Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

The Hidden Truth Behind The News

What do Julian Assange and Andrea Davison have in common? – Part 2

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Part 2

Why isn’t the world media camped outside this place?

Because our government and others don’t want you to know what lies within!!


They have both become political asylum seekers in the Ecuador Embassy in London!!

Have you ever asked yourself why the founder of WikiLeaks always reaches the front pages of our daily and international newspapers and yet this unknown entity (Andrea Davison) has little or no coverage!!

You may be surprised to learn that in the real sense what Ms Davison knows far outweighs the out of date garbage that comes from Julian Assange!!

Ms Davison had an incredible amount of very secretive documents in her possession that had the potential to put many ex and current Prime Ministers in prison for life and in some case many other very senior MP’s and members of the House of Lords so I again keep asking the same question why is the world’s media ignoring Ms Davison?

I would now like to continue in exposing exactly what this woman knew as proof that our government and the opposition certainly are making sure that the media does not get hold of this story.

Here is more information that Ms Davison herself produced and published in her own words with the title:


Former head of MI5 in her evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry showed Tony Blair’s evidence that “Toppling Saddan Hussein helped make Britain safe from terrorists” was false.

In her testimony she said, what every intelligence service in the world knew, that Iraq was no threat and did not have the capability to use WMD’s. Whilst she did not say that Saddam had mobile biological weapons units in the southern marshes it was revealed in a memo to John Gieve, Permanent Secretary to the Home Office, in March 2002, that Saddam was not likely to use chemical or biological weapons unless “he felt the survival of his regime was in doubt”.

Britain and the USA supplied Iraq with a military industrial base which included the facility to produce chemical and biological weapons and deliver them. Britain supplied large amounts of VX gas and the tech transfer which resulted in a bio engineered flu virus transposed with a biotoxin. Following Desert Storm much was transported to Sudan, Iran and Libya.

The intelligence reports from around the world did not suit Tony Blair’s agenda and he made war on Iraq causing the radicalisation of British Muslims and thereby increasing the threat of home grown terrorism Just as the intelligence reports he chose to ignore warned. Some of those reports were written by former arms investigator and intelligence agent Andrea Davison.

Manningham-Buller also said Iraq had posed little threat before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, and insisted there was no evidence of a link between former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. “There was no credible intelligence to suggest that connection and that was the judgment, I might say, of the CIA,” she told the inquiry. “It was not a judgment that found favour with some parts of the American machine.”

Former head of M15 Eliza Manningham-Buller revealed that there was such a surge of warnings of home-grown terrorist threats after the invasion of Iraq that MI5 asked for – and got – a 100 per cent increase in its budget. Baroness Manningham-Buller, who was director general of MI5 in 2002-07, told the Chilcot panel that MI5 started receiving a “substantially” higher volume of reports that young British Muslims being drawn to al-Qa’ida.

As reported she told the inquiry: “Our involvement in Iraq radicalised, for want of a better word, a whole generation of young people – a few among a generation – who saw our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan as being an attack on Islam.” She added: “Arguably we gave Osama bin Laden his Iraqi Jihad so that he was able to move into Iraq in a way that he was not before.”

Her words are in stark contrast to the claim that Mr Blair made in front of the same inquiry on the 29 January this year “If I am asked whether I believe we are safer, more secure, that Iraq is better, that our own security is better, with Saddam and his two sons out of office and out of power, I believe indeed we are. “It was better to deal with this threat, to remove him from office, and I do genuinely believe that the world is safer as a result.”

Sir Menzies Campbell, former leader of the Liberal Democrats, added: “I should be astonished if Mr Blair were to return to give further evidence, but questions will remain as to what it was which prompted him to disregard the reservations of officials and their advice. If only Britain had been as well served by its politicians as it was by Eliza Manningham-Bullerthen we would never have got ourselves into the illegal mess of Iraq.”

Only 16days before Blair gave evidence to the Inquiry documents were seized by Derby Police from Andrea Davison proving that the Government knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq at the time of the second Iraq War, along with Intelligence reports which would have ended Tony Blair’s and Gordon Brown’s carefully laid tissue of lies

Ken Livingstone, who was Mayor of London at the time of the 7 July bombings, said: “Eliza Manningham-Buller’s evidence is a damning indictment of a foreign policy that not only significantly enhanced the risk of terrorist attacks in London but gave al-Qa’ida the opening to operate in Iraq too.”

Evidence showed that a year before British troops went into Iraq, Elize sent the Home Office a memo which – though phrased in official language – demolished the idea that Saddam Hussein’s regime represented a credible terrorist threat to the UK. The memo went on: “We assess that Iraqi capability to mount attacks in the UK is currently limited.”

Lady Manningham-Buller also hinted at disagreement between Blair’s office and MI5 over the dossier that the Prime Minister presented to Parliament in September 2002, to prepare public opinion for the likelihood of war.

“We were asked to put in some low-grade, small intelligence to it and we refused because we didn’t think it was reliable,” she said.

Andrea Davison has repeatedly asked the Home Office for the Return of her documents and Intelligence reports from the Derby Police in order to present them to the Iraq enquiry without success. Why the new Government want to keep them hidden is a mystery yet to be revealed.

End of article.

Maybe by now you are starting to understand just how important Ms Andrea Davison was in unlocking some highly sensitive secrets that led to the total cover-up during the Chilcot Inquiry and it is even more surprising the current government is holding back on the outcome of yet another whitewashed inquiry!!

One of the last articles publishes by Ms Davison before she was gagged is shown below with the title – IRAQ INQUIRY DENIED EVIDENCE BY NEW GOVERNMENT and was dated Aug 02 2010:

Derby Chief Constable who seized thousands of documents on ‘Arms to Iraq’ using the Proceeds of Crime Act

The Iraq Inquiry closed its doors for the summer recess on the 30th of July without being given the documents held by Derby Police which were seized from Andrea Davison on the 13th of January this year under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Hwyell Williams Plaid Cymru and Andrea’s MP has been trying to help and received a letter from James Brokenshire Parliametary Under Secretary for Crime Prevention which did not mention the documents

On the 27th of July Andrea Wrote to James Brokenshire asking for the urgent return of the Documents seized by Derby Police so that submission could be made to the Inquiry. The letter was also forwarded to James Brokenhurst e-mail.

The letter said:-

My MP Hywel Williams has advised me of your interest in the situation concerning the Derby Police and forwarded to me the letter from Stephen Goadby.

To save time I am forwarding you direct my response to the said letter.

To repeat my paragraph to Mr Goadby

The seizure of my documents and notebooks, including amongst other things intelligence reports and letters from various Ministers and former Ministers of HMG is in my view political and as such I trust falls within your remit. The last Government promised “No British document and no British witness will be beyond the scope of the Inquiry” clearly the seizure of my documents by Derby Police has put them beyond the scope of the Inquiry. Whilst I understand a number of people not least Gordon Brown and Tony Blair do not want my documents to be available to the Inquiry however in my view this is not a legitimate reason for them being seized and retained by the Derby Police.

I urge you to secure the return of my Arms to Iraq documents from the Derby Police.

But as the doors to Iraq Inquiry closed no reply had been received. Begging the question just what is the Government so afraid off?

End of article

As I have previously pointed out to you in my other articles Gordon Bowden and I are embroiled in a civil court case where Ms Andrea Davison is the Claimant who has laid defamation charges against both of us for exposing her involvement in fraud……which according to the Derbyshire Police arrest warrant clearly states the grounds for her arrest was based on apparent major international fraud.

This civil case to which Gordon and I had a very good defence and a counter claim was bulldozed through the court ahead of Ms. Davison’s criminal case and scuttled on what we both consider was a small technical matter. This was followed by a rather rushed attempt to issue an injunction against both of us in order to gag us from publishing anything further about Ms Davison and her involvement in many other matters.

Gordon and I have always been aware of political interference in our case owing to the nature of its scope and potential damage that it could cause to past and current governments…….especially when Ms. Davison would have been privy to the UOR that was processed via Maggie Thatcher and Peter Lilly MP for the shipment of three cylinders from Pelindaba in South Africa to and insecure private compound in Oman.

Unknown to Ms Davison at the time those three cylinders turned out to be three “Battlefield Ready” nuclear bombs that were designed, tested and manufactured by a joint venture programme between Israel and South Africa.

A total of ten weapons were developed and one successfully tested off Prince Edward Island south of Cape Town………all of this whilst UN sanctions were in place and all carried out illegally.

What makes this whole scenario so ugly and illegal was the fact that dear Maggie sent down her junior research officer (then 24 years of age) none other than our current Prime Minister, David Cameron and also accompanied by Sir Ken Warren to illegally purchase three of those nukes and then by gross neglect allow them to be stolen back by the Jewish Rhodesian arms dealer – John Bredenkamp.


It was also fact that British tax payers money was used via the private sector and that many very senior political figures were part of that very corrupt “under the radar” deal which eventually netted £17.8 million for the Conservative Party Election Fund!!

It is also ironic that the person responsible for checking the health of those three nukes was non other than Dr. David Kelly and maybe this would have added to the reason for his assassination.

I would challenge any of the world’s media to focus their attention to the Ecuador Embassy in London and start asking questions as to whom they are hiding within and to ask our government and in particular our current Prime Minister “Who is Andrea Davison”…………one could even approach Sir Ken Warren in his old age and ask him about Ms Davison who worked for his select committee and ask him to shed some light on her activity and his own involvement in the above.

We the public should demand the Chilcot Inquiry open up its doors once again and call forward Ms Davison as a “Star Witness” and under the current “Nuclear Explosions Act” put the likes of David Cameron, Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown. Peter Lilley, Sir Ken Warren and many other very senior MP’s and House of Lords member out of harm’s way for their  involvement in major fraud, taking us to war and the death of over a million Iraqis’ and thousands of coalition forces troops etc etc


Those that should be serving time

Are we likely to see true justice prevail………..I don’t think so!!!!……..are we likely to see the media camp outside the Ecuador Embassy with their many satellite dishes…….I don’t think so………why?…….because of the Zionist censored media and our respective governments ability to push democracy to one side and gag those that know too much!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 28/7/2012

Written by Peter Eyre

July 28, 2012 at 10:51

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  1. […] What do Julian Assange and Andrea Davison have in common? – Part 2 « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You Jul28 by pattysu1 What do Julian Assange and Andrea Davison have in common? – Part 2 « Eyre International – Bring… […]

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  3. […] What do Julian Assange and Andrea Davison have in common? – Part 2 « Eyre International – Bring… […]

  4. Reblogged this on Ufohunterorguk.com.


    July 28, 2012 at 17:31

  5. Excellent Article !


    July 28, 2012 at 17:35

  6. Your work is good and this is the way i see you ,Peter .You are an Israelite ,You are of the lost sheep of the House of Israel ,those ten tribes, the dispersed . Those that rule over Britain , in the smallest of towns to the largest places of power are not Israelites but are Edomites ,Satan’s seed line ,Gen. 3:14-15 , which are those two twin boys of Isaac ,Malachi 1:1-3 …. these are the ones that are calling themselves Jews but are not Jews , for they are of the Synagogue of Satan . Getting back to your articles , the CIA , MI-5 ,MI-6,etc. are all controlled by the Vatican ,Vatican City , the Holy See or the seat of Rome .This is the Mafia ,this is the assasins ,the Jesuits ,the Knights of Malta ! These people ,at present , control the whole world ,but since we are in the days of the Restoration of all things (acts 3:20-21) things are going to change . Was Kelly killed , of course he was , the Rothschilds are not Jews for they are Edomites ,Murdock is not a Jew for he is an Edomite . In fact , these latter days has nothing to to do with the Jews , for that word is merely a nickname of those two tribes that stayed in Jerusalem . How did we Gentiles ,we lost sheep of the House of Israel get so mixed up ? Do you suppose its because we British/Americans suffered that woman (that Jezebel ) to rule over us for sixty years ? Finally , the mandate to take down the Serpent seedline is on two nations , so read Gen.48 :11-22 and understand the Spiritual battle that we face .Let’s not forget the pedophile thing .. go after them full bore for it goes to the highest places of power.


    July 28, 2012 at 19:28

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