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Pandora’s Box opens up more grime and slime

with 6 comments

The state of British Politics is at an all time low!!

For three decades now we have been run by a pile of corrupt and fraudulent morons!!!

Never in British History has this country stooped to such a low level of management since the “Iron Lady” – Maggie Thatcher took the helm (excluding the Victorian era when our country ravaged and raped the world).

From the above moment and up to the current time we have been deceived by a corrupt and fraudulent government who by their own actions should be put behind bars for life.

They have deceitfully caused major areas of conflict around the world, killed and maimed millions of innocent people (including our own troops), fuelled other countries by helping them in their war effort in providing them with nuclear technology and chemical and biological warfare (as was the case in the Iraq – Iran War). One cannot forget what Saddam did to the Kurdish people in Halabja to which both the US, UK and many other nations contributed.


The scenes after the gas attack on Halabja in March 1988 that killed 5,000 Kurds. Our country helped build the Chemical and Biological Weapons Labs in Iraq and provided them with technical know how!! 

They have sanctioned the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Somalia, Libya with Syria and Iran in their gun sights.

They have contaminated vast tracts of land in all of the above countries with radioactive particles that have a half life of 4.5 billion years, knowing the health danger to their citizens and that of our own troops.

They have all therefore been an accomplice to mass genocide at a level never seen before, making the Holocaust appear rather miniscule by comparison and yet they seek to pursue other leaders for war crimes when they themselves are guilty in the first degree.  

They have all carried out an act of treason by allowing our country to be taken over by the European Union and joined an evil network called the New World Order whose main ambition is to depopulate the world at a level one cannot even comprehend.

They have raped many third world countries of their natural resources and have in place a master plan:

  • To take control of the worlds natural resources
  • To take control of the markets for those resources
  • To take control of the sea lanes and transit routes for those resources

They promote wars and conflict in order to increase their income from the sale of military hardware, weapons and software and in doing so increase the price of oil and gas which feeds more money into their pockets.

They are in bed with the corporate sector and the banks to allow massive fraud, amounting to billions of pounds each and every year by way of asset stripping and creating non existent virtual/shell companies to rip off/bankrupt potential investors. They allow the banks to provide loans (some unsecured) to non existent companies to develop non existent mines or non existent oil fields and then allow this to turn into toxic debt.

They then bail the banks out and pass that toxic debt onto the ordinary man in the street (tax money) and at the same time implement severe austerity measure. They implement an increase in taxes for an indefinite duration and cut back on public sector services…….this means that you pay more taxes for services you do not receive or that no longer exist.

They allow, what were once famous British names, to fall by the wayside and allow the companies to fall into foreign hands, eliminate the local workforce by making them redundant and then allow their partners in crime (the banks) to do a foreclosure on their houses.

You must all understand that the world financial meltdown was no accident….it was a well orchestrated plan by the New World Order (NWO)….they have the ability to take out any company or country and then to force those countries to inherit a World Bank/IMF bailout with their pre conditions of severe austerity measure……..Ireland, Portugal, Greece is a typical example on how to do this…..who next Spain or Italy? 

The spin off from all of this is what we have seen in the Middle East – The Arab Spring…..where people take to the street in mass to protest at their hardship i.e. unemployment and rising prices etc….it is at this vulnerable time that the New World Order infiltrate those countries with special forces, secret service operatives to stir up the crowd and in some cases provide the snipers to take out a few innocence victims or create a “False Flag” incident.. What the public do not realise is that this is all about forcing regime change and for them to plant their own western friendly governments in situ……Egypt is a classic example of this where democracy still does not exist and a government is still not installed……..once can also see the same scenario in Libya whereby our country illegally forced a war in order to stop Gadaffi from nationalising the oil companies in order to keep the wealth in the country.

 I could write a book on this subject but maybe it is better to name and shame these scumbags that are raping this country and making it almost become a third world country where 1 in 3 children are living below the poverty line…….you can imagine our future whereby we all will become slaves to this ever growing police state, unemployment at an all time high and people relying on the state for hand outs……..this is what our government wants………oh and lets not forget the control that Israel and the Zionists have on all political leaders and their parties….. Who’s leader pledge allegiance to Israel rather than to the United Kingdom…….this is treason at its highest level.

So let’s now reflect again on what this is all about:

It has been evident that since the Pandora’s Box series was first published many corrupt politicians and other fraudulent people have been experiencing what can only be described as a panic attack or a heart flutter!!!

I guess the entire series would not have been so interesting if it wasn’t for the fact that there are so many past and current politicians so deeply involved in fraud. Without this illustrious gang of thieves the box would be empty.

These people that we have elected into office have been involved in not only massive fraud but also illegal arms trading including Nuclear Weapons and Chemical and Biological Warfare otherwise known as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

They have created false incidents (false flags) such as 7/7 or have hidden behind a false facade of humanitarian assistance in such places as Somalia, Yemen, Libya (and soon to be Syria) in order to go to war.

Their fraud has involved them in the upper levels of the corporate sector, including the banks. They have allowed the executive of banks and companies to asset strip their companies and then having bailed them out allowed those same executives to take over another bank to carry on with their business as usual. The Serious Fraud Office, political leaders and their local representatives all know about this (evidence on hand to prove this) but have done nothing.

They have used tax payer’s money to illegally purchase three South African tactical nuclear weapons and then allowed them to be stolen and sold on the black market. A similar story existed over in the United States when again some nuclear weapons went missing and were also sold on the black market……..yes you read right nuclear weapons allowed to go missing and sold to other nations…….two of the above batch of bombs have already been test fired in North Korea.

All the wars and conflicts in more recent times have all been  part of their own “Geo Political” master plan……..Libya being a prize example on how to deceive the world into believing that Gadaffi was a very bad man and had to be removed…….what the media do not tell you is that Gaddaffi was about to receive an award for the efforts he had made in bringing his country into a prosperous period and what he had done for his people…….yes Gadaffi was corrupt but what he did for Libya is beyond words.

The UK (with the help of the US and France) then used the standard humanitarian excuse that the Gadaffi regime must be stopped. I think a figure of around 6,000 were reported to have been killed by Gadaffi…if did not say if these were soldiers or civilians….it was just a general figure given and yet since the US, UK, France and NATO attack on Libya the death toll is well over 50,000 and yet they said that this war was all about “Saving Lives”…..and yet they have literally “Nuked Libya”

Maybe you would all find it hard to believe that the war crime statistics for Libya were given to the United Nations (prior to the so called “No Fly Zone” Resolution and subsequent war) by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Europe. The foundation of this data had previously been given to the ICC by non other than the Libyan Trans National Council Prime Minister. This evidence was only “Hearsay” and no documentation was ever provided to the ICC or UN to substantiate the claim.

It is obvious that just like the UK’s reason for going to war with Iraq the case was, as they say, “sexed up” to create a false illusion and just like Iraq mass genocide has now taken place…….you will note that the final death toll in Libya since the NATO attack will never be known…..not to mention the ongoing deaths that will occur as a direct result of NATO’s Depleted Uranium contamination of the country.  

One must never allow any politicians or any other high ranking officials involved in any of the above to escape justice. It is fact that had the International Court of Justice been a sincere organisation (and not a puppet run by the UN) we would have seen a totally difference outcome.

In relation to massive fraud and paedophilia we again see that a huge cover-up exists and that the Police or the Serious Fraud Office have not done their job correctly, otherwise, many of them would now be in prison (some for life) for a multitude of offences covering massive fraud, breaching the Nuclear Explosions Act, breaching the Official Secrets Act and in some cases for their involvement in paedophilia.

War crimes must head the list as a direct result of their  concocted stories that have taken us to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and those same individuals are all now trying to invent another false flag so that they can attack either Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iran.

So lets again revisit some of the current and past politician’s that have either taken us to war, committed a crime against humanity or had their sticky fingers in the Bank of England purse. Obviously in some case the police have been given very long lists of those involved  in the above areas and have not only done nothing about it but also protected those in office, both in the Houses of Parliament and in the House of Lords.

It is time to yet again name names and allow the public to decide their fate….this list does not accuse all those named in all of the above but I can say that in some cases they are repeat offenders.

The three illegally purchased nuclear bombs

Before going into who were allegedly involved, we have to stress that on the other side of the pond there were others involved in another behind the scenes operation. George Bush and Dick Cheney were the star players along with many others involved who between them also lost three nukes and never told a soul!

There are many actors involved in this classic case of cross neglect. These ruthless men took advantage of a weak United Nations by carrying out under the table deals with a country that was under an embargo (South Africa). They made significant sums of money out of the deal and that money belonged to the British Taxpayer. The final straw was when they allowed the Nuclear Bombs to be stolen from their insecure compound in Oman!!!

A delegation from the Conservative Party went to South Africa in the summer of 1989 to negotiate the purchase of three South African Battlefield Bombs (Part of a batch of 9). The deal involved Maggie Thatcher and other members of the Conservative Party, DTI, MOD, a British Company, a South African Company, The Arms Dealer John Bredenkamp (via his company Casalee) and several private investors, one being Mark Thatcher. Other members of the Conservative Party were also involved or implicated.

 The three bombs were acquired and transferred to Oman without security and put in private storage (yes private storage) and were then stolen by the same man who sold them, John Bredenkamp .

On the Labour Party side Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and others were also implicated in that money was received and they all knew the situation in regard to Iraq both before and after. More recently at the Chilcott Iraq Inquiry they all hid vital evidence. The inquiry was a staged event to clear the names of leading figures that were in office at the time.

It is therefore the purpose of this article to look behind the scenes of these events as they unfolded and show that none of the current leaders, past and present are worthy of representing any position of authority and should in actual fact be under investigation by MI5/6, the Serious Fraud Office and police or better still be in prison.

 So how did they manage to conceal this clandestine operation, who got the backhanders, how were the weapons disguised and shipped and what were the repercussions from this deeply flawed operation.

It will soon become apparent that this extremely serious crime went terribly wrong resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent civilians and thousands upon thousand of coalition troops. The long term damage to world health and the environment is so horrendous it is almost beyond words.

Let’s start with that trip to South Africa in the summer of 1989 and look at who was involved. Margaret Thatcher set everything in motion and David Cameron (a young 24 year old researcher) became her messenger. It is alleged that he was accompanied by Kenneth Robin Warren (now Sir Ken), who was the only technically minded person within the party who could assist Cameron and also Dr David Kelly. One also hears of the involvement of other Conservatives such as David Wiltshire, Ken Clarke, Peter Lilley and many others.

 Cameron’s trip to South Africa was paid-for by Armscor who had the covert stock of Hiroshima-style atomic bombs in-stock and for-sale at Pelindaba. It was believed that many other investors were involved in this under the table and highly illegal deal. Maggie Thatcher’s son Mark Thatcher, Heseltine, Rifkind, Dorrell and McAlpine all had some involvement. Obviously John Major was also involved having taken over from Thatcher…….all in all our political elite had truly compromised the security of the United Kingdom and the world.

Apart from the middle man, arms dealer John Bredenkamp, others were involved on the Astra side of things. The company was under the control of Gerald James who in some respects may not have been the person doing all the wheeling and dealing. It is believed that Stephen Kock may have played the star role in the purchase of the South African nukes. Kock belonged to MI6 and was planted into Astra to run covert arms deals etc. It was only prior to the Matrix Churchill Trial that it became evident that Gerald James had much to say about this deal and was called to give evidence. Needless to say the trial was sabotaged and Gerald James was not given an opportunity to reveal his vital money trail (which was contained on Page 6 of his spread sheets).

Last but not least we have dear Dr. David Kelly (the man who knew too much!). He was deeply involved in the purchase of the three battlefield nuclear bombs and it was his responsibility to ensure their safe passage from Durban to Oman, receive them, check their status upon arrival and sign them off as having arrived in Oman in a safe condition (having inspected the nukes via a special hidden inspection window for core temperature etc).

It was the Iron Lady herself who signed the falsely completed Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR); this document listed them as three cylinders (One in each of the three standard 20 foot sea containers) rather than nuclear bombs. Obviously Peter Lilley, Kenneth Warren and others knew but kept this information close to their chests. This also meant that the normal full security measures for transport of nuclear weapons did not apply as it all had to be covertly hidden under the table.

Can one imagine that at this particular time the United Nations and the world had imposed a total ban on visiting and trading with South Africa and yet Cameron and Co had violated that and at the same time negotiated with South Africa and the US to take 3 of the 9 nuclear bombs. The UN was never aware of the fact that South Africa had a thriving nuclear industry and had manufactured 10 weapons in total with the help of Israel. This was clearly a breach of the UN regulations which certainly constitutes as being a serious crime. The US likewise did not declare this fact and also did not report that three of their own nuke missiles were also stolen. The arms dealer who sold the US SRAM nuclear missiles on the black market was Bill Rautenbach another friend of John Bredenkamp. Rautenbach who generously received 8.5 kg of gold bullion for his efforts in the US Scam.

John Bredenkamp                            Billy Rautenbach

Back to the UK nukes story:

As a result of this deal the money was transferred from the government coffers into the Astra account and then it went offshore to a bank in Jersey for distribution to all parties concerned. At this stage it must be pointed out that 17.8 million pounds of the British Taxpayers money was diverted as commission into the Conservative Party Funds to support the next election drive. As we all know Thatcher was kicked out and Major took over. One can just imagine the trust that the British people have put in the next possible Prime Minister, David Cameron. He has put our nation at great risk, along with all the other gangsters and at the same time siphoned off huge amounts of our money……this 17.8 million became a hot topic in the Houses of Parliament when accountability was requested for this mysteries donation as follows:

Tory funding of their 1992 General Election Campaign –

Origins of Mystery Donation of £17.8 millions:

If we can recall HANSARD 22nd June 1993 we can find the following:

Column 197

Mr. Hoyle: If the hon. Gentleman will allow me, I shall tell him what information is now given to us. We understand the expenditure and what Tory central office receives. In 1992, central office received £20.7 million. When we asked about that and about company donations, the Tory party told us to look at company accounts.

I repeat: in 1992, the Tories received £20.7 million. When the records were checked by Companies house, only £2.9 million was shown in company accounts. That means that there is a deficit of £17.8 million. We want to know where that £17.8 million came from………………so now we all know of its origin….commission for the sale of the nuke weapons from South Africa (Tax Payer’s money). It is also fact that Margaret Beckett MP also knew of this situation but did nothing

As we can see this is another extremely serious crime!

We can now turn to the Labour Party who also have lots of dirty washing to hang out over this arms deal. As I have said, John Major took the helm after Thatcher and also was deeply involved in this issue but his reign was short lived when he gave way to the notorious Tony Blair, one of the front runners in the New World Order.

Bernie Ecclestone, of Formula 1 fame, also deposited one million pounds into Tony Blair’s account that was written off as a donation from the tobacco industry but in actual fact was part of the nuke commission….no doubt Bernie got his cut for doing this. Tony Blair tried to return it but to no avail……he must have tried really hard!

Remember that now we have Blair and that terrible adviser Alistair Campbell trying to sex up the Iraq Dossier with poor Dr. Kelly sitting there right in the middle. David Kelly knew everything about the nukes that had been stolen and he also knew the status of things in Iraq, having been part of the inspection team. Kelly repeatedly told Blair that their was no justification for going to war with Iraq over WMD. Tony on the other hand, having spent much time with Bush, wanted a regime change and was looking for justification…hence the WMD claim.

Kelly became extremely upset with Blair and his team and was about to uncover this long trail of rot that started in South Africa and ended up in the bowels of No 10 Downing Street. That is why poor David was assassinated and the government have since put the lid on any future inquiry for 70 years of so. I think you could also add to the assassination list Lady Di, Ex Foreign Secretary – Robin Cook and maybe even the ex Chief Constable of Manchester……..one other historical name that comes to mind is that of Sir John Alec Biggs-Davison a devout Catholic and supporter of the Northern Ireland Campaign.

Back to illegal arms dealings etc:

Now we have the fact that other members of the Labour team knew all about these goings on, including Blair’s replacement, Gordon Brown. Doesn’t it appear strange that lots of Knighthoods and other prestigious positions were being handed out like small change? Was this to keep them from spilling the beans or to cover up the money trail etc.

So now we have the Chilcott Inquiry (Iraq Inquiry) that must go down as one of the best orchestrated Shakespearian Plays yet to be staged. Everyone attending this inquiry would probably have had access to the questions to be asked and accordingly came loaded with ready to reply answers that were so perfectly written.

What I find incredible is the fact that one major star witness was not called to provide evidence before the team….that being a lady (Ms Andrea Davison) who had worked within the bowels of the government investigating the very issue this inquiry is all about….that being illegal arms dealings and the reason for going to war. One would also have to turn to our current PM, David Cameron, Sir Kenneth Robin Warren, and, if he were still alive, Dr David Kelly for input in this area.

The Chilcot Inquiry took on a totally different look when a stream of puppet men or yes men offered their allegiance their Rt Hon Leaders Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Most spent the entire session kissing butts and telling everyone how good they were and how well their leaders had performed during very difficult times!!

Then the star cast arrived (Tony and Gordon) who obviously as a result of their own arrogant and self esteem treated the inquiry as a launch platform for the forthcoming election. It was clear that both wanted to clear their names of any wrong doing, despite the fact that both are guilty of giving false evidence. I also believe that this was a major thrust by Gordon Brown to get the King (Tony Blair) placed on the throne in the EU as soon as possible and remove the current pathetic caretaker.

Again we see two very senior political figures who are seeking positions of grandeur being guilty of many crimes…..Blair topping the list as being guilty of War Crimes and if WMD’s, was a valid reason for going to war, then he went to war with the wrong country because the three nukes that were in Iraq for a short duration were moved by road into Syria aboard three well camouflaged ambulances! One must also assume that many others members of Government were aware of this situation or have themselves been guilty in their own duty of care!

So there you have it…..a long list from the rogues gallery who to all intents and purposes should be in prison now or at least removed from public office as being unfit to represent the people of this country, who put their trust in them. Oh and before closing the list one must also add another senior member of the Liberal Democrats who was in office at this critical time and whose finger allegedly tested the pie…Paddy Ashdown.

The fact that millions of innocent civilians have died and continue to do so and the fact that our own coalition soldiers have succumbed to their evil greed is beyond words.

The final straw is the fact that the leaders and governments of the US, UK, EU and Israel all fully understand the highly dangerous use of using weapons that contain uranium components. This has been spelt out very clearly in legal documents on both sides of the pond and thus means that they are accomplices to genocide on a huge scale. This process started in the Balkans and then went on to Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza and Pakistan. It is also clear that these same weapons are being used in Somalia and Yemen. The spin off from this unthinkable crime is never ending because depleted uranium for instance has a half like of 4.5 billion years.       

It is clear that now Libya has fallen victim to the same radioactive assault by the US, UK, France and NATO with Syria and Iran now in their gun sights

What is extremely sad about this progressive genocide of the entire Middle East and the world beyond is the fact that you, the reader, just look at these stories and do nothing…..for that reason alone you also are guilty of a crime against fellow human beings.

DU Explosions in Libya – This is how we at NATO save lives!!

And this is what we at NATO leave behind

This “Wanted for Crimes against Humanity” article is meant to be hard hitting in the hope to wake people up against the New World Order’s advancement. Remember they are few in number and yet we, the billions in the world, do nothing…….I beg you to retrieve your country from the tentacles of this scum and show your concern by only voting for those that will stand up and stop this madness. If you all sit on yours hands then what will be will be.

I will now dedicate the rest of this story to that of Governement Fraud including very senior MP’s and House of Lord’s members, their respective parties and reveal our governments inability to deal peodophila….this includes our past and current leaders i.e. Blair, Brown and Cameron who have done nothing to stem the rise of peodophilia in this country despite being given information from the FBI and also a file from Ms Andrea Davison and many others throughout this country.

Firstly we will now list all those who may be implicated in massive fraud….this list is compliments of Mr. Gordon Bowden who has spent many years researching the topic and you will clearly see the size and extent of the fraudulent activities linked to our political elite:

Start of Gordons communication:




(Something to start with)




Where it went.


WHO are some of the VIP Rt Hon Gents and Ladies,  names involved with a common group of Directors who criminally conspired to asset strip their companies, further asset stripping of BANKS, Financial Institutions and Private Investors, names of those who operated with a recorded network of common front directors playing “Musical Chairs.” Moving in rotation within interconnected Companies.


Listing, de-listing, name changing after financial collapse, reverse takeovers, and remorphing to start again and again with renewed cash raisings, devalued share listings by the continued issue of more company shares, revolving credit funds and morgages from Banks and fund raising from PI’s who have bought their worthless “Penny Stock” shares in their “Virtual” fraud Director Only shell Companies.


Purchasing worthless  so called Undervalued “Acquisitions” OWNED and under the control of the Parent Company and it’s Directors, that then Manipulate their, Old mineral stripped, abandoned, flooded, care and maintenance piles of junk, that are only designed to be operated, not as genuine investment projects but as “Vehicles” for Fraud, theft, money laundering Cash Shells, bought for a few quid then promoted on Cash Raising “Road Shows” as “Undervalued” Capital Venture money Multi baggers on the UNAUDITED, LIGHTLY REGULATED AIM London Stock Exchange.


The “Bonus”

The Directors with their optional Company Shares run “Insider Trading Rings” manipulating their “Virtual” Companies share prices on the Stock Exchanges by the release of False and Misleading RNS Corporate information to the shareholders.


The AIM, the CASINO and “Washing Machine” for Organised crime and Money Laundering.


“Book 1 of 5”


Politicians, Grandees, VIP’s and the Funding of the Conservatives and Labour Party, lining their own pockets as Non Exec Directors in Oil & Gas and “Virtual” Mining Companies. Operating and De-listed Financially collapsed PONZI Scam fronts.


Below, a selection of Companies that if placed under the Microscope would lead ALL those named facing long prison sentences for INTERNATIONAL ORGANISED CRIME.


Lets start with an ex  LEADER:



Other than:

Northern Racing Ltd

LUUP Limited

LUUP International Ltd


The Fraud Fronts I implicate he is lining his pockets with are:


SILVER DRAGON RESOURCES INC  ( another 5 employee Director only cash shell front)






The Direct link to the LONRHO network of SCAMS and 22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON SW1A 1RD 

One of his co directors recorded at



JAMES L HARRIS who, among other fraud companies is a recorded Director of:









Other RT HON running the same Interconnected network SCAMS



























































































































































STEPHEN HAMMOND                 (Conservative MP Wimbledon)




























Top of the Pile


LONRHO PLC and it’s multitude of LONRHO subsidiaries

with among others and it’s long line of historical Conservative Grandee Leadership Directors.








LONRHO PLC it’s “BOILER ROOM”  and network of COMMON COMPANY  Directors at

 22 ARLINGTON STREET.LONDON SW1A 1RD  it was recorded in 2010 on the Interactive Investor Message Board as being raided by a “Bunch of Suits” in dark glasses who took away a large quantity of Computers and files.


What most of those named above will be aware of is that, LONRHO and it’s web Empire has been previously exposed even in Parliament (HANSARD) as the corruption of AFRICA and the major Covert criminal funding structure of the Conservative Party.


The names above explain HOW they are protected, as a VIP shield from the normal Criminal Laws we mortals are sent for long custodial sentences





End of communication


Some other names were investigated by Gordon, namely:


Earl Of Oxford And Asquith
Mr Colin Weinberg
Mr Robert Michael Tobias Shetler Jones
Mr Timothy Lewis Saxton
Mr John Gerrard Carter
Mr Rupert Stephen Jude Bevan 

It was thought that the above could be small fish in the ocean but after further investigation Gordon came up with the following:

Start of  Gordon’s communication:

“a little 2 man firm”


I don’t think so, nothing more than another “Smoke and Mirrors” front.


Are they involved in the AIM PONZI SCAMS?




They are all mostly interconnected through a front company:



and a co Director:



Who fronts as a Director in:



The main CON boy being:




Who is a Director of TWO of the LONRHO Empire and the ARLINGTON CROWD interlocked network Mining and

FINANCE AIM Investment Fake, Fraud Oil and Gas and Mining Companies.




The picture is now very clear as more pieces of the puzzle dropping into place.


I will do a better Corporate Directorship relationship overview for you later.


Yes, like I have said since 2005, they are a CLAN.




End of communication


We can also cast our mind back to the more recent Liam Fox – Adam Werritty scandal and maybe see what lies behind the two fraudulent men.


What became even more interesting was that notorious gentleman from the South African illegal nukes deal (Sir Kenneth Robin Warren) also came under the Gordon Bowden microscope who opened up another can or worms.


Gordon again sent me the link as follows:


Start of Gordon’s communication


 I describe how they interlock a network of “Dormant” Companies whereby they list identical main companies with slight variations as covered by a Group of Companies.


When you understand, they are “Dormant” companies, they are still “Active” and as such, Bank Accounts are used to run cash from one to another without them filing accountants records & reports hence when you check the Companies House records they have few documents filed, sometimes only 1, that being their listing Document.


You will recall LIAM FOX and ADAM WERRITTY with a select group of Tory Grandees and Sponsors were providing Cash into a


Cash Shell




Used by Werritty as a personal covert  “PIGGY BANK” to fund his VIP Life and follow his “Buddy” LIAM FOX on his travels. 


The following might cause SIR KEN WARREN to have irregular heart beats when 

Peter phoned me to tell me he had found through “Google” Sir Kenneth Robin Warren was recorded as

a non executive Director of:


06439082   MONEYTT(EU) LTD 

                 Ground Floor

                 44 George Street


                 M1 4HF

Dormant :   Incorporated 26/11/2007


So, as I know how they try to hide incorporated associated Companies,  just like a network of companies under her administration”DORMANT” no Accountancy filed document Cash Shells. I used my normal search engines to recover the network of interlocked Companies.


First, I checked WHO was Sir Kenneth Warrens VIP Government Co Director.

Identified as none other than:





Baron Wei of Shorditch


The ONLY senior Chinese Ethnic Politician backed by DAVID CAMERON who also said he should be a Life Peer



Also runs:






Is also the Treasurer to the CHINESE IN BRITAIN Foundation



All Party Parliamentary China Group


The other MONEYTT interlocked Companies and their addresses.


05457009  MONEYTT PLC

                21 Wardour Street


                     W1D 6PN

Incorp          19/05/2005

Dissolved      07/05/2008

The address is a CHINESE RESTUARANT    called TT21



                Unit 1

                No 8 Canterbury Place


                SE17 3AG

 Incorp      28/11/2007




                Unit 1

                No 8 Canterbury Place


                SE17 3AG

Incorp       21/11/2007




                Unit 1

                No 8 Canterbury Place


                SE17 3AG

Incorp       28/11/2007




                Unit 1

                No 8 Canterbury Place


                SE17 3AG

Incorp       28/11/2007




                UNIT 1-2

                Penton Place


                SE17 3JT

Incorp       17/05/2007




                UNIT 1-2

                Penton Place


                SE17 3JT


The Company UNIT addresses above are all obscure FLATS









Is in the centre of CHINA TOWN (Manchester) and the address is common to and affiliated with.










If any of the above Companies were placed under a microscope,  just like Labour and the press did with:






SIR KEN WARREN and his Cabal of thieving Barsteward mates.




How Britain and POLITICS is run and destroyed with:





End of Gordon’s communication



It is very clear to both Gordon and I that in the corridors of Westminster are many extremely corrupt politicians and maybe even more in the House of Lords.


I have listed all those that are either involved in illegal arms dealings or involved in massive fraud so now it would be fitting to make up a “Rogues Gallery” so that you can put a face to the name. Obviously there are many more skeletons in the closet but time does not permit the addition of even more names at this stage.


Remember it was our current PM, David Cameron and Sir Kenneth Robin Warren who helped to siphon off £17.8 million pounds of tax payers money into their own Tory Party Election Fund and to this day have not had to account for it.


It is our current PM who is implementing rigid austerity measure whilst he himself has had his finger in the pie……It was our PM who went to India to twist the arm of the Indian PM to expedite a huge takeover for one of his major donors….non other than Sir Bill Gammell who is also fraudulently stripping someone else’s assets as we have seen with the Cairn Energy sell off in India…..


Before closing this article I cannot leave out the prolific peodophilia activity that exists in this country, including certain policitical figures (past and present) both in the Houses of Parliament and in the House of Lords.


The Hollie Greig case is currently before the courts and I would hope that Hollie and her mum Anne get their day in court as this clearly shows how a clear cut case of peodophilia can be mismanaged by the police, the judicial system and local councils.


There is a close link between this case and the Dunblane Massacre and the fact that one extremely senior political figure just so happened to be in charge of NATO at the time. If we all recall the FBI provided a list of peodphiles that could be a risk to the security of the United Kingdom. This list was given to the British Prime Minister at the time (Tony Blair) who did absolutely nothing about it………could there have been a reason for this?

Hollie and Mum Anne

I will now print an email that I came across and also an article that was produced some time ago that may well allow readers to better understand as to why our leaders do nothing about this terrible state of affairs.




The Email:



Caveat Lector-


From: anthony lee Queensland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: 23 March 2003 09:41



Subject: Tony Blair connected to paedophile ring! from Israel Shamir


Tony Blair connected to mass murder and to paedophile ring! Demand his



“But it is now becoming shockingly clear that the slavish adherence of Tony

Blair and Jack Straw to the Bush line on Iraq may have less to do with

principled arguments, and much more to do with the fear of CIA and FBI

revelations that would make them two of the most hated politicians in modern

British political history”.


We owe justice to the victims of Dunblane and protection for all children 


 Dunblane secret documents contain letters by Tory and Labour ministers


The Sunday Herald, News, 2 March 2003, http://www.sundayherald.com/31830


Investigation: By Neil Mackay, Home Affairs Editor


LETTERS between Labour and Tory ministers and correspondence relating to

Thomas Hamilton’s alleged involvement with Freemasonry are part of a batch

of more than 100 documents about the Dunblane mass murder which have been

sealed from public sight for 100 years.


The documents include a letter connected to Hamilton, which was sent by

George Robertson, currently head of NATO, to Michael Forsyth, who was then

Secretary of State for Scotland.


Until now it was thought that a 100-year public secrecy order had only been

placed on one police report into Hamilton which allegedly named high-profile

politicians and legal figures. However, a Sunday Herald investigation has

uncovered that 106 documents, which were submitted to the Dunblane inquiry

in 1996, were also placed under the 100-year rule.


The Scottish Executive has claimed the 100-year secrecy order was placed on

the Central Police report, which was drafted in 1991 five years before the

murders, to protect the identities of children named in the report. Hamilton

had allegedly abused a number of children prior to his 1996 gun attack on

Dunblane primary school in which 16 primary one children and a teacher died

before Hamilton turned his gun on himself.


However, only a handful of the documents, which the Sunday Herald has

discovered to be also subject to the 100-year rule, relate to children or

name alleged abuse victims.


The most intriguing document is listed as: ‘Copy of letter from Thomas

Hamilton to Dunblane parents regarding boys’ club, and flyer advertising

Dunblane Boys’ Sports Club. Both sent to Rt Hon Michael Forsyth, MP,

Secretary of State for Scotland, by George Robertson MP.’ Also closed under

the 100-year rule is a ‘submission to Lord James Douglas Hamilton, MP,

Minister of State at the Scottish Office, concerning government evidence to

the Inquiry’.


Another document relates to correspondence between the clerk of the Dunblane

inquiry, which was presided over by Lord Cullen, and a member of the public

regarding ‘possible affiliations of Thomas Hamilton with Freemasonry … and

copy letters from Thomas Hamilton’.


SNP deputy justice minister, Michael Matheson, said: ‘The explanation to

date about the 100 -year rule was that it was put in place to protect the

interests of children named in the Central Police report. How can that

explanation stand when children aren’t named? The 100-year rule needs to be

re-examined with respect to all documents.’


Matheson has written to the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd, asking why the

100-year rule applies and how it can be revoked. He has so far had no

response. He also asked First Minister Jack McConnell to explain the reasons

for the 100-year order but received ‘no substantial answer’. Matheson is to

write to Colin Boyd a second time, in the light of the discovery that more

than 100 other documents are also sealed, asking him to account for the



A spokeswoman for the Crown Office said: ‘In consultation with the Crown

Office and the Scottish Office, Lord Cullen agreed that in line with the age

of some of the individuals involved and named in the inquiry, the closure

period would be 100 years. The Lord Advocate is considering issuing a

redacted copy of the productions, which would blank out identifying details

of children and their families. A decision on this has yet to be made.’


Other sealed key reports on Dunblane include:


·  A ‘comparative analysis of Thomas Hamilton’ by Central Scotland Police

·  Information about Hamilton’s ‘use and possession of firearms’

·  Pathology reports, Hamilton’s autopsy report, and analysis by Glasgow

University’s forensic science lab on blood, urine and liver samples from

Hamilton’s body

·  Details on firearms licensing policies

·  A review by Alfred Vannet, regional procurator fiscal of Grampian,

Highland and Islands, of ‘reports and information in respect of Thomas

Hamilton submitted to the procurator fiscals of Dumbarton and Stirling by

Strathclyde Police and Central Police’

·  A psychological report on Hamilton

·  Guidance from the British Medical Association on granting firearms


·  ‘Transcript of and correspondence relating to answering-machine tape

which accidentally recorded conversation between police officers at the

scene of the Dunblane incident’

·  Correspondence and witness statements ‘relating to allegations of sexual

abuse made against Hamilton’



I also have a copy of this:


Certainly Steve Morgan, under his guise of Dick Shaver & the Hollow Earth Insiders,who has given us a list of transgressors in this field, believes we are ruled by a private club of perverts and rapists, he names and describes the personal perversities of some of them and in no particular order they are:-

Lord Graville Jenner (Labour Peer)  –  Young boys.

Lord Gerald Kaufman (Labour Peer)  –  Young boys under 12.

Lord Leon Britton (Conservative Peer)  _  Raping young boys.

Gordon Brown (British Prime Minister) – Young boys and girls

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (Former British Prime Minister) – Importuning in public toilets

Edward Heath (Former Conservative British Prime Minister) – Young boys

Lord Robertson (Former head of NATO and Labour Cabinet Minister) – Young boys

Lord Hardy (Former Lord Advocate of Scotland) – Young boys

Lord McAlpine (Conservative Lord) – Young boys

Michael Portillo (Former Conservative MP) – Children and adults especially Peter Lilley

Peter Lilley (Conservative MP) – Young children and adults especially Michael Portillo

Sir Jimmy Saville (Entertainer and Disc Jockey) – Supplying young children and adults for the above

We have come a long way from Hollie Greig and her abuse is still with us so let us join with Robert Green in asking for a public enquiry.  The problem is who chooses the panel because we know what happened at the Dunblane enquiry led by Lord Cullen and the Hutton report into the death of Dr David Kelly.  We are not going to let them sweep Hollie under the carpet for a hundred years.

The establishment will never allow an enquiry board picked by outsiders, so stalemate.  It is time for action.  Both Labour and Conservative have failed us on this topic.  We have to look elsewhere or perhaps have a revolution.


For those that want to read more about Peodophilia and the Hollie Greig case you can few the many articles I have written on Hollie at the following link which also reveals some more names: www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

I think the best way of closing this article is to produce a sort of rogues gallery off all those involved in a multitude of events as listed in this entire article and those that were advised of those events and did nothing……they are also guilty of abusing their position and neglecting to address issues raised by their constituents…….it is left to you the public to decide which face fits what crime but I am sure we will all come up with the same conclusion that our country is being run (where applicable) by person who should clearly be behind bars or rotting in some out of the way “God Forsaken Hole.”

The United Kingdoms “Most Wanted” list – involved in some of the following:

Illegal arms dealing – Taking us to war without due cause – War Crimes against innocence civilians and our own troops – Arranging assassinations – Breaching the Nuclear Explosions Act – Official Secrets Act – Treason – Massive fraud and tax evasion – Paedophilia – Perverting the Court of Justice –  Deceiving the people of this country and for not being representative of those that put them in power!!!

“G’Day Blokes I Got My Eyes On You So Watch Your Back”

Another War Criminal and Fraudster

In closing I wish to draw attention to the fact that the MoD knew that Depleted Uranium was in breach of the Geneva Convention, take a look at this pathetic reply from the man himself Dr.Liam Fox (ex Minister of Defence) who by his own admission has concerns about DU!!!……add to this his involvement with Adam Werritty and you can see another fraudster in the making.

Don’t you just feel so proud to be British?

 Tomorrow is Remembrance Day and maybe just maybe you will think also about the injustices that our country has carried out in more recent times in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and realise that millions of innocent lives have been lost, including our own troops and millions are contaminated (Depleted Uranium) worldwide by our actions…….adds a different perspective to Poppy Day don’t you think?


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 10/11/2011 – www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Canadian, Australia and World Peodophilia (republished)

with 2 comments

Paedophia is everywhere from High Politics – Children’s Care Homes, Care Workers – Educational Institutes, Police, Health Services, Judiciary  etc it is almost everywhere s and must be stopped.

This is an extremely long article so only if you are interested in looking at this from a worldly perspective should you continue….its factual and well researched….at the same time it paints a horrible picture of what our planet has become. Other shorter articles are list below this one if you find the time.

As you all know I have been a strong supporter of Justice for Hollie Greig, the Down Syndrome girl that was gang raped by a large Peodophile ring in Aberdeen, Scotland. I think at the time I did around 15 articles on this terrible case and still, to this day, no justice has been handed out. In actual fact at one stage they were trying to take Hollie from her mum Anne. Her case is still being pursued by Robert Green who himself became a victim because of his attempts to expose the case to the British Media. However, the media has been silenced by the Scottish Government and to date little can be read in the mainstream media.

 I just happened to receive a special request from the Leuren Moret in the United States. Leuren has been a long standing supporter of Indigenous people in the US and Canada and she suggested that this Canadian story should be made public owing to the severity of the allegations.

I know that Robert Green has met with Kevin Annett who also has met with Hollie Greig and her mum Anne. Supporters of both Hollie and Robert are regrouping and hopefully will make “Hollie’s Army” a voice to be heard. I have spoken to Robert and I am sure that when Kevin comes to England a show of strength will certainly bring awareness to the people of Britain the extent and size of Peodophilia in Britain, Canada and the rest of the world.

I have therefore decided to add this email from Kevin Annett in its entirety with some updated information on the Hollie Greig. I sincerely hope that all those that read this story will carry out their own research on the Canadian Holocaust and the planned Genocide of Native Americans, watch the appropriate videos and read my past articles about the Hollie Greig story which are archived in the Palestine Telegraph.

This is Kevin Annett’s email:

September 6, 2010

Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number – Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you: Ye are many – they are few.  Percy Shelley, 1817

This week, I depart on my third journey to Europe in a year, to confront “Pope” Joseph Ratzinger and “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor for their complicity in crimes against humanity. This is the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one: for part of my purpose on this trip is to complete the third and final stage of spiritual and political exorcism against the oldest and most murderous institution on our planet: the Vatican , and that which stands behind it.

Before I leave “ Canada ”, I want to remind native and non-native people alike that nothing has changed in our land for the victims of genocide, past and present. All of the pseudo “apologies”, gag orders, “healing and reconciliation” rhetoric, and hush money from the churches and government have not minimized their guilt, their responsibility, and their liability for their crimes in Indian residential schools.

The Catholic, Anglican, and United churches, and the government of Canada , are not absolved of their murder of more than 50,000 children in these schools. And the struggle to bring them to justice, and to trial, carries on.

The efforts by these criminal bodies to distract attention from the growing evidence of their guilt, from the mass graves and tortured lives that fill this country, have not worked. Their self-serving whitewash they call the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” has been exposed as an expensive traveling circus that silences witnesses and protects the guilty.

But this TRC is more than that: under international law, it is an attempt to actually obstruct justice and shield criminals, and should therefore cause those responsible for it to face charges before international human rights tribunals.

The network of which I am a part, known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, is attempting to do precisely that, and not only charge Canada and its churches for genocide and its concealment, but to commence sanctions against these bodies and actually displace them. But our Tribunal also aims to do the same against the organization and person ultimately responsible for these crimes: the Vatican and Pope Joseph Ratzinger.

Our Tribunal was formed in June, and embraces groups in seven different nations. It will be convening its first sessions during September in London , Geneva , Dublin , Rome , and other cities. For what has murdered and enslaved aboriginal people on this continent has done the same to nations and to children all over our planet, for centuries – and continues to ravage and kill the innocent.

Our campaign has grown to become a spiritual confrontation with the force responsible for this war against humanity, and I have had the honor of helping to strip away the false and beguiling mask that protects that force – especially outside the Vatican last October and April, when I invoked a process of exposure, disarming and expulsion against the spirit of lies and murder that inhabits the false church that calls itself Chistianity.

Since those exorcisms, the Vatican has begun to crumble under the weight of new exposures and evidence of the Pope’s personal implication in child trafficking and protecting child rapists. And that decay will continue.

Because we have escalated this struggle to a new level, and begun to engage the powers of death on a spiritual plane as well as a political one, this campaign, and I, face new attacks. Murders of aboriginal members of our network, threats against others, a new smear campaign by church and state, and the recent cancellation of me and my radio program Hidden from History from the airwaves of the state-funded Vancouver Co-op radio, are all signs of this attack – but they also indicate the threat we pose to the institutionalized rapists and murderers.

But let me give you a deeper cause for this censorship and attack on me and our campaign. In Canada alone, under the guise of a United Nation’s plan named “Agenda 21”, government and aboriginal politicians are implementing a murderous “final solution” of native people by eliminating them from social services, housing and health care, and forcing them off their remaining land.

The continued abduction, trafficking in and killing of native women and children is part of this Agenda 21, and has the active involvement of the RCMP and other police. Its broad purpose is to de-populate native people from two million to barely 200,000 people by 2020, and to secure the water, hydro electricity and minerals of Canada for multinational companies. My exposure of this Agenda caused my recent banning from Co-op radio. But the truth of this modern genocide will not be silenced.

We are exposing the truth more every day. And it is for that reason that I urge you to take heart and know that justice and truth are winning – and so we must all re-double our efforts to hold the criminals accountable, name their names, publicize the evidence of their crimes, and join together in our growing international movement of all victims of church-sponsored genocide.

You can help us to do by a few simple steps: by sharing and documenting the truth, and convening local chapters of our tribunal in your communities.

We have some new weapons in our arsenal to help you do this: especially two new books that I have published this month: No Longer Hidden, which is the updated sequel to my book, Hidden from History – The Canadian Holocaust – and Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor, which is available through Amazon Books and from O Books in England.

These books contain the updated truth of the full story of what has caused genocide in our world and in Canada – and why it is continuing.

As well, to broaden our media presence globally, I am beginning new blog talk radio programs over the internet this month which will cover our work. Every Monday commencing on September 20, I will be issuing a media advisory and update, along with a program of news and views from various places in the world. And we will also be filming a new documentary as a sequel to our award winning film Unrepentant – which was recently broadcast to over 10 million people on European Television.

It is always tempting to believe that the crimes and horrors we have unearthed are some kind of aberration in an otherwise humane society – and that enough exposure and truth telling will compel the government or some other benefactor to intervene and make things right. But we have learned from experience that this is not so: and that church and state and police forces continually collude to mask the crimes so that they will continue.

We know now that continued rape and trafficking in children, the slaughter of whole nations for their land, and the concealment of perverts by the highest offices of church and state, have been part and parcel of Christian, western civilization for thousands of years. The conquest of the innocent, of the earth, and of strangers, is intrinsic to our religion and our way of life. And so we cannot appeal to a ravenous lion to stop eating gazelles. We must instead kill the lion.

We have begun to do so by teaching people not to rely on the institutions that did the crime for justice, or healing – but to break away and declare our sovereignty from a dying and murderous culture. We must declare our independence from the church and state empire that committed and still causes genocide. And so on July 1, 2009, our network in Canada helped to proclaim a sovereign Republic of Kanata, declaring our independence from the Crown of England and the churches responsible for the residential school massacre.

This entire struggle is an attempt to return to our natural and just selves by rejecting the bloody Empire that has made us all accomplices in genocide – and it is something that each one of us must begin. I ask you to join us in this sacred task.

The next phase of this work has begun, with world shaking consequences. I urge you all to follow it on our website www.hiddenfromhistory.org . But more important, armed with the knowledge and example I have helped provide you,  act on your own, and boycott the false and criminal bodies known as the government and churches of Canada , and help us establish a new political and spiritual reality.

Stay tuned for more updates and programs on the truth – live from the front lines. May the light of truth and courage guide you this day and always. I am Kevin Annett – Caoimhin Bochanan Ui Niall – Eagle Strong Voice.

“No matter what a man’s faculties otherwise might be, if he be willing to risk death, and still more, if he suffers it heroically, in the service he has chosen, that fact consecrates him forever.”
— William James        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUsfqH0F6Yw in 11 parts

Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website:www.hiddenfromhistory.org , and watch Kevin’s award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on the same website.

UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide
– Winner, Best Foreign Documentary Film, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, March 2007, Best Director of a Foreign Documentary, New York Independent Film Festival, October 2006
– Winner, Best Canadian Film, Creation Aboriginal Film Festival, Edmonton, 2009

“As a long time front line worker with the Elders’ Council at the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The genocide that continues today and which stemmed from the residential school  needs to be exposed. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world.”
Carol Muree Martin – Spirit Tree Woman
Nisgaa Nation

“I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him.”
Chief Louis Daniels – Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation
Winnipeg, Manitoba

End of email.

Kevin Annett will be visiting Europe soon and this is his latest press release:


Media Advisory: Tuesday September 7, 2010

 Human Rights Campaigner to Serve Public Summons on Pope, Queen of England in London next week – Rev. Kevin Annett will help launch new International Tribunal


 Building on a decades-long campaign to expose crimes in church-run Indian residential schools in Canada, Rev. Kevin Annett will be in London from September 13 to 20 to help launch a new International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State: and will serve a public summons on Pope Joseph Ratzinger and the Queen of England to appear before the Tribunal.

Rev. Annett, who helped force an apology and official inquiry into the deaths of children in Indian residential schools from the government of Canada, will be in London during the Pope’s visit in order to bring charges against him for his complicity in crimes against humanity.

  “The residential schools were one tip of an enormous iceberg of genocide and murder that emanted from the Crown of England and the Vatican” said Rev. Annett today in a press statement.

“Our Tribunal is uniting victims of church-state terror in seven countries, including England, to put on trial the institutions and persons responsible, beginning with the Queen and the Pope.”

  Rev. Annett will serve a public summons on them to appear before the sessions of the Tribunal. While in London, Annett will also give lectures and readings from his new book, “Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor”, released this fall by O Books – and he will conduct public prayer vigils of remembrance for the victims of church violence.

  From London, Annett will travel with a delegation to Geneva, where they will make a presentation before a United Nations committee, and to Rome, where Annett will conduct a third and final rite of exorcism outside the Vatican. Annett will also speak in Ireland, Slovenia and Germany.

To contact Rev. Kevin Annett in London for interviews, leave a message at            208 340 6779      , or through this email. See his website atwww.hiddenfromhistory.org .

Rev. Kevin Annett (r) and supporters outside Canadian Embassy,

Trafalgar square, London, April 2010


Itinerary of Kevin Annett’s activities in London,

13-20 September, 2010


Monday, Sept. 13: Arrives London


Sept. 14: Available for interviews


Sept. 15: 7 pm – Public lecture to the Secular Society, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, plus screening of Annett’s award-winning documentary film“Unrepentant”


Sept. 16: 11 am – Prayer vigil and press conference announcing Tribunal outside Westminster (Catholic) Cathedral

7 pm: Lecture and readings from his new book at Passing Clouds community centre, north London 


Sept. 17: Prayer vigils outside Lambeth Palace and Houses of Parliament while Pope is present – times to be announced


Sept. 18: 1:30 pm – Participation in “Protest the Pope” march, Hyde Park

5:30 pm – Informal meeting and interviews, St. Martin in the Fields


Sunday Sept. 19: 10 am – Prayer vigil and exorcism rite outside Westminster Cathedral, presentation of Summons to Pope


Monday, Sept. 20: morning presentation of Summons to Queen of England, Buckingham Palace


Sept. 20 evening: Departs for Geneva


Note: Kevin Annett will return to England on October 14 for more lectures and events


End of communication


The following information appeared in a Reuters report on the 10th of September 2010:

Child sexual abuse was widespread in the Belgian Catholic Church and drove at least 13 victims to suicide, according to a report published on Friday. “Almost every institution, every school, particularly boarding schools, at one time harboured abuse,” Peter Adriaenssens, the head of a Church commission monitoring complaints, told a news conference.

Most Catholic schools in Belgium are subsidised by the state.

The commission disbanded in June after investigators seized its files in raids on Church offices seeking evidence of sexual abuse,

More than half of its 200-page report, based on cases recorded up till then, consists of excerpts of testimony from victims.

“In the case of 13 of the victims, it was reported that they committed suicide and this was related to sexual abuse by a priest,” the report said.

The 475 cases it recorded included victims as young as two. Two-thirds were male and boys aged about 12 were particularly vulnerable. In most cases, abuse tailed off when victims reached 15 or 16.

End of Reuters article

We may also recall the findings on the island of Jersey some time ago where again pheodophilia was believed to have been part of the inquiry. Bones were found on the premises believed to be children etc.

Customs Paedophile Ring Alleged By Simon Santow for PM – Fri Oct23 2009                       

A former Customs officer has told the inquiry that corruption is an issue within the service. A parliamentary inquiry has been told that a paedophile ring is probably operating within the Australian Customs Service.

I also had a close called in my younger years as a choir boy at a large Church of England Church….I noticed the Priest frequently had boys such as myself on his knee and stroking their legs above the knee and his hand would sometimes wander. I had the intelligence to tell my mum, who immediately stopped me going to church.

Again some years later another close call when I was befriended by a senior helicopter pilot who was later found to be in a peodophile ring and prosecuted. I rang him up and told him I was shocked to find out what he had been doing and in particular had concerns for my own children. I specifically asked him to come clean and name those involved to help his case, which he did. I later found out that his own son had also become a peodophile. Now you can see the scale of this evil sect.

Finally I can recall in Australia scandal also surrounded the Clontarfs Boy School in Perth, Western Australia and at other locations. This was only the tip of the iceberg as many others cases came into the Australian media……I just happen to select this particular example as it was one of the most horrific. Let’s not also forget the Aboriginal Lost Generation story which is equally as disturbing. It no wonder the church is starting to diminish with very low congregations……when will the leaders of all the churches come together and stop this appalling trend. Venerable people turn to the clergy and their local church during their hour of need and then their innocence is taken away. This is not the followings of Christianity but rather the followings of the devil himself!!  

I have attached this speech by Senator Andrew Murray – Immigraton and Multicultural Affairs – Australian Democrats. Made on the 19th September 2001, Western Australia:

MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: Keaney, Brother Francis Paul

Senator MURRAY (Western Australia) (1.15 p.m.) In the August 2001 Senate Community Affairs References Committee report on child migration Lost innocents: righting the record, recommendation 4 states:
That in accordance with the Statutes of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, the Commonwealth Government initiate the process for Francis Paul Keaney’s membership of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire to be cancelled and annulled.
This unanimous recommendation goes some way to `righting the record’ for all those child migrants and Australian children who suffered under Brother Keaney in Western Australian orphanages run by the Christian Brothers. The evidence damns him as a despicable and heartless monster.
The fight to vanquish evil in the church is international. In France, a bishop has recently been jailed for covering up paedophilia by another priest. In the United Kingdom, the church has supported the Nolan Review, an independent appraisal of harm done to children in the Catholic Church’s institutions. In April 2001, in the executive summary of their first report, their hope was:
… to bring about a culture of vigilance where every single adult member of the Church consciously and pro-actively takes responsibility for creating a safe environment for children and young people.
I deeply regret that the official response by the Christian Brothers to the committee’s Keaney recommendation does not contain the same sentiments. Instead, leading Christian Brother Shanahan said on Channel 10 news on 30 August that stripping Keaney of his honours was going `too far’ because:
I think we need to recognise that it’s not just black or white, but like all human beings there’s quite a mixture in the man. Surea mixture of evil, conman, sadist and deviant. Brother Shanahan’s reaction continues a long history by some of support for men like Keaney. Thankfully, others like the courageous Brother Coldrey campaign to expose these crimes and to address the uncomfortable issues so arising.

Before addressing the mixture that maketh this particular man, a brief profile of Keaney is in order. Born into a farming family in Ireland in 1888, aged 23 he emigrated to New South Wales in 1911 where he joined the police force before entering the Christian Brothers Order in 1916 at the age of 28. Apparently, it is a characteristic of people like Keaney to seek out opportunities for their deviant behaviour. Where else would he start his ecclesiastical career then but at an orphanage in South Melbourne? In 1919 he joined the staff at Clontarf Orphanage in Perth, Western Australia. In the late 1920s he inaugurated the Tardun Farm School Scheme east of Geraldton and then later served a number of terms as principal, including at Clontarf from 1936 to 1941 and at Bindoon Boys Town from 1942 to 1944 and again from 1948 until his death in 1954 at the age of 65. Keaney was physically imposing. He stood six foot three inches tall and was of powerful build with a voice to match. He intimidated fellow Christian Brothers and boys alike.
In the late 1940s, Keaney set about erecting his own monument by embarking on the near impossible task of completing five large granite buildings at Bindoon using child labour. His unpaid hungry, fearful labour force were mostly child migrant boys who were also expected to clear, fence and establish vineyards and orchards on 17,000 acres of undeveloped Western Australian farmland. To achieve his vision, he inflicted a manic and brutal regime of slave labour on the boys under his care. They were relentlessly driven from dawn to dusk in a dangerous work environment where the risk of accident was a reality. With their bare hands they cleared the land, laid the foundations and erected the most magnificent structures for Keaney and the Christian Brothers Order. Education was largely denied these boys, as was an adequate diet and protective clothing. Christian love and care was distinguished not by its presence but by its absence.

So what is the mixture that Brother Shanahan likes in Keaney? Publicly, he possessed considerable public relation skills that he put to good work in creating a mythology about himself. He had many friends and acquaintances in high places that he wined, dined and conned. There were political and business leaders, heads of government departments and high ranking militarists and church dignitaries. He was referred to as `Keaney the builder’, as `the orphans friend’, as `the mender of broken lives’ and other extravagant sobriquets. Such was the admirationif not adulationthat he was awarded an MBE and an ISO in 1954 and a statue was erected to his memory in 1957.
Privately, however, a very different man is revealed. No McLean, no Philby, no spymaster better concealed his true self. Listen to the former child migrants themselves. From submission 13:
When Brother Keaney arrived the real slavery beatings and sexual assaults became rampant.
From submission 20:
Some of the scars of Keaney’s brutality still remain with me both physically and emotionally … his actions would have warranted criminal charges had he not operated and exerted influence over the law in Western Australia.
From submission 25:
Bindoon was nothing more than a paedophile ring. Most of the Brothers were into raping and molesting the little boys, sometimes sharing their favourites with each other. They seemed to like the shy boys best.
Again, from submission 25:
We had no shoes, mixing sand and lime for the mortar. I remember the pain of lime burns on my feet and legs and if I stopped I would be flogged with …Keaney’s walking stick. We were all flogged by Keaney …
From submission 57:
We built that bloody place. We built it with our bare hands … We were slave labourers … We had no shoes. We worked in our bare feet every day. Winter and summer. We built that bloody place for them …
From submission 26:
I lost my teeth at Bindoonmy face kicked repeatedly by Brother Keaney
From submission 36: We would be …subjected to …extreme atrocious verbal abuse and very personal insults mainly from Brother Keaney. He would loudly shout to us that we were the scum of the earth and the descendants of whores …
Again, from submission 36:
Br. Keaney was a very sadistic, perverted and deviant paedophile. He abused many of the boys … in his care. Tragically, there was just no one that we victims could go to for help. Who would have believed us anyway?
From Welsh’s Bindoon file:
When one boy asked Keaney if he could be taken off the pick and shovel to learn the electrical trade, he was hit between the eyes with Keaney’s walking stick. [His] head was split open and with blood pouring from the wound, he fell to the ground. Get up, you little black shit, Keaney roared as he unleashed a barrage of savage kicks to [his] body. Get back to the pick and shovel! That’s all you’re good for … Damn you to hellfire!
And another from the Geordie Bindoon file, pages 59 to 60:
An Irish lad, who happened to be closest to Keaney in one of his rages, and for no other reason, was backhanded off the scaffold and landed 10 feet below on his back. [He] spent six weeks in Royal Perth Hospital followed by five weeks rehabilitation at Shenton Park Hospital. Forty years later [he] is on a pension due to back and neck problems.
Sadly, there were some who knew the truth but did not have the courage to blow the whistle. Even prior to Bindoon, a child welfare department official considered taking proceedings against Keaney for criminal assault on a Clontarf boy. That is in submission 95. Certainly from government records uncovered it is clear that some officials had serious reservations about Bindoon. For example, a 1948 departmental memo states:
I have never been very happy about Bindoon and if the migrant boys are to remain there … a great improvement will have to be effected.
Another in 1949:
I’m afraid that if something is not done to rectify the present position both the Department and the Bindoon authorities will leave themselves open to a charge of exploiting children.
If the boys ran away the police returned them, unbelieving of what they were told. The aura and the power of the church were too strong. The very brothers in charge of their care were often themselves the perpetrators of criminal physical and sexual assault. When a boy did pluck up enough courage to complain, he was savagely flogged for his temerity. Hard to believe? Read the report and the submissions.
So this is the private part of Keaney’s mix. The tragedy is that his crimes were hidden from the public. He got away with them, and hundreds of migrants and Australian children live a lifetime of pain as a result. A number of the leaders of the church were accomplices in this crime, but there are those who will not be a part of the cover-up. In Australia, the Christian Brothers’ official historian, Brother Dr Barry Coldrey, wrote extensively on this area throughout the 1990s. In A Secret Report, written solely
for the order’s leadership in Ireland and Rome, he states that the brothers knew of sex rings operating in their institutions and that no effective steps were taken to prevent them. Legally, they were accomplices to crimea crime in itself.
So unpopular has Coldrey’s work been that he has paid a price in the church. Although I am certain that there are very large numbers of Catholic priests who do support his cleansing work, there have also been moves to deny Coldrey any official post. Before Christmas last year he released his latest book on the Internet, called Religious Life Without Integrity. It was only a matter of months before he was ordered by superiors from Rome to withdraw it.
Another authority in this area is Richard Sipe of the United States. He retired from the Catholic priesthood with the permission of Rome in 1970 and has spent 37 years working in the area of psychology and mental health and for the Catholic priesthood with the backing of the church. In a report sent to the committee, he reveals that 30 per cent of United States’ priests have some regular, some occasional adult sexual relationships. There is nothing wrong with that, in my view. Sadly though, his long-term research results in an estimate of six per cent of priests who have and do sexually abuse children. Thankfully, the vast majority94 per centhave not and do not. There are obvious problems with transferring figures from one country to another. We do know, however, that there have been and are priest paedophiles in Australia. Currently there are 4,445 Catholic priests in Australia. Six per cent would mean a possible 267 paedophiles. One per cent would mean 44. Point one of a per cent would be four. I do not know how many there are, but there are not none.
Sipe believes that many, but not all, clerical sexual abusers cannot help their behaviour, whilst others are simply evil. Whatever the case, they and their crimes cannot and must not be protected. Mercy for them means scores of victims for society to deal with, preyed on by those whom little children trust. Keaney was evil and should be stripped of his imperial honours. He was a sadist who indulged in criminal assault and who knowingly protected rings of predatory brothers engaged in systemic long-term sexual assault on defenceless children. I do hope the government will take the committee’s unanimous recommendation to heart.
In concluding, I would like to quote from an interaction between myself and Brother Shanahan on Thursday 22 March 2001. The Senate Hansard reference is CA486-487. I said as follows to him:
The accusations are as follows: those two orders
I was referring to the Christian Brothers and the Sisters of Mercy
engaged in systemic criminal assault, which included systemic floggings with a variety of weapons and brutal and dangerous behaviour towards children which were offences against the law at the time; widespread sexual assault including rape;

widespread conspiracy between individuals and organisations within the Catholic Church to conceal crimes and to persuade police, medical staff and other authorities to be accomplices to the concealment; denial of education and the rights of children; brutal and inhumane working conditions including slave labour; theft of possessions and wages; cruelty and emotional deprivation on a grand scale; aggravated breach of contract with governments who entrusted children to their care; lies and deceit to children and to children as adults and to families, including forging and uttering; and a hypocritical and continuing use of legal stratagems to avoid the moral responsibilities arising out of those times.
I said to him: You have dealt with that, to some extent, with your apology and, to some extent, with your submission. Do you accept those accusations as being an accurate reflection of the evidence of many people?
And Brother Shanahan’s response was:
I accept that those accusations have been made by people. I do not accept them in the sense of pleading guilty as charged.

End of speech

Because peodophilia is rife throughout the world and on a scale too large to record I have decided to print this summary of news items relating to many such cases around the world. In the UK we have already seen the major cover up of the Hollie Grief story implicating high officials in the judicial system, schools, police, social services, care workers, priests and many more. We have seen this cover up being orchestrated right from the top i.e. The First Secretary for Scotland and his key legal team. We also understand that this sordid practice goes to the highest level in Westminster, including some members of Parliament. There is certainly a very close tie with all this evil and the Freemason’s.

I will pick up on the Hollie Greig story and update after this list of news articles from around the world:

Clergy Child Molesters

Some of the news item headlines below have been changed to amplify the meaning

!!!: “Bishop resigns over handling of sex case.” IRELAND:  Comiskey/Fortune, also see below. — BBC, http://news.bbc. co.uk/1/hi/world/ europe/1905395.stm , Apr 1 2002
• Priest abuse and abortion woman gets $2m payout. USA: in Los Angeles area, Fr John Lenihan. — The West Australian, Wed Apr 3 02, p25
!!!: Bishop resigns over boy-sex cleric. IRELAND: Bishop had tried everything but dismissing Fr Sean Fortune! Bishop of Ferns, Brendan Comiskey, said: “I found Father Fortune virtually impossible to deal with. I confronted him regularly; for a time I removed him from the ministry. I sought professional advice in several quarters. I listened to criticisms and praises. I tried compassion and I tried firmness. Treatment was sought and arranged.”
Bishop Comiskey resigned a day before a documentary was to be shown in Ireland about Father Fortune, who sexually abused dozens of boys in the 1980s and 1990s. — The West Australian, Wednesday April 3 2002, p 25
• Priest-sex scandals keep lawyer Stephen Rubino busy on three continents. USA: —The West Australian, Wed Apr 3 02 p25

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• Parole for disgraced Test umpire. AUSTRALIA: Steve Randell. Indecent to girls at Tasmanian Catholic school. — West Australian, Thur Apr 4 02 p31
• “Crimes like sex abuse by priests and acts of hypocrisy by Christians have only worsened an already suffering public image for the Churches.” PERTH: — The Record, Western Australia Roman Catholic newspaper, “I say, I say” (comment by Paul Gray), April 4 2002, p 6
• Catholic clergy not main offenders + Celibacy is a tradition of love: Jesuit. — The Record, April 4 2002, p 11
• Pope accepts resignation of Archbishop of Poznan [sneaked through a tunnel] + Purification being undergone by U.S. Catholic Church + Scandal preventable: Canadian archbishops. — The Record, April 4 2002, p 12
• “Forced care inquiry ‘overdue’.” AUSTRALIA: Democrats Senator Andrew Murray wants an inquiry into the bad treatment of non-indigenous Australian-born children who were taken from their homes, and put into orphanages and children’s homes. It would be a follow-on from the inquiries into the stolen generations [of Aboriginal children], and the child migrants [see Parliamentary report of August 2001 atwww.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/clac_ctte/child_migrat/c04.doc]. — The West Australian, Sat April 6 2002, p 34
• Abuse priest Fr Don Rooney suicides. USA: — The Sunday Times, Perth, Sunday April 7 2002, p 37
• Mormons acknowledge abuse. USA: — The West Australian, Tuesday April 9 2002, p 20

• Celibacy and Pedophilia: A Question of Rights. By James E. Biechler.http://arcc-catholic-rights.org UNITED STATES: Details include:

  A sizeable number of teachers at a Californian seminary were apparently involved in the systematic sexual abuse of their seminarians

  The young victims of priests were rarely considered. Their profound spiritual and emotional injury was hardly ever noticed.

  One of the victims of Father James Porter told how he left the church in 1992 after the Archbishop of Boston criticized the Press for its approach to these appalling perversions of the Christian ministry.

  The Church authorities still backing celibacy continue to make excuses, to continue the “cover-up”. Those who think themselves God’s spokesmen perpetuate the misunderstanding and protect it from any evidence that might call its “truth” into question. Celibacy is “purity.”

  There is no basis in revelation for the view that virginity or celibacy is the divinely preferred way of life for human beings. The Book of Genesis makes it clear that God’s plan was that male and female would live together as a unified image of God. The celibacy myth evolved over the centuries, mostly as an alien import from the east.

  At a crucial stage of personal development the young seminarian is formed in a culture of denial. He must deny his natural feelings, he must downgrade the natural order which includes those feelings, he must deny the importance of his natural family, he must relegate marriage and the procreation of children to an inferior level of life, and so he must even see children in a diminished light.

  Among the many reform groups which have arisen in the church during the past two decades (ARCC was one of the first) there is a group calling itself “Celibacy Is The Issue.”

  Many priests are experiencing identity crises. They are finding it difficult to be enthusiastic about their ministry. Denied the helpmate God created for them, they are experiencing deep loneliness and depression. Some have escaped this by entering de-facto relationships.

  Secondly, nobody can deny that there are many dedicated and virtuous unmarried persons in the church. Among these are many priests. We are grateful for the dedication and charity, not for the celibacy.

• Cardinal accused says e-mails leaked and broadcast. USA: — The Record, April 11 2002, p 5
• Beware the hysteria of the publicity about clerical paedophilia. PERTH: — The Record, letter from Alan Ames, April 11 2002, p 7
• Survey on U.S. abuse. USA: 66% disapprove of Catholic Church handling. — The Record, April 11 2002, p 12

• Vatican named in U.S. lawsuits. USA: Lawyer Jeffrey Anderson handles hundreds of cases; alleges moving abusers is Church policy to avoid liability. — The Record, April 11 2002, p 13

• Abuse of Trust: Child Sexual Abuse and the Churches. AUSTRALIA, and WORLD: “Background Briefing” on ABC, Australian (and a bit of global) wide-ranging discussion.

  Various Churches and general

  In Australia, more than 100 clergy from the Catholic and Anglican Churches have been convicted of child sexual abuse in the past five years.

  Melbourne lawyer, David Forster, said: “You have to have firstly a Royal Commission established by the Federal government to look at the sexual abuse issue within Australia, specifically within the religious community.”

  Mr Forster has represented over 100 sexual abuse victims, both Catholic and Anglican.

  Prof. Patrick Parkinson, Professor of Law, University of Sydney, author of the book Child Sexual Abuse and the Churches, says that many priests and ministers are in a position of extraordinary power — to define what is right and what is wrong to young children.

  Prof. Parkinson said: “There was a fundamental confusion between forgiveness and trust. You could forgive somebody, that doesn’t mean you have to trust them, and in particular it doesn’t mean you have to trust them working with children. “

  Anglicans (Church of England)

  Anglican minister (dec’d) in the diocese of Bendigo 30 years ago sexually assaulted a boy, Peter O’Flaherty, then 10, for about six years. His father had complained to the minister’s superior about the abuse, but nothing was done.

  The Anglican process is haphazard: 23 dioceses with 23 different sets of procedures to deal with child sexual abuse complaints.

  The Anglican Church in Sydney was forced to introduce a better system of dealing with victims’ complaints after the 1996 Wood Royal Commission Inquiry into Paedophilia embarrassed the Church. The result was a new Church Discipline Ordinance which sped up the investigation of complaints.

  But Clare Pascoe Henderson, one of the key witnesses to the Wood Royal Commission, someone whose evidence was a catalyst for change in Sydney, is still waiting for some justice. Three years sexual relations from age 14 to 17 with her local Anglican minister had left her shattered.

  When she complained to the Church more than ten years later, she was told the Church couldn’t do anything because of its “statute of limitations”. When the Anglicans relaxed this, they did not contact her.

  The Head of the (Anglican) Professional Standards Unit, Philip Gerber, says the Church’s “ordinances are published” and there was no particular agreement to tell her!

  Roman Catholics

  In the U.S., about 2000 priests of the Catholic Church have been disgraced. The Church there is accused of bribing some victims, to keep them quiet.

  In Ireland, one of the country’s top bishops has quit amid allegations he protected a priest whom he knew had sexually assaulted dozens of boys. The Catholic Church has already promised more than $200 million in compensation for victims, and there is now to be a government inquiry.

  In Victoria (Australia) Fr Kevin O’Donnell (dec’d) was jailed for sexually abusing boys and girls aged between 8 and 14 years old from the 1940s to the 1970s, and senior Church leaders knew.

  Encompass was set up four years ago by the Catholic Church in Australia, as part of a system to deal with child sexual abuse. Dr Gerardine Taylor, the Clinical Director of an Assessment and Treatment Centre for Sex Offenders, says “Paedophilia, like all paraphilias, is not curable.”

  In The New York Times, author and critic Jason Berry wrote a stinging critique of celibacy in the Catholic Church, saying celibacy led to the pathology of sexual secrecy.

  Fr Vincent Ryan, New South Wales, appealed to the High Court over the severity of his sentence, a minimum prison term of 11 years, for dozens of offences against boys aged from 6 to 14. He had been warned by the Church as far back as 1975 that his abuse of children must stop but his offending continued for another 15 years.

  There are separate Catholic Church procedures in Melbourne and for any complaints against priests of the Jesuit order.

  The policy of removing clergy as an ‘unacceptable risk’ has brought Australian Catholic bishops into conflict with the Vatican, which wants allegations of child sexual abuse dealt with by secret, internal Church courts.

  Fr Peter Chalk of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, masturbated in front of a 17-year-old student priest in a Victorian seminary in the mid-’70s and tried to seduce him. He went abroad and has not been charged.

— Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Background Briefing, produced by Chris Bullock, http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing/stories/s531384.htm , Sunday April 14 2002

• Bravehearts anti-abuse group holds rallies. AUSTRALIA:: Bravehearts hold rallies in five states. — ABC news, “Children’s group disappointed in WA inaction”, Mon, Apr 15 2002
• Anger as priest faces sex counts. [2002] PERTH, W. Australia: Van Klooster supporters harm and hinder media. — West Australian Tue Apr 16 02 p14

• Pope to ‘carpet’ U.S. cardinals on sex abuse. USA: Cardinal Law knowingly transferred offenders, 450 more claimants. — The West Australian, Wednesday April 17 2002, p 27
• PM Howard ‘cool’ on sex abuse inquiry. AUSTRALIA: Democrats move; The West Australian, Wednesday April 17 2002, p 44

• Pope calls U.S. cardinals to Rome. ROME: Call for 23-24 April, Vatican says to examine paedophilia and to aim to return safety to families and trust to the clergy and faithful. — The Record, April 18 2002, p 2
• Oblates nearing insolvency in Canada. CANADA: Litigation costs force order to seek bankruptcy protection. — The Record Apr 18 02 p10
• Boston’s Cardinal Law determined to carry on. USA: Documents reveal complaints against Fr Paul Shanley from 1967 included that he spoke in favour of man-boy sex and joined an organisation devoted to that, but Church kept him as priest, two newspapers call for his resignation, Fr John Geoghan imprisoned but Church had treated his offences with secrecy; The Record, April 18 2002, p 12
• Wesley teachers jailed [mid 1990s]. VICTORIA, Australia: Victorian husband and wife – John Alexander, Elspeth McKenzie – seduced 14-year-old Wesley College girl;The West Australian, Saturday April 20 2002, p 7
• Priest was evil one, says cover-up victim. USA: Fr Paul Shanley said he kept a promise to keep silent about cardinal abusing him in seminary, hierarchy conspiracy to allow Fr Shanley access to youth since 1967, Cardinal B.Law’s secret Rome trip, and all 8 U.S. cardinals off to Rome, Victim’s lives broken. — The Weekend Australian, Roy Eccleston, April 20-21 2002, p 16
• “The Pope’s Man.” AUSTRALIA: An article about Dr George Pell, former R.C. Archbishop of Melbourne, now one year Archbishop of Sydney; details of his opposition to embryonic stem cell research, his refusal to give communion to a group of practising homosexuals, and his claim that the clergy’s sexual misconduct is not because of the repression due to a cloistered and celibate lifestyle, but rather the sickness in a society that has lost its way. — The Weekend Australian Magazine, Luke Slattery, photography Nick Cubbin, April 20-21 2002, pp 24-27
• Church rocked by sex scandals. EUROPE and USA – Scandals in Austria (cardinal), France (abbot and bishop), Germany (bishop), Ireland (bishop mismanaged), Poland (archbishop), Britain (archbishop admitted mismanaging Fr Michael Hill), United States (Boston Fr John Geoghan gaoled 18 Jan 2002, Philadelphia 35 priests, Allentown dismissed 4, St Louis dismissed 2, California $1.2m paid, New York dismissed 6, Cleveland suspended 9, had dismissed 12 previously);2002/WORLD/europe/04/21/vatican.sex.reut/index.html ; Factfile from Reuters in CNN April 21 02
• Force out Cardinal Law, U.S. bishops urge Pope. USA: Law’s secret talks with Pope followed by stance he will remain, ovation. — The West Australian, Tuesday April 23 2002, p 23
• Parent Alleges Deterring By Pastor. UNITED STATES: The pastor at St. Monica’s Church in Methuen rebuffed a father’s intent to inform police that the Rev. Ronald H. Paquin had attempted to molest his son five years before Paquin was involved in a fatal accident in which another teenager, whom he had allegedly abused, was killed. According to a lawsuit filed yesterday in Middlesex Superior Court, John J. Facella, now of Rye, N.H., confronted the Rev. Allen E. Roche, pastor at St. Monica’s, in late 1976 with the report that . . . (674 words) — Boston Globe Archive, http://nl.newsbank.com , by Stephen Kurkjian, Globe Staff, April 23, 2002

• “No place” – Pope’s U.S. sex abuse speech. ROME: Text of 23 April 2002 speech to U.S. cardinals gathered in Rome (leaving it to the U.S. hierarchy, with loopholes!). On the credit side, the Pope called the abuse a “crime.” CNN version atwww.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/04/23/pope.scandal.text.ap/index.html Apr 23 02
• Pope says bishops’ decisions ‘wrong’. ROME: — CNN news, April 23, 2002 Posted: 1:46 PM EDT (1746 GMT), 2002/WORLD/europe/04/23/pope.scandal/index.html
• Not Good Enough. AUSTRALIA: Too many loopholes in Pope’s speech and Anglican system; suggested letter to bishops of both Anglican and Catholic Churches; revised edition issued Apr 26 02, original April 24 02
• Pope lays down sex abuse law. ROME: But repentance loophole lingers still. — The West Australian, Thur Apr 25 02, p 19
• Sex abuse summit. VATICAN: Summit at Vatican brings together two very different views of law. — The Record, Apr 25 02, p 12
• U.S. cardinals stop short of ‘zero tolerance’. ROME: Bishops bluffing; talk of penance and rehabilitation on 24 Apr 02 European time, posted 25 Apr 2002, CNN version at 2002/WORLD/europe/ 04/24/pope. talks/index.html
• Sex hush riles seminarians. ROME: It’s not just a U.S. problem, donations going to hush money, faulting of U.S. cardinals for spread of sexual misconduct; bishops covering up offenders; no apology to victims; The West Australian, Sat Apr 27 02, p 23

• Priest Fr Paul Shanley talked up boy-love. USA: bishop had evidence but did nothing. — The West Australian, Sat Apr 27 02, p 23
• “Make All Religions Safe.” AUSTRALIA: Petition forms, half an A4 page in size, began to be distributed as “Leave Our Kids Alone” on 27 April 2002. No “source” was put on the forms. A small number of signatures were sent by the Faith Purification Programme (FPP) to major Churches in Western Australia in May or June 02, and four signatures on 11 Oct 02. No response was received. On January 22 2003 nine signatures were sent, and this time the Churches of Christ and the Anglican Primate were the only WA Churches to respond by Feb 20 2003. The Catholic Archbishop’s reply was dated 5 March 2003. It is not known how many signatures had been sent independently. No apparent improvement has been noted. The petition forms under the new title “Make Our Religion Safe” are being put on the WWW on Feb 20 2003, and instead of asking people to send signatures to Churches, the request will primarly ask them to send them to FPP. A motto has been added: “FOR GOOD TEACHINGS TO BE HEEDED, A BIG CLEAN-UP IS NEEDED.” New name from 20 Feb 03; first old-name distribution: Apr 27 02
• Sex abuser jailed at 69. [1986-87 Crisafio] – No religion link reported. Boy.
The West Australian, By David Darragh, p 52, Saturday, August 10, 2002
PERTH (W. Australia): AN ELDERLY man has been jailed for eight years after a jury found him guilty of sexually abusing a teenage boy who had run away from home.
In sentencing, District Court Judge Hal Jackson said yesterday that Peter Pasquale Crisafio had initiated sex acts with his 15-year-old victim on nine different occasions after the boy had run away from home and stayed with the then 53-year-old at his North Perth home.
A jury last month found Crisafio, now 69, guilty of all 24 sex charges. Crisafio was convicted of seven counts of sexual penetration of a child under 16 and 17 counts of indecent dealing.
The offences were committed between May 1986 and January 1987.
Crisafio was made eligible for parole and his sentence was back�dated to July 18 when he went into custody.
• “More safety with married clergy” petition. AUSTRALIA: (begun 07 Apr 03)
• Two kinds of petition on the one sheet. AUSTRALIA: “Make All Religions Safe” PLUS “More safety with married clergy”
• “Petition for Optional Married Clergy” AUSTRALIA: (begun 04 Nov 03)
• Dr Pell, opposed to inclusive language translations, may help re-translate scriptures back to “man, men”. VATICAN: “The Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship has appointed Sydney’s Archbishop George Pell as chairman of its new 12-member committee for “reviewing translations of liturgical books into English”. The congregation said the committee, which held its inaugural meeting last week in the Vatican, included bishops from nine different countries in order to reflect “the breadth and the diversity of the cultures in which the English language is spoken”. The committee has been given a Latin name � Vox Clara. Archbishop Pell challenged the use of inclusive language in the first English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He and other influential prelates urged the Vatican to reject the original English text that was prepared under the supervision of Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston, who had endorsed the use of inclusive language. As a result of the protests the English version of the catechism was delayed by nearly two years and was finally published in 1994.” — CathTelecom www.cathtelecom.com/news/204/149.php quoting “Pell to chair Vatican translation committee,” The Tablet www.thetablet.co.uk , Apr 28 2002
!!!: Blackmail and homo inn! USA: sex priest Paul Shanley in blackmail threat against Cardinal Humberto Madeiros; one-time U.S. motorcycle “street priest” ran inn with homosexual clients; papers with Greg Ford’s lawyer Roderick MacLeish jun. — The West Australian, Mon Apr 29 02, p 21
!!!: Sex video and blackmail! [CURRENT] SPAIN: Priest sex video sent to flock by homosexual blackmailing ex-lover (Fr Eladio Ocana Serrano), Spain; withdraws to monastery; The West Australian, Tue Apr 30 02, p 20

• [Disabled woman impregnated by Lismore priest, and paid hush money.]AUSTRALIA: Lady gets silence clause and $15,000. “On Sunday, Mr McCarthy tried to deflect criticism away from individual diocesan bishops, such as retired Bishop of Lismore, the Most Rev John Satterthwaite, and his successor, the Most Rev Geoffrey Jarrett, who signed off on a confidentiality agreement last month. It prevented a physically disabled woman who had been paid $15,000 compensation from going public with her story over how she became pregnant to a priest in the Lismore diocese.” — Sydney Morning Herald, of June 11 2002,http://www.smh.com.au/text/articles/2002/06/10/1022982819880.htm , “Church fails its own sex abuse rules,” By Kelly Burke, Religious Affairs Writer, payment made May 2002. [COMMENT: Remember, the “no silencing” principle was adopted in “Towards Healing” in the year 2000! COMMENT ENDS] [List as May 2002]
• Umpire back. AUSTRALIA: Former test cricket umpire, convicted paedophile Steve Randell, 46, released from gaol, may umpire again. He had served 2 years 9 months gaol. — The West Australian, Wed May 1 02, p 14
• ABC Radio talk about R.C. priests’ problems with celibacy. AUSTRALIA: Some go visiting prostitutes, and there’s been a decade of sex-abuse charges. Books discussed Cassocks in the WildernessSex, Priests and Power, and Celibacy, a Way of Living, Loving and Serving. — Australian Broadcasting Corporation, May 3 02

• [Newspaper reviews of clerical child abuse.] AUSTRALIA: Catholic cardinals get lecture from Pope John Paul II, celibacy not part of original Christianity, Anglican problems, and other information:

  “Suffer the little children” pp 1-2: Catholic Father Gilbert Gauthe, Boston, in the mid-1980s was gaoled 20 years for molesting dozens of children, who were awarded $35 million; Fr Rudolph Kos, Dallas, in 1997, cost that diocese $235 m over former altar boys abused during 15 years; In January 2002 Fr John Geoghan, Boston (again) was convicted, Cardinal Bernard Law was involved in covering up; magazine asked “Can The Church Be Saved?”
In Australia R.C. Christian Brothers had been exposed, and in mid-1993 publicly apologised for sexual and physical abuse of migrant and other children in the 1940s to the 1960s. Australian R.C. leaders in 1996 had set up the Towards Healing protocol for dealing with offenders and victims (except in Melbourne Diocese, which has its own Independent Commission into Sexual Abuse since 1996). Brigidine Sister Angela Ryan is the executive officer of the National Committee for Professional Standards, which advises victims to tell the police. She said that in the past priests had been moved about, “but only because society did not know better.” [!!!] Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey said that there had been no complaints of current sexual abuse since 1996. From 1998 39 complaints of past abuse had been logged. Payments: 1999 $49,000, 2000 $110,000, 2001 $335,000, 2002 $220,500 so far. Of 15 payments made, nine were for events in Christian Brothers’ institutions up to 51 years ago. Norman Aisbett.

  “Anglicans’ sexual abuse inquiry stalled” p 2: Anglican Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall says he’s unable to start the Church inquiry into sexual abuse complaints, because none of the eminent people approached had been able to take on leading it, but he remained optimistic. He’s made no headway with his call to Canberra for a royal commission to deal with such issues as mandatory reporting.

  “Celibacy put in the spotlight” p 2: It was alleged that the R.C. Church had become a magnet for homosexuals, because of celibacy. Catholic auxiliary bishop in Sydney, Geoffrey Robinson, chairman of the R.C. national professional standards committee, says it is by no means the total cause. He cited the NSW Wood royal commission on paedophilia estimates that 46 per cent of all child abuse occurred in families, 44% of offenders gained access to children through families or friends, and 5% involved people such as teachers, babysitters and clergymen. Some comments were made on sexual maturity. Sr Angela Ryan says a national conference in July will examine all aspects of priestly “formation,” or development. Perth Archbishop Hickey said the entrants to the Guildford seminary tended to be in their 20s these days. Norman Aisbett.

  “In the heart of darkness” p 3: Associate Professor (University of NSW) and psychiatrist Carolyn Quadrio has interviewed hundreds of victims of sexual abuse. In a very short time she interviewed 32 male victims of the Christian Brothers, and since then had seen a couple of hundred who were abused as children in places like Bindoon and Clontarf. About 15 years ago she had started moves to reform the psychiatry profession, which itself had sexual abusers in its ranks. “The battering the church is taking at the moment knocks people’s belief systems,” the professor says. “If people don’t have belief systems they get very distressed and confused and even depressed. … there’s still tremendous denial in the community about the extent of child abuse.” Derek Pedley.

  “Celibacy a singular problem” p 4: Home is the most dangerous place to be, as far as the possibility of sexual abuse. However, is celibacy in the Catholic priesthood, given its problems and perils, worth it? Well, it was not considered so for more than half that Church’s existence. The narrow culture which is associated with a celibate male priestly caste can result in cover-ups and a refusal to accept that something is wrong, and a fearful clinging to power and authority instead. The remedy could be that Rome made celibacy optional and ordain women as well as men. The celibacy requirement was probably driving heterosexual men away while drawing in men unable to accept their sexuality. The relentless commercialisation of sex and the promotion of a culture where very little is sacred any more makes a dangerously superficial society. In such a world the promotion of core values which undergird the integrity of all — men, women and children — is increasingly difficult. Gavin Simpsongavin.simpson@wanews.com.au

— The West Australian, “Big Weekend,” pp 1-4, Sat May 4 02

!!!: Confessional rape? Fr Paul Shanley may be jailed for life. UNITED STATES: Rapesin confessional charges; Boston diocese backs out of settling for $A75m for 86 John Geoghan victims (already paid $28m for 40), other victims cited — The Sunday Times, Perth, “Accused U.S. priest Paul Shanley may be jailed for life,” May 05 02, p 35
• Abuse scandal hit HK church. HONG KONG: A 42-year-old former priest was arrested on allegations he sexually assaulted a boy 15 years ago; two Chinese priests had been suspended in the past 11 years, and a foreign priest had been sent back to his homeland. — The Australian, by Lynne O’Donnell, May 6 02, p 6
!!!: Supplying pornography from prison! [2000s] AUSTRALIA: (Presbyterian) Martin Francis Dodge, 38, former worker with a Presbyterian church, a prisoner for child-sex offences (three boys aged 7 to 12), has pleaded guilty to charges of possessing and supplying pornography while in gaol. — The West Australian, “Paedophile may go free,” By Steve Butler, Thur May 9 2002, p 38
• “Hong Kong Diocese confronts abuse;” HONG KONG: (R.C.) The diocese has adopted a no-tolerance policy for priests who sexually abuse children. — The Record, (CNS) May 9 02, p 12
• “UN Urged To Hold Vatican Accountable For Sex Abuse.” NEW YORK: Saying sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests is a global crisis, a coalition of legal experts and Catholic groups yesterday launched a campaign calling on the United Nations to hold the Vatican accountable and help end the “systemic” practice.
The campaign was kicked off as the UN’s Special Session of the General Assembly on Children opened at UN headquarters in Manhattan. “We have sadly come to the conclusion that the Roman Catholic Church is not going to solve this problem,” Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice, one of the campaign organizers, said at a news conference.
Citing cases of clergy sexual abuse of children and adolescents in the United States, Europe and Latin America, the coalition called on the UN to hold the Holy See (the government of Vatican City and the Catholic Church) accountable for what the coalition said was an international cover-up by high-ranking church officials.
The coalition accused the Holy See of violating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which it ratified, and called for a public apology during the Special Session on Children for its failure to end the abuse. — Copyright © 2003, Newsday,www.newsday.com/mynews/ny-nycath092699813may09.story , “UN Urged To Hold Vatican Accountable For Sex Abuse,” By Merle English, May 9, 2002
• “Priest-boy sex known.” BOSTON (Mass.): Boston Cardinal Bernard Law has testified that he knew as early as 1984 that Fr John Geoghan (gaoled in January 2002 for molesting a child) was having sexual encounters with young boys. Law told a court he had removed Geoghan from one parish before sending him to another. The testimony was in a civil lawsuit brought by 86 alleged victims. The Boston archdiocese had withdrawn from a near-settlement with them last week. —The West Australian, (Los Angeles Times), Fri May 10 02, p 24
• “Call for justice over child abuse.” UNITED STATES: (R.Cs.) Victims told their stories to U.S. TV at a demonstration by the 4000-member Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (S.N.A.P.). On Thursday they asked R.C. Bishop Joseph Gerry of Portland, Maine, to remove the statutes of limitations that make it harder to prosecute errant priests. Mrs Courtney Doherty Oland was among the supporters and sexual abuse victims in 25 cities in the United States and Canada who asked Catholic leaders for their support. Her brother, Michael Doherty, had alleged that Fr James Talbot had molested him at a Portland high school. Fr Talbot in 1998 was removed from the active ministry after the accusation. Eight other men who alleged he had molested them in the 1970s have come forward. — The West Australian, (Washington Post), Sat May 11 02, p 26
• “Paedophile priest seeks new trial.” [? 2000s] – New Apostolic Church. Girls.
PERTH, W. Australia: Lloyd Luciano Sampson, 49, of Merriwa, has appealed seeking a new trial after three juries had convicted him on five charges of sexual penetration and three of indecent dealing against three young sisters. A married father of two who worked as a mechanic, he was dismissed by the Church at Koondoola after he was charged. Decision reserved. — The West Australian, By Sean Cowan, Sat May 11 02, p 52
• “Paedophile kept in jail for sex text” [?2000s] – Presbyterian. Boys.
PERTH, W. Australia: Three years gaol without parole was imposed on Martin Francis Dodge, 38, former worker with a Presbyterian church, for using child sex literature to arouse himself while masturbating in a W.A. gaol. He had been due to be released from Bunbury gaol next Tuesday after serving 12 1/2 years for sex acts against three boys aged between seven and 12. The court was told he had been raped when he was five. — The West Australian, By Steve Butler, Sat May 11 02, p 56
• “At the crossroads.” PERTH: (Roman Catholic) Attendance at Sunday Mass has been crumbling since the 1960s, about half a million stopped going in the 15 years after the Second Vatican Council in 1965, Fundamentalist Churches are sprouting. In the U.S. Fr John Geoghan molested or raped more than 130 children during a “three-decade spree through half a dozen parishes in greater Boston.” The hierarchy knew since 1980, when he made a written statement that his abuse of seven boys in one extended family was not a serious problem. The crisis in Catholicism has been linked by some to celibacy. Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey and Vicar-General Tim Corcoran were quoted. At the Guildford seminary there were 19 candidates for the priesthood. Sydney Archbishop George Pell said that the clerical sex-abuse problem was shameful and lessened the Church’s moral authority in society. But in the past the leaders had not understood psycho-sexual development. The main criterion now is public safety. — The Sunday Times, Perth, Sun May 12 02, pp 39 and 42
• “Search aid ‘too low’.” AUSTRALIA: Child migrants get $1m travel assistance in race against time; Australian Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Minister Gary Hardgrave announced measures including $1m in travel assistance and a $100,000 contribution towards State-initiated memorials for former child migrants. Norman Johnston, the W.A. president of the International Association of Former Child Migrants and their Families, welcomed the moves, but said the $125,000 a year for the Child Migrant Trust was woefully inadequate. — The West Australian, Tue May 14 02, p 24

• wound by sex victim. UNITED STATES: Priest Maurice Blackwell shot (wounded) by accuser in sex case. [A jury convicted the accused, Mr Dontee Stokes, on lesser charges, but not of attempted murder, The West Australian, Dec 18 2002] — The West Australian, Thur May 16 02, p 23
• Hanged in “reform” home. U.S.A: Fr Alfred Bietighofer, 64, accused of boy fondling in the 1970s and 80s, was found hanged in his room at an institute for troubled priests in Maryland. — The West Australian, Sat May 18 02, p 28
• “School employee on sex abuse charges” (Anglican). BRISBANE (Qld) Australia:Police have charged a former employee of Brisbane’s exclusive Anglican Church Grammar School with sexual abuse. At least two other sex abuse cases are pending against the school with claims of more than $3m. Former archbishop Dr Peter Hollingworth, now Governor-General, has agreed to co-operate with the forthcoming Brisbane diocesan inquiry. — The Weekend Australian, May 18-19 02, p 3
• Hiding the records ending after lawyers are faced with the alternative. WHITE PLAINS, New York State – Jeanine Pirro has a great smile. She flashed it briefly last month, as lawyers for the Archdiocese of New York took their seats around the polished conference table here in her fifth-floor office, and then there were no more smiles. Pirro, the district attorney for Westchester County, had assembled a group of seven other district attorneys from in and around New York. They wanted information, and they wanted it fast. The archdiocese had resisted requests to turn over records of priests who had sexually abused minors, so Pirro put together a meeting to present the archdiocese with its options. Pirro prefaced her remarks by noting that she is a devout Catholic, but quickly cut to the chase: The archdiocese had information about sexually abusive priests that she and other prosecutors needed to see. They could do it the easy way, she said, or they could do it the hard way. Then she stared at the church lawyers, as if to say, ”What’s it going to be, boys, yes or no?” The church lawyers looked at each other. One of them, a friend of Pirro’s, looked at her with incredulity. And then they blinked. They agreed to turn over the information. “Eventually, they gave up everything,” Pirro said in a recent interview here. — Boston Globe, “Abuse cases long her crusade,” by Kevin Cullen, May 21 2002
• “Dr Pell acts on Sydney gays.” SYDNEY (NSW) Australia: R.C. Archbishop George Pell of Sydney last Sunday refused Holy Communion (the consecrated bread) to about a dozen people wearing a rainbow sash, which openly signifies their support for active homosexuality. Instead he blessed them. In a statement issued after the Mass (the R.C. communion service) he said it was inappropriate to mount an ideological demonstration during Mass. “The Church’s view on sexuality … derives from natural moral law … unchanging. … governs all people everywhere … Our … religious tradition allows men and women sexual expresion within the bounds of family life, a sexuality that is life giving.” The Record, Perth, May 23 02, p 12
• U.S. sex suspects removed in New York, North Carolina, Michigan and Illinois.WASHINGTON (DC): Sex suspects were removed from ministry by various U.S. RC bishops. One of them, Bishop Matthew H. Clark of Rochester, N.Y. State, said that the diocese could no longer follow past practices of returning priests to ministry, following a creditable accusation of sexual abuse of a minor. “It did not leave people at peace,” he said. — The Record, Perth, “More US priests removed,” May 23 2002, p 12
• Bishop Gumbleton exposes Church’s inaction after 1971 reports that priests were immature; Church in Crisis
National Catholic Reporter, “Church in Crisis,” www.natcath.com/ crisis/gumbleton.htm , speech by Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, on May 25, 2002, (posted on NCR website June 17, 2002 )
LEXINGTON ( MA): . . . But if we are really going to understand this crisis, and if we�re going to find the right way to bring about a resolution of it, to restore credibility to the Church, to bring healing to the victims, to curtail insofar as humanly possible any further incidents of sexual abuse, then we have to see this crisis not just as a sex scandal, but as a crisis of leadership within the Catholic Church�a crisis that revolves around the leadership of the Catholic bishops. ***
This is a clear lack of leadership in our Church. Some of it perhaps due to ignorance many years ago. But that ignorance was overcome when we in the Catholic Conference of Bishops were fully informed about the nature of the problems we were dealing with and how intractable many of these problems are. And yet the cover-ups and the collusion and the lack of response to the victims went on.
There has been a deeper and more profound kind of failure on the part of the Catholic bishops in the United States and perhaps in other parts of the world in allowing a situation to develop where such a large number of priests seem so susceptible of becoming perpetrators of these kinds of crimes.
Over 30 years ago, the Catholic Bishops of the United States authorized a five-part study of the priesthood in the United States. We paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for this study. It was completed, most of it, by 1971. The study included a historical study of the US priesthood, a spirituality study, a theological study of what the US priesthood means in a post-Vatican II Church in the United States. And then even more pertinent to our current problems, there was a very thorough sociological study and an equally thorough psychological study of the US priesthood. I can remember very clearly the meeting we held in 1971 when the chief authors of the sociological and psychological studies made a presentation to the Catholic bishops.
That psychological study should have been an exceptionally helpful eye opener for the Catholic bishops. It categorized, from a psychological development perspective, what the priesthood in the United States looked like. At one end of the spectrum are maldeveloped priests. And according to the study, there were about 7 or 8% of the priests in the United States who were seriously maldeveloped. Then there was a very large category — 65-66% of the priests in the United States who were described as underdeveloped. And then another category of about 13-14% or so that were developing persons. At the other end of the spectrum about 7 or 8% of priests who would be termed developed persons. … [A far larger report is recorded at the publication date, June 17, 2002] [Speech given on May 25, 2002]
• “Paedophile priests stay in Church.” AUSTRALIA: The Catholic Church in Australia is not taking action to expel paedophile clerics despite an edict from the Pope that those who harm children have no place in religious life. — Sun Herald,www.smh.com.au Cost – $1.10 (426 words), 26 May 2002
• “New flak for Hollingworth;” AUSTRALIA: Former Anglican archbishop, Governor-General Hollingworth’s PR advisor (recommended by his daughter) was paid $250 an hour, i.e., $13,517 for three weeks during the furore over a sex abuse row. The West Australian, Tue May 28 02, p 5

• Sydney’s Catholic Archbishop Pell swears out Statutory Declaration denying he offered money or goods to David Ridsdale. SYDNEY (NSW) Australia: He was commenting on Mr Ridsdale’s statements to “60 Minutes”, which was going to air on June 2. “The allegation that I attempted to silence a victim or cover up allegations is unfounded and untrue and is an anathema to me.” Statutory declaration by Dr Pell is in PDF (Acrobat) format athttp://www.sydney.catholic.org.au/pdf/Statdec.pdf , dated May 30 02
• “U.S. Bishop resigns.” [?1970s-80s] UNITED STATES: (R.C.) Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland’s resignation was accepted by the Pope. He had been accused of making an unwelcome sexual advance on a man more than 20 years ago. He acknowledged that he had made a monetary settlement with the man in 1998, but said he had never abused anyone. The Record, May 30 02, p 12
• “Second Priest in Week Resigns Amid Molestation Accusations;” [1979] SEATTLE — A second Catholic priest in a week has resigned from active ministry amid accusations that he molested a boy decades ago, the Archdiocese of Seattle announced late Friday. Archbishop Alex Brunett accepted the Rev. Dennis V. Champagne’s resignation on Thursday, a day after the priest was placed on administrative leave as archdiocese officials investigated fresh details about the allegation. Champagne, 57, has been co-pastor of St. John Bosco Church in Lakewood and at Immaculate Conception Church in Steilacoom, both in Pierce County, and was former pastor of St. Michael’s parish in Snohomish, the archdiocese said. Champagne was first investigated in 1986, after a priest wrote a letter to then-Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen saying he had been told that Champagne had molested a boy in 1979 while serving as pastor at St. Michael’s. … Champagne’s resignation came a week after the archdiocese announced that it had removed the Rev. John Cornelius from active ministry following accusations from at least a dozen men who said he had abused them decades ago. Cornelius also offered his resignation and said he acknowledged “responsibility for my failures.”www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,54204,00.html Fox News, Fri May 31 02
• Bishop Caught on Tape Suggesting Concealing Abuse Evidence. (U.S.) And Vatican got list of names in 1985. May 31 — The Vatican’s American embassy may have played a key role in keeping secret the scope and seriousness of the priest sexual abuse problem and of the millions of dollars in Church money used to keep the scandal quiet, ABCNEWS has learned. In a tape obtained by ABCNEWS, the auxiliary bishop of Cleveland, A. James Quinn, was recorded in 1990 telling a seminar of church leaders and lawyers to destroy any anonymous allegations when sex-abuse allegations arise. … Quinn continued to suggest that officials should consider sending “dangerous” material to the apostolic delegation at the Vatican Embassy (which has diplomatic immunity), before lawyers or law enforcement officials could formally subpoena the material. … The former canon lawyer at the Vatican Embassy, Father Tom Doyle, says embassy officials have known for years — and passed on to Rome — details of the growing scandal. “It’s been known at the Vatican since at least 1985, and I’m certain of it,” said Doyle. “I personally sent a report that was sent to the Vatican in spring of 1985 naming names.” Jason Berry, author of Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children, said the tape shows an effort to bury any potentially damaging evidence. — American Broadcasting Corporation News, “Hidden Evidence? Bishop Caught on Tape Suggesting Concealing Abuse Evidence,”http://abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/DailyNews/bishopquinn020531.html , By Brian Ross, May 31 02

• “Pell denies sex cover-up report.” SYDNEY (NSW) Australia: Sydney’s Catholic Archbishop George Pell brandished a statutory declaration and foreshadowed legal action over allegations that he had attempted to silence a sex-abuse victim by “buying him off.” Dr Pell said that it was “anathema” to him. He lambasted Channel 9’s “60 Minutes” programme which plans to telecast the allegations on Sunday. — The West Australian, Fri May 31 02, p 33

End of abuse articles

I will now dedicate the rest of this article with an update on Hollie Greig and Robert Green:

As you all know the Hollie Greig case also extended into the murder of her uncle who just so happened to walk in on her father who was sexually abusing his daughter Hollie at the time. Her uncle was never seen alive after this encounter but the Grampian Police covered up this fact and said it was suicide. After many years Robert Green and Hollies mum Anne were able to obtain the autopsy report which clearly indicated that this was certainly no suicide.

Since Robert Green became involved in this case he has been arrested, when he crossed the border into Scotland to hold a meeting. His property was raided by Grampian Police whilst he was still being held in Scotland. They took all his papers and his computer. Later whilst Hollie and her mum were on a short holiday, their home in Shrewsbury was also raided and the house ransacked, papers taken and also their computer.

As we can now see this is no longer just a Scottish matter but now extends across the border into England with both the police and local authorities in Aberdeen and Shrewsbury now being involved.

Robert has since managed to obtain legal aid (which was originally refused) and has appeared in court a couple of times along with Anne and daughter Hollie. As it stands at the moment there is a glimmer of hope that with the continued pressure from the legal fraternity and the pressure from “Hollies Army” this sordid case may well have a happy ending. However, there is a long way to go.

As we know there were other child victims in Aberdeen (which Hollie named) and so it’s purely a matter of getting this into court and then hopefully other victims will come forward. In the meantime communications are currently being exchanged with all the relevant people and so I have decided to add a couple of these to this article. If you find it hard to read it’s only a matter of increasing the magnification or to copy and paste it elsewhere for you to read. One can get a more direct update by going to http://www.holliedemandsjustice.org/node/1067

I have written around 14 articles on the Hollie Greig case which I started back in February this year. I have decided to publish my first article again as it best explains the background to this terrible case that still awaits justice:

The Deeply upsetting story of Hollie Greig – 25th February 2010


The deeply upsetting story of Hollie Greig

There has to be a point in our lives when we turn our backs on normal news and bring out the truth behind a gut wrenching story that nobody wants to talk about or who may not be permitted to talk about.

We at the Palestine Telegraph always want to bring out topics that no one else is prepared to print. The case of Hollie Greig is one such story that will make you feel terribly sick inside whilst at the same time wanting to bring those responsible to justice. I did a radio show the other day and someone specifically asked me to investigate this sad story probably knowing that I would do an article on it. One must feel the intense pain of Hollie’s mum and the ongoing nightmare’s that must haunt Hollie, the innocent victim of a pedophile father and his ring of evil friends.

This is not the first time I have heard of such abuse, especially in care homes where children suffering from Down’s Syndrome or other medical conditions have been repeatedly abused by the care staff. It is for this reason that I have broken away from my normal articles to reveal these horrific evil pedophiles that contaminate our planet. What makes this case stand out is the fact that this abuse went beyond the Greig family and extended into the Grampian Police Force who are there to protect us. I am sure by the time you have read through this extremely upsetting story you also will want to bring these evil people to justice.

So who is Hollie Grieg? Hollie lived in Aberdeen, Scotland. Her family consisted of Anne, her mother, Father Denis and brother Greg. It was back in 2000 when Hollie told her mum something very disturbing that any mother dreads to hear – that she had been repeatedly sexually abused by her father, Denis Charles Mackie and by her brother Greg. This abuse stemmed back to when Hollie was six years old, Hollie also told her mum that her brother Greg had also been abused by his father. We hear of such horror stories many times especially when another member of the family is also abused and that person then becomes part of the spider’s web.

As one would expect Anne immediately reported the incident to the Grampian Police in Aberdeen and it was then that things started to go so terribly wrong. Over a period of time Hollie started to recall the names of those that had abused her. Anne eventually learnt that her husband Denis had offered his daughter to an extended ring of pedophiles. One can imagine the terrible abuse, psychological pain and humiliation that Hollie endured during this period and the terrible pain that mum also endured.

It became a further shock when Anne learnt that this ring of pedophiles included a serving police officer with the Grampian Police named Terry Major and a very high profile gentleman called Graeme Buchanan who happened to be the Aberdeen Sheriff (his picture is on the last page of this article)

After some in depth investigations by medical staff and the Grampian Police Hollie’s account was fully accepted as being authentic but that’s as far as the case went and everything was very carefully swept under the carpet. One of the main players in this deplorable case was that of Elish Frances Angiolini , a Scottish lawyer who has served in the political role of Lord Advocate in Scotland since 2006. Her bio reads that she was appointed to the post of Solicitor General for Scotland in November 2001 becoming the first woman, the first Procurator Fiscal, and the first solicitor to hold that post. This lady prevented any action being taken by the police or should I say against the police and the Sheriff and consequently allowed the main offend, Denis Charles Mackie (Hollie’s father as shown on the following page) to escape the country and settle in Portugal.

The story does not stop there because the authorities started a campaign to discredit and intimidate Anne by having her forcibly taken to a mental institution in the hope of taking Hollie from her and handing her back to her evil father. Anne remained strong and managed to have herself checked over by a leading psychiatrist who then certified her as being perfectly sane. This brave woman stood up to these bullying tactics and consequently forced them to accept the findings of the psychiatrist.

Over the coming years Anne remained strong and continued to fight this battle which eventually led to Anne being able to convince the News of the World to take up her story in 2009. What was also disturbing was the fact that Hollie had been receiving payments from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority which as we all know is a payment handed out for victims of crime. One must fully understand that for this payment to take place one has to have been vetted by the authorities to qualify for such payments…..surely this in itself are an expression of guilt even though to this day no investigations have been carried out.

Hollies father Denis and Greg went to live in Portugal, which also so happened to be the same country where Madeleine McCann went missing. Anne decided that she should alert the authorities and went to another police station in her newly acquired home in Shrewsbury. She was hopeful that the local police would listen to her story and that they would then notify their counterparts in Portugal that this pedophile had relocated there and may have some connection with Madeleine. It became evident that this possible vital information was not passed on by the British Police.

Private Investigators into Hollies situation have since revealed the presence of other pedophile rings in Scotland and it became clear that senior authority figures in Scotland are prepared to obstruct the course of justice and allow the sexual abuse of such venerable members of our society to continue unchecked in order to save their own necks. This letter clearly shows the names of the offenders.

This letter is from Robert GREEN on behalf of Anne & Hollie MacKie

To; Sheriff Graeme BUCHANAN

Sheriff’s Clerk’s Office

Sheriff Court House

Castle Street


AB10 1WP
Dated 18-Jun-2009

Dear Sheriff Buchanan

Do you know, or have any involvement with any of the following?

Hollie Mackie

Denis Mackie

Graeme Mackie

Greg Mackie

Helen McDonald

Carol Low

Wyn Dragan

David Smith

Terry Major

Sylvia Major

Your prompt response would be appreciated in the public interest.


Yours Sincerely


Robert Green


As one would expect this letter received little attention by the Scottish Court Service and their response is copied here. This letter was in actual fact a sort of name and shame letter but didn’t serve any purpose apart from the fact it serves as an acknowledgement by the Scottish Court Service. The letter was dated 24th June 2009. 

It was extremely interesting to learn about what happened to Journalist & Broadcaster Robert Green. He decided to investigate the Hollie case and went up to Scotland only to find himself arrested by the Grampian Police with heavy involvement by Scotland’s Crown Office. Robert had traveled to Aberdeen to attend a public protest against the lack of action by Scotland’s law enforcement agencies in bringing to justice identified individuals belonging a an Aberdeen based pedophile ring, names of which included members of Scotland’s legal establishment and the local Sheriff.

Robert was promptly arrested soon after his arrival and prior to his attendance at the planned protest. It was ironic that his appearance the next day was at the Aberdeen Sheriff Court where he was taken before a colleague of the Sheriff who was named as a key player in this Pedophile ring. It should be pointed out at this stage regarding a police project that was in existence called “Operation Ore” that was set up to identify many pedophiles in public office, none of which have yet been prosecuted.

What is alarming here is the fact that poor Hollie claims she was abused for 14 years from the age of six and has given police the names of some of the men she says assaulted her. The 30-year-old and her mother, Anne, have been campaigning for criminal proceedings since 2000. All of the abuse took place in Aberdeen, and Hollie and her mother claim to have made a statement at Bucksburn police station in July naming those involved. The family moved to Shropshire and two Grampian Police officers travelled to Shrewsbury in September last year to re-interview Hollie at a special facility. Last month, the Crown Office revealed there was not enough reliable evidence to proceed with the case.

A spokesman said at the time: “Historical allegations of sexual abuse made by a 30-year-old woman in Shropshire have been thoroughly investigated by police. “Crown counsel have considered all the available information and decided that there is insufficient credible, reliable and admissible evidence to justify criminal proceedings in respect of these allegations.” It must be fully understood that this statement was in actual fact false because no proper investigation has ever been carried out as only Hollie herself was interviewed.

Despite no charges ever being brought, Hollie received £13,500 compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority in April last year. It is understood that a Grampian Detective Inspector described Hollie as “a truthful witness to the best of her ability and an entirely innocent victim”. Mrs Greig, 58, claims her daughter has experienced nightmares and panic attacks since she first told her about the alleged abuse.  

Before closing there is also one piece of this jigsaw that has not been covered and that is regarding the death of Hollie’s Uncle Robert David Greig (Anne’s Brother). Just when you think you have heard enough of this sordid case we must include the circumstances leading to the death of her Uncle. On the 17th of November 1997 her uncle was found in a burnt out car close to Aberdeen. The police believed it was a case of suicide and the family attempted to obtain a copy of the autopsy. The authorities had for some time declared that no papers existed and basically the case was officially closed.

Anne with the support of others repeatedly tried to obtain the autopsy report which the authorities were reluctant to release and it was only obtained on the 31stof December. Before we go into that autopsy let me tell you an incident that took place prior to this tragic event. After the death of her uncle Hollie told her mum that one day her uncle had come into the house and caught her father having sex with her. Uncle Robert gave a very clear warning to her father never to do that again.

Now we come to the autopsy result which in my opinion gives a very clear cut verdict of murder and not suicide…….one could even possible think that this could be called a political assassination as Robert Greig really did know too much, especially about people in high places. He was totally devoted to his sister Anne and dear Hollie. The Autopsy gave the verdict of death by smoke inhalation but also noted that Robert had severe damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum. In addition to this his body also contained much alcohol (even though Robert was a non drinker) and the autopsy found residue of whiskey in his stomach.   A person apparently came across the car and attempted to save Robert which came across as a sort of heroic story when in actual fact it is believed that this person was indeed the murderer.

It is important for the world to understand that a very grave injustice has been carried out here and that the Grampian Police have acted in a way that does not befit their duty of care to the people of Aberdeen and more importantly poor Hollie, who like many have fallen victim to such a Pedophile ring. Take a look at this link, read for yourself and watch the video: http://stolenkids-hollie.blogspot.com/

 We understand what it is like living in a police state having become the victim of Israeli aggression and intimidation. This case however has touched our hearts and we feel it is finally time to bring those responsible to justice. It is for this reason that we have decided to print the letter sent on behalf of Anne and Hollie whilst at the same time to name and shame those listed. The letter of response is also an indication of the arrogance of the Aberdeen Sheriff.

Pedophilia is deeply rooted in our society and has in the past encompassed some extremely powerful people, including politicians etc The fact that a serving police officer was involved and a very senior figure in the legal system of Scotland cannot be taken lightly and the Palestine Telegraph sincerely hopes that in re opening this case something will eventually come out of it.

This article is dedicated to Hollie and her mum Anne in the hope that she accepts the deep feelings and concerns from the People of Palestine. We fully understand how you have been treated and our hearts go out to you both. Bless you

End of article

As you can see there is certainly an awful lot of anger out there and with the Pope due in England next week I am sure a few sparks will be flying. For my part I could have done a whole series on the subject of peodophilia but I think this very large article paints a very clear picture that it is rife all over the world. It exists in every walk of life, especially in those areas that are supposed to safeguard and protect its citizens. The reason it continues is because it extends into the highest offices of the Government, church, military, police, health, education, social services, mental health and special needs, care workers, judiciary etc. The senior level of Freemasons plays a major role in this activity and that includes ex Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, Senior Military Commanders, CEO’s and all inter linked to the New World Order etc.

The question is can this den of satanic evil be brought to justice? Yes obviously but only by the pressure of people power. If Hollie Greig’s case can be won, with the continued pressure from “Hollie’s Army” then there is hope. However, if we do not continue to support this particular case then all will be lost.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 11/12/2012