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UK Paedophilia takes a blow – Robert Green to be released – Part 2

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Major event of the year 

Robert Green the heroic fighter who was sentenced to one year in prison for exposing the truth

King Robert’s Jubilee (Jubilant) Celebrations

17th May 2012

Craiginches Prison – Aberdeen – Scotland

“The Release of Robert Green”

 This year their are two  major event taking place in the UK  but now we have one more that probably means more to the people of Britain than anything else – King Robert’s Jubilee – Which by all accounts could herald a major turnaround in the way Paedophilia is looked upon and dealt with in this country!

Our Goal (Jail) Keeper Robert Green is being released on the 17th of May 2012 having only served three months of his one year sentence which is a clear indication that the pressure from all the publicity and his supporters eventually struck home!!

Crowds had gathered in London at the Royal Courts of Justice, up at Roberts prison  and last weekend Aberdeen had been inundated with leaflets that drew attention to Roberts plight and the case of Hollie Greig. This is truly a victory for justice and now leaves the door open to continue the fight by “Hollies Army” as more protests are to be planned to celebrate this auspicious occasion. 

Protest outside the Royal Courts of Justice

“Hollies Army” Royal Courts of Justice London

Prison Protest

The shame of Hollie Greig and the Scottish Judicial System

Hollie Greig and Mum Anne at the Royal Courts of  Justice, London or should that read at the Royal Courts of No Justice?

The following is taken from the Free Robert Green Webpage  – Ian McFerran

Contact with Robert 21st April 2012

Posted on April 21, 2012 by 
The news today is that Robert is out of the prison table-tennis tournament, having been beaten at the quarter finals, so he won’t now win the coveted first prize of a Mars Bar. Well at least he won’t have to be tested for drugs – what’s someone pushing 70 doing beating a whole lot of lads in their 20s, something’s not quite right there!

Fortunately there’s no shortage of chocolate, Robert says, he’s always being given Crunchie bars and Aeros by his fellow-prisoners, they are very kind to him indeed. It’s clear to him that many of these young lads shouldn’t be there at all and it saddens him that they have received the permanent stigma of criminality for often very minor offences, or they have been wrongfully convicted in order for there to be closure on a crime, or they shouted at the Sheriff or whatever had happened, so now here they are locked up in this dreary place for usually months on end at least, really just to help keep the wheels of what he refers to as the ‘Prison Industry’ turning, which is a bread-ticket for a whole range of people who work in or are connected with the administration of such institutions. He’s thinking to get involved with his local Prison Radio Service when he comes out and is hugely looking forward to resuming his Hospital Radio work after 17th May – roll on 17th May!

We’ll need to be on our toes early in the morning on that happy day as Robert is likely to leave Craiginches between 8 and 9 am, then he’ll be heading for the station which is 10 minutes’ walk down the hill and over the bridge, so let’s make sure he is suitably escorted! He’s most likely to be catching the 9.52 via Manchester so hopefully we’ll have a good 30-40 minutes to chat to him before waving him off.

I told Robert there’s going to be street action for Hollie in London over the next couple of weeks in London (am about to call the troops…). It will be in the context of a two-week demo outside the Royal Courts of Justice under the aegis of the Campaign for Truth and Justice which can be all things to all people but the focus is going to be on the corrupt judicial system/’bent judges’ so it’s a good opportunity for anyone who has suffered a miscarriage of justice in the courts to come along and make his or her voice heard. 

There’s going to be a PA system and we’ll be stopping the traffic too. Victims of the Family Court system are especially welcome to join and you can be sure we’ll be throwing a certain Scottish Sheriff and his cronies into the mix.

John Hemming MP will make a cameo appearance on Day 1 of the 10 day-demo, Monday 23rd at 3.30 pm. When I mentioned to Robert that John Hemming is coming along to our action he said he’d had a letter from John in which John had written “pressure might be put on the Governor to keep you in”. Robert had copied that to the Governor of the prison (however he did that) and he was pretty sure this had prompted the Governor to take the decision to release him!

Well any which ways, it’s all good, isn’t it?

A Letter from Robert re Ombudsman

Posted on April 21, 2012 by 

I received a letter from Robert Green this morning, dated 20th April 2012.  Here is the verbatim text of that letter…


Dear Ian,

Some good news, although I haven’t seen the letter yet, The Scottish Judicial Review Board has referred my complaint about Bowen’s conduct to the Ombudsman.

This complaint was made prior to our discovering of Young’s additional involvement, so it is interesting.

Now we know about Young, this, I understand, may give reason to suspect a conspiracy to deprive me of my human rights to a fair trial, which may be a criminal offence, involving any two or all three, of Young, Bowen and Angiolini.

This can be published.


So, with all that the campaign has recently uncovered about these three individuals, add to that the fact that Angiolini is still under CID investigation for ‘the misappropriation of public funds’ in order to secure the ‘private’ services of Levy & McRae Solicitors, these big-shots will soon need to answer a few rather probing and difficult questions.  I wonder how Her Majesty is feeling right now about being publicly conned into awarding Angiolini the public honour of ‘Dame’?  The Police would not forward an investigation onto CID if there was nothing to investigate and, even if there were something to investigate, they could do it themselves… unless the seriousness of the investigation warranted CID involvement!

In the mean time, if people can get to HMP Aberdeen on the morning of the 17th May to greet Robert as he is released, that would be wonderful.

Ian McFerran

The following extracts were also taken from the same webpage:

 He will still be under curfew when he gets home (7pm to 9am every night of the week) for 3 months and of course campaigning and so on is out but at least he’ll be able to go for walks and go on line and all the things he’s not been able to do.

Robert wishes me to say that he strongly believes it is largely due to the tremendous support he has had from so many people that he’s been let out early and asks me to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone once again. He also wishes to commend the prison staff who have been universally gracious and helpful. This has made made what could have been a much more trying time really quite bearable. He’s also made some good friends from amongst his fellow inmates with whom he’ll be keeping contact.

The person who will be most pleased of all by the news of Robert’s imminent release will be Hollie who was most upset when he was sent down. It doesn’t take much to make Hollie feel insecure, which isn’t surprising considering what she has been through in her life and she hasn’t felt entirely happy since Robert has been in prison. So this news will really cheer her up!

“FREE ROBERT GREEN” so many times chanted on many a street in the past few weeks has worked! Well done everyone! Now it’s back to “JUSTICE FOR HOLLIE GREIG” – we can do it, can’t we?

Before closing there is one more very special person that was in Hollies life – Her Uncle:

Uncle Roy with Hollie and Mum

The following was taken from  http://holliegreig.info/ and I would urge you all to visit this informative webpage.

  1. Hollie Greig ( a little Downs Syndrome Girl) and 7 other known victims were systematically raped and tortured by a known paedophile ring.
  2. The paedophile ring included a judge, care workers, a policeman, an accountant and other leading men and women of Scotland.
  3. Robert Green was jailed in Aberdeen for reporting the story to the public.
  4. The Uncle of Hollie Greig was brutally murdered with what appears to be an axe handle. He was found dead in a burning car in a situation that appears to be arson. This was a few weeks after he reportedly walked in on Holly being sexually assaulted by her father.
  5. Scottish Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, has illegally used her influence to shut down any investigation and publicity of the Hollie Greig case.
  6. The Scottish Law firm of Levy & McRae has illegally sought to intimidate and influence witnesses and investigator Robert Green for reporting the matter.
  7. Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland has been made aware of Angiolini’s methods and has failed to act in a way conducive to justice in these cases.
  8. The members of Scotland’s Parliament have also been made aware of these injustices and have failed to take any action.

I think we all agree that we must continue to fight against paedophilia wherever it raises its ugly head and insist that our government investigates the activities of  the many Masonic Lodges up and down the country as well as the Church’s involvement in ongoing paedophilia.

We owe this to all the past and current victims of paedophilia and in particular all the lost generations around the world in there tens of thousands and we certainly owe it to the victims of the Dunblane Massacre and Hollies Uncle Roy.

There is only one way of finding out who is telling the truth (once and for all) and that is to hold an investigation, followed by an appropriate trial, to allow Hollie Greig and her mum to state their case under Common Law Jurisdiction Jury……….only then will these ongoing protest by “Hollies Army” cease and only then will the people of Britain and Hollie receive true justice.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consutlant – 22/4/2012 

2 Responses

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  1. Don’t give up the fight Anne and Hollie. More power to you!!
    (Sending best thoughts to you from Dorset )


    March 27, 2013 at 02:17

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