:




enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk, “AIM Regulation” <aimregulation@londonstockexchange.com>, market.abuse@fsa.gov.uk, info@derbyconservatives.co.uk, info@libdems.org.uk, lucy.care@ntlworld.com, chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com

Message contains attachments

1 File (97KB)



To ensure Forensic recording of communication.


 protecting the United Kingdom against Organised Crime.


Like you did when WARNED in 2006 about 








Aiding, assisting and protecting Government Members of Parliament, and senior members of the House of Lords, all identified.


The SAME Organised Crime Network Identified by the Australia Press with


and the “Boiler Room” of the Crime Group and JOHN STRATTON using:






There now abandoned 


You know, it must be hard to Click the Mouse to “Google”





Here are a few more, (FOR THE RECORD) that will all follow the SAME Orchestrated historical path to financial collapse.


Just like DRD, JCI.


WHY. They are ALL organised Fraud fronts operated by the same group.


ALL interlinked, COMMON Director, interlinked Corporate Fraud Asset Stripping Companies, stealing £Billions from our Banks and Private Investors on the Unregulated AIM. L.S.E.
























































Now, if you add their Subsidiaries, group structures and Joint Venture Partners theres a substantial bundle of WONGA being stripped from our Banks and private investors, by a large bunch of slick, suited, smart Ars- thieves, for nothing more than.




And you hunted Ronnie Biggs for 25 Years for stealing a couple of Million.


What a bunch of Numpties or could that be your.

Not so stupid, but (back pocket, turn a BLIND EYE PAYED NUMPTIES)


Mr Gordon Bowden – End of email

Obama receives his Nobel War ……sorry I meant Peace Prize!!!

Now maybe you are starting to see the big picture and understand why Gordon Bowden is infuriated with the Serious Fraud Squad. In his own words he told me he’s extremely proud of his country and that he served in the armed forces defending it and yet no one is prepared to save our country from the fraud and corruption that continues to take place.

Don’t you ever ask yourself why such people as Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize or Blair who received two awards from Bush and Clinton and yet unsung hero’s such as Gordon Bowden and many others on this planet, who bring you the truth never get a mention? The world is truly screwed up in my opinion and it is obvious that all this rot goes right to the top of the “New World Order” who obviously get their money in the same way.

Keep watching this space……it really does get much hotter!!


Bless you all


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 17/9/2010    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com