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Dominic Greave protects the Conservative Party by refusing another Kelly inquiry

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What is the Attorney General hiding? Could it be that some senior members of the Conservative Party, both past and present, are implicated in one of the biggest cover ups this country has ever known?

Do the British public know that as a direct result of this massive under the “UN Radar” deal that we not only went to war with Iraq but we also went to war with the wrong country?

Do the British public fully understand just how many extremely senior politicians were involved in this massive scam that led to gross neglect by all those involved and who not only ripped off the British Tax Payers but also are in breach of the Nuclear Explosions Act?

Sir Ken Warren

Do the people fully understand that vital evidence is being withheld from the Chilcot Inquiry regarding the Conservative Party being implicated in illegal arms to Iraq prior to the war and as a direct result of their actions put our own troops at great risk?

Do the public fully understand just how much of this deplorable, under the table dealing, Dr. David Kelly knew and that he was about to expose it?

You may ask why Dr. Kelly? It’s very simple really because he was the only man that could be trusted into making sure the three nuclear weapons that were shipped out of South Africa arrived safely in Oman prior to the British Government releasing the money!!

Dr David Kelly physically checked the three “battlefield ready” nuclear bombs, after they arrived in standard sea containers in Oman by checking the internal core temperature via a concealed inspection panel.

Don’t you just find it incredible that these weapons were purchased illegally and in violation of the UN Sanctions on South Africa, were illegally shipped to Oman without any security and then were stored in an insecure private compound in Oman?


This under the table deal was all done using British Taxpayers money via a notorious arms dealer named John Bredenkamp, and who later stole them back knowing that our government could do nothing about it……..this man who graces the shores of the United Kingdom, living a life of luxury, then sold them on the black market…..one of which was test fired by North Korea two year ago…….such is the level of trust we bestow on the Conservative Party who currently are running our country with the very man at the helm who was part of this conspiracy!!


Gordon Bowden and I have tried tirelessly over a long period of time to bring this shameful deal into the public domain as did Ms Tara Andrea Davison who was to have provided evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry until her house was raided by 13 males police officers from the Derbyshire Constabulary in January 2010.

Ms Davison had printed her story on her own webpage at the time and Gordon and I copied most of that information prior to it being taken down, for reasons unknown…..maybe she succumbed to some sort of super injunction….no one will ever know.

What I find disturbing is the fact that Ms Davison had in her possession very secret files that she accumulated whilst working for the government and somehow managed to take them home……this therefore leads to two questions:

  1. 1.      How come she was not charged under the official secret act? and
  2. 2.      Why wasn’t the recovered documents, regarding illegal arms dealings handed over by the police to the Chilcot inquiry?

She was also accused of fraud, which apparently was the reason behind the raid on her home and eventually issued with a restraint order and also released on bail which ran out in January this year……the bail was extended until mid May of this year and yet no charges have been laid against her on either the fraud issue or under the official secrets act……something deeply suspicious is going on here and I feel that Ms Davison has now become a political football……this could amount to some sort of blackmail mechanism whereby the police have something on her and she has something on the government.

Gordon Bowden has tried to bring this to the attention of Dominic Grieve, the current Attorney General, when he sent him part of Ms Davison’s story which is shown below.

Ms Davison’s own words as taken from her website at the time:


 Home House of Lords          Gordon Brown          Derby Police  Fraud Victims & Investigation         Arms to Iraq Documents         Pedophile Investigations       Contact Me


Nick Clegg is asking the people to tell him   what laws they want repealed.

Please Tell Nick Clegg to repeal the Proceeds of Crime Act http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/repealing-unnecessary-laws/repeal-the-proceeds-of-crime-act-2002-and-restore-presumption-of-innocence

Sign petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/repealpca

Press Article Guantanamo Bay? No, Derby…

In a new ‘Arms to Iraq’ scandal Judge John Burgess sitting in private issued a Court Order which in effect prevents me from even buying a loaf of bread or food for my cat and specifically prohibits me from paying for any legal help to challenge the Court Order he made.  The evidence Judge Burgess relied on was supplied in a witness statement made by Derby Police Officer DC Stephen William Winnard and Authorised by Chief Superintendent Anthony Blockley. This statement is littered with obvious falsehoods and fabrications. The question is why ?

The Iraq Inquiry headed by Sir John Chilcot is calling on me to supply sensitive evidence which was seized by the Derby Police mid January 2010. I am a former adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq is struggling to know what to do. As she did when giving evidence to the Scott Inquiry into Arms o Iraq she expected to do so in total secrecy but the actions of Derby police have made this impossible.

The Iraq enquiry set up by Gordon Brown is convened for the purpose of examining the United Kingdom’s involvement in Iraq, including the way decisions were made and actions taken, to establish as accurately and reliably as possible what happened, and to identify lessons that can be learned. The Inquiry is considering the period from 2001 up to the end of July 2009.

Gordon Brown (then Prime Minister) told the House of Commons, “no British document and no British witness will be beyond the scope of the Inquiry.” The Government has assured the Inquiry of the full co-operation of the relevant Departments.

But conversely Brown either colluded, organised or aided and abetted Derby police seizing documents, mid January 2010, which were pertinent to the inquiry implicating himself in a cover-up.  Five weeks later he would himself be called to the Inquiry to give evidence.

These Iraq documents were seized by DC Steven Winnard on the 13th of January just weeks before they were due to be presented to the Iraq Inquiry. Although by now everyone in the New Coalition Government knows about the seizure of the Iraq Documents from me they have not been returned.

Hywell Williams MP of Plaid Cymru whos party originated and led the call to impeach Tony Blair, in 2004 because of Blair’s decision to engage in an illegal war with Iraq, is making enquiries but so far without success. On the 22nd of July Nick Clegg declaired to Parliment from the despatch box that the war in iraq was “illegal” . That is what the my documents stolen by the Derby police prove.


Back in 1989 whilst I was investigating covert arms shipments concurrently with an investigation into the International  Paedophile Network I was given documents proving the then Conservative Government were selling arms to Iraq.  On instructions I went to see Neil Kinnock at his home and he put me in touch with Alan Rodgers. From this first meeting I was pivoted into the forefront of exposing  ‘arms to Iraq’.


I went on to be an intelligence advisor to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on ‘Arms to Iraq’. Then gave evidence to Lord Justice Scott and a written submission which is kept in a secret room along with other evidence given in secret,   but now siezed by the Derby Police.  I also worked with Tony Blair  who was then shaddow Home Secretary exposing the Paedofile Network within the Police and high places.   Exposing illicit arms deals and highly placed paedofiles is very dangerous work and when I was eventually able to retire from front line involvement  I  sold my  home  and  kept my whereabouts and identity as secure as I could without being given a new identity to protect me.


On the 13th of January, I was alone in my flat and asleep when the Derby Police   headed by DC Stephen Winnard   raided my flat in North Wales with 12 other male officers executing a warrant   obtained under Proceeds of Crime Act.  At the same time they  raided the  flat downstairs,  occupied  by  DW  a man with  Top Secret Clearance, and  also the   communal areas  of the property.  They seized almost every document and everything of value from myself and DW who has never been interviewed or spoken to by the Derby Police.  Amongst their  trove  they seized  documents specifically excluded,  letters from my solicitors, medical details about my illness, journalistic material  and  further to this  a large amount of documents, note books, discs, and tapes  on the illicit arms trade  and  ‘Arms to Iraq’  plus letters from Gordon Brown and other Labour and Conservative politicians.


This warrant was obtained from Judge Burgess, the same Crown Court Judge who 3 months later was to issue a restraint order against me.  The apparent grounds for issuing the warrant was that I had provided a client, calling himself Robin Jacob,  with a  mailing address  at  MAOS Mail services in Hyde, Cheshire  and I had dealt with his mail and that Robin Jacob had committed an International Fraud through his company Regal and Archer which was formed by Turner and Little.  


After spending  about 9 hours  putting all my property and that of DW into cardboard boxes,  and having searched the property for drugs  and cash with a sniffer dog,  I was finally allowed to get dressed  so that I could be arrested and  taken into custody.  They arrested me for   International fraud in 2007 and 2008 telling my duty solicitor I was the mastermind.  I was deposited back home that night at about 8 pm to a devastated house.  It was like being raped and burgled but unable to go to the Police, because it was the Police.


Shocked I contacted a former member of the Trade and Industry Select Committee now in the Lords. Lord Douglas Hoyle was astounded by what had happened and concluded that it must be political.  There was no way that the seizure of documents on arms to Iraq in an alleged fraud case covering 2007 and 2008 could be legitimate   Also in 2007 I was very ill after being diagnosed with an incurable illness.  which left me confused and weak..

After writing a letter to Gordon Brown I arranged with Lord Hoyle to have this letter given directly to The Prime Minister advising him about the stolen documents. Lord Hoyle later confirmed he had personally passed my letter directly to Gordon Brown and that if Gordon Brown wanted more information he would ask for it through him.  


Two months later on the 16th of April Judge Burgess made a Restraint Order against me relying on evidence from the witness statement of DC Stephen Winnard.   This Restraint Order prohibits me from spending my own money, allowing me only to spend money received from State Benefits. But DC Winnard a financial investigator accredited by the Director of National Policing Improvement Agency knew that I was not in receipt of any State Benefits.

Because of the Statement made by  DC Stephen Winnard  with the signed approval of  Chief Superintendent  Anthony Blockley   using the power invested in  Judge john Burgess by the Court, they together made it illegal for me to  buy a loaf of bread  or buy  food for my cat  and if I did I could be  fined or imprisoned for Contempt of Court. This is inhuman and degrading treatment against a vulnerable older lady, who they have already mentally tortured for 4 months, making unsubstantiated allegations that I am the mastermind behind this international fraud and threatening to confiscate my only home as the proceeds of crime.    If it were not for the ‘Arms to Iraq’ documents it would make no sense at all, although some victims believe the government is trying to protect the real fraudsters.    I have not been charged with this offence, but after writing this there may be an anxious to silence me.


The Derby Police in a court document name the two companies involved Regal and Archer LLC and Quantum Holdings Ltd with bank accounts in Cyprus claiming I control these companies.  They also claim the fraud is about £1.5 million. From   what they say and write it would appear this is the sum of their knowledge about massive frauds of multiple millions covering the globe

What makes their ignorance not credible is that details about the massive fraud are all over the Net.   Anyone with a computer can discover that Regal and Archer and Quantum Holdings Ltd are just middle companies in a huge list of companies set-up by an international group of multi million dollars fraudsters who were operating months after my arrest through a company called Heritage Benefits Financial Limited (HBF) on April the 1st AMF the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector warned investors not to invest in HBF.  HBF is a company directly linked to Regal and Archer.


 If you go onto http://www.complaintsboard.com and http://www.fraudnet.info and numerous other sites you can read the complaints of victims from 2004 to April 2010. The victims give a huge amount of detail, names fax and telephone numbers and addresses.  Regal and Archer and Quantum Holdings are just links in a chain I have looked at another 20 companies used by the same Gang and there are more.   This is a massive ongoing fraud the gang simply ditch a company when it becomes troublesome and move on. You would have to be the worst detective in the world to arrest an older lady of limited means living in a terraced house in a small village in North Wales as the Mastermind behind this multi million pound international ongoing Fraud.  But that suspiciously is what the Derby police have done


The whereabouts of my arms to Iraq documents together with all the rest of my property are unknown to me.   All I can do is rely on you the reader to protect me from this inhuman and degrading treatment which appears to be sanctioned at a high level.

 Visit the rest of my website to see supporting documents and more information   www.afbio.co.uk


The above story and all the relevant articles are no longer available but fortunately they have been copied by Gordon and I and distributed to safe houses around the Uk and overseas.

Below is the email that Gordon has sent to the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve:

From: gordon bowden <rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk>
To: dominic.grieve@beaconsfieldconservatives.co.uk
Cc: scotlandp@parliament.uk; john.healey.mp@parliament.uk; chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; beckettm@parliament.uk; feedback@peterlilley.co.uk; reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk; info@libdems.org.uk; fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk
Sent: Fri, 10 June, 2011 14:12:30


Dear Rt Hon Dominic Charles Robert Grieve.


You will refer the forwarded reply from your official office below, dated Sunday 22 August 2010 timed at: 15:42:08


I make and hold on record this further legal communication to you and the added list of Cc Recipients, forwarded to you via your Constituency address.


As a Duty of Care: Given the recovered Documents of Ms TARA ANDREA DAVISON I  hold, duplicated, forwarded and held safe by others.


I make accusation that you have, as Attorney General committed Treason, lied and conspired with others in perverted the course of Justice, using your respected and trusted Public Office as Attorney General to refuse a new inquiry into the conspired Death of Dr David Kelly.


I make legal accusation. You have used your legal, trusted and public Political position, to criminally protect those who hold high Conservative Government Office, current and Past from facing Criminal prosecution (Under the Nuclear Explosions Act) and Deliberate criminal Fraud involving an Overcharge to the Treasury of £17.8 Million to Purchase covertly 3 Nuclear Bombs from ARMSCOR, the £17.8 million laundered into the “EMPTY” Tory accounts as recorded in HANSARD

via a front  UK registered Company of Rhodesian John Arnold Bredenkamp.

Recorded in Parliament

HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 starting from Column 197

Statements regarding these facts entered  and recorded by LORD DOUG HOYLE and Derby South MP MARGARET BECKETT.


I make record in this legal communication, that these Conservative Government Corruption Facts were disclosed and exposed in “Classified” Document form to the then Labour Party leadership by a senior civil servant.


Then an ARMS to IRAQ Investigator

who went on to be

Senior INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR to the Select Committee of the Department of Trade and Industry

under Kenneth Warren and MP Peter Lilley.

From my research:


ex Sister-in-Law of MP Peter Lilley


One of Four Daughters of Senior Conservative SIR JOHN BIGGS-DAVISON


That you have further used your respected official position as Attorney General to protect those involved, by covering up the official involvement of DR DAVID KELLY, who was ordered by the then Conservative Government to oversee this covert Nuclear WMD operation that turned into a CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL disaster when John Bredenkamp and his ex SAS Group stole the Nuclear Weapons in OMAN and sold at least One Nuclear Bomb to North Korea.


To use your Office to further protect the expose of those MP’s, Grandees and VIP’s involved in the Criminal Covert government / Private finance purchase in 1991 of 3 x Pelindaba Pretorea, Battlefield Ready 20kt Nuclear Bombs.


I include as an attachment the one page article disclosure and accusations of Conservative Government Corruption by:


One page of over 400 “Classified” I recovered without copyright from the personal web blog of Ms TARA ANDREA DAVISON on the Internet before they were removed.


I make record:


Given Ms TARA ANDREA DAVISON gives clear statement in the attachment, that the Derbyshire Police have acted beyond their official remit and acted as a Conservative Political Party agent, to seize and withhold vital criminal evidence required by the “PUBLIC” CHILCOTT IRAQ Inquiry.


I also understand, that you replaced MP Tim Smith in the Constituency of Beaconsfield


I am also informed, it was Tim Smith who had inside information regarding the LAUNDERING of the deliberate criminal overcharge to the Treasury of £17.8 Million (A theft of TAX PAYERS assets)  via a front Company of John Arnold Bredenkamp into the “EMPTY” 1991 Tory accounts to fight the 1992 General Election: HANSARD JUNE 22  1993 from Column 197


I await your official reply.


Mr Gordon Bowden


—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Dominic Grieve <GRIEVED@parliament.uk>
To: GORDON BOWDEN <rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Sun, 22 August, 2010 15:42:08
Subject: Thank you for contacting Dominic Grieve MP

Here is a copy of your message:

This is not a Constitutional Matter.

I make record of this web site Communication and it’s total written contents.


You ask for Motive into his MURDER:

He was the appointed Conservative Nuclear Weapon Scientist entrusted in 1991 to oversee the covert purchase of 3 ex Stock Pelindaba, Pretoria Battlefield Bombs.
On a request UOR From ASTRA via the DTI, the UOR Signed by Stephan Kock for ASTRA and Peter Lilley for the DTI to purchase from ARMSCOR 3 “CYLINDERS”
The Operation, a deliberate Conservative Fraud to overcharge the Treasury by £17.8 Million to top up their EMPTY Coffers to fight the 1992 General Election.

As uncovered by the Labour Party
HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 From Col 197.

The 3 Nuclear Weapons purchased along with 6 others with a logged Destination of Chicago USA for de commissioning.
The 3 Conservative Nukes, diverted to OMAN for retaliatory use against Saddam if he used Chemical or Bio Weapons against UK or Coalition Forces in the Retake of Kuwait (Gulf WAR 1)

In effect, the Weapons were held over in OMAN until all military action ceased.
Somehow, the weapons broker, JOHN ARNOLD BREDENKAMP with a group gained access to the Weapons in OMAN and Stole them.

He sold at least one of the Nuclear weapons on the OPEN Market.
NORTH KOREA Detonated it on 25 MAY 2009

There are many MP’s and VIP’s to face Prosecution.

That is why Dr David Kelly was MURDERED.
He knew the identity of ALL those involved in this  criminal act….end of Gordons email


No doubt there must be many extremely nervous past and current members of the Tory Part but one cannot just leave this without saying that all the parties are part of this massive cover up.

It was first raised in the Houses of Parliament:

Hansard June 22nd 1993 from Column 197 by Lord Doug Hoyle and by Margaret Beckett when it was asked where the £17.8 milliom had originated from……..to this day the Conservative Party have never had to account for it and the Labour Party and the Lib Dems have never insisted on it being accounted for!!!……..that just goes to show how corrupt the government can be and yet we see much smaller amounts being dealt with rather harshly such as expenses etc………what do you think is more important for the well being of our country?………the fact that Margaret Becket spent too much on her hanging baskets? or that Ken Warren, David Cameron and a whole pile of others siphoned off £17.8 million of British tax payers money?…….also add to this the fact that senior members of government have lived with this scam since 1993 and are thus implicated in its cover up….not to mention the £1 million that was donated to Tony Blair by Bernie Ecclestone (of Formula 1 fame) that was disguised as a donation from the tobacco industry…..which in actual fact came from the arms dealer John Bredenkamp (owns the Tobacco Company).

Finally we had the assassination of dear Dr David Kelly who simply lost his life because he knew too much

Gordon Bowden summarised this very well when he stated:

“Government Lies and Labour Party Spies”

“The truth about the biggest corruption scandal to rock the foundation of British Politics”

“Hidden facts on the covert WMD Arms Trade to – Iraq – DRC – Zimbabwe – Oman – Saudi – Jordan – Sierra Leone”

So there you have it……all party heads and their parties have been informed on a regular basis by Gordon and I, including visits to both Margaret Beckett MP and Chris Williamson MP the two local members who have done absolutely nothing about the reports we have submitted to them both.

It certainly is a case now that politicians no longer serve you and once in office blatantly flaunt their position and responsibilities in such an arrogant way and in full contempt of their duties.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 12/6/2011    http://www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com