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Scottish Government Cover-Up of Hollie Greig Part 8

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Connection between Hollie Greig & Dunblane Massacre

We all know that anything to do with the Dunblane Massacre has been suppressed for 100 years. Why would such a tragic event be kept under lock and key for such a long period of time? Was this sad event closely linked to a well establish peodophile ring in Aberdeen and was poor Hollie Greig part of this evil satanic group? So let’s try and unlocked this secret door and evaluate what went on behind it.

Whilst looking into this we should also bounce a few names around to see what exactly happened to the Scottish Legal System that once again failed. Why is it that anything that is linked to peodophilia is immediately brushed under the carpet? Why is it that such alleged offenders appear to be able to remain in high office as if everything was business as usual? Before moving on to Dunblane lets refresh the list of those people named by Hollie Greig and also look at some of the legal fraternity that were part of these events.

The list of offenders produced by Hollie was as follows:

Aberdeen Paedophile Rape Ring Members

Denis Charles Mackie

Greg Mackie

Graeme Mackie

Gillian Mackie

Jack Buchanan

Evelyn Buchanan

Sheriff Graeme Buchanan

David Smith

Wyn Dragan

Terry Major (Police Officer, Grampian)

Sylvia Major

Helen MacDonald (Carer for Hollie Grieg)

Ian MacDonald

Carol Low


We must also repeat the names of some of the known victims that were named by Hollie and therefore would be prime witnesses any case brought before the courts:

Known Victims

Hollie Greig

Richard Dragan

Katherine Major

Jennifer Major

Two children of Ian and Helen Macdonald

Two children of Graeme and Gillian Mackie

I will now reflect on some of the irregularities that have taken place and also the mountain of evidence that would indicate that this is not only a huge cover-up by  the Scottish Government but also the Scottish Legal System.

Firstly we have to name those that are aware of this case and have done nothing to bring it to court either because of their own involvement in the above, by protecting those that are implicated or simply not having the moral and ethical values to push for an inquiry into this terrible case, namely:

The First Minister for Scotland – Alex Salmond

The Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice (Justice Secretary) – Kenny MacAskill

Her Majesty’s Advocate – Chief legal officer of the Scottish Government and Scottish Government and the Crown in Scotland – Lord Advocate – Elish Angiolini.

The Sheriff of Aberdeen – Graeme Buchanan.

All SNP Scottish Cabinet members

All 43 Aberdeen City Councillors
Colin McKerracher, Chief Constable, Grampian Police
Peter Watson, Levy & McCrae, solicitors
Dr Alastair Palin, Royal Cornhill Hospital
Fiona Palin, Social Work Manager
Ann Begg, MP
George Galloway, MP
Angus Robertson, MP
Ann McKetchin, MP
Jim Murphy, MP

Nick Clegg, MP

David Cameron, MP

Gordon Brown, PM      

Kenneth Clarke MP                                                                                               

William Hague MP                                                                                                  

Danny Alexander MP         

Ester Rantzen (CBE) Potential Candidate for Luton South.


The legal back up to the case are Levy & McCrae, solicitors for Elish Agiolini Simpson and Marwick, Solicitors for Graeme Buchanan

Last but not least the entire Scottish and UK Media for not carrying out their duty in bringing this scoop to the attention of the British Public.

What are the key factors that indicate that this case is sound?

  • Several Victims named and thus could become star witnesses.
  • Suppression of Robert Greig’s Autopsy report
  • Normal police practice and procedure in this case could be challenged
  • Robert Greig’s Death Certificate appears inaccurate
  • Robert Greig’s Autopsy report would give clear indication of not being suicide but rather that of murder
  • Hollie being certified as a good witness and having the ability to list everyone very accurately
  • Treatment by the establishment in areas of care and mental health abused
  • Media totally gagged by the Scottish Legal System
  • The sacking of The Down Syndrome Association, Press Officer, John Smithies by the CEO Carol Boys for his involvement/support of Hollie Greig
  • Graeme Buchanan’s involvement/interest in the family divorce and using the same law firm for both the divorce and the suppression of Robert Green……may constitute conflict of interest.
  • Hollies medical records were never made available to her mum Anne
  • The Prime Offender (Anne Husband) and Son were both allowed to leave the country and go to Portugal.

We can now move on to the Dunblane Massacre which occurred on the 13th of March 1996 resulting in the death of 15 children, 1 teach and many injured. So what is the connection between this terrible tragedy and Hollie Greig? Both involved a ring of peodophiles and the offender Thomas Hamilton was himself a peodophile. The other connection being that of Freemasonry which in many cases is at the centre of such activity. The activities are not only evil and satanic but also reach the highest levels of sexual abuse. In many cases the poor victims succumb to internal scars both back and front….as was the case of Hollie Greig.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to discuss the contents of a Sunday Herald that was removed from the archive section…..I wonder why?

After the Dunblane Massacre there was much correspondence between Labour and Tories regarding Thomas Hamilton alleged involvement with the Freemasons. The bulk of this correspondence is now sealed away for the next 100 years and yet again we have some clear pointers that this case should be re opened for further inquiry. On letter in particular linked in with Thomas Hamilton and was sent by George Robertson (Then head of NATO) and Michael Forsyth who was Secretary of State for Scotland…..as we have said so many times before….how high do you want to go?

It was first thought that this 100-year suppression had only been placed on one police report into Hamilton which allegedly named high-profile politicians and legal figures. The Sunday Herald investigation revealed that 106 documents, which were submitted to the Dunblane inquiry in 1996, were also placed under the 100-year rule.

The Scottish Executive has claimed the 100-year secrecy order was placed on the Central Police report, which was drafted in 1991 five years before the murders, to protect the identities of children named in the report. Hamilton had allegedly abused a number of children prior to his 1996 gun attack on Dunblane primary school in which 16 primary one children and a teacher died before Hamilton turned his gun on himself. It was interested to read this fact because the suppression in this case may well have saved their lives by bringing Hamilton and others to trial…….this sounds so familiar with the current situation with Hollie i.e. those offenders are still on the loose and the Sheriff of Aberdeen still holds his office.

One letter is listed as “Copy of letter from Thomas Hamilton to Dunblane parents regarding boys’ club, and flyer advertising Dunblane Boys’ Sports Club. Both sent to Rt Hon Michael Forsyth, MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, by George Robertson MP.” Also closed under the 100-year rule is a “submission to Lord James Douglas Hamilton, MP, Minister of State at the Scottish Office, concerning government evidence to the Inquiry.”

Another document relates to correspondence between the clerk of the Dunblane inquiry, which was presided over by Lord Cullen, and a member of the public regarding “possible affiliations of Thomas Hamilton with Freemasonry … and copy letters from Thomas Hamilton.”

SNP deputy justice minister, Michael Matheson, said: “The explanation to date about the 100 -year rule was that it was put in place to protect the interests of children named in the Central Police report. How can that explanation stand when children aren’t named? The 100-year rule needs to be re-examined with respect to all documents.”

Matheson also wrote to the then Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd (24 February 2000 until his resignation on 4 October 2006), asking why the 100-year rule applies and how it can be revoked. He didn’t get a response. He also asked the then First Minister Jack McConnell to explain the reasons for the 100-year order but received ‘no substantial answer’. Matheson wrote to Colin Boyd a second time, in the light of the discovery that more than 100 other documents are also sealed, asking him to account for the decision.

At the time a spokeswomen  for the Crown Office said: “In consultation with the Crown Office and the Scottish Office, Lord Cullen agreed that in line with the age of some of the individuals involved and named in the inquiry, the closure period would be 100 years. The Lord Advocate is considering issuing a redacted copy of the productions, which would blank out identifying details of children and their families. A decision on this has yet to be made.”

We can see time and time again that despite these probing request the Scottish Legal system suppressed all inquires not only regarding this Dunblame Massacre but also continue on in a similar way with Hollie Greig!!

Yes dear Kenny you have a lot to answer for !!

Other sealed key reports on Dunblane include:

A ‘comparative analysis of Thomas Hamilton’ by Central Scotland Police

Information about Hamilton’s ‘use and possession of firearms’

Pathology reports, Hamilton’s autopsy report, and analysis by Glasgow University’s forensic science lab on blood, urine and liver samples from Hamilton’s body

Details on firearms licensing policies

A review by Alfred Vannet, regional procurator fiscal of Grampian, Highland and Islands, of ‘reports and information in respect of Thomas Hamilton submitted to the procurator fiscals of Dumbarton and Stirling by Strathclyde Police and Central Police’

A psychological report on Hamilton

Guidance from the British Medical Association on granting firearms licences

‘Transcript of and correspondence relating to answering-machine tape which accidentally recorded conversation between police officers at the scene of the Dunblane incident’

Correspondence and witness statements ‘relating to allegations of sexual abuse made against Hamilton’

The Crown Office denied that they have been suppressed because they revealed links between the killer and a number of prominent Scots…….do you really believe that?

Charlie Clydesdale, whose daughter Victoria was killed, said “an explanation should be given. I would really like to see what was in it.”

Mr Clydesdale questioned the length of the ban and described his family’s frustrations. He said: “I’m not going to be around and my children aren’t going to be around. “I would really like to see what was in it, but I’m surprised there was one and shocked there was such a length of time put on it.”

Scottish National Party MSP Michael Matheson wants the ban reconsidered in light of the new freedom of information legislation and this “Secrecy order”

Mr Matheson said he has sought clarification from the Lord Advocate Colin Boyd QC. The MSP told BBC Scotland: “I think it’s surprising that in this day and age we find ourselves with 100-year secrecy order being applied to a police report.

“Keeping in mind that Cabinet papers are only classified for 30 years, I want to find out what the legal status of this act is. I am sure that we all agree with him that it is certainly time to break open this case, Hollie’s case and many other cases in Scotland to reveal the truth behind Scotland’s cover-up and how they are all inter related to a huge peodophile ring that I am sure stretches from Scotland all the way down to Westminster.

The MSP went on to say “There are more documents covered by the 100-year rule than this police report. Some of them have nothing whatsoever to do with children. We need to look at why such a lengthy ban has been imposed on them. “I have been contacted by a number of families affected by the tragedy who are anxious to ensure this information becomes public. And so far we have no guarantee that it will. We only have a review.”

The report banned under the 100-year rule was com piled by Paul Hughes, then a detective sergeant with Central Scotland police, and concerns Thomas Hamilton’s activities at a summer camp in Loch Lomond in 1991, five years before the shootings.

Selected extracts published during the Cullen inquiry revealed it recommended that Hamilton should be prosecuted for his activities at the summer camp and that he should have his gun licence revoked.

The report, however, was ignored. Although Lord Cullen referred to it in his inquiry, it does not feature in the index or appendices to his final report.

Consent from Lord Cullen is not needed to overturn his ruling. “The decision is a matter for the lord advocate,” said a crown office spokesman.

If the report is published – as now seems likely – the names of the politicians and lawyers it contains will not be blanked out.

“It is important we make available, if it is at all possible, any information that is available about people in the public eye,” said the Scottish first minister, Jack McConnell.

Sheriff Buchanan the centre of attention


There has been much speculation about the identity of the politicians in the report. It is known that in June 1996 Michael Forsyth, then Scottish secretary and MP for Stirling, congratulated Hamilton on running a boys’ club in Dunblane.

George Robertson, the then general secretary of NATO, withdrew his son from a club run by Hamilton amid concern about its militaristic nature.

No time frame has been given for the lord advocate’s review, but campaigners say he must publish it in as full a form as possible. “I don’t know whether this is cover-up or just a culture of secrecy, but we need to publish this report to put everyone’s minds at rest,” Mr Matheson said.

It would be extremely interesting to see a new drive by the “Hollie Army” to force the New Lord Advocate, Elish Agionlini, to open up all these related cases into a full public inquiry……”Don’t hold your breath.”

Operation Ore, the United Kingdom’s most thorough and comprehensive police investigation of crimes against children, seems to have uncovered more than is politically acceptable at the highest reaches of the British elite.

In the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally reported that senior members of Tony Blair’s government were being investigated for paedophilia and the “enjoyment” of child-sex pornography:

“The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the politician’s name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person.

There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is among the suspects. The intelligence officer said that a ‘rolling’ Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests occur.”

The allegations are the most serious yet leveled at an administration that prides itself on the inclusion in its ranks of a high quota of controversial and flamboyant homosexual men, and whose First Lady, Cherie Blair, has come under the spotlight for her indulgence in pagan rituals that resemble Freemasonic rites. Unconfirmed information also suggests that the term “former Labour Cabinet minister” is misleading and that the investigation has identified a surprisingly large number of alleged paedophiles at the highest level of British government, including one very senior cabinet minister (known to Propaganda Matrix.com).

The Blair government has responded by imposing a comprehensive blackout on the story, effectively removing it from the domain of public discussion. Attempts on the part of this journalist to establish why the British media has not followed up on the revelations have met with a wall of silence. Editors and journalists of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Mirror,

The Sun, the BBC, Independent Television News and even The Sunday Herald have refused to discuss the matter.

Speaking from London, freelance journalist Bob Kearley said “Whether or not a D-Notice has been issued is not clear. But based on some of the feedback I’ve been getting it’s apparent that editors and media owners have voluntarily agreed not to cover the story at this time. Operation Ore is still being reported, but not in regard to government ministers and it’s taking up very few column inches on the third or fourth page. Don’t forget that the intelligence services are involved here, and Blair is anxious to ensure that the scandal does not rock the boat at a time when the country is about to go to war.”

“You can imagine the effect this would have on the morale of troops who are about to commit in Iraq. In fact morale is reportedly quite low anyway, with service personnel throwing their vaccines into the sea en route to the battlefront and knowing how unpopular the war is with the British people. And a lot of squaddies I’ve met think there’s something weird going on between Bush and Blair. If you’re then told that the executive responsible for the conduct of the war is staffed by child-molesters … well, then Saddam suddenly looks like the sort of bloke with whom you can share a few tins [beer].”

[In an E mail to Paul Joseph Watson, Mike James identified his sources as “people I knew in London who used to work for the Treasury department throughout the 1980s, one being a private secretary at a senior level….my sources will definitely refuse to support my claims – both are doing extremely well financially and career-wise.”]







It becomes increasingly clear that a massive cover-up has and is taking place.

There is every reason to believe that this orchestrated cover-up is with the collusion of parties producing Lord Cullen’s Report, for which Lord Cullen is personally responsible.

Further this cover-up has required the collusion of senior Police Officers.

Further the cover-up has required the collusion of Senior Government Ministers.

Further the cover-up has required the collusion of the Cabinet.

Further the cover-up has required the collusion of the Home Secretary.

Further the cover-up has required the collusion of the Prime Minister.

QUESTION: Do the people of Britain pay for a Report of this stature to be cover-up?

QUESTION: Who is of such a stature that members of the House of Lords, senior Police, Cabinet Ministers, the Home Secretary, the Prime Minister and others would ’spirit away’ documents?

QUESTION: Who else was implicated in Mr. Hughes’ Production, which senior politician(S) is being sheltered by this cover-up and was named by Mr. Hughes, of Central Police, into Thomas Hamilton; listing all the charges to which he recommended consideration for prosecution?

QUESTION: Was there a case pending against a senior politician linking him with Thomas Hamilton and paedophile activities, which was suppressed ‘because’ of the election?

QUESTION: Did George Robertson MP., now Lord Robertson head of N.A.T.O., as is alleged, support the application for a Firearms Certificate for Thomas Hamilton, stating him to be a man ’suitable and of good character’. George Robertson was at the time an MP.

Should this be established?

QUESTION: Was George Robertson ‘leant on’ to make the support.

QUESTION: Would this explain the ‘over the top’ vociferous activities of George Robertson MP, AFTER the Dunblane tragedy, against legal firearms and in breach of The Bill of Rights and existing legal legislation.

QUESTION: What documents are being suppressed?

QUESTION: Was there any connection between any of the following e.g. membership of the same Masonic Lodge:

Thomas Hamilton, any Police Officer in the case, any Cabinet Minister, any MP or Lord Cullen?

QUESTION: Did then Sergeant, now Inspector, Hughes write a report [believed to be 7 pages long] condemning Hamilton as unsuitable as a Firearms Certificate holder.

QUESTION: Was Mr. MacMurdo, the Assistant Chief Constable of Central Police, responsible for the rejection of recommendations that Hamilton should not be issued a Firearms Certificate.

QUESTION: Why was Hamilton granted a Firearms Certificate when he was KNOWN to be of unsound and unstable character?

QUESTION: Why was this not shown in detail in Lord Cullen’s Report? Surely this was a major constituent point that such a Report should have addressed.

DEDUCTIONS: We believe we know the identities of ALL concerned in terms of incriminated by this information.

We believe that Lord Cullen has by virtue of the cover-up in the Report on the Dunblane Tragedy in which it is possible that Politicians and Police were responsible, albeit indirectly, for the death of:

Victoria Clydesdale

Emma Crozier

Melissa Currie

Charlotte Dunn

Kevin Hassell

Ross Irvine

David Kerr

Mhairi MacBeath

Gwen Hodson/Mayor

Brett McKinnon

Abigail McLennan

Emily Morton

Sophie North

John Petrie

Joanna Ross

Hanna Scott


Maegan Turner

Should be precluded from heading or participating in the Report on the Paddington Rail Tragedy.

We believe that ALL documents, evidence and pertinent data should immediately and forthwith be released to the public domain as the head of N.A.T.O. seems to be in some way embroiled in the matter and this could prove to be a risk to the safety and security of the N.A.T.O. Alliance and the Western World.

We believe that ALL documents, evidence and pertinent data should immediately and forthwith be released to the public domain as it seems that a PUBLIC Enquiry has been suborned.

We believe that ALL documents, evidence and pertinent data should immediately and forthwith be released to the public domain as there seems to be a cover-up relating to senior Ministers of Her Majesty’s Government.

Should anyone reading this have ANY contribution of fact or evidence material to this apparent cover-up please take one of two actions:

1. IF YOU WISH to remain anonymous please contact me direct with any information you may wish to impart.

2. IF you are happy to be linked to the ongoing investigation PLEASE join and post your information to with a copy direct to me/

PLEASE whatever you do distribute this as widely as you can – the British Public should be made aware that there would seem to be solid evidence of a cover-up sheltering senior Government Ministers and employees of the crown.

PLEASE also be mindful of the security of Britain, N.A.T.O. and the Western World, in the light of the FACTS above and acquit your duty to defend your Country by ensuring that this information is thoroughly brought to light.

As you probably would have guessed by now that a great part of this story is a copy and paste scenario with the intention of reviving stories that have since been removed from the public eye………we at the Palestine Telegraph always have our eyes wide open and only wish to bring our reader the truth and nothing but the truth.

It is truly a sad day to see the Scottish Government, Scottish Legal System; The British Government past and present hide the horrors of these evil satanic people that walk the length of our country. It must also be said that almost every SMP and MP in the United Kingdom must, by now, know about the Hollie Greig Story and certainly the Dunblame Massacre and the connection between the two. It is in this regard that they must all surely hang their heads in shame…….some of them were or are involved themselves in peodophilia.

We see so much publicity about MP’s expenses claims, free trips overseas (including Israel) and under the table deals to enhance their own pockets. We do not see any publicity from the Media on one of the greatest scoops of all time…..why?

I urge all the supporter of Hollie Greig (Hollies Army) to keep up the good fight and force our respective governments to open up a public inquiry as a matter of urgency and investigate all of the above and much more. How can we enter into another election with so much filth and rot lying around?…….how can we ever trust another party who are prepared to hide what has happened in Aberdeen and so many other places in the United Kingdom? Who would you vote for?……I would strongly suggest that we all vote for someone totally unknown or an independent and shake these politicians at their very foundation.

I can sense the strength of Hollie Army and the way in which it continues to grow….this is a very clear indication that people power in the UK is coming of age and may for the first time ever open up a can of worms that will fill every media outlets around the world…..just think of that and how the strength of one little girl (now a women) Hollie and her mum Anne took on the establishment and won.


To the “Hollie Army” – Bless you all


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 23/3/2010




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