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Romney a “Genie in a Bottle” waiting to explode if you rub him up the wrong way!!

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Could Mitt Romney turn into a monster?

Let’s all make a wish – “Please make Romney disappear”

Romney’s arrival in London at the time of the Olympics started off in true campaign style when he held his first fund-raising dinner, where each guest had to pay $25,000 (£16,000) a head. I had to laugh to myself when I thought about all the normal hard working people in this country who may have wanted to share a basic traditional “Sausage Egg and Bacon Breakfast” with him in some roadside cafe in the North of England……….for my part I would not image anyone wanting to meet this typical “Bush Dynasty Moron” who wants to continue down the same war footing path as his predecessor’s.


“Next time keep your big mouth shut about our country not being ready for the Olympics……..I might ask you the same question are you ready to lead America” ?

This New World Order actor had previously shown his true colours whilst serving has a very senior Mormon and yet his current campaign trail in Tampa, Florida (temporary delayed due to the hurricane) will see him formally nominated as their candidate for the White House and he is expected to publicly embrace his religion. A Mormon bishop will perform the opening invocation the day of Romney’s speech, and campaign officials have hinted that he will talk openly about his Mormonism.

What is rather strange is the lack of support in the State of Utah where Mormons comprise of more than half the population. It would appear that only a handful of Romney bumper stickers and not a single poster were observed…….is it possible that someone knows more about Romney in that state than the US public know?


Mitt Romney and wife, Ann, at a Mormon Church service in Wolfboro, New Hampshire

I am sure my friend and fellow broadcaster, Paul Drockton (who also so happens to be a Mormom) can throw some light on Mitt Romney and his involvement in the Mormon Church that could well throw his intended career into tatters!!

One of Paul’s many articles on this topic can be viewed on his own webpage with the following link: http://www.moneyteachers.org/RomneyCIA.html

It is clear to me that Romney is very much a supporter of that evil satanic family that I call the “Walker/Bush Tribe” and who were so instrumental in killing off the “American Dream” and in making the US what it is today – “The American Nightmare.”

No family as ever done so much damage to their country than this Nazi bred family who infiltrated into the US utterly and totally illegally and who through their contacts with the Rothschild’s also helped in establishing the deeply flawed and corrupt banking system we call the Reserve Bank of America.

I found Paul’s article, where he compared Mitt Romney with Adolf Hitler, a real eye opener and certainly was not the sort of reference one would expect for someone who was once a Bishop in the Mormon Church !!

It was so interesting to see how the British Media treated Romney when he came to London………as they say elephants never forget and in true British style he was humiliated. The BBC made the following statement: “He’s offended the British government. The British press have decided he is a knave and a fool.”

What I found most offensive about this pathetic Presidential candidate was his onwards trip to Israel and what he had to say during his stopover with his Zionist friends who obviously are funding his current campaign.


Just look at those Netanyahu eyes

According to Reuters:

 Republican candidate Mitt Romney, presenting himself as Israel’s best friend in the November 6 presidential election.

In a foreign policy speech in Jerusalem, Romney voiced strong support for the alliance between the United States and Israel when he said:

“We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel voice their criticisms. And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel’s adversaries.”

“We should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course, and it is our fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so. In the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded. We recognize Israel’s right to defend itself, and that it is right for America to stand with you.”

It became obvious that Netanyaho cherished Romney’s visit and added his voice to that of his close friend and associate when he stated:

“We have to be honest that sanctions have not set back the Tehran program one iota and that a strong military threat coupled with sanctions are needed to have a chance to change the situation,”

Mr Romney gave reference to Jerusalem as being Israel’s “capital” on his tour and his comment on Iran’s nuclear programme certainly sent shivers down the spine of those that oppose the ongoing wars that he obviously will continue if we are unlucky enough to see this man take office!!

It was so interesting to see the local Israeli newspaper Haaretz’s coverage of his visit and in particular the tactics carried out by Obama just ahead of that visit:

The headlines just prior to Romney’s visit read as follows:

“One day before Romney’s visit, Obama to sign act expanding military cooperation with Israel” –  “In signing the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, Obama is trying to upstage his rival for the presidency, Mitt Romney, as he arrives for an official visit to Israel”

The paper went on to say that Romney will visit the Western Wall, and will also give a speech about foreign policy and Israel-U.S. relations (no doubt his brow was somewhat bruised after the visit).

In the evening, Romney and his wife Ann will visit the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem, for an evening meal with Netanyahu and his wife, Sara. On Monday morning, before he travels on to Poland, Romney will carry out a fundraising event in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Entry to the event will cost $50,000 per participant.

It was this final comment in Haaretz that truly revealed what politics in the US are all about:

Obama and Romney are currently fighting over the votes of Jewish Americans. Jewish votes in a number of key states, such as Florida, are likely to influence the final result of the upcoming elections, and the fact that Obama did not visit Israel during his first term, and his shaky relationship with Netanyahu, are serving the Republicans in elections and campaign broadcasts to gain the votes of the Jewish community.

Finally let’s just touch base with Haaretz’s own statements regarding the Obama pledge to Israel:

The law for the expansion of United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act was passed in Congress on July 17, and was widely supported by Republicans and Democrats. The act extended by two years – until the end of 2014 – the funding provided by the U.S. government for placing emergency U.S. arms caches in warehouses on Israeli territory in case of war.

The law also states that Congress calls on the U.S. government to increase joint military exercises with the IDF, to provide Israel with more aid in developing defense system against rockets, and to provide Israel with advanced weapons such as refueling aircrafts and high-accuracy ammunition.

The law also stipulates that the U.S. will assist Israel to prepare in security terms for the U.S. pullout from Iraq.

Another stipulation is that the administration will offer Israel more options for training the Israel Air Force in U.S. airspace, as well the expansion of intelligence cooperation with Israel, including in the field of spy satellites.

You will note the reference to arms being stored on Israeli soil……..the old system was more transparent than this current arrangement and any arms sent to Israel were by way of a transmittal notice that had to be approved by Congress with the final signature coming from the President himself, especially if those arms were of a sensitive nature i.e. WMD’s etc……..you can be rest assured that some very nasty “Dirty Bombs” will form part of that arsenal!!

What we are looking at here is the total sidetracking of the previous system into a covert internal military transfer from the military in the US to a US military unit in Israel that can be used by Israel as and when required……now that is extremely deceitful in my opinion and undermines the authority of Congress!!

I find this total Zionist control of politics in the US, UK and Europe absolutely disgraceful whereby these puppets of Israel swear their allegiance to Zionists ahead of their own citizens.

It is also a fact that all main line candidates are painted by the same brush and either way whoever gets in certainly does so with the full financial support and approval of the Zionist support groups……….such is the level of corruption around the world…….all of whom totally support the Zionist controlled New World Order!!

Before closing I would also like to draw to your attention the fact that Mitt Romney was included in a Cease and Desist Order issued against him in January this year for acting in “Bad Faith” in relation to funds and assets. I will not go into this case as it is on going but the very fact that he was named along with other high profile members of the New World Order is a clear indication that this man is not suitable as a presidential candidate!!

Take my advice and when the election comes along  place your vote with an independent candidate or alternatively give your vote to an unknown candidate as a form of protest to your government.


Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 29/8/2012

6 Responses

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  1. satyrikon

    August 29, 2012 at 11:59

  2. Better still DON’T VOTE for any candidate UK, USA or any country come to that.

    They are controlled and run by the Central Banks and their “private” shareholders.

    Voting only endorses their charade and gives them a kind of legitimacy.

    They say “What if there was a war and nobody turned up” No war.
    “What if there was an election and nobody turned up” Then the corrupt politicians couldn’t claim a mandate..

    George Silver

    August 29, 2012 at 13:02

    • I agree entirely the problem is they do have people turn up to vote from their own supporter and so they still win…….it would be an impossibility to have a no show election but one can live in hope!!

      Peter Eyre

      August 29, 2012 at 14:16

  3. After understanding , a little bit , the parlament act of 1911. I wonder if we should vote at all ! Is this saying the United States does not exist ? Is this saying that the Queen of Canada is ruling over us ? Sorry Queen you are an impostor ! Mr. Drockton , your gold and silver will not save you and preaching such would you be any better than Mr. Romney for he desires such thing as well ? Israel is not a country , it has no defined borders , it is the man Jacob , saith the Lord my God . I recall Obama saying “I have learned that wall street is not far from the White House ” you are right Sir , its Georgetown University , the Jesuits ,oops excuse me the Catholic University or is it a Protestant University ????


    August 29, 2012 at 18:12

  4. Who is Paul Drockton?


    November 26, 2012 at 17:58

  5. I think I agree with Paul Drockton.


    November 27, 2012 at 19:37

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