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Scottish Government Cover up of Hollie Greig Part 5

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Scottish Legal System 2nd rejection of Hollie Greig Case

In my last article we talked about the rejection by the legal system in Scotland of Hollie’s initial story. However, as one would assume the determination of a mother never gives up on such matters so Hollie’s mum Anne decided to pursue this case further owing to the involvement of many other peodophiles in the Aberdeen area.

She eventually managed to get Grampian Police to come down to Shropshire to carry out and interview with Hollie and Anne sat in another room close by and listening to the questions and answers etc. Anne was of the opinion that this interview did not go far enough and certainly did not involve Anne to any extent, despite the fact that she was also central to this story.

As one would expect the District Procurator Fiscal Service wrote back to Anne and for the second time rejected this case. This is a copy of the wording to that letter and the actual letter is held on file by the Palestine Telegraph: This letter is written by Stephen McGowen – District Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen.

Dear Mrs Greig 04 December 2009

In September of this year, your daughter Hollie was interviewed by officers of the Grampian Police in Shropshire and provided a statement in which she alleged that she have been sexually abused. Prior to September, other allegations had been made by Hollie and by you of her behalf.

In light of Hollie’s most recent statement, I have undertaken a detailed and careful review of all allegations and any other material which is available in support of them. As District Procurator Fiscal for Aberdeen it is my duty to oversee the investigation of crime in Aberdeen and to ensure that within the principles of Scot law criminals are brought to justice. You will understand that under these principals, criminal proceedings can be initiated by the prosecutor where the behaviour alleged is a crime and can be proved to have been committed by the accused, by corroborated evidence. In essence, that means that, evidence from two independent sources is required.

Having reviewed all of the circumstance of Hollie’s case, including Hollie’s statements and all other available evidence, a report was prepared for the consideration of Crown Counsel. The conclusion is that there is insufficient evidence to allow criminal proceedings to be taken against any person in respect of the allegations.

During the course of this investigation, it has been alleged by others that the Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini QC, had in some way covered up Hollie’s allegations. These allegations are unfounded and this has been supported by a careful scrutiny of the case. All key decisions in relation to prosecution in Hollie’s case in 2000 and 2001 were taken before or after the Lord Advocate’s time as Regional Procurator Fiscal in Grampian and were taken by other senior prosecutors, not the Lord Advocate. In addition the Lord Advocate has not had any involvement in the recent decision by Crown Counsel that there should be no criminal proceedings.

I realise that this decision to take no proceedings will be a disappointment to you but I can assure you that all the available information has been given the most careful consideration.

Yours Sincerely

Stephen McGowan

Procurator Fiscal

Robert Green

It was around this time that Robert Green, a Journalist, became involved on this case and agreed to help Anne in the capacity of an Investigative Journalist. Robert, with his reporting experience decided to act on Anne and Hollies behalf and seek the truth behind this terribly sad story. After carrying out his own review of Hollie’s ordeal and listening to her mum, Robert decided that there was certainly a case to answer and started his own campaign to seek justice for Hollie.

 He wrote to the Procurator Fiscal Service in order to obtain for himself a satisfactory response as to what had been done and also attempted to obtain information under the freedom on information act. It became apparent to Robert that this investigation was not only extremely sub standard but also didn’t include extending inquiries to Hollie or other possible victims.

This now comes down to the next response from the same office and the same person Stephen McGowan who wrote the following response to Robert Green. Copy of this letter is held by Palestine Telegraph.

Dear Mr Green 19th January 2010-03-18

Hollie Greig

Thank you for your letter of 12 December 2009 in which you request copies of all documentation relating to “this investigation,” as you have described it, under the Freedom of Information Act.

I confirm that this information is now held in my office in relation to different allegations made to Grampian Police by Hollie Greig in May 2000, July 2001 and 2009. I consider that this information is exempt for release in terms of section 34(1)(a)(i) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 because it is held for the purpose of an investigation to ascertain whether a person should be prosecuted.

This exemption is not an absolute exemption and I must therefore consider, in terms of section 2 of the Act, whether the public interest in disclosure of the information requested is outweighed by the public interest in maintaining the exemption.

While the public interest must be assessed in the context of each individual case, generally speaking the following factors should be considered. The Court in Scotland traditionally place great weight upon any assertion of the Crown that is not in the public interest for certain documents to be disclosed except when, in exceptional circumstances, it is required in the interests of justice. In particular, a high degree of confidentiality has always been attached to police reports and reports to Crown Counsel. The Courts have indicated that the most important safeguard is a guarantee against publication. This applies whether or not proceedings have been taken and the confidentiality exists in order to secure absolute candour and freedom in consideration of evidence.

In all of these circumstances, I have concluded that to disclose the information which you have requested would jeopardise the freedom and candour with which the police communicate with the Procurator Fiscal and the consideration of that information by the police and the prosecutors. I have therefore decided that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information. On this basis, I am refusing to release this information you have requested.

If you believe that the decision not to release the information is wrong, you have the right to request a review. Your request should be made within 40 working days of receipt of this letter.

If you require a review of my decision to be carried out, please write to Ann Currie, Area Procurator Fiscal, Procurator Fiscals’ Office, Atholl House, 84-88 Guild Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6QA.

Any review would be carried out by staff not involved in the making of the original decision. If our decision is unchanged following a review and you remain dissatisfied with this, you than have the right to make a formal complaint to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

Yours Sincerely

Stephen McGowen

Procurator Fiscal


 As we can see the Scottish Legal System is well and truly stitched up in that one protects the other. However what came out of the second knock back was the fact that Elish Angiolini was certainly very much involved in this case from the time she took office to the time she became Lord Advocate…..this was over a period from 27th July 2000 – 5th October 2006. One can also be rest assured that with her being involved in this case she would have looked over the case all the way through whilst she is holding her current office of Lord Advocate……..wouldn’t you monitor such a case if you were implicated in it? The legal system in Scotland is a disgrace, especially in relation to this case.

I also want to point out that they refer to the fact that at least two people must be involved in order to press charges…..my question would be why haven’t the other children that were abused by this satanic gang of peodophiles been interviewed and why wasn’t Anne herself able to give her evidence in listening to her daughter tell the story in such very fine detail. There are so many flaws in this case that keep coming up which implicate the authorities that are supposed to care for people and the Mental Health etc…..the list is endless.

In Part 6 we will look at more information relating to this case as well as a small survey we undertook to ascertain as to why the media were not interested in publishing this story. The response was not only startling but also in some cases rather blunt in that they knew about the case but wouldn’t discuss it, with the usual response of slamming the phone down on us. Stay tuned to this sad but extremely interesting story……and remember…. to the international media such a story would be a number one scoop……unfortunately we have to name and shame the Scottish Media and the British Media for their silence on this matter.

Again our group is growing each and every day and soon we will hit 20,000 or more. The tide is about to turn and I can assure you that the newspapers can report this by repeating the articles that have been published by the Palestine Telegraph. This is normal practice in international media……I guess one could say that we have an exclusive and we certainly appreciate that this story does constitute as being a “Scoop” for our team.

I will  continue to  print the truth and do not fear such people as big bully Peter Watson of Levy & McRae. Maybe some newspaper or other media are extremely interested in this story….you are welcome to talk to me. 

Newsflash – March 18th 2010 The Press and Journal:
Would-be MP banned from making paedophile allegations
Sheriff gets court order to silence abuse claim ……….

The Press and Journal have just released the first story on the Hollie Case which states that an Aberdeen sheriff has obtained a gagging order against a would-be MP who has accused him of abusing a young, disabled girl. Sheriff Graham Buchanan was forced to resort to legal action after Robert Green continued to spread the allegations against him, despite two separate police investigations finding there was no truth in them.

The sheriff’s lawyers, Edinburgh-based Simpson and Marwick, have now successfully applied to the Court of Session in Edinburgh for an interim interdict preventing Mr. Green from continuing his campaign. The interdict also prevents Mr. Green from claiming that the sheriff was involved in the “murder” of Hollie’s uncle, Robert Greig, who died in a car fire in 1997.

The Press and Journal went of the say: The Court of Session interdict, granted by Lord Emslie, bans Mr. Green from communicating false and defamatory statements about the sheriff at Aberdeen Sheriff Court or anywhere else in Scotland. The false statements are listed in papers as:

· That the sheriff was involved in sexually abusing Hollie Greig.

· That the sheriff has been involved in covering up the sexual abuse.

· That he was involved in the “murder” of Hollie Greig’s uncle, Robert Greig.

Hollie claims she was abused for 14 years from the age of six and has given police the names of some of the men she says assaulted her. The 30-year-old and her mother, Anne, have been campaigning for criminal proceedings since 2000.The abuse is alleged to have taken place in Aberdeen, and Hollie and her mother claim to have made a statement at Bucksburn police station in July that year naming those allegedly involved.

Despite no charges ever being brought, Hollie received £13,500 compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority in April last year.

I would like to congratulate The Press and Journal for excellent reporting even if they are somewhat restricted as to what they can write about…. Shame on the rest of the Scottish media

Readers can read the full article and also listen to Anne on the following links:



To the “Hollie Army” keep up the numbers and keep lobbying and protesting….our victory is near……to those over the border in Scotland….remember Robert Bruce fought against unbelievable odds and instilled in all Scots the “Pride of Scotland”…..you are known as “Scotland the Brave”……don’t let Hollie down.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 18/3/2010


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