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Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, part 3 – The death of Robert Greig

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In my previous article I discussed the initial notification to the Grampian Police and their response in regard to Hollies allegations. Before moving on into the final part of this terrible story we must look at another family tragedy when Anne lost her Brother Robert under very suspicious circumstances.

Anne was preparing for Hollies 18th Birthday and Robert came around for a visit. Anne eventually had to nip out and told Robert. That was the last time that Anne saw her brother. On the 17th of November 1997 long before any of this had erupted Robert was found dead in his burnt out car on the outskirts of Aberdeen,

Anne received a knock at the door at around 2130 and found two policemen at her door. They asked Anne if she was the sister to Robert to which she replied yes and the policeman then requested if they could step inside. They then reported to Anne that her Brother Robert had been found in a burnt our car etc.

Anne eventually went to see the coroner regarding the death of her brother to be told that they had found a length of pipe besides the car (which was not attached) and indications show that he was two and a half times over the limit and that they suspected suicide. Anne obviously was extremely upset and couldn’t imagine that Robert would do this. She later checked her brothers bank transactions and noticed that he had only put 5 pounds worth of petrol in the car, which to Anne was normal for the small amount of running around he did. She did however think that if he had wanted to carry out this act he would have fuelled his car much more. She was not shown the autopsy report and only received a death certificate, with the cause of death being smoke inhalation and not carbon monoxide poisoning that one would associate with the pipe etc.

One year on she received a call from the undertakers to say that Roberts’s funeral had still not been paid for and that she would be put on their Black List. She was shocked to learn this and immediately contacted Ian MacDougall as to why….he said he would look into it.

What should be pointed out here was that the instructions in the will would reveal that the main bulk of any monies would be paid to Anne and her Husband and any residue would go the children. It transpired that the funeral was eventually paid out of the children’s money and there were clear signs that some sort of fraud had taken place. Anne decided to investigate this and started to take photocopies of all the dealings. It was at this stage that her husband beat her up very badly and this caused Anne to leave home with Hollie and go to stay at a hostel.


Hollie’s dear Uncle Robert who was murdered in Aberdeen

Hollie had revealed to Anne after her brother’s death that Uncle Robert had walked in on them one day and caught her father interfering with her. He had warned her father that he must never lay a finger on Hollie ever again. Anne tried to ask Hollie when had this taken place and it would appear it was after their return from Canada in September of 1997. Anne worked out that her brother actually found out only weeks before his death, which caused Anne to investigate further.

It became obvious to Anne that Robert knew too much and may have died because of this. She tried to obtain the Autopsy report but without success and it was only on New Years Eve 2009 that she managed to obtain the report. She didn’t want to read it as it was New Years Eve celebrations but she decided to take a look.

She was shocked to read that Robert had a fractured skull, broken ribs and a broken Sternum which is extremely strong and difficult to break.It became apparent to Anne that her brother had been brutally attacked and then dumped in the car before it was set alight. The autopsy revealed that he was still alive at that stage and that burning plastic had dropped onto his legs etc. The report also found brown liquid in his stomach which apparently was Whiskey, which Robert hated.

We can see a major cover up on all fronts and no one can do anything about it because Scotland is controlled by Alex Salmond and by two powerful legal supporters, namely, The Cabinet Secretary for Justice – Kenny MacAskill and The Lord Advocate for Scotland – Elish Angiolini. These three partners in crime are totally aware of the Hollie Case including the mystery behind the death of Robert Greig and do absolutely nothing. It is clear that should Hollie’s case move forward this could cause the current Scottish Government to collapse.

The manipulation by MacAskill, Angiolini and one of the offenders, Aberdeen  Sheriff Buchanen is obscene to say the least and all should be removed from office without delay pending a full inquiry (don’t hold your breath). One should also add that Peter Watson, Levy & McCrae, solicitors has also played a major role in gagging those that may want to talk about this case and is a disgrace to his profession.This is a “Name and Shame”  list of all those informed to date by various people and still they all sit on their hands and do nothing. All of my articles are copied to all the political leaders – Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. The full list is:

Alex Salmond – Scottish First Minister
All SNP Scottish Cabinet members
All 43 Aberdeen City Councillors
Colin McKerracher, Chief Constable, Grampian Police
Peter Watson, Levy & McCrae, solicitors
Dr Alastair Palin, Royal Cornhill Hospital
Fiona Palin, Social Work Manager
Ann Begg, MP
George Galloway, MP
Angus Robertson, MP
Ann McKetchin, MP
Jim Murphy, MP
Nick Clegg, MP
David Cameron, MP
Gordon Brown, PM

In Part 4 we will look into some other interesting aspects of the Dunblane Massace that took place some years ago.

One can draw one’s own conclusions as to who is or was abusing their power of authority and who is still clearly in office manipulating the law for their own hidden agenda.

It is ironic that  Scotland will host the ICC Conference on the 7-10 October 2010 which is advertised as follows:

Scotland to host ICC Biennial

Scotland is to host a major international conference for National Human Rights Institutions. The 10th International Conference of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) will take place at the Scottish Parliament from 7 – 10 October 2010.

Delegates from over 80 countries including national human rights institutions (NHRIs), international and regional experts, United Nations officials, government representatives, civil society and business organisations will discuss human rights issues on the theme of Business and Human Rights, and the role national institutions can play in improving human rights in a globalised world.  It will be the first time an official United Nations-supported event has taken place in Scotland.

I am sure you would all agree that if the Hollie Case does not come before the courts by the time this event takes place….we will all know where to hold a protest.

It would be impossible, given normal circumstances, for this case not to be before the courts based on current available evidence. The big question now is can we all continue to maintain the pressure in order to gain a result. The pressure must remain relentless and timely protests should be maintained. There is extremely good international support now and I believe we are close to having some sort of action in the pipeline that will force this out into the open.

Remain strong and with your determination we can turn this around…..we owe this to Hollie and her mum and not forgetting dear Uncle Robert who paid for his life as a result of knowing too much.

Bless you all and keep up the good fight.


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 16/3/2010

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