Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

The Hidden Truth Behind The News

At Scottish Government Cover-Up of Hollie Greig Part 7

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A very special day for Hollie and her Mum 

There is so much to write about…… the terrible abuse of a little Down Syndrome girl at the tender age of 6…..the murder of her dear uncle…..the lack of justice….the lack of media attention and the continuous harassment in trying to get this unbelievable story before the courts.

 It must bring to light the incredible strength of a mothers love for her daughter and her sheer determination to keep nibbling away at the very foundation of the Scottish Government and the failure of its justice system.

In some respects it becomes almost impossible not to become emotional as to how such a girl and her mum continue to deal with this fight against authority and peodophilia. The size of this problem is beyond imagination and reaches to the highest authority in all walks of life. One could even say it casts a shadow on the ability of politicians to be representative of their country and their respective regions.

 The followers of Hollie and this story continues to increase despite the lack of response from the gagged media. We are now approaching 18,000 and it is clear that this fight may well reach a successful conclusion and dear Hollie and her mum will have there day in court.

 In the meantime we at the Palestine Telegraph continue to access information and continue our search for the truth. We are in touch with organisations in the US and elsewhere who deal with this particular subject and frantically search for more evidence and involvement. The priority at the moment is to secure a copy of the FBI’s British Peodophile list which was handed over to the UK police during the Blair regime but was suppressed because it named some very senior political figures.

We have heard that D Notices were served on the many media outlets but in actual fact this (if it was done) is totally illegal and can only be served by those authorised to do so and within certain parameters. This is a response in regard to a D Notice enquiry:


I wish to make it clear that there is absolutely no truth in the statement repeated in your e-mail below that the ‘Blair government…issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names of known paedophiles within the British executive’. No ‘D Notice’ advice has ever been issued in connection either with the Hollie Greig case or the naming of paedophiles, as these issues fall far outside Defence Advisory Notice concerns.  Those concerns deal only with the disclosure of national security information which falls within the guidelines set by the five Standing DA Notices

(see http://www.dnotice.org.uk). Moreover, the Government does not issue ‘D Notices’, I do. And I do so on behalf of the Defence Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee, which is an independent body, composed of senior officials and media leaders, the latter being in the great majority. 
Andrew Vallance
Air Vice-Marshal
Secretary, DPBAC


As you can clearly see, as I have always thought, that naming names is in the interest of “National Security” and not against it.

 The reason for writing this statement is to draw attention to the UK Media that you are all falsely hiding behind some hidden agenda and it is for your own reasons that you choose not to make Hollie Greig’s story public and also withhold the FBI list of known peodophiles. We at the Palestine Telegraph assure our readers that we will obtain a copy of this document and that we will publish it when we are in a position to do so. The Sunday Herald did receive a copy of this list as did other papers and so it is our intention to throw down the gauntlet and challenge you to stand up and be counted.

 So today is a very special day when Hollie and her mum Anne visit Berwick and meet with as many of her  Scottish supporters as is possible. Obviously some of the other supporter will make this very long journey. I myself wanted to be there but owing to my current sickness was not able to endure the drive……I also decided that putting out another story would be much more beneficial to the cause than spending hours driving such long distances. I believe that Hollie and her mum will organise another event in England so that the thousands of followers can meet up with this very brave couple.

 It is with much emotion that I rush this press release out in time for that special meeting that is taking place right on the border with Scotland….the very place that is gagging true justice. Scotland’s pride has been damaged by the terrible act against a defenceless girl and I am sure that being so close to the border will obviously annoy the Scottish Authority and the Grampian Police. In passing lets not forget that there are many other stories in Scotland just like Hollies that have been swept under the carpet….last but not least the Dunblane Massacre that is very much connected to this story.

We at the Palestine Telegraph have much more to talk about on this issue and its is amazing how much information keeps drifting in without asking for it……the residents of Scotland are awaking to Hollies case as are the remaining people in the UK and it is for that reason that they feel obliged to pass on vital information to the Palestine Telegraph.

I would urge people to continue to pass on any concerns or information to use so that we can continue to keep printing the story of peodophilia in Scotland until we have all nipped it in the bud!

 We would also like to ask anyone from the legal sector to come forward and help in bringing justice for Hollie and her mum……obviously we would prefer someone suitably qualified in this particular area and who will provide their time free of charge until this case is back in the courts……I am sure you would appreciate that if and when this case does move forward the reward would be significant and all of your efforts would be covered. You can email the Palestine Telegraph if you feel you can help in this matter.

 Finally on this special day I would like to send my own sincere greeting to dear Hollie and mother Anne and to thank you for your courage. I and the staff at the Palestine Telegraph and all the residents of Palestine wish you well in your fight for justice and sincerely hope this reaches a successful conclusion.

I have also been inspired by the work of David Icke and the effort he makes in bringing justice to this world. He uses a special song from Les Miserable “Do you hear the people sing”……..I do not wish to take anything away from this wonderful man but this song is very powerful and motivational. Rather than copy the exact same clip I decided to find another strong performance which I now attach.

To the supporter of Hollie….which I call the “Hollie Army”…..I would like you all to listen and watch…..look at the powerful words and hopefully this will inspire you to take on the authority. Remember “People Power” really does exist and I hope that this song brings out that fight.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6-5g78Nr6Q&feature=related

To Hollie and mum Anne…..sorry I am not with you….I am in spirit. Someone else from Scotland will be there who will speak on my behalf. Bless you both.


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 21/3/2010










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